Author Topic: Dividend tax - Where is it applied?  (Read 4909 times)


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Dividend tax - Where is it applied?
« on: June 22, 2015, 09:37:41 am »
Quite an interesting question came up during my recent en devours to build a F.I calculator, where someone asked if Dividend tax was allowed for.

Although i couldn't include this in the calculator (dividends and thus the resulting tax will be different per instrument), i was however wondering what the fact sheets out there are using.

verifying with Satrix directly, the calculator on their website shows results without dividend tax applied - which means my returns investing via my broker will be a few percent lower than what is reported :(

Assuming this is the case with most online sources, i am wondering which investment tools/platforms allow you to enjoy to enjoy growth on a Equity/ETF without paying tax on dividends?

currently the only two i can think off is  Retirement annuities and TFSA?

does anyone else maybe have additional platforms they can recommend?
