The JSE and finance forum for South Africa
General Category => Off topic => Topic started by: Patrick on January 15, 2014, 09:51:18 am
The live chat is just too heavy on the server in it's current form. When I added it to the challenge site it completely shut down the server! I'm going to have to find another way...
Just replying to myself. I'm not mad, I have a good reason...
still chatting away
still chatting away
Should we join the conversation?
soon :)
did someone kick me out?
pretty sure i was in mybb
This is pretty cool
Patrick - thanks!
I'm just typing a long message here to see how it wraps. I'm just typing a long message here to see how it wraps. I'm just typing a long message here to see how it wraps. I'm just typing a long message here to see how it wraps. Does it wrap properly??????
seems it does :)
Ok, the new live chat has been coded, seems much lighter this time!
Patrick, I have tablets that help me calm down when I talk to myself.
u are doing a awesome job by the you actually care about your visitors
The other site does too, they even offer them handbags to buy ;)
Works cool!
OK smileys not working, but that is fine .. not required
GLN :)
(.) (.)
oh - only one group at a time ... ?
Yup, figured out it's one group at a time
So no MyBB and friends group for you!
very nice!
Patrick - any response on that advance :)
@Patrick: Handbags? Really? I'm moving over there then.
U have to trade CFD's to get handbags and other SPAM related items
Cutlery maybe
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
Latest is Cheap Kitchens and Nike I'm afraid
@marksaved advances can be had. simply send me a check and I'll deposit it in your trading account ;)
Patrick...can that be a funny money cheque? :)
Frikkit Orca's on pension .... not even here !!!
Just posted.
Cool, have a nice evening
Testing !!
Where everyone go?
only done 40 squats and it is only 7.20 pm.
Morning all...
hallo :-)
I like this
Wonder what Telkom is going to do to day with the CFO in the 'hot seat'
@ m s d: Not much I think, when news broke last year they actually went up next day
How do you go about deleting here on shout box, via 'off topic' link?
Yeah - but wonder what will happen if he is cleared vs found guilty
yeah you can delete in the off topic thread
Go Telkom! (never thought I would say that!)
Glencore :-)
Have a look at the shoutbox in Android. Faaar too long.
Too long on the competition site, or on the forum?
both sites, same with i-phone & i-pad
Both have 51 conversations.
so stop talking ;-)
Resources doing quite well 2day
I'm not. I'm shouting. The prob is that windows has a sliding scroll thing and tablets do not.
you're right
Like here in this pic.
can you show me on a tablet. its meant to have it all over so you can see previous messages
Limited the number of conversations to show at once to 4. Better?
Morning all...
A great effort Patrick. Can you increse the number from 4 to say 8? Clicking Chat History opens the the forum topic within this tiny space and is not really navigable.
How's life? ;-)
@A and P: 4 works for mobile devices, 8 for rest, how 'bout moving it to the bottom of site and keeping it as it was in the beginning?
Many options, trying 8 now. Is that too long MP&orca?
Let my change to mobile
It looks just fine on both iphone & ipad for me, tx ;-)
Orca & Aragorn, what say you?
Trying something that's aimed at apples: overflow-scrolling: touch; how does that look?
What the h is overflowing-scrolling touch? Meaning that if you tap 'history' it link to Live chat page? If yes, works nice for apples
its meant to keep the size down but let you scroll by fingertip instead of scrollbar. does it work or do you see 8 lines instead of 4 or 5?
no, not scrolling with fingertips on either devices, i see all 8
but it works well as is now, no worries
Ok, I'm trying one more thing to make it scroll. Apple is trying to beat me but I will not surrender. Any change?
Lol, on pad I see only 1 line, not scrolling - on phone the live chat is gone. Apple wins ;-0
haha ok I'l put it back on 8 and leave it there for now...
normal again?
GLN hit the R60 level come on ..... come on...pic of cheerleader -> here
If you put the pic in the chat thread, people can click on your message to see it...
No, you can use your better, then Moneypenny's cheer leader is George Clooney
Hi there. Arcmittal (ACL) 15 min delayed price on Sharenet is 3949 but here its 3924. Am I maybe missing something? :)
Ah nvm its updated now :)
Ah nvm its updated now :)
Totsiens almal - have a nice week end ...
Hey. Get back here. It's not 5pm yet.
Working on a Sat really SUCKS.........But we gotta do what we gotta do.
Yes we do FFS....
Patrick do we get overtime for posting on a saterday
Sure, left it under your profile name ;)
I see, but do we get Karma for not posting on Sundays ?
LOL Morning all...good luck 4 today..from Weekend warrior.thks patrick
Investor Challenge hanging this morning - is it just me or is something else awry?
Ha,ha, WW! Hi there all. ;-)
I thought GLN would be negative today...see it is positive :)
More details please Aragorn...
Woner where is MrMafia?
I'm lurking :)
@Patrick - seems sorted now. Took forever to load any pages. Forum was fine though.
Last week I was at position 60 and now can't find my name anywhere there. Please help.
u number 8, I is number 5 ... bring it on ....
Not sure I can. You Boxburg guys are rough.
Morning all...
jaDEB. I don't need to go up as you are coming down to me. Hahaha
lol :'(
Ag Mr GLN, U cannot let Orca beat me, please !!
There we go. I didn't even move and here is jaDEB.
That is unfair Patrick u advertising Orca shares on this website ...
CML jadeb? What's up modern?
CML jadeb? What's up modern?
No no P. CML is dated. MTA is the new one. And PNC. Where have you been?
Morning all, yes CML add running...just kiddin. Nice to see your adds. FHM adds ? on the way?
It all depends on what we're talking about, and what websites you've been browsing...
there it is again.. see attached
Can I borrow someones shares to short sell gold and platinum? :D
u will short gold at such low price?
uurrg, just came back from "Other site" I feel dirty...
still looking for that advance on Feb's R100 000
Tell us if you find it.
Beginners luck! I know nothing about investing... :(
That is how u learn ....
go it group!!!
- wana halfies an advance?
Patrick, can you add time stamps for our comments here?
Morning all
Morning. Dates and times added, but do we need the dates or should I just leave the times?
Ok just have the day listed, I think I'll stick with that.
looks awesome! thanks Patric
looks awesome! thanks Patric
ZAR getting slaughtered today. My poor PNC.
Hi guys, how do I go about requesting for shares to be added to the list of existing shares in the "Buy Shares" tab? Cheers
NPN killing me in the challenge - was above 20th place yesterday, now below 100th
Can the leaderboard be changed to reflect total worth?
@fundamental, nope you have to pay tax!
@motown, make your case here:
NPN gone too high above the 200ma. Back to 1000?
R/$ R11.10 Gold 1268 - do we have gold shares ... No !! :'(
Cheers Patrick
In SHF CFD real money, good luck 2 me. ;-0
O ja @ 4569
How bout another blog P.
Morning all
Greetings from a very wet Lusaka.
Why didn't anyone tell me to sell Telkom?? LOL
With $ @ R11.19 something is going to hit the fan...ffs
LOL Now gold is suddenly a safe haven again... frikkin finanacial chops..
* Financial
How is Zambia? Patrick?
what u up to in Zambia Patrick?
R/$ 11.13 Defensive rate hike next?
Please no !!!
Should happen, but won't. Eh, and why always in increments of ½% ?
(What's wrong with ¼% - no rule states must be half).
Let them do it before elections .... :'( ... E-tol and all...
What do you guys think about Telkom going forward?
7 May 2013 it was at R12. It was a good buy then. another boat we missed as we did with ACL
I think shares we should put in forum for history purpose.
I wouldn't buy Telkom now, at its 52-week high, rather fish for something at its 52 week low, like SHP or TRU, wait for it to turn
I agree with Marvin Gaye
jaDEB talking to dead people?
Oh. Hi jaDEB. You right above me again. Now don't fart on my head.
I is scared if Orca is behind me, thus I would prefer you in front.
Oh shoot. Slipped back at auction.
Morning all
Checked the leaderboard for the first time in a while. Looks like Fundamental is the top ranked "Trader"
hey guys
hey guys
Nimz, when are you entering the challenge?
@Patrick, thanks was trading a bit at the start to try out the selling feature you implemented for this years challenge - holding onto my stock for now
jaDeb, where art thou? Nobody saying hallo.☺
Morning Miss Moneypenny....
Hallo Middle Earth :D
Morning all ...
Other emerging markets taking action with rate hikes (Turkey & India), wonder if we will follow suit @ 15:00?
OK, GLN u go to R65, OCE u drop to R82, then I will swop.
NPN rallying for the past two days
After the enormous Turkey hike, I revise my opinion and now forecast a ½% increase in repo.
Repo rate to be increased by 0.5% (50 basis points)
Moonraker wins.
NPN made a mistake and has to go down to yesterday's high at 109500.
God said that good, honest wives will be found on all corners of the world. Then he made the earth round and laughed and laughed.
Jislaai oom, jou auntie gaan jou uithaal.
Dual listed co's not doing bad considering the .5% - exp SHF
17.30 and the prices haven't updated.
Oh. Just did now.
Rant @ R11.21 :'(
My damn games is going to cost more, being imported and all ;'( :'( :'(
what games you play, I do the pc game route and they are buy for self only.
Battlefield4, dota,guildswar2 & Comp of heroes 2, all online
Morning all
OCE down 6% wtf (frikkie)
why is the site not updating share values?
doesn't look like anything has been updated today as yet
JSE feed is dead. just switched to the backup
Cool, but I am sure that Naspers isn't valued at 0 LOL
looks fixed up now
Yep, horrible piece of code to sort that out...
damn still some issues!
Hope that covers it. Now to find out why I can't get the prices from the JSE.
Looks like there's a break between my server in the states and SA somewhere...
Hey all, has the issue been resolved?
Morning all
Morning jaDEB. @mark, updates are working via the backup link. Main link still down, I'll leave it till monday and see if it comes back up...
OK cool - was just wondering if my Telkom was really still as bad :)
SGL @ R16.08 Whaahahaha :( :(
Telkom!!! I should have known better!
LOL, that is why I use 3G for my gaming. More expensive, but I get my addiction without interuptions (spell chikker on)
@ Mark... now you know how i feel!
Leaderboard is a little confused, but not to worry all pending prices will be corrected on Monday
Dear Admin, I can not find the 'buy short button' on the competition, please advise. ;0
Mornin all
What was the outcome re delayed price buying in the IC? Do we get the price as indicated on the buying list or edited price whenever it updates? Apologies, didn't follow the discussion.
You get the price after the update. It'll do the trade at current pricing, but update it after 15 or so minutes.
Geez, that's risky for day trading, using 2 min charts here you know? lol, But nothing ventured... , tx :-)
Check out all the red:
uhh Patrick ?
Why did you not remind me abour 100K for comp...
Didn't you get an email? Anyone else not get it?
I did. Maybe a blessing in disguise jaDeb, mine is < 100K now.
Nope, no mail, but not to worry. I should remember, as I do to take my tablets.
Should have waited for the correction to play out :(
Just a quick question for the players, did everyone else get the mail about the deposit?
Morning all
Morning Angels ;)
Morning - and yep I got the mail yesterday @ 9.59 am
Thanks Aragorn and Nios. jaDEB check your spam folder ;)
I have , Keep your girlfriend that it?
Nope, but let's not worry about that. Today is going to be a crap, mail or no mail.
lol to scared to press "refresh" on shares page..
tbh, I expected worse, Europe joins in 14 min
Seems I added the right pic to the blog...
Waiting for NPN to drop below R1100 before bying more for the comp.
Agree on NPN
blog, which blog?
Edit: Got it - P plz start a new topic for your blog on forum, this way I won't miss all your words of wisdom and encouragement again. ;D
I haven't written in ages, just posted the deposit notification in the blog. I'll write again as soon as I feel like a wise old man.
Maybe also include google maps, so we can find nearest bridge.
What went up today will go down tomorrow and vica versa
Yes, agree with you, some will recover faster than others
Morning all
Hey All. @ griff: what was your first clue? ;0
What to buy for the comp - NPN, SAB, BTI?
I went for SAB - undervalued at the moment
@Fundamental - see my 'dead in the water' post.
Chose NPN (again)
SAB "dead" because I cut down on beer consumption.
But I didn't. Had Grolsch. Premium brand margins are higher.
Strange @ SAB. We supported them quite well over the weekend.
My wife bought jewelry with my credit card, hence gold @ 1272
Looks like Patrick's POY has paid off and will carry on shooting the lights out.
what does he know that we don,t
He took advantage of the momentum. High PE but it is good to go much, much higher.
POY was one of the top shares over the last few years, like Orca says, I went with the momentum...
Morning all
Re POY: Nicely done, If it was me, I would lock in the profit. :)
@Moneypenny Thanks, may be unethical to sell POY as it's no longer listed in the allowed shares...
Finally bit of backbone for SAB after flaccid for a long time. Draghi's dovish comments helped sentiment.
Not quite. SAB made a bounce off support and after closing the gap.
Check the chart I posted in your SAB - dead thread.
Thanks Orca !
different investment strategies, investing with with momentum or investing with fundamentals
Patrick , do you use some share programme that advises you
Morning all
Morning @aae, no just google. But considering I used the same metohod for all m purchases and only one came right, I don't recommend it!
Geeze Patrick. You got a rise there. jaDEB needs viagra.
Sies Orca. Pepper in your mouth.
Talking about rising. I now throw Viagra in my petrol tank so my needle can stay at the top! Sorry it just jumped into my head as I was reading your comments.
Must think of a method to inject viagra into my stocks.
Morning from Kenya this time :)
Morning all - from Boksburg, not as well travelled as Patrick.
Hi there :)
CPI buy a good idea? Interm results in a month or so!
Like your new signature Ms Moneypenny...
Lol, Oh well, sometimes you just have to take off the tiara and get down and dirty.
Orca, u CML doing well ! R82 ...
Ja nee. She closed at that price.
Why is jaDEB smiling? Must look at the IC.
Mornin all
JaDEB, pay a visit to your OCE thread :)
Hi all. RBX share price is not updating Patrick?
@ Mr Bond, yip saw it ... lol
Who is the bliksem in 2nd place ?
DAmn, GLN had such a nice start . . :(
@mark looks OK to me. I see the same price as the jse
Thing is it took about an hour to update though?
Patrck - HSP is delayed by 2 hours now. The price on the JSE updated to R37.03 2 hours ago and has not updated here?
I'm pulling the whole feed as one pull. if all the shares are late is likely on my side. if it's just a few it must be bad data from the use. Hand are tired I'm afraid...
I have a portfolio last and fourth, some bad buying
the portfolio that is now second ended 396 last year
Yes tgg. Someones beating you now.
Orca, CML @ R84 is that new High? sry if it is a silly question, do not feel like looking at another graph today
I think it was R84.20 on 6/11/13
At a new Closing high. There was a peak to 8599.
That was in Nov last year.
what up with gold in the usa, sgl , har and gfi have gone up slightly
@griffin, some shares are good to buy others to keep. If the share is up and you are content with it, keep it in your portfolio, does not mean you can buy it again a year later and expect growth, but you will get an income from it
Morning all
@griffin, for me bti was good to buy and keep, sgl was good to buy , but I don,t think keep for much longer
65% of my portfolio is in CML and that is a bit too high.
New high for CML. Up over 3 % today again. Now 4.5% up and still going strong.
@orca about time. something came over me in December and I shipped my usual just but the index advice and topped up on CML
I sold some at R82 in Nov and bought more MTA. Will do the same in new tax year. CML is overweight in my port.
Morning All
What does the fear/greed clock say? Can't find it anymore.
F&G = 33 (Fear)
Gold playing with the 1300 level ... nice .. nearly sold HAR today.
ja nee DEB. Gold stocks have reached their 2 year downtrend line and should head down again.
Posted the stolen chart under Harmony.
Morning All
Great quote qriffin!
@ griffin Just came out of meeting - D'oh, Gold @ 1316 .. :)
lol you the man....
@qriffin/jaDEB - Nice!!!!
what does that mean?,I don,t follow prices by technicals
A stock or index that falls below it's 200DMA is a sell. Gold has risen above it.
so I must sell
I would sell now aae. Then stay out of gold forever. Go for equities for long term gains as gold has not recovered since the crash.
Morning all
Anyone know of a way to pull historical data of any stock into a csv, text or similar?
Why is everybody afk? buying gold? if SGL hits R20 I am going to cry
Morning all, so this morning I'm in the highest country in the world. Where am I?
Highest Country or country with highest Point? (Nepal?)
@Aragorn, I wish!
New Zealand ranks as the highest country, and has been awarded the Cannabis Cup (according to the High Times)!
Lesotho holds the record for the world's highest minimum elevation.
Mexico. Everyone's on drugs there.
yep, it's Lesotho. the only country in the world entirely above the 1000m mark.
Im on double figures growth again :D
IS Moneypenny sleeping late these day's. No Morning report . :(
I will be outside trowing up, SGL just went thru R20. I sold at R12 : (
Yes, still if I had b@lls. I would have doubled my port...
Give that man a b@lls :)
Balls, nuts, thingy's hanging below a prick...
@jaDeb: My dear the shrewd never sleeps, just doing things, going places. ;)
I decided that my victims screams is less annoying than the voices in my head
Oh my, maybe I shouldn’t speak to you anymore. GTG
Not to worry... :)
Next big thing I assume is gold hit 1330?
I decided that my victims screams is less annoying than the voices in my head
Did you forget your tablets jaDEB?
@ Aragorn, got quoted yesterday playing Guildwars 2 online. lmao .. made my day
and sgl brings out a nice sens
yip, economically extractable gold Mineral Reserves have
increased by 46% to 19.73Moz
@tgg: put it on the SGL thread sir/mam :)
@ griff: I think Soros is spot on.
Morning all ...
look at Bil results ... nice...
Resources: It all really depends on Chinese demand. Credit in China is being reined in. Will be interesting.
@ Mr Bond - China aims for around 9.5% annual growth in industrial output in 2014, the industry ministry said on Tuesday, supporting the view that Beijing may stick with its target for economic growth of 7.5% this year
Hope not, will see what happens in US. Then check Asia with cup of coffee in morning
OCE fishing in the Titanic Ocean.
OCE is recovering slowly. :)
Morning all
: )
Yes, also have been looking at ABL, they are in with Eli In January 2008, ABIL acquired Ellerine Holdings Limited
@ jaDED. Don't get confused between Ellies and Ellerines - 2 different companies
Maybe he forgot his tabs again?
Appolgies, bit under pressure @ work. Do not have time to do proper thinking. sorry
All is forgiven jaDEB
Got it, Welcome to Ellies, they are next to the pharmacy where I order my tablets...pfftt
Ellies - tv aerials & stuff
Ellerines - tables, loans & stuff
lol, thanks. Lets see who is in my industry - Pressure is Kg/cm2 569.6
Laser tooling?
Pressure inside vessel
I know, you’re an astronaut or a submarine pilot.
lol, no. But my tablets do put me on highs, then on lows...
It is cool, just wondering... not to worry
Air Conditioning?
No - it is the pressure inside a vessel - Heat exchangers for Brazil - petrochemical plant - like Sasol.
Edit: Human (me) error, no worries.
HAR was @ R95 in March 2012 - Gold was at $1640
I wish, but no
Morning all
Hallo :) @ griff: 'bout time
Patience griff, I'm waiting for a few red days to buy in but yes, more shorts than longs open at this stage. Red days welcome here. ;)
Imara website - ADCOCK - The hangman cometh
You're talking about Joffe?
Yes, Bidvest
SGL Operating profit came in at around 4 billion rand from 3.37 billion rand, an increase of 19 percent
@griffin: Huh ? BVT is 4½ times the size of CFR and is primarily a services company with food services playing the biggest role. More likely maybe a distribution agreement with CFR for the Adcock product line.
@griffin: check their website, they are in anything from freight, to automotive, to household appliances, to cleaning services etc. Food services being the biggest contributor to the bottom line. The divisions are autonomous. Why not Adcock ?
Joffe is well known for sniffing out underperforming entities and turning them around.
@griffin: It would be presumptious for me to say that I understand why he did it, especially with the gov. clamping down re. pricing etc. We will just have to rely on his past business acumen. BVT will report ± 17% HEPS incr. shortly.
As long as my Anti depressants does not go up in price.
@griffin: So what, SHP,s net profit margin has been mid 3's for many years. Rather look at HEPS, Rand Hedge qualities and steady growth every year :-)
@griffin: I own both those. BTW. BVT returned 25,43% p.a. over 5 yrs.
@griffin: No, that figure is per annum (incl. divs) - so way above inflation. Look it's a defensive stock, so one should not expect NPN or ADI returns and the accompaning adrenaline rush and risk. See #56 Here (
CML growth over 5 years is 1860% divies not re invested.
If your portfolio does not perform 25% pa ave then give up and buy the Indi ETF.
I doubt that cml or Indi etf will get close to that this year or maybe even the next 3years
Agree but will your stock picks fare any better?
whats your cutoff time
my personal portfolio is up 35 % ytd and I only made about 25% last year. but my stocks are not comfort zone stuff and change with circumstances
Morning all
ADI -- wanted to buy yesterday, missed the boat, now up 4%+
Gold :)
Yip, glad I did
GLN not doing to bad either
Nice....good luck.
ffs, who stole our electricity?
Miners suck big time. Leave them to jaDEB to loose his money.
Moneypenny. Copper investors stole it.
they will have to if they want to make fees this year and pay div this year
Miners suck big time. Leave them to jaDEB to loose his money.
I also think that miners are not real investments and only short term opportunities, but I have made my bit on the jse and can,t identify a suitable stock to rather diversify in, even cml or bti seem a bit expensive.
If I wanted to invest in one of then satrix type things I would not be here.
Morning all .... all is fine .... I am not doing to bad with HAR/GNL...ask Griffin :)
Gold @ $ 1134 : )
ffs .... $1334 ... drink u tablets knob
Agree Orca, site is very un busy. Maybe cause the Lions played so well
What is the code name for Massmart and JD Group?
Got them. MSM and JDG. Both are in a down momentum.
Very "un busy". Agree.
Jip, I have a definite feeling of involuntary detachment atm, annoyed by markets creeping up slowly each day, not doing much whilst anticipating a rapid, intense slide. Being in limbo, not my thing. So what’s your excuse? :)
Morning all
Which message? Are we on the same forum griff? lol
@ Griffin - I set my SL on HAR at R35
If HAR closes at or below 3600 then expect a few red days.
Cool , hope so :)
Damn I must chill and stop posting so much...
Ah I'm in the negative again :(
From Yahoo finance Check out Mt. Gox, the site of what was the largest bitcoin exchange at one point, and you'll find a blank page. The site is now unavailable and the exchange appears to be on the verge of collapse.
Actually, I didn't know that HAR was duel listed as I have no interest in gold miners and commodities. Don't like loosing my hard earned money.
neither do I so I sold all my sgl at 110% profit today. The price just got to much for comfort
nice profit there aae, how long were you holding?
Oh dear. Now you have to add the gains to your other income for tax. Should have waited for tax year end.
ECHO...echo. How long were you holding? Longer than 3 years? If not, deduct 40% for tax.
My Tax circumstances dictate otherwise. One of the reasons I sold before year end
Morning all .. @ aae ... well done
Got my trigger on my finger
The rand / Gold price is bothering me - not HAR - Rand @ R10.75
Bulls fighting back for dear life on T40 atm, support 42 480 breached twice past hour.
I only have 1 share per portfolio
Nope, I follow bread's 1 share portfolio. thus only 1 share
He is from the rich side of the family, I am from the good lookin side of the family
Spoke to my broker..we agreed to drop SL to R34
Morning all
Morning all. So my absa stockbrokers account has locked me out four times in the last 2 weeks. I'm even writing down my password now, but it keeps happening...
What is your password? I can test it for
Sold HAR @ 34.21
@Patrick: Apple had serious security breach on mobiles this week, maybe related?
Was that a trade jaDEB?
Yes, sold HAR
Thks u 2, may HAR still go to R40 and u make lotsa moola
@jaDEB Still holding HAR in the game though?
HAR up, Gold up .... #@!%^##
No, it was my call. Not his.
Morning all
I got this feeling that NAS, TKG & SHF are due for a well deserved pause i.e. sideways but not up much anymore for now?
Remember divie on T40 2day.
Trade deficit at 17bn for Jan :(
Old forum competition attracted over 90 new players since they are on Facebook and Twitter.
Talking about Facebook. Why did they pay $19B for Whatsapp and I just downloaded it for free?
Received an invite via email this morning to join them for comp, they're scouting. ;)
whats Facebook and Twitter?
Crap that you need to steer clear of. Servers hacked on FB all the time.
No ADI (AdaptIT) on Buy shares. Please add.
ADI seems pretty liquid to me - with over 1,2 million traded weekly.
Morning all - need to buy something this week
Aah!! We have more competition moolla today...What to buy? What to buy?
Morning all, yep money's in. @moon, ADI should have been there, it met the minimum criterea, not sure why it wasn't but it's back.
Thanks @Patrick. You are a star. BTW the forum over at the dark side also omitted ADI.
@The "other" side comp = Can't pick any shares
lmao - We are aware of problems on the Sharenet Stockpicks. We are busy attending to it.
Arrgggg I feel violated .... :'(
Have not heard from Bread for long time...
Orca u are 32nd on the Darkside (Thks Mr Bond - Nice name - Darkside)
%^$* allways happens when I sell, goes up, allways
Well said ...
This is the year for Resources so my picks aint good as I don't do resources.
I have religiously always only use stocks that I actually hold and cannot deviate from that.
I'm using a rather dodgy internet connection... About 2km from the west most point of africa right nowso I'm not sure if the deposit letters got to everyone. If you don't have it in an hours time please could you let me know.
Got it. Thanks.
HAR is not resources but Gold (Precious metals). BHP for example is a resource stock
Nice report we got with the new money, make it more fun, top daily or weekly losers and gainers. We will never learn if we don,t as well. Moonraker had no shares last week why not?, I have one portfolio in the top 10 and one in the bottom 10.
this is not an exclusive club
Morning all
GLN :)
Resources= gold & plat mining, general mining, coal, precious metals and oil, gas.
Ukraine - President Putin ordered troops involved in a military exercise in western Russia back to base in an announcement that appeared intended to ease East-West tension over fears of war in Ukraine.
...and so the gold price drops.....
Stupid question. Why has GLN not have a PE ratio?
GLN was only listed recently-it actualy does not even appear on my Mobi site. Did phone them Twice.
My broker I mean (Phoned) also Reuters does not have the GNL JSE graph either. to new. wth !!
