Have I said how cool this spread sheet is again? Been wanting something like this for ages, and too dumb with excel to be able to do it myself 
Lol - happy it is helping you

- many ideas went into it - hoping to keep it as close to real life scenario's as possible
Thanks. Adding the value of the investment on the summary page would be way cool
Is there somewhere in the sheet to see what the monthly contributions to RA, TFSA(R2500) and Equity contributions are monthly/annually till FI is reached based on the inputs? This just to verify how close this is to reality.
hmmmm - this goes much deeper into the inner workings of the sheet. this does not stay constant, especially considering the different investment strategies.
(my whole idea behind the calculator was due to RA's having lower returns than equities- even on monthly basis. Thus pushing more cash into a 20% equity return, does it have a better financial gain than sending cash into your RA first?
anyhow - if you really like looking at the numbers, go to each sheet, and look at Row 283 onwards. This gives the value of the investments and how much is added to each ( columns F , I and K) ,and the resulting value after that month's interest (columns G J and L).
Dont think that can be summarized (expenses inflation vs salary increases is not supposed to stay the same which is why i seperated it on the inputs).
year one
expenses 5000
savings 15000
salary 20000
year two
expenses 5000 + inflation (6.1%) = 5305
savings = salary minus expenses = 16695 = 11.3% higher
salary 20000 (+10% increase) = 22000
Hmm, ok I understand that & why you did it that way, and that it's a way to reverse engineer using those numbers because who in reality can save 100% of their salary. But would you somehow be able make it work without the "reverse engineering"only when you input 100%, for someone that wants to be able to commit 100% or through other means can do so(lets pretend they can live without touching their earned salary during this growth phase
) but with an expectation that after FI is reached they want that income inputted in "Monthly Spending buffer after FI" without it affecting the calculation? Hope that makes sense? You see the idea is the 900,000k "Once off spending buffer at FI" is to settle a rental property for instance that will then provide another portion of income, hence the lower "Monthly Spending buffer after FI" figure
which will complement this income to make up for the "real" requirement once FI is reached.
ah hmmmm. yes investment properties is a completely different ball game. unfortunately, my initial thought is that in the current state the calculator cant cater for this - too many variables ( rental income in x years will be ??. Rental expenses in x years... etc etc.) - Tax to be paid due to rental income in x years = ??.
dont think its feasible to reverse engineer current input values(my personal feeling from rental properties ( Thank you Patrick

), is to avoid them like the plague. Rather choose a REIT fund. but yes that's just me.
Thus my best recommendation then for now is to leave the 900k once of buffer in equities ( eg change buffer to 0). The calculator will then use the cash available in equities to show you salaries possible from that amount.