Hi guys
Since Financial independence have been bugging me a while, i decided to put some time into the following calculator.
Calculator Link(hosted on dropbox, please select download (Three dots top right)
It basically calculates over 4 evenly distributed periods what your after tax return will be for the different type of investments (and combinations there of)
Basic operation :
- income is invested as per inputs
- investment is stopped at the configured FI years
- Required salary at that age is calculated (basically current expenses inflation adjusted plus the spending buffer
- draw-down is tested(eg first equity then TFSA(using the required salary calculated as per above)
- once 55 is reached draw capital is combined with RA, and max salary is drawn to reach 95
- possible surplus salary at 55 is reported (after tax, inflation adjusted), as well as draw strategy that gave the best result
**Note1 If draw down pre 55 failed, salary will be shown as R0.00

Something interesting that the calculator now roughly allows is to determine if pre tax or post tax RA contributions is the best (remember to adjust your after tax savings percentage accordingly)
Capital gain tax is applied to Equity investments with exclusions applied.
If any obvious mistakes is picked up, please let me know. Otherwise - i hope this helps someone

The usual yada yada T&C's applies - cant take responsibility if an excel mistake causes you to eat beans at the age of 60

Have fun
Update to version 4.2(4/05/2017)* Added the latest tax tables (note that tax tables for future years is automatically adjusted based on a 10 year average.)
* increased TFSA to 33,000 (note that there is an option to automatically increase the TFSA)
Update to version 4.1(8/03/2016)* Added the latest tax tables (note that tax tables for future years is automatically adjusted based on a 10 year average.)
* improved the CGT formulae to allow adapting to future tax changes (latest tax change moved the previous 33% up to 40%)
*pending - still to Add the RA contribution limit ( there is an annual amount after which the tax benefit doesn't apply on a RA)
Update to version 4.0(6/12/2015)* Added functionality to add retirement annuity deduction as per payslip. (caution - this is kept constant throughout the calculator and adjusted as per your pay increases. Any other contributions towards an RA will be after tax, and tax returns will be re-invested).
Although some checks is in place, please double check that your RA deduction is not greater than the allowed SARS Tax benefit.
/* this is quite a major update - if anything strange is noted on the results, please provide feedback
* Summary screen was updated -with a total Portfolio value, and some readability/formatting.
Update to version 3.8(03/12/2015)* Improved summary page after some recommendations (added portfolio values at the FI year, so that you can have a visual of the values)
Update to version 3.7(19/11/2015)
* improved a formula to be more accurate for monthly interest(This was workbook wide, thus affects all totals)
Update to version 3.6 (7/7/2015)
* fixed a bug that slipped in when moving some of the reference tables around (affected TFSA contributions)
* adjusted tax table inflation averages a little.
Update to version 3.5
* Added a once off bonus at FI - configurable. This is to allow a lumpsum draw to happen at FI, mostly for big expenses (paying off house/car, etc)
* Fixed tax tables between FI age and 55- changed to CGT tax(was previously normal tax)
* Improved readability on summary screen
Update to version 3.4
*Adjusted internal calculations ,based on paying current loans (eg home /car) - expenses that wont remain into financial independence for long - configurable(change to zero if you plan to keep paying off your home/car up to 95

*improved the results screen ,showing more details as to what is happening, including your salary at FI.
only challenges that still remains :
* Drawing a salary after FI is calculated, mostly, based on drawing your tax every month. this wont be the case, as you will draw a once off SARS amount after tax claims are due.
* Homeloan and car expenses is removed after the payment period is complete - not sure how to tackle the scenario where you want to continue wasting money into the latest and fastest clown-mobiles every few years. for now, please configure the buffer to allow for any expenses that you will keep/add after FI.
Update to version 3.3
*discovered and fixed a major miscalculation with regards to savings (was previously matching salary increases, while it should be based on salary minus inflation adjusted expenses.
Bonus part is that this increases savings, and thus will result in a quicker FI.
*added more accurate descriptions on the summary page
*added a check to show a salary shortfall (eg your increases is below inflation, which then results in running into a salary that cant carry your expenses.
Update to version 3.2
*Tax tables was "ahead" with a year - Corrected
*Improved the Salary prediction required at Financial Independence - should now be much more accurate(current expenses is inflation adjusted with buffer added, then reverse tax is applied to determine the before tax salary)
*Added a Spending buffer which will be added to your salary after FI (use full if you want to go on that yearly travel trip :p
Update to version 3.1
* Expanded draw down function - now select the most rewarding draw path (selecting between Equities/ TFSA and also splitting a third of the RA at 55 into equities or keeping it in tact)
* Added a option to block TFSA limits from increasing every year(configurable under constants)
* fixed some calculations for extreme cases(eg paying RA and TFSA off in one month)
Update to version 3.0
Major functionality update - basically it is now a South African Financial Independence calculator. Most Inputs is customizable, including Age, Inflation, and current portfolio values. System will output 3 periods between your current age and 55 years, allowing you to see capital growth.
Update to version 2.0
* major changes in tax tables - applied 10% increase on tax tables per year (current average since 2005) - this is configurable under inputs...
* added 20 and 30 year results sets as well
* 10 year result is based on tax for a ten year "draw" (year 15 tax is applied)
* 20 year result is based on tax for a twenty year "draw" (year 30 tax is applied)
* 30 year result is based on tax for a thirty year draw (year 45 tax is applied)
Update to version 1.7
* Fixed tax tables related to tax return(now properly selects the correct bracket)
* Applied the before 65 rebate of 13 to all calculations
Updated to version 1.6
* Fixed a mistake on the first third RA tax (Thank you KalMaverick!)
Updated to version 1.5
* Added Ability to limit RA contribution to values other than 15%
* Applied latest SARS tax tables
* Tax on RA 2/3's and Equities was adjusted to be more leniant (assuming 10% draw down)
* Tax bracket changes due to salary increase should also be handled better now
Updated to version 1.4
* Fixed RA SARS return when only small portion of Salary is paid
Updated to version 1.3
fixed major mistake on "TFSA then RA" worksheet, plus corrected RA lump sum tax as per latest SARS document
Updated to version 1.2
Fixed for small salaries (eg not capable of reaching RA of 15%)
fixed for big salaries (tax return of greater than 30k was messing up TFSA allocation)