See "Glencore Xstrata posted forecast-beating core profit in the first set of full annual results since the commodities group was formed, helped by a strong performance from its trading arm offsetting a decline at its mining division"
Now I remember. Another Q. Why are there 5 year charts for GLN?
LOL u clever - No Idea..maybe Xstrata graph
Your charts are London charts so perhaps it was listed there since the rocks were still soft.
Posted some forecasts from OST on the GLN thread FYI
Morning all
How's it going
Hectic morning - report will be done later sry
jaDEB must be heartsore. Dropped below the top 20.
My non-thinking money wasting tester account is beating me!
54th ... magtig :'(
Still very early days.
O&J, please go away. You are steadily nearing my turf, somewhere between 70 to 250.
Are you going down to see what Porn_Ster is up to at the bottom?
my tgg portfolio has moved up a bit from last on my shp and my aae portfolio down on gfi
It is a known fact that Industrials have reached their limit and Resources have taken over.
The cycle has turned after many years of the Indi being on top.
resources still have labour and china issues. But there are no industrials worth a buy , some retailers have however become an option. the market to me remains to be on the defensive
What I meant to say is that I need to buy defensive
Hallo jaDEB
I wonder how load shedding will affect share movements...? Will miners be affected due to the possibility of production loss? But I'm guessing most companies have generators now, after 2008.
Mines and other big companies are not swiched off. They have to cut back 10% usage.
No I think Eishkom only release it when they want an increase in their prices
Do you think commodity prices will be affected still, even though the mines are not switched off (international perception)?
why after selling does the ave. include previous shares sold?
Cause if I buy again, the ave price includes the price of the sold shares when calcing ave?
this is skewing my tactic of selling up and buying down, as the percentage gain is not accurate
Power just went off, so much for schedule, guess 1-2hrs?
@Hstig, could you give me something to base the calculations on? Shouldn't the ave buy price not be affected by sales? Anyone else know? Even so, the%gain or loss doesn't affect your standing, only your current holdings, cash on hand and tax owed do.
@Hstig, could you give me something to base the calculations on? Shouldn't the ave buy price not be affected by sales? Anyone else know? Even so, the%gain or loss doesn't affect your standing, only your current holdings, cash on hand and tax owed do.
I have just bought 1 Telkom share. According to how understand, the cost should now be R33.00 per share, as I have sold all my previous holdings, effectively rebasing my gains/losses, but on my holdings, It now shows the average price of R30.78 and 7.21% growth. This should show 0% growth and average price of R33.00, as after having sold all my holdings in Telkom, I am coming in at a new base
good point, now how to put that into a calculation? What if you'd only sold half... head scratch...
Selling a portion brings a weighted cost into play instead of average cost i.e
10 Telkom shares @ R30.78
Sell 3 at X price leaving 7
Purchase 3 new @ R33
then gives 3/10X R33 +7/10x R30.78 = R9.9+R21.54 = R31.44
How to keep track of which shares at which value is what I am unsure of
Maybe I should still use the sell numbers, but not the sell values when calculating averages... I'll run some trials...
Othwerwise each purchase must be kept at the purchase price seperately eg
Telkom R30.78 gains X
Telkom R33.00 gains y?
I bought ABL today (real & IC) . . hold thumbs
Holding thumbs for u jaDEB .... good luck
I bought some real a while ago and a few % up, was wondering to get more
Morning almal
Hello. Very determined spammer this morning...
Give him the darkside's web adress .. lol
@P: Lucky for us, so r u
Admin, FYI: Prices not updating
JSE is down... Let me see what I can do with this dodgy internet here...
Ok seems fast today, prices are busy updating on the backup links. JSE says: No data available :(
seems to be updating now, thanks chief
Glencore X not updating Pat
GLN sorted
Why is GLN down 2% ... Patrick stoppit ...
wow gold down to $1337
fixed broken link 'why baked beans aren't for astronauts' off topic
Morning all...
Goodnite. The lower we go, the less we chat.
Geeze man. Eight ETF's above me. What a disaster.
Nothing wrong to go down to see what Porn_Ster is up to at the bottom there.
Next time buy CML orca ;)
:) Shorting should be part of any investors financial strategy, making money in any market, not just bull market.
maybe we allow shorting in the challenge next year ;)
There was an argument to split this competition into two parts - for the traders and then for the investors. Once you start trading you are no longer an investor. Shorting is a trading activity and not an investor activity. So simple next year split the competition into two parts and investors/traders can play in both spaces - just get the rules right. I know in which category I want to play but let's not deny the traders their moment of sunshine now and again :-[
My 2c, the forum is more important, we need to exchange info / strategies and so on. Comp ppl come online once a month. The forum is gettin less busy by the day.
R54 to R57 ..
commodities getting KO'ed today
SGL R25 ..... :') .. I feel like a (.)(.) ..
@gcr: Pfft, ‘moment of sunshine’ nogal. #Basking in my ACL shorty. >:D
Any idea why there's such a drop today MP?
Iron ore prices dropped due to China news.
Analysts have forecast more falls as the iron ore price fell to $US105 per tonne on Tuesday, with Citi analysts predicting an average price of $US80 in 2016
@ Moneypenny ... nice ... :)
Few posts only chat. No interaction to posts. Will stop posting soon.
That is what I said earlier..sorry will try an post
He-he, I'll respond to you Patrick in treads-section, don't wanna vex Moonraker more than I need to. :D
Strange. No more blackouts.
Orca. It is not politically correct to call them "blackouts". You must call them "previously lit areas".
Resources down the tubes how far will they go, and the fall of resources is the start of things , it filters through, but it could recover
Will it be an issue to update the 2013 results with a current standing, just for the longer term investor
Hi all, sort it is then.
Yes, hurting for now. but workin on it...
Yes, hurting for now. but workin on it... have to say it twice :'(
yip, saw that :( . I hope my swop to ABL will pay off. Glad to see u making moola
I use black bags .... as my port is down
No, as with HAR, we can see what a SL does ...
Comp not important to me, I use it to learn.
@griffin: if you say so mate :)
1TM? what is happeing?
@JaDEB chk. the Off topic
@ Mr Bond check Darkside movers
MoneyPenny U there?
@JaDEB .. suspended ?
gold $ 1365
@ jdDEB: Yes?
@MoneyPenny ACL was up 4% now only up 2%
now 1.5% Kansvatters :), wait for 16:30 to 16:50
I will be outside throwing up .... gettin a frikkin hiding
Hiding on which share? Not sure where you're in.
abl - down 5%, below R10
Will check Abl out 2morrow, if you're planning to hold for a long period, then -5% nothing. :-)
Most banks have been hit lately so don't worry too much.
My PNC was hit over -12% and I am not worried at all.
Thanks for kind words .... I have to realize that buying into ABL was high risk..will take happy tabs and wait..
But check my Tech Analysis posted now.
should be a good time to buy more abl, jadeb, I,m worried about you we tend to invest in the same stuff
Orca, I don,t quite think you will have the same luck with PNC you had with CML, but then what do I know, I also loose on investments
Mornin all, @tgg "we tend to invest in same stuff" lol..
Ok, fine, going to find a bridge ..
No, if I buy gold it will go down. Then your portf goes down.. lol
Turning into recovery street :)
lol, check darkside comp...who is 1st?
what competition is this?
No, will keep it for awhile.
was :)
Gold shares should be a clear winner this year if the gold price holds. Even at the current price the results of gfi, har and a few other will be much better
my gold portfolio is giving you a run , I believe.
Yeh. Thats why jaDEB's winning now and I suck.
you talking about the other game?
Hallo almal :)
Morning all
@qriffen - Time to top up on NPN today
R80 discount per share on Naspers so far today.
Looks like this is the best level to buy. Opened lower than that gap I was aiming for.
Griffin u chop, u just passed me on the DarkSide .. :'(
Sorry, negate that as technicals show the ALSI in a downside bias for the next 2 weeks.
Yes q. This month is bad for me but I am waaay ahead in the neverending league comp.
sjo, chinese data really hurt me. Morning all
Crimea poll to split from Ukraine is on Sunday. Hell's Bells
@forward curve. Agree with all your posts.
NPN. = Russia..Pasop vir the sanctions that may be imposed by the 'evil' West.
Stoppit, u making me cry ....
bammm thru it ....
nice going griffin
weekends are so boring, when it comes to financial markets
@qriffin, whats driving the upswing of HAR?
@griff: Nice to see you’ve overcome your initial shyness. lol. Congrats on being numero uno on both.
Morning all, seems the share data is not updating?
Griffin, on the Darkside I is creepin you from behind, afraid, be very afraid
Gotha ..... :)
Morning all
morning, pricing still lagging it seems.
Hallo to all the happy-chappies out there :)
Where is Orca?
Morning... So in the past two days the game's holdings of NPN went from R2.6m+ to R2.35m... Ouch! It's still the biggest holding in the game though, followed by CML at R1.7m
NPN - was in top 10 in the comp, now not even in top 100.
Busy jaDEB. Got 2 months left and so much to organize.
Happy to close all shorts considering we have FOMC Statement tomorrow @20:00. Markets always have ‘irrational good-news’-expectation beforehand. Will most likely short again after the fact.
I monday I was 200th, this morning I'm 13th. Colour me surprised...
@Icarium - Nice move on JD Group - up 30%. But will it hold?
Yes, offer was made for JD Group by Steinhoff
Arrgggg frikkin lovely .. :(
What's up jaDEB?
must be GLN/OCE/HAR or he forgot his pills again.
Frikkin all of it and ABL :'(
Taken leave tomorrow, will be online but gaming. :)
Yeah, you slay that dragon before breakfast jaDEB! Enjoy.
93 ;(
Why is qriffin so quiet now?
So griffin, today was Gfi and not Har,s day
what was the issue with gfi today, much more than the daily average and one massive bounce in the afternoon closing auction
Har har har. The lowest expected performer in it's sector.
Morning all
Top of the morning to all
Griffin ? u there ?
How do u clean silver coin ?
raw potato cut in half and rub the coin with it
Try a light soaking in lemon juice, if there is encrustation which is a little stubborn.
Thanks jaDEB
You guys not posting is making jaDEB act weird.
His stocks are not performing so now trying to sell his old silver coins.
I'm on leave from tomorrow! Still at work now though :(
lol morning, thanks for making me smile :)
@ jaDEB: You were all by your onesies yesterday? @ Patrick: Enjoy
PNC being hammered - check SENS
PNC - What brought this on - Luckily i cashed it all in this moning - phew!
JOHANNESBURG - An executive director of South African technology firm Pinnacle Holdings allegedly offered a R5 million ($460,400)bribe to a senior police official in order to win a contract for his company, police said on Tuesday.
Thanks Moonraker.\
Orca u got PNC ?
Absolutely no coincidence that the Executive director sold R 4 000 120 worth of shares yesterday :whistle: ! See (
Blerrie korrup!!
Had no internet today and now see this PNC thing. Would have sold asap but now perhaps too late as it will drop at open big time as more investors get the news.
Could be a good time to buy, people over react, So far I do not see much news that will affect the company, only a director, unless they did get the contract and it was substantial
Bought PNC for Comp today :) .. good luck Orca, I see other Director also sold R23 M. shares
Morning all
Went from 14th to 249 mainly because of PNC :-(
@Shi they also dragged me down, bought just 2 weeks ago!
Gold 1304 ...
sry wtf happened there ? sry Patrck..
Is griffins post frequency related to his position in the game or is he on leave in a place with no comms
Ek se Patrick, how about an advance on next months cash, I,m think pnc might recover and it took me for an ape, need to get my cost down
I think he is upset by everybody calling him Griffin. He is Qriffin but I know him a Griffin so will keep to that.
nice point you have, was he pui when he missed the u or is he a differenet nationality
Morning all, I am also wondering where is Griffin
Gold below 1300 :'(
Let me buy Gold now....this is a good opportunity for me :)
nice bounce by PNC today. a couple of people bought it for the challenge yesterday
I bought a few real ones early this morning
Glad I held on today in my real port. Had a sell that I cancelled.
@ tgg & Orca -- Nice
Thought this could be a dead cat bounce but see large buyers still lined up.
More almal
More jaDEB, :) wat sê jy vandag?
PNC - I note Fourie just bought a bunch of shares. cR2 mil
So he made awesome money selling, now he going to coin it buying so low. I think it is unfair ....
I note that faizaan timed his pnc buy very well
Fourie bought another 1 000 000 shares- 13.5 mil
Total bought is R18.8M. Pacifying the investors perhaps.
I don,t see someone put so much money on the line if there is shit just to pacify investors
Pietsparkplug seems to have found a few bugs in the challenge...
Suppose so tgg. Perhaps he knows more than we do like the charges won't stick.
I don't understand how he's done it... with only 1.14% growth? Or has he made his profits elsewhere and sold?
I'm stumped too. Anyone have an idea how the money was made?
OK I think I have it. Looks like his last purchase duplicated for some reason. I'll have to delete one of the records. Seems to have been a system error rather than cheating.
Yip, saw it was done twice.
Wonder where is Griffin ?
Ok fixed pitspark but it's still not right. Can't figure out why it's off, but it's off. Likely I'll have to reduce the number of LHC shares he has. Anyone care to do the calc to work out what the total should be?
Hi guys!! This was a system error and wasn't done on purpose so would appreciate it if you can fix it for me!!
I call for his head to roll!
Morning all
It starts with a honest little mistake, what is next? Let's fine him. 25% of all Net profit for a quarter to be paid over to the Red Cross Society.
lol . I agree, but I think the top 254 players should be fined by 50% of their holding..that sounds like an idea.
OCE : - )
Frikkin talkin to myself again, where is my frikkin tablets ... :(
pitsparklplugs sales and purchases don,t add up to enough profit for the purchase of R341.741.32 of lhc
have I got a calculation error
I want my new money now. Wanna buy NPN while it is down.
Why is CML shown as 9815 after 2 hours and the price is 9900?
already corrected for tomorrow
When is faizaan going to admit to whom he actually is, to join a game and buy pnc at that stage means you are a current player.
Can you explain that in English please.
Can you explain that in English please.
what am i to explain Dear Sir
Nope not me, I is only jaDEB. it is hard for me to remember my name, nevermind 2 names.
Nope not me, I is only jaDEB. it is hard for me to remember my name, nevermind 2 names.
qriffin must be busy researching for a share to take the lead again
Wasn't sure where to post this, but have spent the last 15 days in Cape Town and the surrounds. Was based at Helderberg Village in Somerset West and was moving my parents from there to a frail care operation in Pinelands so drove extensively around towns and through all the suburbs around Pinelands, went through to the CBD but via back roads and I must say it was an absolute pleasure to drive on the roads in and around the suburbs - no pot holes. The only places where I say signs of pot holes seemed to be around Claremont on the lower side near the railway lines and where there was high taxi usage. Came back last night to an absolute nightmare of a road from Lanseria to my place in Randparkridge. These jokers in charge of Joburg have no concept of maintenance and repairs to the road system or to service delivery. Maybe the city councillors needs to change their slogan for something more appropriate and on the lines "Joburg an African city in distress"
Thought I would just share my experiences with forumites. Would I move to CT - definitely not - Gauteng has the best climate possible 8)
They did say it is all the rain, and they will be working on it (Potholes) let see if it happens.
They did say it is all the rain, and they will be working on it (Potholes) let see if it happens.
The pot holes were numerous before the rains - the rain merely worsened the situation >:(
We have better climate due to the proximity of the cool sea. Hardly ever below 8 or above 32.
CML above R100 ... nice Orca....
We have better climate due to the proximity of the cool sea. Hardly ever below 8 or above 32.
Well you must live in a favoured neck of CT because it rained for 2 days out Somerset West last week Wednesday and Thursday and not much better in Pinelands, Rondebosch, Claremont, Maitland, Woodstock, Strand and others
Yes. CML shot through the 100 resistance. Trading Statement soon I hope. Will see 110 at month end.
It's great to have an occasional summer shower in Cape Town.
you are moving up the ladder nicely
Yes. I am booking my flight to Portugal on the 28 May thanks to CML. Will post from there.
Enjoy it
PITSPARK still way up there on the leaderboard. Can we not ask him to re-register?
Morning all
I'll adjust Piet soon. I'm just in the pilansberg and have little to no internet access.
Thanks Patrick, have a good one!
Patrick put some dancing girls on web, the site has been very quiet
i,m 23 and 27 with 2 very different portfolio,s and not one has cml. ;D
Watched wolf of wall street last night ... shares & drugs ... :)
whats with purchases getting duplicated, FransH as well
On holiday but just had to check in on shorties, whoo-hoo! Don’t you just love it when your shorts behave despicable in all-time high markets? Talking to you my two Super-M’s: Mittal & Masmart :)
Some days this game makes me think I actually know what I'm doing. And then I slap myself awake.
Join the club mate. The markets are also members.
took a bit of a bashing today, or was it a slight pullback
Gold :)
Hope the NFP results are not too good.
seems you might as well close the site down, total lack of interest or any meaningfull discussion.
some persons are just to important and know everything about investing but need to work abit on social interaction skills. Even though their portfolio is not a factor,I will get get back to my biking chatters, they has personality
Geez tgg, why so mad, talk to me, I'm here :)
Morning all -
Hello everyone, back in my own office for the first time in months...
NPN -4.68%
Most traded (all neg) NPN, SOL, SHP, KIO
Top movers up: Afr Bank, Afr Rainbow, HAR, MSM,
Somebody bought 137 RMBMID's for 750 instead of the going rate 617 shooting it to the top of the leaderboard!
@mnpny - ABL also high volumes traded over 4mil
Europe markets and US futures on session lows and still going down atm, seems local markets moving more positive, lol.
US futures Dow -0.32%, S&P -0.41%, Nas -0.76% opening in 2hrs
Mondi suffering due to Ukraine bad situation.
US up +0.16%,+0.24% +0.56%
Morning all
Orca, u CML statement? please give us your input
Ok. In the CML thread.
Thks Orca.
Hey griffin, gold :)
Rant is getting strong .... :'(
So is the rand. Will be buying 3 airline tickets in Euro tomorrow.
Jobless claims decreased by 32,000 to 300,000 in the week ended April 5, the lowest since May 2007, a Labor Department report showed today in Washington. The figure was lower than the most optimistic forecast in a Bloomberg survey of 52 economists.
Runt may weaken slightly as a result.
Ha ha ha. jaDEB's Ranting and Moon's Runting.
Here we go again, Nasdaq -2,34%, Dow minus triple digits.
Oh shoot. That's a massive drop and we will follow tomorrow.
I see it's mostly Tech stocks. Poor PNC.
ABL hit R11 yest. Hopefully it can weather the opening storm.... :)
Futures: Nas -0.7, S&P -0.5, Dow -0.5% Opening in 32 min
This feels like dangerous times. A global reset of all the indicators is required before mind blowing new heights can be achieved again. But I have seen us reach new heights on minimum volume. So don't take my word for it. Just have those stops in place.
Dow drop targets:
Europe opens DAX -0.8%, FTSE -0.5%, CAC -0.4%
Is the Leaderboard updating ? Prices here have not changed since Friday.
I see my portfolio value has remained at such a level that I have been in 83 place pretty much the entire day - are the portfolios updating
Yeah, I'm at the same position as well... nothing changed since this morning.
SGL - R27 I is crying like a baby ... :'(
Lately I can only post after hours as I am so busy with emigration stuff. After hours stuff don't get read as they don't show "Today" but comments for my CML techs will be welcome.
Gold is tanking .....
The CML technicals have failed due to market sentiment.So far so good though. Nearing the BB lower. :)
Negative p/e ratio
Can someone remind me what the share code was for barclays group africa before they became BGA?
ASA - Absa
Just a note Patrick, as I am sure you are working on BGA/ASA : the current price is zero as reported on my holdings. Got a minor heart attack when I saw missing amount from portfolio!
Haha yeah I'm trying to sort out a replacement for the old JSE link. The new website doesn't have a page with all the price updates and for some reason google doesn't have an option for BGA. The other backup should recover it soon.
Ok all shares should now be updating. Bloomberg picked up where the JSE dropped the ball!
I see I is talking to myself again.....
I know, I hate it when I see: ‘Latest post: Moneypenny’, blah, blah, Moneypenny, blah, blah, Moneypennny, blah,blah,blah. I make myself sick at this stage. Would be really nice to read something else. Anything else. :(
Fark this.
I've been quiet lately. I made some very bad calls recently so I'm not ready to advise.
No MP. Stay here. We read your posts.
At this stage, I can only post after close as I have too much to do.
I follow your posts daily MP. suppose I should write more. not sure if you know this but the today's outlook these has 22000 views. by far the highest on this forum. you definitely have an audience!
Okay munchkins, I get it, write, don’t’ read. (@P: 21’ views, that’s me posting :-P) Anyway.
Silly taxes knicking me down from potential 4th to 12th :(
@Icarium it'd happen in real life too! Your profit is quite impressive. I was hoping we'd see more of the traders high up in the competition. A lot of people seem to talk about how they make it big, but I'd love to see the proof!
Say what? You’ll be inane to try and ‘trade’ equities. You invest (> 3 yrs) in equities, you trade CFD’s. They are geared, a little movement on underlying share up or down results in huge profit/loss.
True MP... Just curious, how complicated are the systems behind CFDs? Do you think there's be people interested in a CFD style challenge?
@MP - My real life strategy is paying off my bond. This is just for fun! (And educational)
@IC: This is a good place to learn :)
@P: Not complicated, but you would need live prices imo, delayed won't work.
Thanks MP. @Icarium, I actually initially took money out of my bond to buy some STXIND. Last year that paid off very well, this year I'm down on that by a few %, but it's still early days... Overall it was a huge plus for me.
@P: To see real time CFD’s in action, go to, click right bottom and open free demo acc (2 weeks) with R100 000 playmoney. Open contracts long/short on Alsi, T40 & companies and you will see money move at lightning speeds, serious profits/loss in no time.
My 2 cents - You can put a stop loss on CFD's and most probably on shares also. To me the biggest real "loss" is the tax implications. Although you can write your losses off against your profits. So I'm in two minds about that. The one massive component when trading derivatives like cfd's, you must be an active trader and not a passive trader. You have to monitor it all day like the traders that work for the big companies do. You can't buy and walk away.
When you start trading cfd's or any other geared instrument, that becomes your day job. It is crucial that you understand that. Prepare yourself to sit in front of the screen for 8 hours straight. I can warn you. It is emotional draining. You will reach a stage where you think that the time spend in front of the screen is crazy, although you are making money. I have seen guys that make big profits, and I mean big profits, walk away. Your work (trading) life balance goes right out the window. Most traders nail it down to say 4 hours per day and then they walk away.
Working in a nuclear silo, is nothing compared to trading with derivatives :wall:
Morning all
From 2nd place to 108th. :(
From 168th to 23rd.... but i have just been Lucky :)
Morning everyone. Hope you all had a great easter weekend.
Go go 0.02% for 10%...!
ABL clapped the R11 level... :)
JSE Trading delayed by technical issue
Resolved, market opening auction @ 9:45, normal trading starting @ 10:00
ABL :)
ABL :) x 2 . :) :)
$#@ # *() (.)
CML making another attempt at 100.00
Hey, back down, it is my turn ----- ABL
Phew, what a day. As you might have realised the server almost completely crashed! Looked like another attack on one of my other sites...
Patrick, from where do you get your JSE share data? do you use an API of some sort? scrape it from somewhere? Parse the Html code on a webpage?
Phew, what a day. As you might have realised the server almost completely crashed! Looked like another attack on one of my other sites...
Must have been a DOS attack via a botnet
I used to scrape it from the JSE, but with the website update they took down that page. Now I get it via json from Bloomberg. Why do you ask?
I used to scrape it from the JSE, but with the website update they took down that page. Now I get it via json from Bloomberg. Why do you ask?
Im currently writing a Trading/Investment bot for the NASDAQ in C#, and I would like to integrate the JSE exchange into it as an additional exchange but mainly for testing purposes.
Its an experimental program of mine, the part of getting my data for the NASDAQ is almost finished, then ill start writing the AI side
mass mart
PNC down 8%
That's quite a drop, I didn't see any news release?
Yip, insider trading being investigated See dark side
Patrick, what's happens with the AQP rights offer?
On PNC, there was a Sunday Times article that gave more details on the charges, and from the off, the director looks guilty.
What we did last year was force the rights offers to be taken. I think it only happened once though. I'll likely do the same this year again. When does it happen?
On AQPN ... sold by 6th May or exercised by 12th May
Thanx Patrick
I can't sell my PNC until I leave. SARS has blocked my account.
U have PNC? damn I forgot.... sorry...
Yes but only had about R300K in it so not too worried.
It is now R198K
What did u buy it at?
Cool, that is what I am going to sell my ABL
Everyone enjoying a day off but me... At least there was no traffic!
JSE open on election day ?
JSE open on election day ?
Nope ... day has been declared as a public holiday so same applies here.
abl --- (.) -- Noooooooo !!!!
Sold ABL
Sold all holding of ABL - no ways this can turn out good now.
Also did that ... sold all. Small profit
ADI price on Leaderbrd. incorrect - too high.
I'll check on it
Thanks Patrick
Morning all
Current leader's holdings are showing a loss. Leaderboard bugged?
Icarium can you show me a screenshot. Looks ok on my end.
It was showing Bullish Bear as the leader for me, but not anymore.
Just left JHB for Cape Town on the Shosholoza train. Great experiance with good food and service. :)
let me know how it goes. I've been wanting to take my son on that for a while now.
CML doing nice again
One of the few ones making it today.
Financial results out next week for CML.
Hi P. Just got back from JHB. Food is great. Eat in the dinning car or in your compartment. Bar open all day and night. Coffee and beer trollies to sleeper compartments occasionally or you can sit at table or buy and take out. No noise at night.
R600.00 pp one way from Cape Town to JHB. Much cheaper than flights and more enjoyable. You can do the JHB to Durban cheaper.
O, how long did it take CPT-JHB?
@Moneypenny The schedule says you leave jhb at 12:30 and arrive at15:30 the next day. 27 hours in total.
Wow that's a long time, hopefully scenic route.
Of the 27 hours, you sleep for 10. So 17 hrs of enjoying the scenery and chatting. Their are 3 prong and 2 prong plugs for your electronic stuff to keep you occupied. Staff is very efficient and keep you supplied with refreshments.
I would love to do the Cape to Durban route.
Lol, no O, you sleep 10, I have 4 more extra to kill. 8)
They have shutters on the windows that make the compartment pitch black and the movement of the train lulls one to sleep.
The beers help as well.
Thanks Orca, I'm definitely going to book a trip for my boy and I some time.
Pinnacle se Moer! there is no hope here.
