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Messages - Patrick

Pages: 1 ... 542 543 [544] 545 546 ... 550
Off topic / Re: Check out my bike..
« on: May 12, 2013, 05:26:05 pm »
Probably, but you'd have to stop every few km to clean out all the sucked up dogs, cats and slow moving grandmothers!

If this rest of you are wondering, this is what he's on about:

The Investor Challenge / Re: investor challenge
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:07:58 pm »
How many people have more than one portfolio?

How about a table for the biggest gainers in a week ?

1) No idea.
2) Good idea, I'll see if I can do that.

Oh and my screeb is working but has a bright gold bar across the top. Does that also mean it's broken  ;D

From leader to 40 % loss on one trade

Just had a chuckle at that myself!

Shares / Re: CML
« on: May 10, 2013, 11:16:00 am »
Up and up and up... I want to buy more in June/July can't it just hold the increases till then  ;D

Shares / Re: Pulverized Sand Box
« on: May 10, 2013, 09:35:57 am »
Most commodities I don't really understand. Gold for example I don't get. It looks pretty and people use it for gift and jewellery, but it only has a few really specialised uses. Copper on the other hand I get (I like building things with it: It has a job to do. Demand is climbing at an accelerated rate, and will keep doing so as more and more EVs are put into production, and china keeps increasing the rate of electrical appliance manufacturing. I would expect the copper price to start behaving like the oil price in the long term.

The Investor Challenge / Re: New feature requests go here
« on: May 09, 2013, 02:37:17 pm »
Can you show the ALSI on the investors page so that we can see if we are at least beating the ALSI ;D

I would love to if I could just figure out how. It would mean monthly purchases of R100k, but then the question is when do you purchase because timing would be everything... I noticed one user called SAFEX40 is doing something close. Buying just satrix40 shares pretty much at month opening. Don't know who he is, but I'm glad he's doing that. For me that's the target to beat.

The Investor Challenge / Challenge closing date for 2013
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:41:51 am »
This notice might be a little premature, but I like putting the cards on the table early.

Obviously the end of the competition is going to mean I need to do some admin work before the next round kicks off. So either I'll have to end the comp a week before the end of the year, or start the next a week after new year. My suggestion is to close the competition on Friday 20 December and use that days leaderboard as the final standings. That way the new challenge can kick off as soon as markets open on the 2nd on Jan 2014.

Ok let's look at the first issue, hiding your holdings. Since it seems that practically everyone wants everything visible I suggest the following. Instead of allowing the holdings to be hidden, we allow members to put a delay on the holdings, so you can only see what they've bought a week or two (is that long enough) later.

Now as this would be a rule change mid-competition, something I don't really like, we handle it democratically. I'll start a vote next week, and put a notice in the monthly deposit email asking members to vote. Then we give it until mid June to give everyone a chance to vote. As it's a change, we'll deal with it like a constitution change. Ie we need a two-thirds majority to change the rule.

Does that work for most?

On the penny share issue I'll let the debate continue for a while since feelings still appear mixed.

at least leave the alt x shares out of the game

Thoughts from the others?

tgg78703 do you know where I could find a list of the altx shares?

Shares / Re: LDT
« on: May 08, 2013, 04:49:50 pm »
Neat idea Patrick - How far in the future should we list these? Currently we are listing for the week ahead only, but data is available for a good many weeks ahead.

Doesn't really matter, as far as suits you. For the competition I'm just going to wait until the Saturday morning after the LDT and allocate dividends to everyone who bought the share before the LDT date.

Shares / Re: LDT
« on: May 08, 2013, 02:53:59 pm »
Just in case someone doesn't realise that there is a new first post... Please take a look. If you could update that table with the LDT values we'll only have to check the very first post. The table is displayed from newest to oldest, and right at the bottom of the table are the fields to add dividends. Anything added to the table will also automatically be created as a post here.



Close out value of shares at end should be what the last buyer is prepared to pay and not last sale

Any idea where I would get that info on a public website?

a penny share that hardly trades?

A very strange trade was taken. The share was on 2c, and someone bought 5000 shares at 3c. Why on earth would anyone spend R150 on a penny share when the fees would be just about as much. I can't imagine someone would do that just to get to the top of the leaderboard, but you never know I guess, maybe they have some money riding on a personal challenge...

Thoughts on how to deal with cases like this?

They've decided to hide their holdings. Check at the bottom of the holding page, the option is there. I imagine you're asking because of the new leader. He got lucky with a penny share!

A couple of people suggested the hiding option should be taken away, obviously those in hiding will disagree. I won't change it this year, but haven't decided on next year. Thoughts?

Shares / Re: Long term investments
« on: May 07, 2013, 12:54:05 pm »
I have some money coming in a couple of months after a property sale. I'm busy debating whether to go with an etf like the satrix indi or picking some shares.

If I go shares my thoughts are as follows:
CML - It's done well, future prospects look good and I really don't see it underperforming the market in the next 3 years.
SAB - Solid company, expanding, a fair amount of income from offshore sources.
Aspen - Wish I had the money about a month ago as I was planning on aspen then. Recently bought licenses to nestle SA infant formula. I imagine it will benefit from the new healthcare plan in SA. The only concern I have here is the p/e is too high right now.
Invicta - There's another thread on it here with all the reasons. I like the look of it for a long term share.
WHL - I like their business model of smaller stores in more areas. Great history too. I do a lot of travelling in southern africa, and I can see them expanding in similar ways to how shoprite has done over the last few years.

Any comments?

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