Got an email today from Easy Equities. They've launched their tax free savings accounts. Looks like the best of the bunch so far. They seem to be offering a very wide range of investments, including it seems my favourite, the satrix indi. The reason I'm rating them above Satrix though is that there are NO account fees, and NO management fees (other than for the underlying etf). All you pay for is the usual and very low 0.25% brokerage commision, and the normal statutory fees.
They even have a nice little take on their site showing how much cheaper they are than the rest which I've attached here. If you're investing R250 a month they're a whopping 5% cheaper than Satrix themselves, and 1.6% cheaper than Standard banks offering. Of course if you're doing R2500 like everyone should in my view, then the difference will shrink, but remember fees compound so even a small amount is best avoided!
I'm still trying to get a listing of which ETFs they offer, because if I read the rules right then the Indi shouldn't be allowed as I thoughtthere was a restriction that the fund couldn't old more than 10% in any one company, and the Indi has 17% NPN at the moment. I've asked for clarification on this so I'll update you as things move along.
*Note I'm still not getting paid by either Satrix or Easy Equities, I just think they're the best options we have in SA at the moment!
Here's the list they're making available to the TFSA, I'll still wait to hear on the > 10% issue. Now to decide which ETF to go for, as on one hand you want to make the most of the tax free benefit, but on the other capital growth is usually better for returns than dividends/interest. Thoughts?
Bettabeta Be Green ETF (BGREEN)
Bettabeta Equally Weighted Top 40 (BBET40)
DB X-Trackers Col in Japan ETF (DBXJP)
DB X-Trackers Col in USA EF (DBXUS)
DB X-Trackers Col in WLD ETF (DBXWD)
DB X-Trackers DJ Euro Stoxx 50 ETF (DBXEU)
Db X-Trackers FTSE 100 ETF (DBXUK)
Erafi Overall SA Index ETF (RAFISA)
Erafi SA Financial 15 Idx ETF (RAFFIN)
Erafi SA Industrial 25 Idx ETF (RAFIND)
Erafi SA Resource 20 Idx ETF (RAFRES)
Grindrod DivTrax ETF (DIVTRX)
Grindrod LowVol Trax ETF (LVLTRX)
Grindrod Property Index Tracker Closed Fund (PREFTX)
Grindrod Property Index Tracker SAPY ETF (PTXSPY)
Grindrod Property Index Tracker Top Ten ETF (PTXTEN)
Mapps Protect (MAPPSP)
Newfunds Equity Momentum ETF (NFEMOM)
Newfunds Govi ETF (NFGOVI)
Newfunds Ilbi ETF (NFILBI)
Newfunds Mapps Growth ETF (MAPPSG)
Newfunds NewSA Index ETF (NEWFSA)
Newfunds Shariah To40 ETF (NFSH40)
Newfunds Swix 40 ETF (NFSWIX)
Newfunds TRACI 3 Month ETF (NFTRCI)
RMB Top 40 ETF (RMBT40)
Satrix 40 Trust (STX40)
Satrix Div Plus Portfolio (STXDIV)
Satrix FINI Index Tracker Fund (STXFIN)
Satrix INDI Index Tracker Fund (STXIND)
Satrix Rafi 40 Total (STXRAF)
Satrix Resi Portfolio (STXRES)
Satrix Swix Top 40 ETF (STXSWX)
Stanlib SA Property ETF (STPROP)
Stanlib Swix40 ETF (STANSX)