Happy monday everyone
Does anyone know why ADW has shot up so much in last few days? I bought 35000 shares at 6c a share, so im smiling all the way to the bank, but i cant find a sens or anything to explain this massive rise
@P: lol, what's so special 'bout this Monday?
@MP Haha I had a great weekend so I woke up in a fantastic mood! Hope yours was good too.
Obviously more subdued than yours, but I'm happy for you! ;-)
Spent another day at SARS. New software system and was so slow as no one knew how to use it.
Love it, since my post yesterday I'm getting WONGA ads on my site. I'm thinking they haven't read the post... :)
how much ad revenue do you typically generate from your site?
Nearly half a beer a day ;)
What is happening to TOR
It looks like just a volatile smallcap. I see no news.
Whoa! Thor, thought you said Thor, had my attention there for a moment. ;-) High of 260 today, low of 235, 65 deals -5.77%. Nothing happening, just a small cap making usual small cap moves. Also today a few share dealings by associates of a director of a sub, nothing much else I can see.
Naspers moving after Tencent update, +7.36% now, taking Alsi with it.
Big move, how good was the update?
Good enough to bump the indi by 1.25% :)
1Q net profit up 60%
Enjoy the weekend everyone
Oh, is it weekend again?
iQ or 1Q ?
On AQPN ... sold by 6th May or exercised by 12th May
Patrick, reminder on the AQP rights offer.
Why is ABL going up. I want it at R3 ;'(
I still wouldn't buy it at R3
hEY I aM lAst on thE DARk sIDe loL
A long trade on CML will get you 10% in days.
Was going to add some at 9570 but it seems stuck at 9820 here.
I see we have traders at the #1 and #2 spot... First time they've beaten the investors...
I see we have traders at the #1 and #2 spot... First time they've beaten the investors...
If I look at the first placed person then costs and profit are very close to one another - so it would seem that the value is in the counters held rather than from the churn in holdings
Why can't I access my shares in "my holdings". They say ouput error in unknown on line 0. Now I can't trade. Anyone else have he same poblem?
Sorry Hannes, common problem, let me see what I can do.
Too late for CML investors. From now it is up and up for the divie.
Oh, Sorry. I see you are all sleeping now.
Me 2 - Can't see my holdings.
Same here
Seems to be fixed today
That was the weirdest thing, I couldn't fix it last night but it fixed itself. Confused I am...
I see we have traders at the #1 and #2 spot... First time they've beaten the investors...
I see today that I am sitting in the #2 spot. I would not classify myself as a trader, perhaps a hybrid investor who is not afraid of locking in profits when the opportunity calls.
Rate unchanged
My last transaction reflects twice on my profile. Effectively my total worth is R100k higher than what is shows on the leader board, and some of the fees are then calculated wrong as well. Anybody else have this issue?
This happened to me as well when I bought and quickly sold ASSORE shares. I'm not sure what the effects are when this happens. My total worth was about the same? I think... it did not increase by R48078 due to this issue, it was less .... I think the system still calculated the profit/loss and withdrew taxes?
After the sell I had, 37.67% cash on hand, 11.89% in Old Mutual and 59.49% in Vodacom (I saved the data on that day in a excel spreadsheet). This makes a total of 109.05%. So, somehow I've got 9.05% more money even though I effectively or accidentally ( :P) bought and sold shares at the same price. Today, I sill have about 107.88% as the total.
It would be nice if we could actually see how much taxes and fees we have paid as part of the list when buying and selling shares. If I make a gain on one share after selling but I make a loss on another share when I sell.. how does this typically affect the amount of taxes you pay? Does this system work correctly?
Taxes are calculated at 30% of the net profit on sales of shares, so a loss would reduce the taxes. The double purchase/sale has me totally confused. I have to roll those back manually. Strangely I have code in place that's meant to block just that...
It also happened to me. The system sold one of my transactions twice, thus my total worth shows R145k less than it should be. Also my shares % of my portfolio added together adds up to 140.19% which is obviously totally impossible. Hope this is fixable!
Might be a breakdown between the database and web server. FYI I'm moving to a new server to gain some speed, I'm hoping that it doesn't have this issue.
Apologies, need to remove this from the live chat, it seems to be a possible cause for major server load...
Ok is everyone seeing the chat again?
Taking a break from exploring due to rain.
Patrick, my message is not in 'Sent'. I think maybe a DNS thingie. Will check tomorrow.
Seems OK if I use
All fine, except avatar & pics not showing
Patrick, why is I last in Comp ?
thanks guys, @jadeb was it not just you successfully showing a buy high and sell low strategy?
Seriously, you guys crack me up.
@ Patrick, :'( , lol
Ok attachments and avatars back to normal...
Just a question - I had to log in today yet I have recorded that I should remain logged in "forever" - does the system have a time out feature to its structure?
Thks P
Gold 1325 :)
@gcr, I changed the cookie details, so that would have caused everyone to need to log in again.
i thought my account has been compromised...
There we go. OMN up 21%. You guys sleeping and the sun is still up here.
Why is it up so much Orca?
Results are out.The PE dropped to 15.5 today,but I don't see a 21% increase.
I think he is talking about time period not just yesterday.
Gold on the move : )
anyone else still getting blank pages?
Yes, intermittant. Also need to refresh to log in. I have no idea.
Mine seems to be fine
My first page is always blank.
More changes made, any blanks?
The new "post" sign is now little red x.
Can you right click on the x and select view image, then paste the url for me please.
it's fixed sorry
OK, seems 'fixed' on my side as well. Thanks.
Who else here will be affected by strike - Numsa :'(
$#@! 88&&& !!
Damn this site is getting lonesome
Ek is hier
Maybe I should see if I can republish one of my blogs on moneyweb, and try get some interest. Which one would you suggest?
Write a new 1 :)
Base it on my buy high sell low Philosophy
JaDEB - maybe you should write an article as to how you managed to go from the top of the tree down to position 321 in the shortest space in time, com'n its got to something more significant than just buying high and selling low - there has got to be class in there somewhere - so be a good chap and share your model 8)
it is not a article, just a word, stupidity
But I am working on it .. ;'(
Been too busy to post lately. Will try and up it a bit.
JaDeb - check Moneyweb link re. Aspen posted in sandbox.
Watch EOH carry on with the momentum for some time irrespective of its high PE.
JaDEB, see SENS for APN. Not as bad as it seems.
Yip, :)
Morning everyne... So what to write about this month? Maybe how much home owership sucks. R97k worth of damp repairs needed on my place :(
Your house could have been in Christchurch.
Patrick, check POY profit warning
More on Aspen in sandbox.
Thks Mr Bond
Check out gold .. :)
Ja. My posts are after hours as you guys are sleeping down there in SA and we are on the beach.
In the sun at your 22.00 hrs. This sucks.
money is in, glad that worked phew...
Patrick u have POY ?
I had in the game, but I sold it. In real life I have CML and STXIND
Chicken :)
CORONATION FUND MNGRS LD reminds me of an Unstable GF. todays shes happy , tomorrow is is mad and you dont even know the reason why she mad.
Yes but those girlfriends are always the most fun!
If you what to ride a propper rollar coaster buy GFI!
Looks like this chat has been confused for a search bar!
lol was think same, or a suggestion box
Maybe if you type your share here, the price will go up. True Patrick ?
Sibanye & Aspen .. :)
Patrick - KST PSG Konsult does not appear to be on your list of shares that can be purchased - can you please include Ta
I'll have to check if it meets the tradeability requirements. If not, and others agree I can still add it, but make it so it can't be sold.
Patrick not sure what your response means
This was an otc operation and PSG brought it to market as the JSE was/is terminating all otc share dealings. Its is 62% PSG Financial Services held which is a sub of PSG Holdings
I'll have to check if it meets the tradeability requirements. If not, and others agree I can still add it, but make it so it can't be sold.
Awwwwww :'( I'm sure it will meet "tradeability requirements". O:-)
Awwwwww :'( I'm sure it will meet "tradeability requirements". O:-)
Ah sorry GCR, my mistake, I thought it was an infrequently traded share, I see it's new. I'll see if I can find it on my pricing stream.
If you're with FNB you'll want to check your statement on 3 July. I got hit with a double transaction, seems thousands of others did too.
ABL up 14%
Ag no - I am talking to myself No point of posting anymore sorry
WEZ also up nicely
WTH is going on with ABL?
Cautionary from ABL - Selling Ellerine
Well that'll give them some cash flow, but how will it help them turn a profit?
Smiling ...
R225,533,323 ABL Traded
shoulda sold wez too
well played firepool!
My CML is gone. STXIND is too high. Now what?
@orca if you're looking for an ETF how about RMBMID?
RMBMID does 10% less than STXIND so will wait for correction.
Thanks Patrick! Zero skill. 100% luck.
Gold on the move :)
Have you got gold jaDEB?
Satrix dividends declared...
I want to add the dividends for Satrix but I'm not sure exactly which dividend to use. The previous time it was declared as "An aggregate amount of 14.06000 cents (R0.14060) per Satrix Indi security for 28 March 2014" but Patrick only added "6.12166" as the dividend from which tax should be calculated. I think this is incorrect, if the local only dividend were used it should have been "7.20195" because "6.12166" is the dividend with tax already withdrawn? Also, according to ETFSA the dividend was 14.06000 cents from which tax should then be withdrawn. So isn't March 2014 dividends incorrect? Now, should we use the local dividend or the other one?
For June 2014, it should be:
"27.77000 cents" for "Satrix FINI" or "18.19784" if only local dividend
"10.27000 cents" for "Satrix RES" (only local dividend)
"25.20000 cents" for "Satrix INDI" (only local dividend)
"27.94000 cents" for "Satrix 40" or "21.77675" if only local dividend
"8.46000 cents" for "Satrix SWIX Top 40" or "7.19529" if only local dividend
"2.87000 cents" for "Satrix DIVI" or "2.81534" if only local dividend
For March 2014, it should be:
"0.0 cents" for "Satrix FINI" or "0.0" if only local dividend
"67.13000 cents" for "Satrix RES" or "0.98955" if only local dividend
"14.06000 cents" for "Satrix INDI" or "7.20195" if only local dividend
"20.84000 cents" for "Satrix 40" or "3.08358" if only local dividend
"3.36000 cents" for "Satrix SWIX Top 40" or "0.89595" if only local dividend
"1.77000 cents" for "Satrix DIVI" or "1.57603" if only local dividend
I dono, just confirm...
You should add the complete local dividend including tax, the system will then take off the 15%. I may have made a mistake earlier...
Uhh something is broken, Aquarius platinum was bought by various people NazzoP and Itut. The didn't have the money for this buy and have negative cash on hand? What is going on? AQP at a price of R2.41?
lol and it keeps on going
yeah im making things worse! I'll et to the bottom of it soon.
Ok now the rights issue has been exercised. So their holdings are right. The fact that they're in the negative is pretty unavoidable as we always force a holdings option to be taken... It has made the leaderboard a little weird though... How to solve???
Nope got my dates screwed. Let's try again...
Ok, all rolled back. I'll do the rights issue againwhen I'm concentrating more!
Link to this rights issue?
Link to this rights issue? ... was done a while back but not applied here
cool thx
Hi could someone please assist me.. When a company declares a dividend in July 2014 and the last day to trade is recorded as 8 Aug 2014 could i then purchase the stock before or on 8 Aug and still recieve the dividend?
You need to own the shares at close on the LDT. Usually a friday on the JSE.
Last Day to Trade - LDT
Also, just remember that the stock will usually drop in price by the amount of the expected dividend on the ex-dividend date... So if the LDT is on a friday, the monday thereafter will most probably be the Ex-div date.
Ok Thank you, will keep in mind. Could I then sell again on the Monday? So technically keeping it for one day
Thank you Luna. Just as last question will I be entitled to the full dividend or pro rata based on the time I held the share?
full dividend
a follow up question on this would be if say that I have a CFD on a share and is exposed at say R10000 worth of shares but in fact only hold a R1000 of shares, do I receive dividends on the geared amount of shares?
Hyping up MTA and OMN. The next beauts in my portfolio. Please comply.
repo rate will go up by ¼ % :) {imho}
Repo rate will be kept at current levels - the noises made will just be a bit more hawkish
This there any share with a LTD tommorow?
Read here:
Very nice thanks
For tomorrow:
AER (CD / LDT) Cash Dividend
AME (CD / LDT) Cash Dividend
CRW (TE / LDT) Termination: JSE and/Or Company Initiated
DON (TE / LDT) Termination: JSE and/Or Company Initiated
EPS (CO / LDT) Consolidation
EPS (SD / LDT) Subdivision
FMC (NC / LDT) Name Change
GDN (CD / LDT) Cash Dividend
ILRP1 (CD / LDT) Cash Dividend
NPKP (CD / LDT) Cash Dividend
NPP1 (CD / LDT) Cash Dividend
RNG (IS / LDT) Special Dividend
SNV (CD / LDT) Cash Dividend
STXDIV (CD / Pay Date) Cash Dividend
STXIND (CD / Pay Date) Cash Dividend
STXRAF (CD / LDT) Cash Dividend
STXRES (IT / Pay Date) Interest Payment
STXSWX (CD / Pay Date) Cash Dividend
Gold :)
I see Alexander Forbes had its IPO, when could we start trading in its shares?
I see Alexander Forbes had its IPO, when could we start trading in its shares?
The settlement date and expected listing date of Alexander Forbes, subject to achieving a spread of
shareholders acceptable to the securities exchange operated by the JSE Limited, is expected to be
Thursday, 24 July 2014 (the “Listing Date” or “Settlement Date”). Any change in that date will be announced
on SENS.
Based on a total of 1,302,356,263 Alexander Forbes ordinary no par value shares outstanding at the
Settlement Date, the Offer Price implies a total market capitalisation of R9,768 million for Alexander Forbes.
Thanks Shi, what would thi them mean for the current preferance share holders? Would it be a good idea to buy into the pref shares?
Not sure Peter01, I'm not familiar with them.
I'm starting to get a real creepy feeling from one of my 2014 favourites (SHF)
What happened to SHF last year that it had such a big jump up?
I think it was a process, i.e. acquiring Conforama (French furniture retailer) in March 2011 (height of Euro crisis and anticipated collapse which didn’t happen), now they had network of 200 stores in Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Luxembourg, Croatia. Also acquired Leiner Group (Austria, Central & Eastern Europe). They spread their wings when there was blood in the streets and it paid off this time, the Euro listing also helped but only happened cause of the new Euro footprint. Europe could have just as well went south (lol, then being Africa), it would have been different story altogether.
I see you're playing around with fb, Patrick, how will this work?
Yes, it should make registration really quick. You can also link your FB account to your current forum account. Hopefully this would encourage the many browsers to sign in and post!
Does this mean that if linked forum members will be able to access my fb acc?
Alexander Forbes (AFH) not in the list to buy?
AFH opening price 8.10, high 8.60, currently 8.55 @ 10:05am 20 mil shares traded.
No, it only uses facebook for authentication, it won't show people on the forum who you are on FB.
Tx P
#MH370 : missing 08/03 #MH17 : shot down 17/07 #GE222 : crashed 23/07 #AH5017 : crashed 24/07
It's crazy, I've got some flights coming up soon that I'm not so keen on right now...
Logged in via fb, it works fine
Thanks for letting me know MP.
Hi Guys: Lets start a CFD of the day topic? would anyone be interested?
I do not do CFD's but I will read it to learn... :)
@ Peter01: Try it P01, although most members here prefer it only to watch. ;D
SGL recovering a bit..hiding on friday :(
Strike over ? :) :)
Which strike? Metalworkers? I though SGL was doing a dead cat bounce.
Can KIO climb more?
Has been a very nice ride
What did u buy it at?
R 350 :)
Some speculate that it will go as far as R400? any thoughts?
look if thread is below. or start 1. many factors. Rand, commodities so on so on
Not so good start for the day
how long are you planning on holding peter?
That a good quesiton. Really dont know maybe should get out now and not to to greedy??
Re KIO: As jaDEB said, various outside factors(China growth, commodity price, forex and iron ore not in short supply) which adds an extra layer to this one, but – an there is always a but, it has a nice dividend yield, think in the range of 10%.
Forgot to mention, last div was 22/7/14
Mboweni says SA should buy bank to boost development
Just read it also. maybe that is why ABL is so cheap lol
Do any one here trade in SSF's?
Not me
what do you trade jaDEB? to much red for me today
Just shares. Port is 100 % 1 share..
SGL results out
kk jaDEB
Brave strategy jaDEB, how's it working for you?
Thrilling - lol -
How about a thread showing annual returnds as a %? I'm happy to share...
Good idea ;)
Good Idea. will make me cry, but good idea
My buy high sell low is still Pertinent
Ill make you all feel beter dont warry
Hoping to get R1m net worth after tax in the comp today :P
I is trying to get to last place...
lol. I've been following your progress
I don't know what to write about this month :(
Write about 1st Place and Last place's shares ?
Darkside comp starts today as well :)
Ching$ Ching$
What made you by Mr Price?
Hallo Patric, a sugestion for this month's article is " how to plan your share buy's" - Remember a lot is cyclical. Shopkeeper
What made you by Mr Price?
Not sure who this addressed to but I also bought Mr Price today - about R 64,000 worth - one of the few shares that is bullet proof at the moment
Patrick, I think people are using the live chat in the "buy shares" tab to search :)
Yes, and your competition is also broken :(
lol why?
I is 1st on the darkside, and in this comp nearly last :(
Other website we do not mention, they treated us like cr@p. Hence Patrick created this site
what's broken with the competition?
@P: I dunno, maybe strategies, dreams, wishes, you pick. ;-0
@P: Like MP says strategies dreams wishes... :( I am nearly last.
Luna u No1.... nice
Trying to keep in front of the Telkom investors :o
I'm constantly wishing that Telkom would go down :D
u want to buy ?
what do you guy think about JBL? they released some good results and looks to return to profitability..
lol no, anything government touches, I leave alone.
Thats for Telkom... not JBL... No comment on JBL.
Lol anyone else on JBL?
Well telkom up 5% today :)
Jip I know :/
...that was a scary long tremor :-0
jip :o
Yeah we were told to evacuate the office.
Yeah we were told to evacuate the office.
Too late - if it had been a big one ;)
In primary school my geography teacher told me South Afrika doesn't have to worry about earthquakes cos we're not sitting on any active fault lines...
Not a tremor, Patrick dropped his payslip.
wow this tremor.. just dropped my share price.LOL
African Bank -30% :0
Make that -50%
Lol, sorry for the guys invested in this.
Time to buy?
Sold all my ABL shares yesterday :) thank goodness
lol nice
let buy some now? or is this one done?
This company is a gamble :P
Now I am last in both comp :';(
@ Luna - Real shares or Comp - ABL ?
no just comp. Wouldn't touch this with real money
I nearly did buy it ... luckily not
with real money..
I don't even want to imagine having a -60% loss :O
ABL trading suspended ?
Just bought in at 319cps
@100ways - Nice ... good luck ... :) b@lls of steel, but I think u gonna coin it...
R u gonna sell if it spikes or keeping it?
If it does spike will sell out... ???
Think it will fall further
Quick money makers already in and out...
For comp ... thinking of going all in with ABL ... I'm far down the leaderboard so why not :-[
...hehe, go for it Shi. We'll cheer you from the sides.
my buy high sell low philosophy does not allow me to do it
You think SGL will hold to that philosophy as well since you are 90% in it?
Yes, the darkside comp I had 40% ABL, was in lead yesterday now down far :'(. Have SGL also in real portfolio.
Gold :) 1296
Why wount AIP fall properly?????????? i want it @ R40
Blood. German factory orders down mainly due to Ukraine fears, Italy back in recession
plus US interest rate increase concerns, to name some.
Putin is @$$$hole.
Hey Mr Bond, u back from mission :) Gold 1305 :)
Yeah looking a tad red out there today...
lol for a trader this feels like a mine field... trying to jump from one safe spot to the next.
Closing in on the 1mil mark, Luma you not too far away ;)
lol I'm hoping that Telkom would go down :P It's challenge to stay ahead.
And.... for Vodacom to go up :P
Wow ABL :'( Bought Small amount @ R1 :)
Yeah now at 60c
Wondering what will happen now? Any info from the holding companies or bond holders would be nice.
How will this affect CML?
32c wth
Must say, was ver close to buying @ R6. WOuld have lost all my money...dodged a bullet
ABL out of the buy shares table?
Ha yes. it's trading under R1 so it gets excluded!!!!
Meh :P
sadly it's taking cml down a chunk too...
now at 95c
Will it automatically come back in the "buy shares" list if it goes above R1?
Back @ 95c :)
@Luna yes
1st place!!! Hooray!!
@ Patrick Ok nice to know.
Hehe congrats :)
:) Well done! What did you know about Telkom that the rest of us missed?
Hehe...can't reveal my secrets :) Don't think it is if you listen to a certain radio station at around 18:00 every Really enjoying the game - thank you. Going to savor this moment while it lasts :)
Not cool Luna! lol
SA business confidence at 15-year low
yeah...back at no
Ellerine applies for 'rescue'
Youre back at the top Luna - well done! :)
Gold @ 1321 :) - good luck to all that bought ABL yesterday.
Well, I guess, if you can start from the bottom after being 100% in ABL and move your way to the top... that would be an achievement :)
Gold @ 1321 :) - good luck to all that bought ABL yesterday.
Don't think any1 could as it was not in the list cause it was under 100c
I think he means in reality...
Yip, mean in reality.
Yip, mean in reality.
Noted. Very risky.
Teeny amount R3k :)
Amount of ABL shares trading is unbelievable.
PNC still on downward spiral...Another ABL/
Telkom Retirement Of Director pending a disciplinary process
Telkom shares tanked a bit
Sorry "disciplinary process" discontinued
the new director?
I tried to post yesterday but as I have a sh.t.y Telkom noisy line I couldn't and my internet is running like a horse and cart instead of a Ferrari.
I scrolled through a few peoples portfolios and was curious to find that some competitors have negative numbers of shares in their portfolio
Another curiosity is that Lunar has made about R 250,000 with sale of shares but has costs and fees of some R 113,000 yet his portfolio value is still over a million. Are fees not added/deducted from each trade one makes when buying/selling shares as is the case with conventional buying/selling through a broker
Just curious as to the mechanics of things
Lol I dono... just saw something about it in a SENS.
Lol I've been Luma and now Lunar :P
ok see it
yah luna how did you do it? pray do tell
what's your strategy :P
Pinnacle almost -25%
PNC HEPS decline between 15% and 20%
no wonder it's tanking further
there's why that director was bribing the cops for that big deal
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) will hold a press conference today (Sunday, 10 August) at 16:00 to announce measures to be taken with regard to African Bank Limited. The press conference will take place at the SARB Conference Centre in Pretoria.
What are they going to do then?
Really don't want abil to bust
Split into good bank/bad bank - See
Suspension Of All Abil And African Bank Securities On The Exchange Operated By The Jse
So now the government is getting into banking???
It's not the government per se, it's the Reserve Bank. Why is that a bad thing? It's done in the US and Europe...
Hello Orca ... :)
Gold : )
Hi jaDEB. at home today due to rain.
Mr Bond, why is NPN on PE of 90 ?
Yup, high, high, high. Earnings need to catch up some. Market thinks they will.
So future expectations. Priced for perfection.
:) Thanks
@Orca. 1½ months - then friggin cold in N.Portugal..
..and you know what they say: "The cold is a bad lover"
Fitch cuts Naspers debt to junk.
Not unexpected.
SA Retail Sales (YoY) came in at 0.0%, expected 2.0%, previous 2.6%.
Metair not doing too bad lately
Currently 50% in it for the game :P waiting for results
So it's Metair vs Telkom then for the lead...
At last, there goes my beaut.
You saw the SENS?
Wasn't expecting it. Results out in a few days. Time to add.
African Banksters. Chk. thread 'African Bank'.
Link courtesy 'The Dangeruss' (aka 'The Darkside').
Thanks Mr Bond
Did it from my Tablet tappatalk... :) next is my standard 6 lower grade :)
capitec down grade ? wonder what will happen
Quiet here after the abil fireworks of late...
Ya .. :(
And none of the Pro's saw all the bank being downgraded after ABL - and they own the Yachts in CT? See FNB also
So time to start thinking about a new topic for a blog post...
Write about offers like red penny shares monthly sub for advice. Is it worth it or scam
Any1 have NPN ?
Do you mean Red Hot Penny Shares that Jeff Black managed?
Yes and Others
Yeah. Read my post below.
Sold R150k of my PNC just before it shot up by 19%. Sniff.
I am going to break the 40% barrier...come on! lol
Rating agency S&P confirmed they will not downgrade SA banks, as Moody's did recently. Banking outlook stable.
GFI dividend 20c per share
PNC :)
How hard is Orca kicking himself for selling...
R u sure he sold ? Damn we should have bought at bottom, but how do u know...!!
Sold R150k of my PNC just before it shot up by 19%. Sniff.
A few posts back...
predictions on pnc close today
my predictions suck..see graph
I'd be happy with 1500c. A steady move up to about 1800c (in about a week) and I'm out.
My broker's Fair Value is R18.00
Sold PNC at R6.99 :-(
Where is MoneyPenny ?
I'm here jaDEB, just busy, looking in now and then, be back next wk. ;-)
PNC not shooting out the lights
Having a "Lee Evans" moment :)
ASC is added to the challenge.
My RES div. in comp should be 168,35cpu. But don't worry.
Was it paid incorrectly or not at all Moonraker? If it was missed it can still be added and will be paid.
KIO very low today what who will long this one?
RES paid 143.10 c per share which is 168.36 c per share minus 15% taxes. This makes it correct.
@Luna - No there is no withholding tax on locally registered REITS
See also
Yeah, saw the "tax treatment" SENS afterwards and didn't reply back. :)
ADI up 9% :-)
What's the reason ORCA?
APN trading update on SENS. It's better than I thought. :)
Aspen has been a favourite of mine for some time, but I don't have apart from in the indi. Do you have?
Yes I have :)
What's the reason ORCA?
[/“The latest financial projections for… indicates that the 2015 and 2016 profit warranties will be achieved”.]
Why does Luna have a 14 day delay on his/hers current standings?
@The investor. It's an option anyone can choose in your holdings page.
With my buy high sold low policy I have nothing to hide...
You should try shorting jaDEB, seems you can spot them well. :-)
Thanks Patrick!
Gold @ 1263 :'(
So a couple of good days on the market and my port. value just reached my end of year target :) Clearly I don't own gold ;)
Pffftttt - just increase your target - u never, ever hit your targets, never......
See PNC is down 12%
OCE 9% down
Charges back at PNC?
The shortfall on South Africa's current account widened more than expected to 6.2% of GDP in the second quarter of the year from a shortfall of 4.5% previously, hit by prolonged strikes and lower global demand, the central bank said on Tuesday.
