@g: It is stage one additional starting at 17:00 to accommodate winter usage. I have no issues with sharing but ffs rotate the evening schedule. I'm in Pretoria, if you see it burn one evening on the news, know it was me. ;-) Working myself up in frenzy again, deep breaths let it go. @ jaDEB, We've watched movies on tablets, even played space invaders and pinball and other apps, browsing, being uncharacteristically active on social media, but still, it gets old very soon and my rooter is gone, so have to use cell as hotspot, usually 3G. Even gym schedule screwed, I usually train weights in morning and cardio in evening, problem is everybody knows its lights out at 20:00, so those who gym 20:00–21:30 have to go earlier, very crowded. @MrD, you’re so right, it’s the weather, and just wonder if this is our lot for the rest of the winter. My husband started looking at ‘solarising’ our home last week, he works in Jhb, only sees me in the dark, not working for him, lol. @P, no I did not know that one, sounds like camping – which I hate by the way, but beggars can’t be choosers I guess, thanks for the tip. ;-) I'm feeling better now, done ranting.