I fear a sovereign downgrade in the not too distant future - the plat mines have said it will take 18 months to get back to where they were just prior to the strikes inflation is in its moor and the rand is heading south towards R 11 again to the dollar. Just waiting for the next big labour event to tip the scales in this country
Quickie. 'Defensive shares' - how say in Afrikaans ??
Got it, defensiewe aandele.
whats going on with the banks?
My cash on hand is 1.5m. Surely that can
My cash on hand is 1.5m. Surely that can
*can't be right
Somehow you managed to sell more FBR Shares than what you had. But did it affect your standing in the leaderboard? :O
I'll go check it out...
How does it look now?
What do you guys think about the Telkom share price going up that much since last year May?
APN - results confirm the good trading update. Price on the up :)
@ Luna - I am digging it :)
@The Investor - I believe so....
Yip, my buy high, sell low still in place, Sold APN bought NPN :'(
Thanks for the tip jaDEB. Guess it's time to short NPN ;)
Sies, Oom is lelik met my ....
Thanks for the fix Patrick :)
So is SAB going to be bought? What does that mean for our beer quality :D
Paste link please ..
From ABSA stockbrokers: Please Note: The JSE is experiencing technical issues this morning and are attending to them as quickly as possible. As a result the opening auction has been delayed until further notice.
Europe trading negative
@patrick, thanks. I wondered why my shares havent moved at all...
SAB up 4,9% on LSE ..
SAB doing better in Greece since Orca moved there :)
Intrepid Orca moved from Portugal to Greece within months ! ?
Portugal / Greece / African Bank - all look the same to me :)
Yep. SAB going up as I suspected :)
Everything else I have is just spec buy. But I had faith in SAB :D
It's going up because, after the failed Heineken bid, AB InBev takeover more likely.
Ja. The beer here is soo good.
Anyone got a link to all JSE listings arranged per sector?
Wondering why its so difficult to find this? ... :/
its difficult, how to start?
to start what?
JSE sectors:
To Start the day ... :)
So what will SAB do today...?
@Luna you are a champion thank you!
So clovers financials didnt look great this morn, cant say Im surprised with the drop...
Why is Telkom down so much ? Divvie ?
jaDEB it is Tuesday as doubts crept in about a turnaround plan that has seen the stock double in value this year
New CFO yesterday?
The fact that it is going up is more surprising than it going down.
It hink someone is happy they regained the top spot! @Luna
Hehe maybe :P
Now that PNC investigation over you think it will climb again?
I think it will go up in the long-term. It will take some time for people to regain confidence in the company. But to be honest, if there was no bribery, the current price might look like a big discount.
No bribery case* (as if it never happened)
Agree. Its worth a good look again :)
What is so great about EOH?
The astoundingly great leadership and endless opportunity scope? :TU:
For reals? :) But their basic fundamentals look aweful to me. Though I'm an absolute beginner
Haven't seen any postings by Orca lately - how is he settling in overseas
Yes, he is not posting as often, but does come online every now and then..
His profile says he was around this morning, maybe his wifi is lousy on the beach!
Hi Guys, will anyone short CFR?
Got it right past 2 x. Let's see this time. ¼% up for repo.
I'd have more luck shorting everything I buy. I touch a share and it drops :D
Let's confuse fate. Tell me what share you want to short, I buy, then we split profits
Would it be worth putting anything into Aspen? They never drop
Thinking og a WHL long so go short there, cant go wrong then.
APN just brought out good results. Does look good long term. Note lot of income from outside RSA, thus rand strenght could bring it down some (bit)
NPN :)
Are they not in div-ex?
Is it good to buy just after div-ex?
NPN or APN ?
NPN The last date to trade cum dividend will be Friday 12 September 425c
Pos No 4 on DarkSide :)
Nice jaDEB :)
jaDEB here u are 346th ... knobb :'(
SHF looks good :), wow and my MTN has taken a jump
JaDEB, DarkSide has no status here :) :)
Sold MIX too soon :(
You chop :)
PNC looking better today as well so far. Hope it holds
The voices in my head is from the Darkside :)
PS. NPN upgraded by broker :)
Yeah, I am watching them as well, was thinking of getting in @ 1200 yesterday but was waiting for it to slip more
My only concern with NPN is on the DSTV front. I see streaming taking a chunk of their business in future and they don't seem to have a strategy in place to fight that.
They own M-web ? correct ?
U does well Luna .. :)
Seems like it :P
Why would sum1 sell less than 10 shares? Just to drop the price?
I've seen it happen a few times, specially with shares that aren't traded often. All I can think is that they are competing in a challenge like this and want to manipulate the prices. Which share was this?
No, u sold all your shares except 10, thus u just sell them at lower price. I did it once with Sage shares, put it in the top movers of the day.
Still have the newspaper cut out, pushed it up 38%. Bought and last couple of shares was much higher, but did not do much to my average.
It was PNC. I spotted a volume of 5 traded earlier this morning
And the price has been jumping a lot today :)
to late for a short on KIO?
Any1 following Alibaba ?
Not the Genie, but the IPO ?
Jack Ma is now the richest man in China. I quite like this piece on him:
Ma, now China's richest man, said he takes inspiration from Forrest Gump. And based on a 2010 interview with Charlie Rose, Ma's view on wealth is indeed Gump-like. "If you have a couple of million, you're a rich guy," Ma said. "We have $10 million to $20 million, it's capital. Over $100 million, that's social resources. That's society giving it to you saying: 'you guys run it.' So it's not my money. I don't think I can spend it. I can only sleep in one bed. I can only eat three dinners. That's all. What is money for?"
OCE :)
Me thinks there will be nice buying Opportunities coming up .. where is MoneyPenny
KIO :'(
The whole JSE seems to be dropping. Any chance for a turnaround?
Russia. -_-
Welcome back Orca, how's Portugal treating you?
Great. Will update my "blog".
Patrick - how is your system going to handle the Woolworths nil paid letters, can we take up to, what we have as a balance in our accouts?
I haven't followed woolworths, so I'll need a brief description and also some recommendations.
If you look at the WHL sens it spells out the deal, but, in essence shareholders have been allocated NPL which had to be taken up last Friday or the letters lapsed. I hold WHL in my private portfolio and have taken up my shares as they are priced at a discount to current trading prices (Price is R 60 and some change per share) so once they list these shares they will ranks with the current ordinary shares. One can expect the price of WHL to drop a bit as there will be more shares in circulation but I think it is already in the price as they are trading at about R 71.00
Great, I'll find the sens. Generally with rights issues, we force all holders to take them here, even if it puts their cash into a negative. I think the same should be done in this situation.
OCE :'(
Agree that they should be taken up
What's up with the market today? I bought STXIND at R59.72 yesterday sigh!
Personally I would sit on the side lines for the next few days to a week and then buy on dips - if you have spare cash. Sometime in mid October our new finance minister is going to tell us how bad the financial system is in RSA and how much the state has borrowed and also how it is going to avoid a sovereign downgrade - this unfortunately will happen and the Rand will weaken once again - why we may even see R 11.75 to R 12.00 to the dollar
I agree
Here we go again - Dow down .8%
0.8 % incase some1 reading wrong
Mr Bond, are u reading Dark Side....
Some. See my comments your Buying Opportunities thread. Plus now we have Hong Kong. Very concerning.
Did see ur comment, thks. Darkside is kinda mud slinging now, more like YOU magazine...
More downside today? Where is MP when we're riding the rollercoaster?
Hallo munchkins, hope you're doing okay. ;-)
Haven't been visiting darkside in ages, always the same characters acting up.
YOU magazine, hehe!
T40 @ -0.09% and going down atm
:) u back
hot damn ACG ;D
My Glencore have zero value in Leaderboard. Result dropped from high teens to 79. WTF.
Thanks to whoever sorted it :)
Oops sorry bout that :S Any ideas of who's buying BLU?
Great, I'll find the sens. Generally with rights issues, we force all holders to take them here, even if it puts their cash into a negative. I think the same should be done in this situation.
Hi Patrick - when will you be addressing this matter - looking at my personal portfolio they allocated my NPL and debited me 26/09/2014 for the shares as I exercised my option to take up the shares. In this "game" I too wish to take up my letters - my investor challenge account can be debited - Thanks
Red hanger sale today ?
Hi Patrick - when will you be addressing this matter - looking at my personal portfolio they allocated my NPL and debited me 26/09/2014 for the shares as I exercised my option to take up the shares. In this "game" I too wish to take up my letters - my investor challenge account can be debited - Thanks
Hi Graham, just to make sure I understood the sens. It's 22 new shares for every 100 held on the 12 September, at a cost of R59.50 per share. Correct?
The darkside is Hysterical funny
Which andriod apps u using? I use sharenet & Bloomberg. Any1 better?
Ja jaDEB, hysteria with a touch of neurotic can become very creepy very quickly. :D
Hi Patrick - when will you be addressing this matter - looking at my personal portfolio they allocated my NPL and debited me 26/09/2014 for the shares as I exercised my option to take up the shares. In this "game" I too wish to take up my letters - my investor challenge account can be debited - Thanks
Hi Graham, just to make sure I understood the sens. It's 22 new shares for every 100 held on the 12 September, at a cost of R59.50 per share. Correct?
Quite correct Patrick
NPN :'(
Ja, :'( , time to take my tablets again
Does NPN sell iron ore? frikkin looks like it .... !!!
NPN :)
Gold below 1200 :'(
The U.S. jobless rate declined to a six-year low of 5.9 percent in September and employers added 248,000 in payrolls, followed a 180,000 August increase that was bigger than previously estimated. The median forecast in a Bloomberg survey=215,000
rate hike quicker than you think for US then?
Hi Patrick - when will you be addressing this matter - looking at my personal portfolio they allocated my NPL and debited me 26/09/2014 for the shares as I exercised my option to take up the shares. In this "game" I too wish to take up my letters - my investor challenge account can be debited - Thanks
Hi Graham, just to make sure I understood the sens. It's 22 new shares for every 100 held on the 12 September, at a cost of R59.50 per share. Correct?
Quite correct Patrick
Thanks for sorting this out Patrick 8)
Hi Patrick, I owned VIVIDEND and now showing ZERO value after the buyout. This should be adjusted for in my holdings. Please review. pdpshares
What does “Grandfathered: Yes” mean? on preservation plan (Pension)
Never heard of that word.
Got mail from OM - Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act of 1956 sets out the investment principles and asset limits
@pdp, link to a sens announcement or news page please
Have you noticed ? REITS seem to be least affected. Most unchanged - some (RES) even up.
What are your thoughts on the reasons for that moon?
What's up with Assore, up 6.56%?
@ Patrick - see under the market crash thread.
T40 – 0.94% now –397 points, 41 564
And dropping! As much as I know it's not a real loss unless I sell, it's no fun watching...
T40 up 70% @ 42 250, US futures green +0.4%, +0.3% +0.2%, Opening in 30 minutes.
T40 up 70% ?
Haha if only. I'd be retiring right away with a 70% increase :)
Hehe, yes didn't you see it, whats wrong with you? And just because you're snooty with me, I'm changing it to +0.39% now.
Here we go again :'(
Makes me wonder if this is stupid or clever money exiting.
If it is clever money, we can expect much more red.
I reckon the rest of this week is green. It's next week I'm worried about.
As long as this week is not neg, and next week is neg.
@jaDEB: Why?
1 positive week, then 1 neg week is better than having 2 negative weeks I suppose?
Measured in real terms (constant 2012 prices), retail trade sales increased by 2,1% year-on-year in August 2014. The highest annual growth rates were recorded for: retailers in hardware, paint and glass
U.S. September Retail Sales Fall 0.3%; Excluding Autos Drop 0.2%....Ah... that's why the sudden $ weakness.
T40 -2.17%, FTSE -2.05%, DACs -2.15%
Jip... hectic
Dow -2.23%, Nas -1.99%, S&P -2.27%, Gold +0.62%
Pick & Pay - Nice - Basic earnings per share 26.72 cents 19.86 cents 34.5
ALSI PE was too high at 19. What is it now? 17?
16,3 per Simon Brown.
U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 264K (expected 290K)
Manufacturing production, which had dropped 0.5 percent in August, advanced by 0.5 percent in September. Expected 0.3%
US. Housing starts climbed 6.3% to a 1.02 million annualized rate from 957,000 in August. Expected 1 million.
Do you think the panic is over then moonraker?
No. If ratings downgrade 10%+; If not 5%+. Watch socialist EU - deflation and stimulus exhausted.
Also - watch mini budget Wednesday.
Fizzled out quickly, back into negative territory, same with Europe.
Too soon, I only have money to buy more on Friday
Germany October Manufacturing PMI Rises to 51.8, Beating Forecast of 49.5
Wall Street +236 points.
HMY US -1.79%, SHF US -4.28%, Atlatsa US +9%
U.S. stock futures tumble on reports of NY Ebola case
U.S. economy on track for its best growth in 9 years
NPN :)
Adapt It :)
ADI again :)
And MTA again :)
And MTA - Not :) And APN, and... goeie genade :)
NPN :)
MTA and ADI again. Goeie genade :)
To quote my mom "van lekker gelag kom lekker gehuil"
Gold :'(
My Aarde ! Dis 'n dag duisend ! Dankie VSA, dankie BOJ.
My holdings took a big leap too. Thanks Mr Indi, smiling that I bought some at 56.80 and some more at 57.50 in the last month :)
wow i'm @ number 3.. i hope i stay there :)
Are the share prices not supposed to update every 15 minutes - some don't seem to show todays prices BVT
jaDEB = Buying high when greed sets in and selling low when fear develops is a common theme in investing
jaDEB = Buying high when greed sets in and selling low when fear develops is a common theme in investing
Not true of the real investor - more a result of someone not knowing the market comprehensively enough
@Patrick what happened to PNC? My holdings show 0 and no longer on the share list.
@Nios, it sometimes happens late at night that the bloomberg link throws out some zeros. It fixes itself by morning so I don't worry about it. To stop people buying free shares there's a restriction in place.
thanks Patrick
OCE :)
6% up, nice. What happened?
Results out
Hey jaDEB
Hello are you
Good and you ?
good thanks
Time for your tablets jaDEB.
yes. lol. was feeling lonesome...nobody here :'(
Vodacom ... down 5%
I'm in the absolute middle of nowhere this week...
u in Brakpan ?
Haha, brakpan would be fun. I'm in a tiny town called Ambovombe. We've just has a water delivery by by cow cart!
close to u is Madagascar, Ambatovy is a world-class, large tonnage nickel project
@P: Sneak out through sugar cane fields after dark and visit coastal resorts :-)
I'm hoping to spend friday in Fort Dauphin... Paradise!
Must brag. MTA and ADI shot me over 180 participants in 10 days.
Fear index up big time. This is great. Buy everything.
Nobody here. Sniff sniff.
Hi Orca, nice moving, has it also helped your real life portfolio?
Anyone care to weigh in on CMLs 4% jump today?
Yes Nivek, I have the same stocks in my real portfolio.
Why is my NPN down :'(
CML - Maybe institutional investors climbing in after digesting yesterdays results. Strong volumes today.
@JaDEB Tencent Holdings Ltd. (700) reported third-quarter profit that missed analyst estimates after the Chinese Internet company’s revenue gained at the slowest pace since 2007 and development and staff costs increased.
Thks Mr Bond
Seeming 10c is recovering. :)
So is NPN :)
This is not a boast but merely an indication of the volatility of the market and how quickly it can change. Using my personal portfolio and a base value at 27th October by close of business yesterday the paper value of my portfolio has grown by just over R 179,000. The ALSI hasn't hit an all time in fact it is still off its high by about 1,800 points, yet my portfolio is at an all time high. So sometimes it pays to sit and wait out corrections rather than sell into a falling market
Welll done. I aim to beat my benchmark STXIND after my big loss with PNC. Was 210 positions below 10 days ago. Now in my xhairs at at only 10.
@G: Nice
NPN ? Mr Bond up 7%
ANy1 have idea NPN - check value traded
NPN - Good stuff J.
Thks Mr Bond
NPN will join forces with Singapore Press Holdings to accelerate its e-commerce business in emerging markets. This is part of a strategy to reinvent itself for mobile devices.News of the deal sent shares of Naspers up as much as 7 %
Commodities, in particular gold, in vogue today. Gold Index 5.67%, Plat Index 2.59%
ANG 8.35
VIL 5.26
HAR 5.24
GFI 3.31
SGL 2.66
NHM 2.41
AMS 2.26
EXX 2.25
IMP 2.01
CZA 1.92
GLD 1.65
Electricity From Fuel Cells Sparking Demand for Platinum
Interesting, I believe one of the big mining companies has been funding studies using platinum as a catalyst where alternatives exist... Also BCX seem to be right in there with disruptive fuel cell technology. I'm not sure about how achievable the price of a unit can get though. Localised DC grids FTW :TU:
Euro-Area November Manufacturing PMI Falls to 50.4 Compared with Forecast of 50.8
Oeh-eh-eh! -835 pips now on T40
my "ALLIED ELECTRONICS CORP " reports zero price, anyone knows whats up with that?
I'll go check it out...
Thanks Patrick
NPN Results out
ATN is now AEL, the price will fix itself after 9am sometime.
What's with Brait ? Market not liking the Steinhoff deal ?
Why is Omnia down?
kk - Omnia Basic earnings per share down 4,9% to 606,0 cents per share
They're now back to August 2013 levels, not looking nearly as good as they did in 2012 and 2013.
My Telkom ADSL acting up again, be back when I can. :(
Got the new R212 R wifi thingy from Vodacom - nice works like a bomb on my online games :)
Link please jadeb
@ P, I took the 5 Gig option R212 Z had to for my Call of Duty Advanced warfare
Great, thanks jaDEB. Sounds like a good deal, I'll go check it out.
Also just check if u have 4G coverage
Will do. I'm busy preparing my house for selling. Too much money and too much time is vanishing!
Check if a "wife" is walking around house. Normally uses time and money, upgrade to newer model :)
Will do. I'm busy preparing my house for selling. Too much money and too much time is vanishing!
You buying another one with less maintenance or renting after the sale?
Where is the button I need to press so my money is paid in to my account? :)
Will do. I'm busy preparing my house for selling. Too much money and too much time is vanishing!
You buying another one with less maintenance or renting after the sale?
It'll be many years before I even think of owning another place. As I said in that blog post about houses, I don't want to be tied to one location, and I don't want the huge expense!
Swiss voters will head to the polls to vote on a controversial measure that could lift global gold prices
Is Sasol part of Black Friday Sale?
No. Nor is SAB. :(
Orca, I am talking about share price not the sell castle by you?
No, but we do get good Superbok beer. I prefer the wine here because it costs €0,69 for 1 ltr vs €1,40 for a small can of coke.
Is EFF visiting JSE Today .....
NPN :)
Just found an App that gets me to listen to my favourite Cape Town radio channel here in Portugal. Very nostalgic.
Tried to go to Spain but there is a railway strike.
Strikes are also nostalgic.
Patrick. My website is not updating. No post seen today.
arican bank
Didn't see that coming...a real anti climax
Rant is load shedding :'( R11.56 to USD
And I'm planning on going out of sa for the holidays :(
I will go to Brakpan, not even Eskom will dare load shedding Brakpan.
Gold :)
NPN :'( and talking to myself
Strange as the other site is just as quiet.
Sorry if I woke you guys. Time diffs and stuff.
@Patrick, lol, book your forex before it gets even worse
All my sites are quiet at the moment... And at the office, everyone is on youtube, so internet is painfully slow too!
Wondering if Imran will be able to get to 100% by the 24th...
Does that mean trading is >>> investing
Let me say this...I would much rather have lost to Luna, just because we've had such a cool contest. BUT, credit is due where it is due - so to Imran, well done man. Unless something hectic happens looks like you've got it in the bag :)
Some good SA Inc news.. we own Miss World..awesome
Yes I saw that while I was busy trying to block 200 new scammers on the site this weekend. Seems they figured out how to get past my challenge question...
SARS debarcale might just be the demise of the ZAR. Foreign money exit.
Perhaps this is why CML is going down.
One week to go for the challenge...
NPN :)
JSE. :) Fear Index :(
Thanks for playing everyone, the database for 2014 has been backed up. I'll put it in a separate link soon. Any transactions or changes in share prices from here on won't count. There will be an official announcement soon. Next year we'll open the 2015 challenge on the 5th :)
top 10 woohoo
0.06% short of a 100, sigh...
Ah was a miserable year for me.. not even 3% :'(
Why is this site so quiet lately?Is everyone quietly buying gold?
Just taking a break. All the best for 2015 to u all.
Markets going nowhere - funds managers squaring off books
I'm on holiday with a 1.5km walk to get internet.
Pfftt..just get a long cable...u IT okes
Are we running a similar comp in 2015 - if so where's the money
ellies holdings
@gcr, we are. It starts on Monday!
2014 results are showing the current leader board... i think there is a glitch in the Matrix!!!!!
Yes Naspers :)
Gold lookin good?
I'll check out the matrix glitch tonight.
MrMafia check Sandbox
whats sandbox?
jay8 its a forum thread called pulverised sandbox. jaDEB thanks! :)
thnx MR mafia =)
@patrick. Previous results for 2014 aren't loading :(
Will sort it out tonight Conrad
Ok 2014 results are up and working!
jaDEB, Eskom wants u to stop posting and save power.
Hallo virtual sweeties :) what have you been up to?
hello welcome back :)
Hi jaDEB, nice to see you again.
Back to work for me soon... I'll do the write up on last years results soon.
guys where are the results for last year LeaderBoard ?
at least i was at Top 10
@MfanaInv: Check previous results under Investor Challenge.
Patrick is still gallivanting in Timbuktu or there abouts without wifi. I'm sure he'll make a big spectacle of our 2014 results, (with a parade, glitter and his trademark stats) once he's back. ;)
Gold :)
Brent :'(
ASR up 7%
Morning all, Timbuktu was fun, but it's back to work for me today. I'll have some results and stats out soon.
ASR Burnt me last year -50% !!!!. I was considering taking them on since they were so low. I'm Kicking myself now :'(
The Top40 index is swinging like a see-saw of late, often an indicator that it's about to shoot - whether it shoots up or down this year is anybody's guess. My guess is down, given global conditions.
Glencore down 7% - Copper price ?
Yes, copper price. And perhaps a growing realisation that they are exposed to coal, the ugly sister of all the fossil fuels. Copper price is down but also, Zambia is trying to impose a 20% gross royalty on tonnage, instead of the current 4% and taxes. This knocks Glencore (and others such as Trafigura) because they would no longer be able to offshore profits to Zug and leave the operating company in country running at close to break even.
Thks Trader
Blood on the dance floor - MJ
Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan cut interest rates
League of Legends ?
MDC big bonus. Swiss Nat. Bank has removed min. peg against €. CHF shooting the lights out vs. Runt
Gold :)
Boereworse :(
Orca your CML Assets Under Management is out
Give us the brief jaDEB, I've got some CML too...
AUM bar chart shows a smaller gain hence some selling briefly. All the bars are 1 Yearlies except todays. It is a Q1 bar.
13% drop in fastfood as consumers opting for healthier non wheat, gluten free foods. Credit Suisse.
Brent 49 :)
Wow, CML does not even get mentioned in the darkside ?
I would like to short sell GLN
SAB :)
SAB has flatlined ever since I left.
I see u go to the darkside to visit - sies
The bacalhau is affecting Orca's judgement :)
Hi Patrick, The IT Goup welcomes you. We still waiting for Mr. Mafia and The Investor to join us.
Thanks giggsie, now time to start the weekend!
Oi, I'm on the way
Gold :)
NPN, please end above 1600.00 pretty please...
Thanks NPN :)
P/E of 55, phew...
Yeah NPN.
See sandbox
Forgot about 10c influence on NPN.
Massive buying on CML brought her back from the cliff. Two trades at R107.14 totalling R61M at close. :)
WHat time is the ECB anouncement ?
14:45 and press conference 15:30
The European Central Bank agreed on Thursday to embark on a quantitative easing (QE) programme that will see it print money to buy up 60 billion euros worth of sovereign bonds from March until the end of September next year
u back !!!
How are things qriffin? What's been happening this last year?
Invicta down 11% ? Any1 know why?
Ex special div. R20.24 and ex Rights.
Thks Mr Bond.
Load shedding in effect, 11:00 to 22:00 today, stage 1. :(
Expect CGT to rise to 50% with the Budget Speach 25 Feb.
Expect CGT to rise to 50% with the Budget Speach 25 Feb.
Based on what criteria
daily closing price history
oops, sorry. thought this was the search function!
Frans, where u playing rugby this year?
Jip that's me. No, just kidding. I'm not that Frans Steyn
"Expect CGT to rise to 50% with the Budget Speach 25 Feb. " Thus I will trade more often and pay my tax rate instead on the 3 year CGT rule :)
Do you have a source for that jaDEB?
No, Orca's indicated it.
Quote from: Orca on January 26, 2015, 11:29:15 pm Expect CGT to rise to 50% with the Budget Speach 25 Feb
Google Hugo van Zyl.
How is the weather there Orca?
Mr NPN please go over 1700 and stay above it.
Happiness is !!
Low of 6c to high of 13c jaDEB.
CML dropped to support level at 10300.
CORONATION Fund Managers last night won the Raging Bull award for the South African management company of the year for the sixth time
You should have shouted louder jaDEB. CML never heard you and tried to break support again.
Wow, it is Quiet here.....
Yup. I think everyone else has Friday off!!!! :(
Miserable and rainy here keeping us indoors.
Miserable and rainy here keeping us indoors.
Sounds like typical Cape Town weather you having 8)
Patrick - be a good lad and plug in a price for my Cashbuild and with a bit of luck I could move up the log
Miserable and rainy here keeping us indoors.
So what's the problem? I see a log fire, red wine. Sounds pretty good to me.
SNV shooting lights out big time.
SNV cannot shoot the lights out, Eskom switched it off :)
Losing Focus :'(
Time for your tiblets?
PTXTEN price is out everywhere. If it's not I'm rich!
Rand gettin hammered
PTXTEN price is out everywhere. If it's not I'm rich!
Well done, how did you know ?
I just wanted property in my portfolio and then it spiked so I took profits.
I will probably buy PropTrax 10 again if I sell anything.
Oh dear. CML broke through the support.
Once again. Oh dear. Now you guys are living in a Banana Republic.
Yes, very sad .....
Still planning on keeping your investments here Orca?
Looking at buying property here and keeping the rest in SA as I don't know the markets in the EU.
CML defies gravity. :)
MACD for CML made a Buy signal but this was not confirmed by a good body green candle today. :(
For Orca: MTA Headline earnings per share to be between 32.42% and 39.27% higher
MTA's batteries are charged. :)
Orca, please give us your yearly CML prediction. Where will it end , u think, 2015.
Done and the wine is good here in Portugal.
MTA's batteries are charged. :)
The share price movement is very lethargic, I have held a few thousand of these shares since September 2012 and the current price over initial purchase price has shown only 17.2% growth and it increased today by 9.3%.
So maybe come September 2015 I will look to exiting this counter as there seem to be better counters to be invested in
Buying Mutlu was her downfall. Too much political unrest around Turkey.
STPROP anomaly in the challenge.
I'm shouting but not heard.
Thanks Orca :)
My PTXTEN gains were reversed. Same should be done for STPROP
Looking at the chart, I see it made an artificial price spike that was quickly reversed. I think you took advantage of the time lap.
And so did STPROP
I did report STPROP to P. but it's a difficult call. This one should be removed as the price often moves widely and this can be taken advantage of. Over 20% in 1 day.
P is not here. He must be between some rocks and hard places without internet.
Seems that there is not many people here :'( we are talking to ourselves..
See darkside is also not many that talks...
I'm around, but only on a phone until Monday. Leave over then until December
Budget speech today?
Coming up at 2pm
No changes were made to capital gains tax (CGT), dividend taxes or estate duty.
Watched it live on YouTube. :)
I think we got off lightly, when they start seriously upping divi and CGT I'll get an exit plan ready...
ASSORE are doing their name justice!
I think we got off lightly, when they start seriously upping divi and CGT I'll get an exit plan ready...
I hardly think we got off lightly - tax increased against the backdrop of rampant theft of tax payer monies and no penalties or prosecutions on the cards. Petrol will go up at least 90 cents a litre from next month and then in April by a further 80.5 cents per litre for levies, and whatever increase in the fuel price. Then to top it off there is no change in the budget to accommodate a reduction in e toll fees.
So I don't believe tax payers have been fairly dealt with in this budget at all, it merely says the government will continue to waste tax payer monies, and take no action against corruption, fraud and theft.
There should be a revolt by the people who receive old age pensions, and, grants - because their pensions/grants are compromised by the theft of state funds by the employees in state organisations
Read this (my sentiments exactly).
APN Trading update on SENS :)
Why APN down 3% after good SENS?
Maybe slightly less than expected, but not bad at all considering forex hit
Mr Bond what is your thoughts on AVL ?
I don't know about AVL. MDC is in my LT portfolio.
Hello everyone... My leave is finished :(
What is that ?
Don't know if any of you access Moneyweb, but, all day they have had an epic fail with the launch of the new web page and its layout. Can't comment on any of their articles, which is a shame as by and far the most interesting section is reading the variety of comments. This whole episode must hurt their business severely
Yes I was wondering what is wrong. Thought running out of airtime on tablet
Can Rolfes (RLF) be added under Buy Shares ?
@gcr, I noticed that with moneyweb, surely someone in their tech department is feeling the pressure... Btw, I quite like your comments on the articles there.
@moon, any idea how often RLF trades per day?
@gcr, I noticed that with moneyweb, surely someone in their tech department is feeling the pressure... Btw, I quite like your comments on the articles there.
Patrick - with all due respect to you and your career calling. I have yet to find an IT person who understands the clients needs, nor do they have the capability to implement anything remotely close to the clients needs. When I cobol coding in the 70's our lecturer made the statement " there is nothing a computer can't do, the only limitation is the programmer", I have tended to keep this dear to my heart.
No reflection on you but most programmers lack the knowledge of the business within which they operate.
With both my sons I insisted that they take business administration, accountancy and computer appreciation (both did their MSC first) for their B. Comm degrees - at least they understand business requirements and can argue with the propeller heads when they sink into their jargon state of mind and tell you it can't be done.
There you have it my rant about IT people - but don't feel put out because I have the same views about Architects and QS's
@moon, any idea how often RLF trades per day?
Seems good for inclusion ? See screenie.
Advanced Warfare sucks :'(
Sticks and stones ?
n0, ThAt wILL brEAk My comPUTeR sCreEN...
the alpha
the alpha
Geez. More posts after hours than during hours.
Geez. More posts after hours than during hours.
Could that be a measure of improved productivity? :LHST:
TOR HEPS up 118%
Rant ..... :'(
Why are you ranting on this forum jaDEB
Cause I went shopping on friday, and JSE has red hanger sale today :'(
Cause I went shopping on friday, and JSE has red hanger sale today :'(
So what exactly has caused this sale ? All I see is red and one or two greens
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
U.S. jobs data fanned expectations that the U.S. Federal Reserve may raise interest rates sooner than previously thought.
Yip, my policy still intact, buy high sell low.. :'(
Do you reduce your income by trading losses come tax time?
Yes. Every year.
Any1 using Moneyweb app Moneytalk?
no, do you?
Ohh, hello MP. thought u were on mission with Mr Bond. Yes I use it but not working..
Rant getting hammered .. :'(
Yes jaDEB, we were undercover, very hush-hush.
€/ZAR still ok. :)
While u undercover, fix rand, and get the oil price back up to 100$
Wat ek op sharechat gesê het..
The US payrolls figure was much stronger than even the most optimistic forecasts, making it almost certain that the Fed will embark on increasing the Fed funds rate around mid year, maybe later but certainly in 2015 rather than 2016.
The pressure to follow with rates increases by our reserve bank will manifest itself sooner than thought to ameliorate further declines in the Rand.
Bond yields have reacted as soon as the payrolls figure was released, with the R186 long bond yield increasing from ± 7,70/75% to nearly 8%.
This is not good news for stocks, especially REITS with only local properties in their portfolios. They have reacted to the news by dropping around 3% from the previous day's prices. (They are interest rate sensitive, and closely correlated with bond yields).
So, we are in for rough times, especially for the 'SA Inc.' stocks. Rand hedges should fare better. Resources, all priced in US dollars, will also be affected and it remains to be seen whether a 'booming' US economy is enough to offset the downward revision in China's GDP figure to 7% for 2015.
Expecting some repatriation of overseas investments from our market.
Dankie Mr Bond .
Frikkie kry pakslae ...
Wie is Frikkie, ek ken hom nie?
I think I'm a frikkie... Went shopping 2 weeks ago.... But my house money comes in 4-8 wells, so maybe it's a well timed dip...
Weet nie, maar ek dink vandag is ons almal frikkies.
My concern is the rate of the Rand's decline against the dollar. With the new levies coming in on April 1, on petrol, and this decline we will be paying more at the fuel pump - which will negate all the benefits we have gained in the oil price - going to be painful in the next 9 months of the year and taxes have gone up. I always thought that one strived for a win - win situation rather than a lose - lose situation
Frikkie is one of the voices in my heads. Sort of my financial adviser
Rand is pretty stretched now. Should start to come back a little, perhaps to 11.80. But trend is not good. Either way we are going to pay more for fuel when BFP price gets calculated next month.
NPN :)
An ETF at the top of the chart...
Heeeeey....this market ain't loyal
Well, we have been in a bull market for 7 years.
MoneyPenny where do u get the new high / new low of a share you use to post under today outlook?
Sharenet emails me at closing cause I'm kinda special, but I think it is on their web page as well. ;-)
Thanks MP
Bounced back quite nicely today...
CML--- yes, it did.
The remaining Fragile Five has made much less progress. Morgan Stanley says Turkey has completed no more than 10 percent of recommended reforms, Brazil 15 percent and South Africa barely anything.
Current-accounts shortfalls and inflation remain high in each and politics in the form of a widening corruption scandal at Petroleo Brasileiro SA in Brazil and lawmaker pressure on Turkey’s central bank are worrying investors. Such an environment has reduced their ability to cut interest rates and Brazil and South Africa may even hike them this year.
(Bloomberg 17/3/15)
Imara gave a BUY for CML at 9840 and that is where she closed.
What time is FED statement today?
20:00 FOMC Statement & 20:30 Yellen
Sry I mean, Thanks.
CML has been all over the show lately. Now sitting at 9836.
We will see 105 for CML soon.
Sorry. That is Rands.
Mr Bond, please have a look at 10c under NPN and give me your input.
NPN :)
Wonder what caused that massive spike at 12.15 on most stocks today?
Caught me by surprise too Orca. No idea why yet.
US Fed report?
Spike on Volume not so much as on price.
There was a price spike too though. The indi was up around 1.4% at one stage, currently up 1%.
Got it. No trades recorded from 11.59.59 to 12.15.00.
Ass is up 20% :)
Say what now? Oh I see, 745 065 shares R 91 961 651.85 up 21.31%.
Just stay above 1800 frikkin please ...... then we will get ready for next run...
Sun International to buy Peermont
Ag frikkit, time for some Carpenters music :'(
Not Abba?
Not ABBA, my fishies, OCE, is hurting me :'(
Cml is hurting me...
On the bottom BB so Monday she will be back up.
So, who's going to take the match tomorrow morning?
RSA - Please - pretty please, those NZ looked so full of them selves on Saterday against WI.
APN :'(
APN Buy?? or wait for 37000 if it ever gets there??
Have no Idea, cannot see why it is down so much. I bought above R400
I reckon it's a buy at these levels.
Anyone know of ratings downgrade on APN, mentioned in another forum, but i cant find anything about it online?
Anyone here own shares in Conduit Capital?
Not at the moment but I've been watching them, waiting for opportune moment to go in, I like them.
APN-all i have noticed is it never use to be in the top value trade shares, now it is every now and then.
I see Conduit has you charging up the leaderboard MP!
Yeah well, we do try. ;-) but with 150 000 plus shares, I'm going to bounce all over the place.
I see Capitec is having an astounding year. Anone here own it?
Yes i have some, in total up 70% since i bought in October 2014.
Excellent purchase JDP, what made you go for them?
I read and article about them written by Simon Brown.
Basically he was saying that they are eating the other BIG BANKS lunch, by taking away clients from them left right and centre, due to the costs of banking
that the BIG boys are asking etc. and this is besides there loan section, so I investigate them from there and went for it. Very happy that I did :TU:
if MTN goes sub 200, im topping up.
In real life as well as the game Itut?
Ask Moneypenny for a loan :)
Yes griffin. That will teach you to stay out of mining stocks.
@P: He should make it snappy, I'm speculative. ;-)
Remember since yesterday, Europe is 1hr behind us, not 2, winter is on us. :(
My laptop, tablet and cell phones changed but not my wristwatch and wall clock. Strange.
NPN :)
I have noticed, NPN if NPN starts with a bang, it tends to come back in the afternoon, thus when u buy do it after
Now try make a profit out of that fact!
What's happening in the market today and tomorrow is window dressing - end of a quarter for fund managers and they want to show their customers managed portfolios, trump non managed funds. Buy not before Wednesday or Thursday this week with your new allocation of R 100,000 on Wednesday for the competition
thebe investor challenge
@griffin. In competition I am down at bottom, thus need to do something to kick MP @ss, real life, I am scared for resources.
Sorry in real life or Comp ?
@jD: Pffft, :o Tell me about it.... stud.
CML saw the BUY on the MACD Monday and complied.
MTN traded Top value, not NPN, what the hell .... !!
Capitec up 26% in march
Jip and will continue to rise as metrics on the banking sector are all bullish.
KIO. A future penny stock on ALTX.
wth caused the BLU drop
Volatility of low price stocks caused it.
I'm still a newb. A lot to learn :) Thanks for the response though. Was very weird for me to see how it was all over the place...
Gambling with Platinum. Not sure how India's increase in demand will effect it in the next year but surely it must. Y/n/m?
Has Calgro really not had any movement today?
@Datura. Leave resources and commodities alone. They are in my opinion for trading short term only.
tbs, long
thebe investor challenge
So when you sell your house for 1.32M, you only get out 1.23M after the agents, lawyers, banks and government take their share :(
NPN clapped the R2000 lvl ... :)
I've been watching the INDI flying up today :)
daMmIt, sTay aBOve R2000.00 pLeASe .. !!!!
lol, I is last on the darkside ....
can NPN reach 2500?????
is NPN worth buying or is it too expensive now??
@qriffin, yes changed to DRD in competition..
Damn, u cannot open any website this morning without some1 writing about NPN or 10c, what have they been doing, watching D-Stv ?
I always wonder if they tell anyone they're about to sell. Huge opportunity for someone to make a killing through shorting...
Chairman selling off stocks... If they tell anyone there could be a lot of money to be made...
Lol, that's called insider trading, not worth it.
Guys who won last year's Investor Challenge ?
It was Imran, with 99.94% groth. Take a look here:
Sasol, what a jump
Here's an interesting situation for all those people who really think they are going to make millions from playing with penny stocks.
I took a gamble on Nutrition Holdings (NUT) and over time bought 1.5 million shares all at 1 cent. Today they have traded at 4 cents a share and given my costs to purchase my profit would be R 44,850 if I could sell my entire holdings today. A sizeable profit in any terms, but here's the problem - if I try and unload 1.5 mil. shares in one hit I am either going to end up selling off part sales and incurring brokerage on each closed deal and I may well not get to the point where all sales fall in one day. So to unload such a holding will eat into my profit significantly, there is another danger because those people who watch the density of shares would see a holder of the stock selling a substantial holding and there is every chance this will depress the market to some extent
Anyway I believe this share will still go higher and I have already placed orders to sell at a figure considerably above the current 4 cents, so will just wait and see and if I get my prices I will let the forum know of my eureka moment, but then again it may in the short term swing the other way
So if you play with penny stock write the costs off immediately you purchase them, as you are more likely to lose money on them rather than get great returns :LHST:
Sasol, what a jump
Rose pretty much in line with the oil price.
@gcr, if you transferred those holdings to easy equities, you wouldn't have any minimum fees. That means you could sell a few without huge transaction costs.
@gcr, if you transferred those holdings to easy equities, you wouldn't have any minimum fees. That means you could sell a few without huge transaction costs.
And my holdings with them would raise what sort of charges? - currently I enjoy no holding or admin charges with my brokers other than conventional scrip sales/purchase charges
0 annual and holding fees, and just 0.25% commision with no minimum brokerage fee. You'll have to pay you broker to move the holding out thugh, ABSA charges R170 per share.
0 annual and holding fees, and just 0.25% commision with no minimum brokerage fee. You'll have to pay you broker to move the holding out thugh, ABSA charges R170 per share.
So there is no value switching - as I said I don't pay charges now, and there is the switching charge to another broker
Will stay as I am
@gcr, the only benefit would be being able to offload your penny shares in small increments. I'd only switch that share.
So by the way, Stage 5 Loadshedding implemented... Stage 5 loadshedding is when Eskom comes to your house and blows out your candles and removes the batteries from your torch.
Watch ADI run. :)
damn, Ass is all over the place .
That's what he said. I assume you meant Asr, high 10945, low 10213.
Yip, Assore :)
Thought so :)
This is so annoying, 10th consecutive night without electricity. 20:00 to 22:30. Should have stayed in London, why oh why did I return?
Where do you stay that they have not heard of rolling black outs as opposed to fixed time black outs
Whats the tax rate in the challenge?
@MP, I load my tablet then during load shedding catch up on my movies. Busy watching Steven Hawkings movie...
This is so annoying, 10th consecutive night without electricity. 20:00 to 22:30. Should have stayed in London, why oh why did I return?
The weather. Definitely the weather.
BTW a cheapish 500w inverter (around R1000) attached to you car battery and run through to your tv with extensions, should at least keep your TV/DSTV going for a few hours.
Here's a tip, most ADSL routers run on 12v, so either buy a small rechargeable 12v battery, or get a looong extension lead from your car battery.
@g: It is stage one additional starting at 17:00 to accommodate winter usage. I have no issues with sharing but ffs rotate the evening schedule. I'm in Pretoria, if you see it burn one evening on the news, know it was me. ;-) Working myself up in frenzy again, deep breaths let it go. @ jaDEB, We've watched movies on tablets, even played space invaders and pinball and other apps, browsing, being uncharacteristically active on social media, but still, it gets old very soon and my rooter is gone, so have to use cell as hotspot, usually 3G. Even gym schedule screwed, I usually train weights in morning and cardio in evening, problem is everybody knows its lights out at 20:00, so those who gym 20:00–21:30 have to go earlier, very crowded. @MrD, you’re so right, it’s the weather, and just wonder if this is our lot for the rest of the winter. My husband started looking at ‘solarising’ our home last week, he works in Jhb, only sees me in the dark, not working for him, lol. @P, no I did not know that one, sounds like camping – which I hate by the way, but beggars can’t be choosers I guess, thanks for the tip. ;-) I'm feeling better now, done ranting. :)
my problem I have a Tropical tank, I is going to k@k in winter. but Fu#$ them....
Why KIO going up?
ASR also up, suppose some good news for Iron Ore ?
Price of iron ore (Platts 62.5% Fe CIF China) "soared" on Wednesday from $48.50 to $52.90 on Singapore Exchange. Still some way down from circa $145 a year or so ago. Export parity FOT prices at Sishen are likely around R280 per tonne for Kumba. Can't see how they are making money at those prices.
The indi is over R70 for the first time.
No but it looks like a good short but I have learned my lesson with shorting.
Anyone want to join me shorting KIO on Monday P/T R100
You going to be the only one in SA shorting KIO on Monday.
The rest will be enjoying the holiday.
Hello All
Morning, I see you're also at work this week jaDEB.
Yip .. :'(
There pops griffin's KIO short.
Visiting vineyards in WCape this week, no work, all fun for me. :)
Yes, but unlike you, most of the time I am wrong.
Hoping for Trading Statement SENS for CML this week.
:'D forums will never change :P
@qriffin. My apologies. I did not mean it in that way. My choices have been bad lately.
You can "smite" me if you want. :(
Rant @ R11.86 ...
CML SENS out and dropped 10% in 5 minutes.
qriffin, rather use
then click "clearing & data" and then "daily settlement prices"
AVL :)
Do not drop the ball ... knobb .. !!!
TFSA - Tax Free Savings Account.
Is Mr Bond and MoneyPenny on a mission ?
@jD: /cough/ An impossible one it seems. ;)
@Patrick: I've closed some positions on IC earlier today, when does it usually reflect in trading ac?
OCE :)
@moneypenny, usually takes 15 minutes, I can see your sale of CND.
Anybody here consider Stellar Capital Partners? Same team who put Torre Industries together are involved in it. Currently has a NAV of R 560 mil according to an interview with the CEO I watch , that gives a value of R 2 per share. The current assets are however quite lousy (Goliath Gold, Mine Restoration etc.) but in time they'll probably sell these and build a much stronger portfolio.
Towards the end of last year Christo Wiese sold all his lousy assets into Convergenet in exchange for shares at R 2.50 a share (Mine Restoration, Goliath Gold, Digicor and Tellumat, although I do believe Digicor and Tellumat have got some value). They then did a share placement and raised R 150 mil at R 2 a share. Management got shuffled, they renamed the company and moved from the technology sector of the JSE to the investments holdings sector. Oh ya and Mr Wiese is now a 28% share holder. They recently spent R 50 mil to buy out BlackStar groups 16% stake in Cadiz.
Lot's of new members this weekend, not sure why but welcome all.
Orca posted on Darkside about CML :)
Lot's of new members this weekend, not sure why but welcome all.
People want to see the Master Class I am giving on How Not To Invest.
Anyone know what a brokers trustee fee is? I have the following lines on my account and I don't know what they're for. It's not for an admin fee as that one is called ADMIN FEES. Could it be related to the interest perhaps, as the amount changes depending on how much interest I pay. Anyone?
2015-04-30 JOURNAL GROSS INTEREST 15/03/28-15/04/30 R1,690.54CR R5,054.01CR
2015-04-30 JOURNAL BROKER TRUSTEES FEE R256.05DR R4,797.96CR
2015-04-30 JOURNAL VAT @ 14,00% R35.85DR R4,762.11CR
I think all brokers are charging these fees - I am with Nedbank and there was an explanation some time back, I will see if I can find what they said this was a result of - what I do recall is that it is taken by the all consuming government (including the VAT)
I also have it. But mine is small amount, packet of smokes :)
any idea on wer one can put away 20k
Hi Ntshizat, how long do you want to put it away for? Are you putting any money into a tax free savings account yet? If you aren't that's a good option for the long term. Some details here:
Hi Patrick am putting away 2000 in tax free savings via old mutual since april. For 20 k am looking to put it away for long be it in unit trusts or shares
Now while I'm not a licensed financial advisor, so I'm not allowed to tell you what to do, I can tell you what I do. I think unit trusts are too expensive, I wrote a blog about it actually. Instead I have an account with easy equities, and I use that to buy the satrix indi. It's done very very well over it's lifetime, and I expect it to keep doing better than the general South African market. Perhaps start a post in the shares forum and people will offer more advice.
thanks alot admin
NEWFSA was included at an anomalous price in the competition.
Yes I see that, I'll look into it.
Can some1 please give APN some drugs...... :'(
At least my buy high, sell low philosophy is still intact.
APN is in a downtrend so stay out. No reversal in sight yet.
Frikkie is getting a Hiding
APN down 6% :'(
Ass is flying :)
IS alibaba results out tomorrow ?
@ jaDEB - Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. will announce its earnings for the fiscal fourth quarter ended March 31 on Thursday before the U.S. market opens
Hold thumbs for alibab good results - then NPN will go up I hope
Alibaba & 10c is Chinese internet companies
Sry Morning qriffin.
they are in competition
qriffin check -
Frikkie getting hiding 2nd day in row.
Think it's time to take a week off from looking at shares - looks like we going through a small correction - have no intention of selling, but watching my net worth being eroded is no fun ether :(
See you next week
Nooooo do not go ...... stay away from high places !!!
Come-on, where's your fighting spirit? :o
Think it's time to take a week off from looking at shares - looks like we going through a small correction - have no intention of selling, but watching my net worth being eroded is no fun ether :(
See you next week
Sorry, did I say 2 weeks.
What I mean't to say is "I have guests over so won't be checking on my stocks for 1 and 1/2 hours..."
Err, did I mention my lack of will power.
Reuters today predicted -15% to plus 11% by year end.
UK - Cameron to win. Great news for dual listeds BAT, SAB, MND, RPL £ up to 18.61.
Why ACL down 7% ?
So now that my app developing is done for a while, what should I write about next?
Investor challenge - leaders & laggards
So now that my app developing is done for a while, what should I write about next?
How about looking at these companies that have failed fallen in to business rescue and how culpable are the directors (those on the board at time of going into rescue and the previous board members who have ducked the ship) is there no recourse against these directors to get hold of their assets if they have taken out huge salaries and or sold of shares to escape getting caught with falling share prices. Some companies are in dire straits, were privatised and now want to come back to the JSE, - Edgars, Sportsman's Warehouse, Alert Steel, Coal of Africa, Gijima, are just some of the companies who come to mind, but there are hoards more. Really looking at it from the perspective of where the companies have remained silent on conditions within the company, been cagey, directors selling off shares and then announcing the need for business rescue or have been privatised, and where did these director end up in a business sense - got another cushy job, or retired on their pickings
@gcr, yes that is rather sickening. There's probably so much data to go through I'd need more than a month. Though I also suspect you'd be the better writer on that topic. I'd happily publish it if you did!
FTSE 100 drops 2% and global stock markets tumble as the rout of expensive government bonds reignites
So now that my app developing is done for a while, what should I write about next?
What happened to stocks in Zimbabwe?
Over the last 20 years including the hyperinflation years - did they hold value against the rand/dollar? If ZA heads south, how safe is our investments? Will dual listed shares be the way to go.
Just had a look at the zim ex website - it's actually quite nice. But trying to figure out on the price quoted for OK is it 11 US c per share or 11$ per share? They mention a divided of 0.19 cents per share which makes me think it is 11USc - but they then deal in fractions of a cent when dealing - weird. Used to odd numbers when it comes to dividends though.
I like that idea Mr D. I'll look into it for one of my blog posts.
10c & NPN :)
I SAID 10C & NPN ....... *&^%
Yes, my indi is thanking them too.
Look at value traded in NPN :)
Thanks Mr Bond & Patrick :)
OCE also Results & Cautionary :)
OCE :'(
My OCE just died :(
Anyone know a good accountant? In jhb perhaps if possible. A collegue is leaving SA and needs to make sure her tax etc is in shape.
Charl is our guy and has been for years, very proficient, in Pretoria though.
Charl Mocke & Vennote
Midas Ave 17
Olympus, Pretoria
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0861 268 268 / 012 991 4400
Fax: 0861 268 329 / 012 991 3001
Hugo van Zyl. SA's top cross border tax CA and lecturer to SARS staff. The mere mention of his name to SARS gets them running. Very approachable and down to earth guy. Saved me plenty money for free.
@ Datura - OCE real life or competition
Thanks Orca
I am beginning to think that the only way to do well in this compitition is to limit ones entire shareholding to a few (3) shares. Having good diversification will only ensure that one is not last on the leaderboard, and definitely not first.
Very true blood burner. Like in real life, higher risk can bring higher reward. Not sure I'd want to put all my real life money into so few shares though.l
I don't know how many people read through the sens notifications out of the JSE daily - I tend to read extensively.
Ryan Otto of Ellies has taken many zero cost collars and many of them have ended up with what I think is a cost to him as the strike price and the execution price are a mismatch. Not sure how he is paying off these losses but I see many of these zero cost collars were "pursuant to a pledge and securities loan arrangement" Do we have a bright spark on this forum who can explain these zero cost collars and whether this Otto fellow is taking a bath or not. Also see that he holds some 8.57% of the companies shares Elli Salkow (the original owner now chairman) hold 29.27% and Mazi Capital - some obscure investment house hold 17.79% of Ellies
Anybody capable of throwing some light on this operation - I used to hold Ellies but got out when they were just over R 3.50 and now they are languishing at 97 cents
Very true blood burner. Like in real life, higher risk can bring higher reward. Not sure I'd want to put all my real life money into so few shares though.l
I am sure rules have been debated - and maybe the way you have it is best. I would be interested to see what the portfolios would be if you where not allowed to spend more than 20% of your total holdings on 1 share. I very quickly fell into the hold one share for big gains bucket - not that it worked for me, I'll be happy now just finishing in the 100's and getting out the 200's.
But then we might debate a person buying 5 junior coal miners and if that was realistic for an investment club - there will always be something!
Have found it very interesting - esp the way the ETF's perform. And kudo's on the programming - I am sure you command top dollar!
Tsk, tsk. Et tu Brute?
D Day for CML Monday.
@GCR, I think its the opposite actually. The collar locks in a trading range and the difference is paid out.:
@GCR Colalr explinatino:
Tsk, tsk. Et tu Brute?
Let me suck on my sour lemons in peace...
... Ryan Otto of Ellies has taken many zero cost collars.....cents
GCR, as a major shareholder of Ellies Ryan would be wanting to protect his downside. He can do this by buying a put e.g. Ellies trading at spot of 120 cents, he would buy a put for a strike of 100 cents (for instance) and pay a premium of 2 cents (for example). However, he wouldn't want to pay this premium over millions of shares so he would then sell a call for a premium of 2 cents, thus making it a zero-cost collar. The strike price for the call would be worked out so that it is worth a premium of 2 cents e.g. strike could be 135 cents. Thus he gets downside protection but is exposed to risk on the upside. However, as he owns physical shares, his upside risk is negated because he can always sell his shares to cover any financial payout he would have to make if the call was exercised.
D Day for CML Monday.
What's supposed to happen with CML today Orca?
results should be out this week - show me that fat dividend!
Correction. D Day for CML is tomorrow. FY results.
And kudo's on the programming - I am sure you command top dollar!
I do ok, but I'm paid to be a manager not a developer. I was paid to be a developer, but when you're good at something the powers that be make you stop doing that and start managing people who aren't as good. Makes no sense to me. They should hire a manager who's a good manager, and I'll do what I'm good at. The only other rule that needs to change is the one that says the manager should earn more than technical staff.
I use to work with a Rep that was higher paid than manager, was very good in his Job, thus they could not make him manager.
CML results out.
PPC also
Link please jadeb
Please give me a share to add to my watchlist, PLEASE
to do what with jaDEB, only to watch?
To watch, the if like switch / buy
jADEB, AECI - undervalued and should outperform long term if oil and gas prices stay low
jaDEb, also add EOH
Nice, my fishies is going off shore :)
i really should have bought Calgro M3 for real...!! :-(
If only foresight was as reliable as hindsight...
This is awesome site to use ""
Thanks, jaBEB. That is awesome.
Actually some1 else on this forum pasted it. thus cannot take credit for it. Just saying how nice it is.
the Consensus Forecasts is also nice.
Awesome = me
:) - Mr Bond
Who saw the latest re etolls yesterday. No pay, no licence. makes me want to leave for greener shores.
Then don't come to Europe. E-Tolls everywhere here and no complaints.
Sanral is angelic compared to Bakwena, the real demon who flies under the radar with Sanral taking all the heat atm. Sanral has a ceiling of R450 per car (not family), that means Sanral gets R900 pm from my husband and me, and Bakwena R12 or R10 one way (x4 = R48/day i.e. R1152/month give or take depending on movement.) That's just over R2000 every month on tolls or R34 300 paid after tax since Jan 2013. Do you have any idea how infuriating this is? :(
We had a vacation in the Italian Alps in 2008 and got a spot fine of 300 Euros because we didn't purchase a toll voucher from filling stations next to the highway, as if we should have known – guess the saw us coming from Afrique-de-Sud a mile away.
Who called PPC the other day?
That was Pilot, I'll find the thread.
YEs,PiLOt, hOpE hE lisTNed tO HiMSElf
Anybody know where I can download movies to tablet without providing my credit card details first?
Sies Tannie, I have NPN shares...
Too bad my boy ;) I do pay 4 US companies for streaming, not my fault if Dstv is so crappy and loaded with reality 'stars'. Only problem, can't use US co's with LS, thus need a backup plan. So be a dear and tell me.
Sry, have no idea. Do not watch much, more of a gamer, GTA V so on...
@moneypenny, look for popcorn time. It doesn't download though, it's like netflix for pirates.
AVL needs to go above R2.60 :)
@P: arrr thanks matey.
For interest sake, PopcornTime popped on Thursday, discontinued.
No way. Oh dear. You could use Kodi with the genesis plugin. That's what I do, but it's a complicated set-up.
Sad, his wife died too.
Are realised losses offset against gains on sale in the game?
The tax benefit that is.
They are, the tax works on net profit.
Greece admits it cannot find the €1,6b.
Why can I not get into Sharenet site or Imara today. Can't see any prices the whole day.
No idea, possibly a break somewhere between here and Portugal.
Anyone here running solar, or planning on putting some solar in soon?
Solar in George not much good - not enough sunny days. Using UPS inverter and batteries.
Why is the market in such a bad mood today?
New York and London both down after the holidays yesterday and probably Greece saying they will only pay back what they can afford to pay back on their loans
Anyone here running solar, or planning on putting some solar in soon?
I've looked at it - but cannot make it work financially even slightly. The odd 2 hours power outage really does not bother me - I just go do something else. We usually have something to watch on the few laptops dotted around the house if at night - but if we get hit is normally between 14H00 - 16H00 - not a bad time for a nap.
Might get an inverter (around R1000 / 800w) and just attached it to the car battery to run tv/dstv/router - friend does that and works fine. personally, I think it's a case of going totally of grid or do something small and inexpensive. Probably would change my mind if we had 4 hour cuts regularly though... ???
Frikkie getting hiding 2nd day in row. :'(
OCE killing me. Wow!
Yes, my account is also pretty miserable today. And I bought on Monday :(
I could have bought a top end four by four with what I lost.
Concentrating on the French Open - not my shares at the moment...
When you're just after dividends you can afford to care less about share prices. In fact lower prices means you can buy more with a higher yield.
You could have also bought KIO for the share price - many have done so.
As I live on dividends and only dividends, the increases or decreases are more important to me than share price. But I do no buy purely on DY - I never did buy ABL 8)
Can anyone help me make sense of the TFG slaughter
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Results is out @ 14h00
Can't see a reason - in late March they announced that Sanlam had increased its holding in TFG
Also results released are not too shabby given the current economic situation and dividend increased by 10.9%
I'm no expert but the results looked ok I guess - might want to enter a derivative tomorrow morning as there might be some money to be made from this over reaction
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
More pain in my portfolio today.
@ Supersonicbaron: Also not an expert but look at the SFP, an increase in the interest bearing borrowings of R2 000m. Investigation into the SCF reveals a negative cash flow from operations despite the profit shown in SPLOCI. To reverse the negative cash flow, TFG made borrowings of about R2 000m (also shown in SCF, in the cash from financing section.) This coupled with a rise in interest rates expected at the end of this year is enough to make investors fearful imo and that's why TFG is tanking. Nothing like a R2b+ interest bearing monster lurking to make you run for the hills. But yeah, no expert, just an opinion.
SFP: Statement of Financial Position
SPLOCI: Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income.
SCF: Statement of Cash Flows
Patrick ?
Were we allocated 200K this morning instead of 100K?
You want us to spend it P, we can. ;)
Yes, that is why I is asking Patrick ? I allready used mine :)
Rand R12.27 :'(
lol, you're going to get a huge fine.
Shhh, do not tell him, he will never know :)
No way, how on earth did that happen! I'll have to reverse it...
Or alternatively, just leave it in the game, as it's equal for all. Thoughts?
Damn, all the ETF's also spent the full amount. No idea why it went through double either :(
Call it Bonus time perhaps?
As you say, even for all so no problem
Agreed, all got R200k, a bonus. :)
Excellent, let's see how useful it can be...
How about adding TCP to the challenge list P.
Patrick - you have a facility I think it is per the heading "my holdings" where you have the facility to "sell" a particular counter, can you not incorporate a "buy" tab whereby I may want to purchase additional shares in an already held counter.
Just a thought
@gcr, it could be done. I'll see if I can include it for you.
@Orca, don't know much about it, is it frequently traded (16 or more times a day)?
I may hold back next months distribution, otherwise all new participants will be R100k short...
@qriffin, I'll mail you.
Neither are mine. They display with negative growth :(
Hahaha Datura, wish that was a bug, sadly my real portfolio is down plenty in the last few weeks!
Going to have to reverse the extra R100k, it's messing up all the background calculations :(
If you've already spent it, you'll just have negative cash until next month.
NIce, now I am in sh&t in real life and in the game, debt up to my %$#
Can I pay it over 36 months ?
Sure, but I charge the same rates as, 953.49% p/a.
Ok, we're all poor again
u mean still....
No I was rich a few weeks ago, then grexit reared it's head :(
After reading Patrick's 'Selfish Old Man Disease' I am sure he would 'enjoy' excerpts from
R.W. Johnson's book 'How Long Will South Africa Survive'.
South Africa's looming crisis (
You're looking at about 2 years mate. Let's not even think about the ROE.
Lady sitting next to me just got retrenched... and we thing we are having a sh&t day :'(
EOH down 7%? does we know why?
Can I just say, we all suck big time on the IC, painful to watch. :)
R$ 12.36
I don't mind when the JSE drops, but I do mind when it drops while the rest of the world doesn't...
Hudaco down 5% should hopefully recover by end of the day :TU:
I know markets go up and down but JSE lately! last 2 weeks have been heart attack material. I am not based in SA. Is it worth it keeping it going over there? possibly better to sit in EU or U :wall:S instead. Any good reasons to stay in ZA? appreciate any feedback
Jonb - is this market related or in general? If asking about the market, the JSE has done very well since 2008 - better than many others (not so sure if dollar denominated though?) so a correction was due - no need to panic there. If this question was about where SA is going generally - well, with our current leadership - no where, only down. The bigger question is where it will stop - and if you happy living in that sort of country. Most of the smart SA companies have been operating abroad or in Africa for a while - and most seem to want to increase there non rand exposure.
The ANC, having buggered up most of the departments and government entities under it's charge, have now moved onto tourism and big agri. :LHST:
I agree, currently I buy shares that has more exposure outside RSA
This is more "volatility" than a "correction". The TOPI and the IND25 have lost 5% only so far. A "correction" would be over 8% according to analysts.
good feedback! yes, I meant the recent performance on JSE. Its hard not to tie the current shitbag of stuff going down politically to weaker performance . So to get it straight... good solid companies that are deriving most earnings in an overseas of African market are still considered good bets? Think i need to re-align a little!
There is a lot of good value stocks on the JSE, look at the miners - no one wants to touch them and just dump the stocks. Very cheap prices and if we had another crash in the market and further strikes these will be dumped and pushed even lower. I am liking Lonmin, Amplats, Kumba, Anglo all looking good. Also in the education sector Curro and Adhvtech are solid business and will keep growing for the future. Also like Santova & Kap looking cheap and well run business. Lots of opportunities in the market. :D
Frikkie kry pakslae version 1.02
CML BP Trust purchased R100M shares on market at 8800.
You are misunderstanding. CML bought R100M of it's own shares on market. Not TOTAL shares traded.
Rand is really being pounded lately.
Fitch affirmed its BBB rating with a negative outlook for South Africa on Friday, saying an inadequate and unstable electricity supply, had led it to cut economic growth forecasts for this year and the next
Well that's not so bad our market is now 51,623.30 (ALSI today) the last time it was at these levels was July 2, 2014 when the ALSI got to an all time high of 51,883.71 so our market is substantially down. It got to an all time high on 24/04/2015 of 55,298.92 so we have seen a substantial retracement 8)
So, armed robbery at the office last night. Stole a bunch of stuff including my laptop :(
Sry :'(
Eish, sorry to hear that. Hope nobody got hurt?
No, they tied up the security guards but never hurt anyone. Strangely they got hold of the security company management uniforms, so the guards opened the gate for them...
The arrogance of those idiots :mad: Glad you're ok, although when we had a 2am home invasion I didn't want to feel okay, I just wanted to smash their heads in, tmi I know.
Yes, head smashing would be nice. My laptop has teamviewer installed, so I'll be watching to see if it comes online.
Frikkie kry pakslae version 1.03
OCE :'(
OCE has done me in :(
Sold AVL, bought more OCE @ R86.50.. wish me luck
Today is the first release of Frikkie Recover BETA version 1.00
Haha, if you say so, it's been a depressing month to track my holdings!
IS there really a share on JSE called Choppies ?
Absolutely correct - it is a Nigerian Company. CHP - supposedly they can't spell so well in that country and so used an "o" instead of an "a" :LHST:
I recall Choppies stores in Botswana, rural Spar/Shoprite like. Bought many succulent looking red meat cuts, tasted strangely sweet for beef though. KB
I recall Choppies stores in Botswana, rural Spar/Shoprite like. Bought many succulent looking red meat cuts, tasted strangely sweet for beef though. KB
My apologies it is a Botswana company - and operates in Botswana and Zimbabwe and RSA
I hear donkey and horse are sweeter than beef - but haven't tried to test this myself, nor am I likely >:D
Can u buy just 1 share in Itrade ?
you try that jaDEB, and tell us what was brokers fee on that.
Allready traded, cannot see trade cost - R12000 Profit :)
Wow, nice going jaDEB :)
What did you buy??
Patrick - a question - you gifted us an additional R 100,000 and some of us climbed into the market immediately (like me) I am sitting with a negative balance of R 96,xxx. What happens if I sell a particular share, will I be restricted in buying shares with the proceeds of the sale or will the system allow me to go back into negative territory up to R 100,000?
Unfortunately you won't be able to buy until you're in positive balance again Gcr.
So the trick is to not sell any shares in ones portfolio until after 1/7/2015 ::)
assuming the market hasn't crashed by then.... feels very top heavy right now...
am expecting to see Brent crude in $50 range this week... equities also feel bearish
I have a feeling it'll be edging even more fearful in the next few days
Seems we just dropped another 2 points and crossed the line to "Extreme Fear"
I am releasing Frikkie Recovery BETA version 8.1 today
I hope that's better than windows 8.1
Market is strangely upbeat at moment but Dow needs to get above 18100 to get out of this mini bear run...
-900 alsi tomorrow!
Why is Novus up 12% ?
BSR -15% today :TU:
I see Ellies is going ahead with its rights issue - you can get some 40 odd shares for every 100 held at a price of R 1.10 - wow that's a bargain given that they are trading at between 88 and 94 cents today. Once the new shares come onto the market it will dilute the overall position and probably take the price down further. Wonder what they know that everybody else doesn't regarding the rights offer price - I can see a huge take up of these shares
Oh dear, poor ellies holders. This competition has a general rule that rights offers MUST be enforced...
5 more members to 1000, time for on-line PAR-TY :)
see someone sold there Santova shares for 13 cents per share ;)
see someone sold there Santova shares for 13 cents per share ;)
Someones broker didn't protect the client - at least my broker gets you to check volume and price if outside of normal trading patterns
@jaDEB, poor guy, how many shares were sold? @MoneyPenny, yeah it took a few years though!
13,000 shares at 13 cents instead of about 305/310 sales were as high as 342
That guy had R43k and now has R1 690 less expenses but I am sure it was an anomaly fixed by JSE and he lost nothing as the price was corrected immediately.
NPN results out tomorrow ?
Anyone know where I can chart our local ETFs in dollar terms?
I'll have to flex my excel skills...
I have daily FX rates from 1999 to date if that will help.
Telkom is on fire
A little sad you sold yesterday I imagine :p
Telkom Sa Soc Limited - Further Cautionary Announcement Relating To Negotiations With Mtn South Africa
Ah that makes an interesting deal. Voda+Neotel and MTN+Telkom...
Sold my beloved CML.
Did you have to pay any capital gains tax?
Bought at R24.70 and sold at R83.80 but no tax as I have exemption.
The more important question is what are you going to do with the proceeds. As alternatives could suggest Mr Price and Cashbuild, AVI, Woolworths and even Clicks as good options
Damn, the end of the world is near, been following Orca / CML saga for years now... :'(
Want to buy DIVTRX but not enough sellers and volume too small.
Are u going all girly on me now !!
Bought some CIL today jaDEB.
Releasing Frikkie kry pakslae update today, ver 1.12
Fear and greed at 34, we've had much worse.
That is cause Tencent was down 4%, do u not read "Today outlook" ?
But NPN results out tonight
Looks like everything is down today...
Yes, ver 1.12 seems to be the better version so far
South African gold firms offer workers wage hikes of up to 13 pct WOW
Greek PM accepts bailout conditions with creditors.
Off to Greece tomorrow :)
If he accepted does that mean the referendum is off?
News just out. Merkel wants to wait for the referendum results.
Ask her if she will buy ACL at the moment or KIO ?
It is school holiday, thus MoneyPenny absent ... AGAIN !!
She recons NPN is the best since Tencents :)
lol , You are currently ranked 7071st of 6232 users. I am past last LOL
I bought ACL @ R11.83
Salam must be bleeding - I have just tried to accesss my portfolio on I Trade to see how I was doing but was told the page is not available. So no more interest in this competition by me from now on
In the USA you probably need divorce insurance...
@Orca, came across this recently:
Frikkie kry pakslae version 1.03 is awesome :)
What's up sweeties? Nothing it seems, lol.
Haha yeah, absolutely nothing up at the moment. I'm using it as an opportunity to rebalance my holdings without incurring big CGT.
Now that's a very positive spin on CGT 😀 - it sucks, my husband exercised some options 2 weeks ago luckily before plunge, he got 90K, tax took almost 70K.
Greece given until Sunday to agree a debt deal or exit the euro
Mobius: China’s “extreme, desperate” actions add to pain of share mkt crash
The best time to judge the character of people is during times of crisis. For the world’s major investors, in this respect China’s authorities have been weighed and found wanting. The world’s leading Emerging Markets investment personality, Mark Mobius, is among the big money managers who are highly critical of the Chinese reaction to its market’s boom and bust. Half of the listed companies have simply suspended trading in their shares. And after other interventions failed, China’s Government has now banned big investors from selling their stakes in those businesses where trading is still allowed. At a Berkshire Hathaway AGM a while back, chairman Warren Buffett was asked whether he would invest in Russia, the “hot” market at that time. He said he wouldn’t, recounting his experience of some years earlier. Buffett had helped fund an exploration business which battled for years to discover anything meaningful. When it eventually hit a good deposit, Russian politicians claim-jumped it and the team of explorers had to run for their lives leaving behind all their equipment – and wiping out years of investment. In their efforts to address the collapse of an overheated share market, Chinese authorities now risk doubling its impact by alienating those who control the world’s long-term investment capital. Those of the ilk of Mobius and Buffett have long memories. – Alec Hogg
Link to full article (
I agree, don't think we have seen the end of the drama.
Patrick, my screen is not working, who is tenth ?
DBX tracker Japan why ;)
pfffttt ... Sanlam iTrade is much better comp..
what a bunch of .... "The leaderboard is being updated."
Profit take Friday? H&S on the ALSI makes me think this surge was technical only.
I send the head on sanlamitrade mail, told him his comp sucks and they are not serious about it.
Shame, their PR didn't go so well.
Sanlam have run this competition on numerous occasions but this year everything that could go wrong has - it almost seems like it is a beta version we are "supposedly" playing with
Today all my profits have been zeroed and and my overall portfolio value has dropped by some R 13,000 - can't fathom whats going on.
I have withdrawn from this competition as its a joke
NPN :)
Why was DIVTRX flat today?
Because of LEW and WBO you fool. Geez. This Orca guy knows nuting.
China's state-backed Tsinghua Unigroup Ltd is preparing a $23 billion bid for U.S. memory chip maker Micron Technology Inc
my holdings
Dear wine. You have no holdings. Only wine.
Just had the 1000th member sign up :)
Probably my wife wanting to meet Jadeb after his appearance in the top 20 in the iTrade comp
Taste or Famous Brands ? Me = FBR
Taste for me - although I am guessing it will take a fair amount of time to start seeing results coming through - so a longer term play.
@MrD: Good, the lady know what she likes. :) Well done jaDEB!
Thanks for the support, sold my ACL, thus I think I is way down now... :'(
Patrick - saw your comment and pointer re active versus passive investor managerson moneyweb - touche
Thanks GCR, it's a presonal bone of contention of mine, as I have 35% of my investments in active (my early years investing), and can't move it without heavy capital gains tax :(
You are currently ranked 24th of 7486 users
Thanks GCR, it's a presonal bone of contention of mine, as I have 35% of my investments in active (my early years investing), and can't move it without heavy capital gains tax :(
I had a similar problem but I have sold off the majority of my Mutual funds with the exception of Nedbank Entrepreneur, and more recently Coronation Top 20 ( I cancelled all my life cover and use the premiums by sinking them into the Coronation fund along with my RA premiums (I bought an LA)).
It may pay you to take the knock on the CGT on sale and invest in other instruments which more than likely offset your CGT in about 3 years - I found that UT capital appreciation is pretty pedestrian these days
I do keep weighing up the options, comparing the tax hit to potential growth, but I don't have an answer just yet. It's highly likely I'll spend 6 months and a day outside of SA in the next few years, so that would be the ideal time to do it.
In the meantime, I keep taking out as much as I can with the R30k exemption. This year it works out to about R80k, but using the 4% rule and the decreasing amount I can withdraw in the R30k exemption, it means I'm never able to get the money out! First world problems...
Saw the sens for the respective DBX's and the management fees seem very steep
They are for an ETF but probably still reasonable compared to taking your money out, exchanging it, getting an overseas broker, and then buying a some stock. But would be interesting if one of the big banks started an oversea ETF.
Yeah I wish there was a cheaper option too. DBX is far too expensive for my taste.
Well if one looks at the DBXUS its gross foreign dividend and other income earned works out to .24823 cents per unit with a .10134 cents per unit management fee - which is some 40.8% of gross income of per unit, and withholding tax taking 14.77%.
My point is that this investment is probably not an investment to invest in if one was looking for dividend streams as a means of support over the long term
Is some1 running Frikkie kry pakslae ver 1.03 ?
My stocks gave me a pakslae today but MTA kept me buoyant with over 4% gain.
My stocks gave me a pakslae today but MTA kept me buoyant with over 4% gain.
The whole market took a hit today my portfolio dropped R 64,000 but over the last 2 weeks it gained by about R 120,000 so swings and roundabouts
Trading Statement catapults AdaptIt over 5%. :)
Can we get bowler metcalf on the share list to buy please?
It can be done if it trades more than 16 times a day. I don't have figures on that, anyone know if it does?
Coronation AUM down by R1b.
May be as a result of Africa Bank?
No. Nett foreign capital outflow.
wonder if this EM sell off is going to continue into next week...
CML YTD -30.79%
looks bleak
That is why MoneyWeb recommends PGR over CML.
Uuugh, damage control.
agreed ....
chinas in the poop again
Shanghai Composite fell 8.5% today sending the Eurozone down in her wake.
It is cause u moved closer to China... u fault :)
No. I think the Chinks had a look at my portfolio and saw the bad state of the economy in it.
Some PNC holders will be having a good time right meow
That's due to Windows 10 out today.
ag damn, that means all my games are going to have updates .... frikkie .. damn
Auto updates on my phone and PC is killing my cap lately }:/
Windows 10 is a free update anyway so what's the draw ?
PFG behaving nicely.
I wonder why Sharenet shows only 0,15% gain for DIVTRX while it went up over !%?
Google finance also shows 0.15?
Midpoint of the current spread is 2746, so it likely had a higher value than indicated last night, it just never traded there.
My heart bleeds for Cecil (and his descendants). What an undignified end to such a magnificent beast. :(
Yes, on the bright side, it looks like the dental practice is getting nailed in the states. Hopefully the hunters will be too scared of the backlash in future.
Badly want to arrange for the hunters to be hunted. May finally get a nice pair of cojones dangling from my rear view mirror.
Lonmin shares hit lowest levels since 1979
Wife got retrenched today :'( .... and goverment says unemployment down, which planet I wonder ...
Wife got retrenched today :'( .... and goverment says unemployment down, which planet I wonder ...
:'( Not very good news! What line of work is she in?
Sorry to hear jaDEB, was there at least a decent payout to hold her over until she finds another job?
She was in steel industry payout small. But will make a plan. Busy with sign for standing at robot :)
Eish - tough one. Hope she finds a job soon.
I always find a san serif type font works best for my "no work, no money, no prospects signs" but will be refreshing to hear your take on the matter.
Shame, sorry to hear - be kind to each other, this too shall pass eventually. Good luck to you both.
No Mr D, the sign needs look poor and have spelling mistakes.
@Patrick. I bought PGR yesterday and it went post divi today so I should get the divi of 150c.
I'll check it out this evening Orca.
Greek market plunges 23% in half day today.
Thanks P. Price reverted to today's open price. :)
is BAT and PGR ex-div today?
@orca, just double checked, both BAT & PGR went ex div but paydate is only on the 11th?
I see so.
Orca, just go over to China and sort the Sh!t out please
1.00 GBP = 20.0024 ZAR
Anyone know why BRAIT got smacked upside the head, almost 7% down at one point
Priced at nearly twice its Nav seems high to me?
bid-offer spread
lol! mistakenly took this for the search box :P
It happens :)
Putting those wooden wedding rings to use... I've eloped to paris, see you all in 2 weeks :)
Parys is nice.
u going to Freestate ? no internet there ?
@P: What, seriously? Have a splendid time :) and come back to Afrique de Sud.
proposing in paris? have you asked your wife about this :P
Nice one Patrick. Hope she says yes, otherwise the flight back will be awkward. Take dark glasses so you don't have to make eye contact.
:D No, 'eloped' is a done deal. But, just look for markers "Sortie" (meaning 'Exit'), should you need to make a quick escape.
If she syas no, leave her there, did u buy her a return ticket?
We are just fooling around P, consider this your batchelor party from our side. ;). We wish you and your bride only the best of everything, have a lovely honeymoon, bring back champs from the Champagne region and make every moment special!
Anyone else think Eqstra offers massive value?
Anyone else think Eqstra offers massive value?
They have massive debt as well, so be careful.
Tough day at the office today as far as my portfolio is concerned took a hit of R 87,000 - paper loss
NPN :)
NPN no longer exists, tencent is just a dual listed company now
Mr Bekker did indicate that they will invest again when opertunity is there.
Frikkie but this Market is all over the place ...
Where is every one :'(
Right here
Lick'n wounds... but that's just me.
I've sold my car and am investing with the proceeds.
Trying to get 888
8% DY (after tax)
8% DY growth per year
8% Capital growth p/y
Sellers do not want to sell at my offer price, the cheek :'(
If you find it let me know where!
Ahh.. all my etf's have all taken a nose dive recently.. At least they make the monthly investing cheaper :D
Same here NPeanut. Also trying to look at it as a positive correction, just wish I had more money to invest right now.
Same here NPeanut. Also trying to look at it as a positive correction, just wish I had more money to invest right now.
If you have a bond and have free float take out what you can and invest in the market as in the longer term you will get a better return
Well now, that's some dangerous advice! I bet some Chinese people wish they had not just done that very thing.
Well now, that's some dangerous advice! I bet some Chinese people wish they had not just done that very thing.
Well I've been doing it for 20 years, but then , I am not chinese
My poor CML :(
Will HAR go below R10 ?
CML has no prospects for a recovery yet. November will send her to low 60's.
LON plummeting
ok, I will load Frikkie Recover ver 4.44 tonight
For every seller there is a buyer. I wonder why any one would want to buy LON while it is in a protracted down trend.
Coronation now has 20% of IMP -
I've been a bit distracted of late, can't find rhythm - annoying. >:(
Does anybody have info/experience with Naspers' preemptive strike launch against Netflix's SA launch next year, ie ShowMax? It's R99 pm, do you have to utilize DSTV for this? Anybody experience with MTN' FrontRow or Times Media's Vidi?
AFAIK, there's no need to have DSTV. Just pay your R99 and have a 4MB internet connection and you're good to go. No idea on the others:
But subscribe per item in house, ie. PC, stove, vacuum cleaner and so, I am a NPN share holder PLEASE !!
Tx :)
Frikkie been on steroids lately?
Yes I know, he had a redbull last night, will lock toilet door and give him some Laxatives
run frikkie run ....
Hello Patrick, my Net1 shares seem to have disappeared into the ether today
Oh dear, let me check if I can see anything. They're probably there but hidden for some reason...
really funny things happening with the investor challenge today... holdings all shown as negative, fees missing etc.
really funny things happening with the investor challenge today... holdings all shown as negative, fees missing etc.
really funny things happening with the investor challenge today... holdings all shown as negative, fees missing etc.
My portfolio shows the same....
Yes, somehow my record of purchases has vanished. I have a backup, but it's 2 days old. I'll restore it, but I don't think I can get the last 2 days data back. Will keep looking.
oh dear, good luck.
Ok, I've recovered everything but 69 records. Not sure if I can manage to get those back :(
Ok details of what went on here:
It seems we will be having a big red monday on the markets...US markets closed ~3% down friday...
Still fighting server gremlins this morning. You might need to clear out your cookies if you can't log in...
dammit, frikkie, chill now, please !!!
Ok, so when the server problems hit i immediately sold all shares (not knowing what was up) So i'm now on R 847k of Nett profit in my holdings screen, yet when I go to the leaderboard it says R 618k. ???
Hey Sebulba, it's not your sale that cause the issue, but the purchase that is missing. That's why it looks like you've made too much profit. I'll have to figure out what your purchase price was. Do you remember by any chance? Else I'll back calculate.
Surely they mean R13? on moneyweb frontpage "Rand hits R14/$ as commodities tumble"
All I want to do today is buy my ETFs but my damn deposit is sitting in no mans land between banks :(
I jsut wanna switch of my damn screen, and not see the carnage ..
almost time to buy jaDEB... market needs a few days to bounce around on bottom now...
another big contraction coming now on DJIA futures.... market could push down 5% today before recovering later....
bots must be milking the vol right now.... value traders should definitely be on sidelines still...
I am going to kick Frikkie's @ss ... Stocks poised for massive selloff; Oil tumbles; Tech punished
US markets open in 7 minutes... will be interesting to see if bots and futures trades have got it right.... should close 50% of gap on open before reverting to falling again
Dow just hit circuit breakers... oh dear....
@jaDEB and don't forget the rand breaking all the records on the wrong side!
wow, we are watching history in the making.... biggest ever point fall in Dow Jones history... not % fall but points....
the lifeboats are still out from 2008 and central banks have no powder left to stimulate markets.... what now?
and there I was last week and the week before thinking I got myself some bargains... :wall: :'(
now we up 700 points... yeeha, this is exciting stuff
If I had money last week I would have bought. It's still not in yet, so when it arrives, I'll be buying. I was in Eurodisney last week. Those rides have nothing on this!
ACL - up South Africa government to hike steel import tariff by 10 pct - industry group
NYSE Will Suspend Stock Trading If S&P 500 Index Plunges 7%
think most of fun is over now.... Dow stabilising around 16,000 - only about 2.8% down now on day....
rest of week looks like being choppy as hell.... best to sit on sidelines me thinks....
brave call benched... Dow just dropped 150 points in 5 minutes again.... that's normally a whole days move.... you got enough margin to handle the volatility?
Patrick, is your wife to be not going to be upset with u looking at market instead of lookin after her?
Rant is recovering .. :)
Patrick, is your wife to be not going to be upset with u looking at market instead of lookin after her?
No I married her 2 weeks ago, so now I'm allowed to focus on other things again :D
( (
Sorry, my bad, congrats. :)
Dow futures traded a range of 1,500 points today... the plung prevention team really had their work cut out at one point....
Great day for shopping today, bought parcels of/or topped up on Pick n Pay (2 lots), Clover, Santova, AdaptIT, hoping to pick up some more Adapt IT tomorrow morning in the auction
Isn't it amazing how many fund managers and investment advisors all saw this coming and could almost predict to the percentage the drop we have experienced last and this week - methinks they would be better predicting by looking into a cup with tea leaves in rather than using their cloudy crystal balls.
Oh well all the "Sell in May and go away" lemmings will all be back next month buying up shares as markets generally improve between now and Christmas and if your not in - your out ;D
Or perhaps you can wait a while longer and get a premium discount of 50%.
Looking back at 2008, I have this nostalgic taste of Dèjà Vu.
Brokers and analysts were urging investors to climb in at -10% at the "discount" and the markets continued to fall to -45%.
Had the investors complied, I'm sure the markets would not have dropped that low but the fear factor prevailed.
I hope you are correct though.
Shanghai currently almost 14% down with 1.5hrs trading we go again?
"Anybody with a pulse was nervous yesterday".... which is why humans don't trade anymore. Computers do and the bots did a sterling job of keeping liquidity going yesterday... yesterday could have been a repeat of 1987 but it was saved by the bots...
No I married her 2 weeks ago, so now I'm allowed to focus on other things again
Thanks all :) Anyway, my money reached my account this morning, so like a good robot investor, I closed my eyes and hit buy!
The government will have a follow-up meeting in about four weeks , lol, the only thing they can do quick is spend our money... 4 weeks ..
I'm loving these low prices. Rebalancing my portfolio and picking up all these supposed "capital losses" and then buying the other index at a discount... Then using those capital losses to get rid of as many of the expensive unit trusts I stupidly bought years ago. Win all around!
I'm loving these low prices. Rebalancing my portfolio and picking up all these supposed "capital losses" and then buying the other index at a discount... Then using those capital losses to get rid of as many of the expensive unit trusts I stupidly bought years ago. Win all around!
Yup I am quite happy with my buys yesterday plus the movement up this morning about, R 80,000 better off than yesterday
...and then buying the other index at a discount...
What do you mean by this?
U.S. stock index futures pointed to a sharply higher open on Tuesday, recovering from the plunge seen in global stocks on Monday.
What do you mean by this?
In my case I own 4 funds (now 3).
1) FOORD equity fund - does ok, costs a lot so I'd like to get rid of it.
2) STXIND - does very well, I'll keep this for a long long time.
3) GIVIND - does ok, but I think it's currently too heavy into MTN, and I'd prefer to put that money somewhere else.
4) DIVTRX - still new but the index has done extremely well. It also pays a pretty good dividend and is well diversified.
So I'd like to get rid of as much of 1) and 3) and put it into 4. Problem is, if you sell I need to pay a lot of capital gains tax. But now, the whole market is cheap, so for example if I sell GIVIND for a 10% loss, I can also buy DIVTRX at a 10% discount, so in effect there's no loss, just a re-balancing. But to SARS there is a loss, so I can take the amount of that loss, and sell some of my FOORD, and even though I make a profit, it's cancelled out by the GIVIND loss and I won't pay tax on it.
@Patrick, thanks for helping out a noob :)
I noticed DIVTRX corrects mismatched price before open hence the gaps in the candles. :)
I somehow think the traders will take profits on Wednesday but with the good gains today they would have done so already. Lets wait and see.
Sad about Roger Kebble, he and Brett use to be lot on moneyweb radio :'(
Ag dammit Frikkie ... !!!
jaDEB, I saw a pic of a guy on FB in leopard undies called 'Frikkie', I see him every time in my mind when you mention him here, :D I still have nightmares.
That is Frikkie, he sleeps under u bed, and in closest close to investors. Its him, its him, be afraid !!!
U.S. stock index futures pointed to a higher open on Wednesday after a highly-volatile session for China's Shanghai
@P. Could you possibly correct my spelling of Peregrine in the subject/topic line please. I must have pressed the "e" and "r" together by mistake.
Thanks P.
US growth smashes forecasts FTSE 100 jumps by more than 3% aStrong US growth figures inject optimism into markets.
Morning all
Hallo :)
seen 50% retracement on most markets... classic profit taking day before weekend... be warned if day trading....
Thinking of moving my ETF portfolio from ETFSA to EasyEquities.. Any opinions?
I buy monthly via debit order and did the math, it's substantially cheaper to use EE, even with buying 4 shares monthly than the %pa cost of ETFSA..
Only concern is reinvestment of dividends. ETFSA is a debit order and forget, where as EE needs bit more management.
EE also doesn't have an adequate amount of ETF shares in "stock", e.g. divtrax can only buy R1600 at time...
Oh and TFSA is with EE already
APN. Bad trading update ?
Sold my APN last week .. will see what share does now
Reduced my exposure to Curro. Added some AdvTech.
Thinking of moving my ETF portfolio from ETFSA to EasyEquities.. Any opinions?
I buy monthly via debit order and did the math, it's substantially cheaper to use EE, even with buying 4 shares monthly than the %pa cost of ETFSA..
Only concern is reinvestment of dividends. ETFSA is a debit order and forget, where as EE needs bit more management.
EE also doesn't have an adequate amount of ETF shares in "stock", e.g. divtrax can only buy R1600 at time...
Due to the exact same reasons, I'm in the process of making a similar move from Satrix Direct (AOS Partners) to EE. Last debit order and subsequent purchase takes 40-days to 'clear' so my move should be concluded by 16 Sep. They charge R 170 per holding to transfer, but should be worth it in the long run, unless EE starts charging a p.a. fee too...
Regarding auto divi re-investment, if I remember correctly, this is something EE are looking into 'for the future', but for the time being, you'll have to manually buy more with divi returns. Not a big pain for me, actually prefer it that way flexibility wise.
The liquidity issues for some of the EE ETFs have been raised a couple of times on threads here - seems that a call to their call centre will sort that out - they might charge a fee (R50?) for this. I recently bought some on which the limit was about R3,5k per purchase - I just repeated the process a few times until I had the amount what I was looking for. I think it costs the same as any bulk purchase as there's no pricing tiers, but I might be wrong.
From another poster in another thread, it seems that getting EE to show the correct base cost for all your transferred holdings might be a bit of an issue, since there are multiple purchases on the ETFSA portfolio due to DD. I simply calculated the base cost by taking total cost by number of shares held - that matched my Satrix total base cost and that is what I will provide EE to show as my base cost once my Satrix portfolio has transferred.
@NakedPeanut. Another +1 to go to EE. It'll save you a fortune in the long term. I don't see the non-auto reinvesting of divvies as a problem. I often want to buy something different in any case.
Thinking of moving my ETF portfolio from ETFSA to EasyEquities.. Any opinions?
I buy monthly via debit order and did the math, it's substantially cheaper to use EE, even with buying 4 shares monthly than the %pa cost of ETFSA..
Only concern is reinvestment of dividends. ETFSA is a debit order and forget, where as EE needs bit more management.
EE also doesn't have an adequate amount of ETF shares in "stock", e.g. divtrax can only buy R1600 at time...
Due to the exact same reasons, I'm in the process of making a similar move from Satrix Direct (AOS Partners) to EE. Last debit order and subsequent purchase takes 40-days to 'clear' so my move should be concluded by 16 Sep. They charge R 170 per holding to transfer, but should be worth it in the long run, unless EE starts charging a p.a. fee too...
Regarding auto divi re-investment, if I remember correctly, this is something EE are looking into 'for the future', but for the time being, you'll have to manually buy more with divi returns. Not a big pain for me, actually prefer it that way flexibility wise.
The liquidity issues for some of the EE ETFs have been raised a couple of times on threads here - seems that a call to their call centre will sort that out - they might charge a fee (R50?) for this. I recently bought some on which the limit was about R3,5k per purchase - I just repeated the process a few times until I had the amount what I was looking for. I think it costs the same as any bulk purchase as there's no pricing tiers, but I might be wrong.
From another poster in another thread, it seems that getting EE to show the correct base cost for all your transferred holdings might be a bit of an issue, since there are multiple purchases on the ETFSA portfolio due to DD. I simply calculated the base cost by taking total cost by number of shares held - that matched my Satrix total base cost and that is what I will provide EE to show as my base cost once my Satrix portfolio has transferred.
I would advise you to be very pedantic regarding base costs when switching your portfolio as it could significant implications when dealing with SARS on issues of CGT. Also I have a view that the receiving broker should record the original date on which you purchased the counters as the transfer from present to future broker is nothing more than an electronic transfer of counter volumes and there should be no price movements. When you come to sell a counter there should not be a necessity to convince SARS that you have held the counters longer than the prescribed 3 year period - the burden of proof should not be with you.
So once transferred - just check that the new records reflect the reality of when you purchased the counters and that the base figures are reflective of when you purchased them
Patrick - as a matter of interest why is Taste Holdings not on our list of counter to take into our portfolios. Can you incorporate?
Yes, I'm not sure why it isn't there. Initially it was decided anything that trades over R1 and more than 16 times a day.
Rules is rules and stick to it. BTW @jaDEB, I cannot find your name on the challenge. Nor can I find mine. I last saw mine at 256. Please assist.
Rules is rules and stick to it. BTW @jaDEB, I cannot find your name on the challenge. Nor can I find mine. I last saw mine at 256. Please assist.
Rules are rules until they are challenged, so in essence you subscribe to the penny stocks that are included in the list of choice
I would advise you to be very pedantic regarding base costs when switching your portfolio as it could significant implications when dealing with SARS on issues of CGT. Also I have a view that the receiving broker should record the original date on which you purchased the counters as the transfer from present to future broker is nothing more than an electronic transfer of counter volumes and there should be no price movements. When you come to sell a counter there should not be a necessity to convince SARS that you have held the counters longer than the prescribed 3 year period - the burden of proof should not be with you.
So once transferred - just check that the new records reflect the reality of when you purchased the counters and that the base figures are reflective of when you purchased them
Thanks, some very valid points - I didn't consider the tax implication.
Anyone with experience on transferring into EE? Holdings with multiple purchases at multiple price-points - is the EE portal showing this correctly for you?
@ Orca, u need to look higher, I is 65th ... :)
oohhhh, looks like Frikkie is visiting today ...
Ag nee sies man
You're not shorting today MP? Btw, what did you think of this:
Shorts - Frikkie - LOL = nightmares
@P: No, I've been dormant since late June, need a break from trading now and then or I will lose all contact with reality :D I saw that article, just wow! @j: Don't go there :)
Japanese trader "For him the basic rule is: “Buy stocks that are being bought, and sell stocks that are being sold.”"
Ha..ha..ha - Must be in a bit of a quandry when there is indiscriminate selling of stocks.
How do I get the moola?
@Tefofo, click on the "My Holdings" page and it'll be charged up.
@Frikkie, click on the "Go away button" - PLEASE leave my NPN alone, Please
ithink Frikkie has his speedo on :'(
If I were a trader, I would go long on ADI for a cool 4%.
If I were a trader, I would go long on ADI for a cool 4%.
I think I'll try catch today's MPC's bounce :)
What happened to MPC yesterday? Everything was fine until 2pm then it just fell off a cliff?
South African clothing retailer Mr Price's 21-week sales up 9 pct
Mr Price Group shares fell the most in more than 14 years after the South African clothing and household-goods retailer said low levels of consumer confidence and “some poor fashion calls” curbed sales.
Orca !! u there ?
Dow -470 points last night, don't see that too often, Europe green atm.
DJ Futures is up
which website do u use for shares / graphs. I use Bloomberg but it sucks
Patrick, the Comp is broken, shows my value 1,037,746 but leaderbord shows 811,564. I know I am knoob but that is unfair :'(
Yes, you are probably affected by the bug on the 21st. Do you remember what you bought KIO for around that date?
No, I think it was about R88, but it was trading at about R90 high . Thus u are save if u wanna use that. ..
I'll go for the middle, R89. Does that look better?
Nice storming up the leaderboard BTW.
Yes, DRD I bought, up after results, Gold up & Rand 13.48
Orca !! u there ?
Been stuck at home with injured wife after a bad fall. She went down like Black Monday.
Ouch sorry to hear it. How was the medical care in PT?
Quite an experience P. Will write it in my blog.
@Pat, I think i have some monies missing on the leaderboard compared to actual holdings in my portfolio, mind taking a look when you have time? :) thanks in advance
@chang, check it now.
@Pat, looks better. thank you kindly :)
Patrick - can you look at my portfolio as well please
Yours seems to balance GCR, unless you both bought and sold the same share on the 20th/21st August and both transactions were lost.
ACL hit R8.80 wow, I think Frikkie is drinking tee there :'(
Yours seems to balance GCR, unless you both bought and sold the same share on the 20th/21st August and both transactions were lost.
Seems like my Mr Price has dumped me down the leaderboard by about R 54,000 - so yes I think you are right
Patrick, pls just check, I think I was paid OCE Dividends twice in the competition?
Yes, I'll have to reverse the cash you received. Thanks for the heads up.
@Patrick, U got very nasty since u been married...
Hehe, no he's still on honeymoon, just wait - soon he'll be just as nasty as us :)
My holdings is missing a 70k profit I made a while ago :)
O.o Patrick, show me the money! :P
:) I'm guessing you sold ANG on the 20th or 21st right? Any idea on the price then?
U.S. markets closed for Labor Day
Is Frikkie on leave today?
Yes. But he's back tomorrow.
He is shopping for a new leopard speedo shorts
I am happy he is taking a break, I need it :)
qriffin, u still there ?
Patrick, my screen is not working, who is 3rd ?
Nicely done!
Big mouth :)
Sorry, should fall back to 334 soon :'(
You are in 2 minds now. Take profit or hope the reversal continues. Difficult gamble but as I say to HIV sufferers. "Stay positive".
@jaDEB, if you take profit, you'll have to pay taxes :)
Are u saying SARS are reading your website? ps. My name is not jaDEB, my name is Roy, from poffadder. Will change my profile.
Ag dammit, Frikkie is back
I reckon Frikkie is pissed off and hungover this morning and we will see him throwing his toys later.....
I just hope he is not Chuck Norris in disguise :'(
I think Frikkie (or Chuck) will let the market rally a little before we go completely 100% risk off into the weekend. Expect Wall Street to sell off later after close of JSE.
ffs, Frikkie is playing with my GNL.
no, the market is playing with your GNL. Market doesn't believe in Ivan's outsized bet on coal and nor do I
Can't post. Plugin missing frame.
can you mail me a screenshot moon. [email protected]
Hey jaDEB. I was looking what Porno_Ster was up to in the mid 200 area for some time and decided to visit you in the top 10 but cannot find you.
I know Orca, I know. my GLN is going down :'(
can you mail me a screenshot moon. [email protected]
Test. seems to be when posting linked content.
Stocks deliver in the long term (
That's really weird. What device/browser are you using? Have you seen that on any other pages? I don't have any content that needs plugins, but maybe google is trying to show flash ads or something.
Mega brewing deal nears as AB InBev approaches SABMiller (
It seems to be uBlock₀ (Will check).
Mega brewing deal nears as AB InBev approaches SABMiller (
No, funny it's OK now. Thanks. Thought it was @@||$script, which I allowed as you can see, but no difference.
I don't think there is going to be a rate change in USA today - though hawkish statements will still be made
To agree to disagree is fun. I think there may well be an increase, let's say ⅛ %
So was there a bet between you two or just bragging rights?
Unchanged so expect a good run up tomorrow.
gcr wins by ⅛% :)
Zero hike priced in already.
what happened to that good run that was supposed to happen today?
The zero rate hike was priced in from 2 days ago so markets should have been relatively flat. It went south because she did not mention a strengthening economy. This spooked the markets.
Ah... Thanks kindly for the clarification. Greatly appreciated.
Made a few changes to this chat box. Is it displaying better on your ipads/tablets/phones etc?
Appearance still the same on my laptop but I still can't "shout" as it flickers every few seconds and my post would disappear. Have to do so via "Off Topic".
Has it been like this for a while or just since today Orca? I've only changed the layout, so it shouldn't have affected the refresh.
What software do you recommend for tracking share prices from JSE? I also want to get history, PE ratios, etc. Free is good but I'm open to paying for a subscription
Been like this forever. It refreshes every 120 seconds and will delete what you have typed. I have to wait for it to flicker then I have 2 minutes to type.
- as per Moonraker (Mr Bond)
Ohhh, Frikkie is back......
Thanks very much jaDEB, I heard of iTrade before but didn't know it was free
Been like this forever. It refreshes every 120 seconds and will delete what you have typed. I have to wait for it to flicker then I have 2 minutes to type.
Ah, you're right, that refresh does happen every 2 minutes. It's set to not refresh if you're typing, but it's client side, so it might not work for everyone. I'll up it to 5 minutes to give you more time.
Ok, changed it to 5 minutes Orca. The other option I have is to remove the auto-refresh, and just put a refresh button. Any comments anyone?
Sometimes 5 minutes may not be long enough especially if you are typing quite a long response/view. I still only type with two fingers so my speed is somewhat limited O:-)
Thanks P. 5 mins is fine as shouting is meant to be short anyway.
The UK blue-chip index rose 1.9% alongside rising eurozone markets, which were buoyed by a recovery in car maker stocks. MTA ???
I never thought I would say this but...I really dislike public holidays now
hahah because its boring!!
Off to the Cotswold and Wales for 2 weeks tomorrow.
I owe I owe, off to work I go :'(
See Frikkie is at Glencore today
'allo 'allo
I forgot my password today ☺️ Anyway just checking in, watching whales in Hermanus.
Is wales playing again today ?
Haha, these whales are also playing, it is mating season after all.
Are you in Hermanus MP?
I was, now Cpt.
GLN down 31% .....
Bought GLN in the IC @ R18.53....
God damn DIVTRX!!!
I miss Moneypenny's new high / new low thread :'(
Cause that will be 1 busy 1 :'(
Sigh, I bought on Friday...
Hi Moneypenny, can you have a look at my holdings please. My AQP purchase does not add up with the average cost that it is showing. Thanks in advance.
Hallo Trebron, that would be Patrick, our resident IT guru, he'll fix it, he's smart that way. 😀
@jD: I'm planning to give more time to shares soon, I'll pick up the slack and start contributing more ;) Don't even want to look at IC, can only guess.
Hey Trebron, which account is yours? I can't find a Trebron on the leaderboard.
Ok found you Trebron, check again, all should be sorted now.
Hi Patrick, Thanks a mill
I wonder where is Frikkie ?
Frikki's on holiday. It's the 4th quarter, market is calm and looking for any excuse to rally.
Tell him to come back around the 25th please ;)
Nobody dares to tell Frikkie what to do ..
Glencore Surges 72 Percent in Hong Kong Amid Unit Sale Talks
Is that a misprint? 72% or 7.2%? Edit, I see it's not a misprint ???
Also look at leader board ... :)
jaDEB at #3 8) where were you on Friday?
Finally have more than R30k in my TFSA. Took long enough! Anyone know when we're allowed to add another R30k? Is it January 1st or only March 1st?
Friday was outside of 10th
@ Patrick, March if I am not mistaken
Why are the share prices updated so slowly? It feels like it updates only once every 10-15min?
That's about right, the prices are updated every 10-15 minutes. Then to stop people from taking advantage of live prices, all transactions are held back for another 15 minutes, and updated with the live at purchase time price. So if you're a intra-day trader it'll suck, but for anyone else it's probably pretty fair.
Ah ok, that makes sense. I forgot that I was registered here, and what the rules/regulations were, since I registered about 4 years ago. I thought I could make a quick buck. This delay system is costing me 1.2% total worth!
:) on the bright side, the fact that you're above 0% puts you well into the lead!
Hi Patrick. I added the RMBT40 div but it's not updating on my account. Can you help please. Cheers
Give it a week Lamak, dividends are only paid on weekends.
Thank you
SABMiller Plc rejected an informal takeover offer from Anheuser-Busch InBev NV of about 66.4 billion pounds ($100 billion) that it considered too low, according to people familiar with the matter. SABMiller today released a surprise trading update nine days earlier than planned, in which it announced that beer volume had returned to growth in the second quarter, helped by Africa and Latin America --- a trend that could figure into a sweetened offer from AB InBev.
whoopsy that isnt a search bar lol
You're not the first to try that agentrfr :)
I thought the AQP buyers is goings to kick my ass in the IC?
Patrick - Restrictions: 10 per post, maximum total size 512KB, maximum individual size 512KB
Where do you see that jaDEB? Trying to post more than 10 attachments?
I can posy more, but it limits the total size to 512kb, not 512kb per attachment. But total to 512kb.
posy ? what the frik is posy? post !!
Try posy more now, the new limit is 4096
lol :)
Rant @ R13.36 :)
Easy equities just gave me another R50. What nice guys. I was meant to buy shares with it, but I've already maxed out my TFSA, so I transferred it to my bank account :)
R50?, that is not even 2 boxes of smokes
Patrick, my OCE is showing incorrect. qty is not right, I bought on 1st Oct. My overall value is correct.
how many should you have?
2015-10-01 10:11:54 OCE OCEANA GROUP LTD 1309 9718 R127 717,45
nvm see u fixed it :)
nvm still not lekker, see my posy on sandbox Patrick
Will check it out
Looking into it jaDEB
did you perhaps sell 7142 shares around the 20th/21st August?
I see you bought KIO on the 21st, so I'm guessing you raised the money by selling OCE. That was the day the trades vanished, so I added KIO back for you, now need to add the sale of OCE.
No, all is fine, it is just that when u click on holdings, it is right, but if u click on your name it shows wrong
See screen shots in sand box
I'm afraid discussion in attached link is true. My iPhone6S Plus 64Gb has same issues, make sure yours is working before leaving the shop, none of the remedies mentioned by Apple forum sorted it so far. :( Any bright ideas how to fix this?
No idea, but now I know why there has been that one annoying guy in the gym speaking on loudspeaker all the time!
Jip, you can do a lot with it except making a call old school.
President Jacob Zuma has appealed to all companies – particularly those who do business with the state – to donate money to the ANC, warning that those who did not do so would be in “danger”.
Yeah. I read that. Gotta give it to the man. He just goes out and say it. Doesn't speak in riddles like other politicians. Just shows how arrogant the ANC has become
High/Low Price(c) (24 Months) 5 165/ 2 750
Why no JustOneLap newsletter today? I look forward to my Monday JSEDirects!
Fawkes got the newsletter at 07:00, check your spam folder?
It's not there :(
SABMiller agrees takeover at GBP 44 per share
@Bevan, big news, now I imagine the courts decide if it's anti-competitive?
first I imagine the investment bankers and lawyers all get their pound of flesh as they cobble the actual mechanics of the deal together..... then submit for CompCom approval around the world.... going to be interesting, wonder what happens to SAB's BEE and employee shareholder scheme?
I wonder where is Frikkie ?
Somebody want to explain Frikkie to me?
Frikkie is my imaginary friend, dressed only in a leopard skin shorts. When he comes out to play, in my sandbox, my shares gets a hiding. Of course he does not only effect my shares.
I know moneypenny gets nightmares about him... :)
any1 bought Sygnia?
@jaDEB: Nope, I like Frikkie 'cause I like to short the market, but his shorts on the other hand - scary.
bought a tiny amount jaDEB
Only able to get a tiny amount...
China’s economy expanded quicker than economists forecast in the third quarter as the services sector propped up the world’s second-largest economy, suggesting monetary and fiscal stimulus is keeping Premier Li Keqiang’s 2015 expansion target within reach
If there are shares we want to buy in the Investor Challenge and it is not available on the list can it be added?
Only liquid shares that trade more than 16 per day.
16 as in volume or 16 trades a day?
16 trades a day. It was an arbitrary number that would allow the price to update every half hour on average. Any less than this and people could make trades that were impossible in reality.
Hi Patrick.
I would like to know if there is a possibility of changing this compitition to a five year one. So, make the current one run for 5 years. And have the any al one as well???just a thort, but I will love it. Let me know
I've had a couple of thoughts like that. It does add some complications for new people joining, so my thinking is that I should allow you to go back to your end year holdings, and see where you'd be with those in todays prices. Kind of a halfway mark to what you're after I guess?
See Frikkie is back at ACL again.
That sounds brilliant Patrick. It is a good start. I've learned so much on this site and would absolutely love it more... 8)
I'll work on it, the current figures and historical figures are in different databases, so it'll be a challenge!
Can anyone access FNB's website?
And we are back to the future today:
@ Fwakes... Yes I can open FNB
@Mp. I would love to see how we lived in 2015.
Again the EFF is disrupting parly doing their best to keep the minister from delivering his speech
MP are u buying RACE shares today?
Ferrari races toward its Wall Street debut (Code RACE) fikkin nice !!!
RACE +7.73% 56.02
Luxury goods stock - like Richemont - should be a corker.
@ jaDEB: No, the only thing I know about Ferrari is Enzo’s history.
@ O: I find it interesting that people always expect the future to be way more progressive than what it turns out to be. There are always flying cars in futuristic movies, don’t know why. The self lacing shoes are on their way :) but they somehow missed 3-D printing and internet/wifi.
BBrrmmmmmm RACE +9.23% 56.80
So long term I see the amount of cars being sold decreasing. We've probably passed "peak car" by now, but who knows, maybe ferrari would be immune as it's never been about transport.
A nice green day, all over the world is seems! DJ Futures indicating another 0.93% up today :)
It has been a good week. Went from being R6 000 down on one of my positions to being R10 000 up this week :)
Many people consider October a bad month for share price movements, in my experience this is not normally true.
October has in fact been a rewarding month for my portfolio as it has moved up by about R 200,000 to date, hope the balance of the month doesn't knock a big hole in the growth/paper profit :TU:
My TFSA is finally back in the green - many months in the red, my main account is still 10% off it's highs, a fair amount of that was the demise of CML - haven't sold any though.
CML's books closed end September and that is before the upturn. I expect a plunge due. Then again, I may not always be wrong and never been right with CML but I suspect she will dive.
Been wondering about that. Why has CML taken such a dive?
CML...Trading statement lower by 5 to 15%. Not as bad as I was expecting.
@Fawkes85. CML's income is mostly from Performance Fees and the markets have not done well.
Ah. Was thinking of investing while prices are down but if that is where they make most of their money I don't see this as something good to go long on. I think SA investors are becoming much more savvy and understanding the rip off of management fees and especially performance fees.
What just happened to BBET40?
Date PDT Price Volume
26/10 13:32 AT 5451 2,361
26/10 13:21 AT 6740 2
26/10 12:45 AT 8430 60
26/10 12:39 AT 8450 9
26/10 12:37 AT 5450 300
Looks like there's a problem with the market maker so there's an absolutely huge spread!
MTN trading halt...
what is happening wiff MTN ?
Yes Captian slow - South Africa's MTN shares fall 5 pct on report of Nigeria fine
they got fined by Nigeria for R70b for not disconnecting unregistered sims, down 10% before it was halted
R173 per share..... so tempting hahah
actually amazed indi25 is still in the green after this MTN stunt lol
That is what the Inves Challenge is for, practice, sold everything and bought MTN....
but its halted....? or does it still run on the challenge hahaha
sHhhH, DAMMIT !!! NOW u ratted me out.... there will be a knock on your door in a moment, open it, I dare you...
are u sure it is halted? shows trading @ 14h55?
and @ 14h58...
I see so as well.... guessing some sources arent always reliant
i apologize... still trading.. happy days..
No just joking..Patrick can have a look and if u are correct he can cancell my trade.
nah.. i just checked with online broker.. trades are still going live and active.. my mistake... lets hope this doesnt turn into an opportunity trap for you :P
or make it when it was traded after suspension..
NPN :)
MTN gets hit with HUGE fine:
Bit ridiculous if you ask me
MTN Traded R2,708,780,670 NPN Traded R 1,891,774,229
I think the fine will be retracted at some point, but that doesn't mean I think money won't change hands...
Sorry I have to ask... TIA ?
Hehe, let's help you... Tia who?
This is Africa?
yep, from blood diamond haha
any site you know to help you trade better ?
Resources & Gold falling off a cliff again today...
Hello Frikkie...see u are back..
Not too bad today jaDEB. We are substantially overbought in the short term and it has to pull back soon.
Yes, agreed, but it is still not lekker :'(
oohhhhh...MTN is postive .....
- star stock goes stratospheric!
Did the stxindi pay a dividend in the last week or so?
Yes - they paid out on 21/10/2015
Thanx. I will add it
MTN share trading suspended
Scary stuff
Hahaha for real this time.. Guess the talks aren't going well..
any short MTN?
/keeps MTN shares purely out of curiosity :)
Activision Blizzard to buy 'Candy Crush' maker King for $5.9 billion
Fawkes85 - check post under 'Income from REITS
GLN up 8% :)
@ Fawkes85
Thanx. Saw it
Why TEX been taking such a beating for the last month though?
TEX has historically been flat and volatile so nothing new.
Well that is good to hear actually. Would mean I can continue buying at a good DY
See Top 40 reached an all time high of 49192.90 yesterday (my recording)
I am up to third position in my group for the Investor Challenge :) At least for now
I think Frikkie parked his caravan just outside Lonmin
retirment annuity
Haha, please ignore that, mistook this for the search bar
Welcome strive, you're part of a very inclusinve club of people to have done that :P
Hi guys. Do any of these traders/analysts who make recommendations on which share to buy, sell or hold ever go back and historically check whether their recommendations were accurate? Even ignoring dividend income and basing it on capital growth only? I'm new to this so perhaps this has been asked and/or answered somewhere else. I see EasyStockPicker has some backtesting methodology they use but it looks complicated
Indicies getting hammered with both BIL and CFR down c.7%
I was a b#ll hair close in buying LON.....
Dec. Fed increase now practically a cert after payrolls. $ rocketing. Watch those bond yields.
You never buy LON. You only short it. Same with KIO.
The Sunday Telegraph: Lonmin, the world’s third-largest platinum miner, is expected to unveil record losses as it discloses support for a £266 million rescue rights issue.
Macro economics rule. Wonder what resources will do tomorrow after the 16%+ decline in Chinese imports for October. Will the possibility of more Chinese stimulus help commodities, or will the decline in imports (4th month in a row) cause a further sell off. Your pick.
Runt even weakening against Aussie $ - fellow commodity producer.
I have AVL - Aussie/Rant is good for them.
Frikkie at LON
@Orca. New socialist cum commie government in Portugal. Oh boy.
Portuguese Government Falls As Socialists, Communists Topple PM. Euro currency will be on par with the USD soon. Communists have agreed not to exit Euro.
And just when you thought you got away from the commies here in SA
The commies are actually the smallest party in the leftist coalition so no problem. All people are jubilant here.
OCE results looks good..took day off for RR
How often do SatrixINDI pay dividends ?
In my portfolio MPC is showing a zero value - why?
STXIND pays 4 times a year, @GCR I'll take a look.
Here's the reason GCR, Mr Price is making work for me:
Redefine International: A stout hedge
Thanks. I read it. Just wish I had more cash on hand to buy now before they go up too much
Thanks Patrick - was wondering, bought in Mar and received first div in Nov seems a little strange
@ Fawkes85 - don't expect fireworks - steady as she goes. NEPI is more 'exciting' but don't know why the jump today on huge vol.
Well I am not expecting fireworks. Remember I am going for divs not growth. So I am hoping there won't be fireworks as I still have a few months of buying ahead of me. The fireworks can come once I finished buying.
Patrick - not sure how you are handling the Taste rights issue as there was a 1:4 allocation. Some holder of these shares could conceivably overdraw their accounts as the rights price was R 3 per share >:D
we normally enforce all rights issues, I'll have to find the sens and activate it.
Ok for all the Astoria requests, it has been added, it'll take about 15 minutes to become active.
Hallo Patric, Astoria ARA is not showing up yet, Mabe it is still on the beach in Maritius Primary listing. Stronghand
has it listed yet?
As soon as the price appears here it'll be on the site:
I wanna look at Rant/Euro vs Rant/USD comparison on a graph, any ideas what website? does not have to 1 graph, 2 will be fine
@jaDEB and Be warned, they're quite sary looking!
Thank you Sir ..
The Eur/Dollar is 1.06. If it goes to 1.00, will the ZAR/$ & ZAR/EUR be the same?
The euro has clearly suffered because of Friday night’s events plus the continued talk of the European Central Bank extending their monetary policy to further boost the Eurozone economy is also undermining it. The net result of the euro weakness is that sterling is close to levels last seen 8 years ago against the euro and the US dollar is getting ever closer to parity.
There is something very wrong with Google Finance. Says certain shares are up x amount of cents even though according to their own graphs it is down from where it ended yesterday. Been doing this for a couple of days now.
I use yahoo finance (
money invested overseas
MTN hit with R9.3m fine in Uganda.
Mr Bond, some good news please, I need some... :"(
Why ? You're sitting pretty with NPN. ;)
Yes, it is good to me, but some positive news will be welcomed :). Will look for some, oh wait Star Wars Battlefront is out tomorrow :)
ffs ... South Africa's cbank raises interest rates to curb inflation risk
Mr Bond, NPN Trading statement :)
So if you stand on the very big pile of money they're giving you, can you see the ocean?
LON @ 35c. Frikkie !!!
I wonder if Lonmin is going to go belly up if the platinum price doesn't improve in the next two years.
I is thinking of buying small %, LON. thinking..... insert hour glass turning here
Thinking the same thing here. Do the same thing with LON as I am doing with FDP. It is so cheap that I don't have to risk a lot of money to get a lot of shares
My broker / firewall is on, he stopped me from buying ABL :)
Haha, need to add LON to your 1time collection jaDEB?
Yes, lol, glad to see u read my stuff....
Thinking the same thing here. Do the same thing with LON as I am doing with FDP. It is so cheap that I don't have to risk a lot of money to get a lot of shares
Well, if FDP keeps on issuing shares, it won't be cheap anymore. :(
Won't be if you keep on buying but I am pretty much done buying FDP. Now it is just a wait and hold game.
What's going on with Mittal - up >30%?
The unit of the world's largest steel maker will sell nearly 700 million new shares at 6.50 rand each, a 56 premium to ArcelorMittal South Africa's closing price on Monday
ARA - Astoria .. who's buying and if not why not ?
I am very happy!! Got my share of Astoria
@marguerittereed. You bought at prelisting ? what was the price, I can't remember.,
Ah, it was @ 14.23
Not buying cause of high fees. Even higher than the DBX trackers
14.25 at prelisting
sorry should be 14.23
Does anyone else here use Google Finance? Also getting the tracking anomalies?
LON up 36%
LON up 63%
Short squeeze - will drop again back to mid twenties.
LON .72c. Quickest money I have ever made
:) - bastard LOL
Frikkie, LON all over the place....
so.. people are expecting it to go back to the twenties and thirties.... short some more? hahah
on the 23rd jaDEB wrote "I is thinking of buying small %, LON. thinking..... insert hour glass turning here" did u , did u, NOOOOOOOOooooooo
LON now R1.10
dAMN, THERE lon BuRns MORE PEOPLE, ONly up4%...
and going down down down!!
Once again Mr Bond is correct ...
LON turned again going up up up
MTN broke even this morning!!!
Been a long wait
The traders must be having a field day with lonmin.
PATRICK, Why can I NOT BUY more LONMIM in COMP....angry face here !!!!
Fine bought MTN....
Haha, you know the rules, it's now a penny share!
YEs I know :'(
Easy Equities are offering brokerage free trading today!
cause it's BF?
Yes, apparently. Pity I'm not moving my money out of my unit trust today, I could have saved a few grand...
Satrix and EE joining to creating a new platform? sounds interesting.....starts December 2nd i think.
Yes, apparently. Pity I'm not moving my money out of my unit trust today, I could have saved a few grand...
Patrick - if your U/T has a year end of December annually maybe you should not move your funds out until the last 2 days of December. Watch the price and when it just about peeks then sell - you will find that most fund managers do extensive window dressing just prior to the U/T's year end. The returns on my U/T are dismal so I too will be selling off my units and investing directly into the market, where I can get a better return. I am prepared to take the knock in terms of CGT, dividends and interest
The presidents of Africa’s two biggest economies plan to meet this week to discuss MTN’s $5.2bn fine in Nigeria, reported the Sunday Times
@gcr, thanks for the advice. I'll see if I can do that! Only trouble is, I planned to send it offshore, and need to do that in this calendar year. Not sure if it will clear in time...
CML close to R60 ?
@jaDEB CML is trading ex div today, I am assuming this has had an effect
Standard Bank hit with R500 million in fines by UK and US authorities for failing to prevent bribery in Tanzania:
Interesting article this morning on Moneyweb "In 10 years, 40% of the Top 40 has changed" Very interesting to see who dropped out of the Top 40 and who came in - resources seem to have taken a beating second to none
If commodities does not recover in 2016, I will ask the mothership to fetch me and take me home.
just avoid iron ore, oil and gold Jadeb. Copper and coal (depsite COP21) should have a good 2016
@gcr: link please
Interesting reading Graham.
Pistorius Found Guilty of Murder by South African Appeals Court
Justice after all...
Why so much JSE selling?
Yellan's speach last night.
Note: There is no SHF - changed to SNH - amend comp.
Thanks Moonraker, it's done.
MTN fine slashed by $1.8 billion
Might have been asked before and perhaps I may be missing something (in which case my bad - still a newbie!), but is there a reason why dividends don't appear to be included in the ETF's in the leaderboard? Doesn't really make for a like-for-like comparison with direct share trades if they don't include them? Or is this too much admin Patrick?
Eur/Zar 15.73 wtf !!
Hi joeman, I have auto feeds for most companies, but sadly not for the ETFs. They can be entered manually and will be backdated and paid. Anyone who would like to help can do that here, all you need is the amount and LDT date:
MTN fine now upped again by $500 million
MTN lol, it is becoming a joke
here LON starts again....
NPN back up to 2000 :)
Amsterdam 4 December 2015 – In connection with tax investigations, the
Westerstede offices of Steinhoff Europe Group Services GmbH (SEGS), a German
subsidiary of SIHL, have been searched on November 26, 2015.
The authorities are reviewing the balance sheet treatment of certain
involving transfers of participations and intangible assets among SEGS,
subsidiaries and third parties pursuant to §331 HGB. The investigation focuses
adherence to an arms’ length valuation and proper accounting pursuant to German
SEGS is fully committed to support the authorities, and has begun to take
steps, in clarifying and resolving these matters.
Steinhoff International Holdings N.V and its management are of the view that on
global consolidated basis the above matters have been properly reflected in its
Group accounts according to IFRS.
Hey...hey, get u @ss back up there above R2000...NOW !!!
Did anyone else receive their RPL dividends yet?
Should reflect on your banking a/c tomorrow - were paid today.
19:30 - S&P holds South Africa's credit rating; downgrades outlook to negative
Fitch cut South Africa’s sovereign credit rating by one notch to BBB- It assigned a stable outlook to the rating.
Seems like a rebound today from fridays ratings disaster.
Nice to see shares in the green again instead of the red!!!!!
What do guys predict will happen if that FED interest rate finally arrives?
Naspers looking good again :)
Where is everybody, holiday or buying LON shares?
Trying to convince Juju to buy up Lonmin stock so that he can own part of the mining infrastructure that he so desperately wants, but, he is saying he wants it for free :LHST:
Yeah. Gotten pretty quiet in here. Guess just us schmucks who still have to work who are left in here
OCE is trying so hard to climb... :'(
Mondi - why down 6½ % and over 7% on LSE. ?
@ Mr Bond, cannot see why
Apparently there was a double downgrade from overweight to underweight, purely on valuation concerns. Still a great share and a Runt hedge.
I have nothing to say but its getting cold here now. Siberian snow geese migrated a month early signalling an early cold winter. The longest in 50 years.
Here we have frikkin heat wave 37 deg..
What happens when El nino comes every year? Can it then be classified as global warming?
No idea...
Yes. That is what you call a deer that is blind.
So a Red one (van Rooyen) replaces a a No No one (Nene)
At least van Rooyen has a bunch or certificates and no qualifications so should do a sterling job - after all he is as qualified as that idiot at SABC
So I am going to go ahead and predict that today is not going to be a good one for the JSE
I'll second that Fawkes, our president is a dick.
Well it is with his dick that he makes all of his decisions.
At least our current account was hit with more imports....before this smart move by Zuma
We really need to embrace zuma's decision after all it is Christmas soon and that in itself conjures up some interesting images in my mind
zuma is like the fairy on the top of the tree - al shiny and bright standing atop a dying tree, filled with all sorts of baubles (his cabinet) and fairy lights which flash relentless for the fairy atop the tree.
Thank goodness the tree is taken down at some stage after the Christmas celebration - now its a case of the "Anc must fall" after all they have failed dismally
zuma and his merry hatchet men are real live wrecking balls - and in the other corner you have juju with his conker - hoping that he can grow a pair like the despicable president of SA
Quite the choice we have. Zuma or Juju. It's like having to choose between cancer and AIDS
Wow, nice sell off, just in time to fill your xmas stockings :)
Very interesting, SABMiller and Capital&Counties making new highs.
Tech sector hit big time today. My poor ADI. Thanks Zuma.
DIVTRX took a pounding too... The indi is up though somehow...
The IND ALSI was up 0,71% today.
I believe SABMiller is saving the Indi
Is Naspers in the Indi?
That's a spectacular drop in PtxTen and DivTrx. Institutional investors pulling out due to credit ratings? Dividend yields expected to fall severly? General exit of market before a crash? Who has the crystal ball?
@jaDEB, the indi is 22% SAB, 20% Naspers.
Thanks P.
You guys are not big on speculation? As investors this place should team with discussions of loading up now or getting caught holding a poisoned chalice.
Tell that to my 1Time and African bank shares...
CML @ R49.....wth !!!
@Fanus waiting for stuff to drop more.
I think it's the -Nene effect. And van Rooyen says he want's to "open up" the treasury so that it's more accessible??? Another R1 down on all the indexes please :)
@czc Yes indeed and you can rest's still dropping like hot cakes
Patrick - I was wrong about the window dressing by the U/T fund managers - not much that can stand in the way of a bazuma bazooka.
I will have to re assess when I sell my U/T's but it looks like 1st or 2nd quarter next year
I think this is the best lesson on why you need diversify your portfolio across the globe. Time to visit the Gold broker.
I think this is the best lesson on why you need diversify your portfolio across the globe. Time to visit the Gold broker.
Well even with a diversified portfolio (22 counters) I have taken a massive hit - only 2 bright lights (for me) at the moment and that is DBXWD and Santova. Compared to last month my portfolio is down almost half a bar
If you look at my portfolio on here then I'm glad it's not my actual money. Who knows how long it will take to recover from such a Zuma correction
What is scary is that it's across almost every type of share. Mass exodus. If I had a crystal ball about who the sellers are then it would provide great insight about who Zuma pissed off so much (excluding us)
just sold off half my portfolio that are SA inc.. hope i'm wrong about this for SA's sake
What is scary is that it's across almost every type of share. Mass exodus. If I had a crystal ball about who the sellers are then it would provide great insight about who Zuma pissed off so much (excluding us)
Whats even more scary I bought up a parcel of about 3000 ARI at round about R 55 all in and have been selling off at the R 41 mark as I don't believe the share is going to go anywhere soon. What must be very debilitating for Patrice Mosepe is that he has seen his wealth fall dramatically - share price has had a high of R 132.54 and now stands at R 39.90 - but I suppose easy come easy go
@chang9015 Don't sell. The waterfront still exists. The banks still run. Sanral is still not collecting tolls. I would venture 90% of SA citizends don't even know what happened (stock wise). They will still rent, buy, spend and eat the same they did yesterday and the day before. Just a year or two and the divvies will start roling in again
I learnt my lesson buying on the way down with Aspen, will wait it out this time.
@Fanus I suppose your right, but macro economics work differently, unless your holdings made you +25% this year, you're actually going backwards in dollar terms, our bond yields increased by 25% since Nene got removed. you're right in saying people will still rent, buy and spend, but it'll cost everyone that much more, expect SARB to increase interest rates by 50-100bps come january if this debacle isn't controlled.
and, if we do go to junk status.... SA inc are not the holdings you want to be in....
Yeah, I know our costs are spiralling upwards... but cheer up. Gold is accepted in most countries :) Just don't head for Europe. They seem a bit full these days
SAB is really busting a move right now
people who were shorting gold must've had a good laugh hahah
The fall in stocks.. reminds me of the last week of the Sanlamitrade competition..
I wonder if any of JZ's family or friends have made an absolute fortune shorting shares in the last week... The Gupta's are smart enough to, and were most likely consulted before hand...
So Pravin is back as Finance minister - lets see whether he heads off the dudu
I knew something had to happen this week end and it did. Zuma had no other option.
Zuma blinked. That is a good sign. He has finally realised he is not untouchable.
I have no idea what the JSE going to do at open...
Well the Rand went up by 6% after the announcement so that is a good sign.
Did anyone have the balls to go long on banking stocks last week?
Nope...hope my AVL/NPN/OCE recover today
banking stocks this morning.. hahah dont think anyone had the balls to long them last week
so glad i doubled my position in DSY despite selling everything pure SA inc last week.. interesting to see how things play out this week with rates take off
I would still like to know who were selling on Thursday and Friday because today it's all buy buy buy again
At least my AVL is recovering...for now...til he speaks again :'(
I wanted to buy but what will the Fed decision do on Wednesday?
eco predict 0.25 or 0.12 rise. anything else will be a suprise.
So I assume it is going to be another rough day on the JSE now that Moody's has cut SA's outlook to negative as well?
This December is turning out to be a nightmare one financially. Merry Christmas showerhead.
Ah. Forgot it is a public holiday back home.
Yeah, tough day gets postponed to tomorrow.
Fawkes where are u currently?
READ . . .
Am in the Far East. Sorry for not giving more detail but I try to not give away too much personal details online.
Must read . . .
Far East? Brakpan? No Problem
@ Fawkes Look after my Tencents...
So fed rates up .25%, was this priced in, or will we be hammered for the downgrade and the fed rates today?
No I think it was priced in.
Brakpan? I think Brakpan is more Middle East than Far East
No we like Brakpan as far away as possible, it is far east..
I think the rest of SA feels the same...heheh.JK
Everything seems to be up today.
Today is the best day I have had on the far
TEX still has a long way to go though...
Yip. And wish I had the cash to buy a boatload of it right now!
So a second agency downgrades SA's outlook to negative and the market responds with glee?
And the fed raises rates, expecting emerging markets to tank, but instead they go up. This is why I don't try and time the markets!
how was NPN's climb :)
Where is MoneyPenny ? :'(
I'm back to gambling on Lonmin
Nice, good luck, Patrick it is 100 to 1 LON
LON adjusted. It'll look weird to those who still hold, but the overall chart should work out.
Nene firing aftershock – Barclays UK wants to sell R73bn SA subsidiary Absa
Can anyone explain what happened to LON? As if you are explaining it to a 2 year old
u had 2000 shares at 20c, R400. o now have 200 shares at R2, R400. For every 100 shares u had, u have 1 now.
Ah. Thought as much. Thanx
small correction jaDEB, you will have 20 shares @ R20 each, my boss bought at 76c and now has to realise a price of R76 per share to break even
Tx Hstig
I totally aced this investment challenge
I was better at it than I was with my real portfolio. 5.63% in 4 months. Not too bad
My MTA is up 14% in 2 days. At last.
But then this morning it drops 10.1% - what's going on with this share
Last day for the challenge today...
i thought this year I would win the harder of the two leader boards. I'll go for the other one next year. :)
Can anyone answer me this: With REITs dividends are taxed as income and not as dividends. But what if you received scrip? Does scrip get taxed?
No. Only CGT on disposal. Scrip shares have zero base cost, which will bring down your weighted ave. cost per share.
That it sure does. By quite a bit. Brought my average weighted price on RPL down by almost 30c
Patrick - are you running this competition next year again?
Hi Patrick. How can I get a copy of that sheet with all the divis that paid and the date please?
Yes, we're running again next year, Lamak, the page was wiped clean for 2015, but I still have the days, I'll see if I can have it on a page for you.
Patrick, I read about a spreadsheet of yours. Can I please have a copy. ta
I'm busy putting together a quick page to show the data, I should have it online this evening.
Where woud I find it
Here you guys go, all dividends for all years:
Thanx so much Patric. I will start the analysis some time and i will share my finding. Here is to 2016
Happy New Year to everyone. What kind of analysis are you doing Lamak?
There is the usual stuff like best %. Also overlay the data with some other facts from some of the investment houses and what ppl say. My aim is to create monthly long term portfolio. So I would like to get dividents every month so I can retire...but the stocks must also appreciate. But, before I get an earful from the boss I better be on holiday now lol. Will post back. Cheers. All the best of 2016
Where the hell is MoneyPenny !!
Hello everyone, back to work for me, and today is the first trading day of the year, so the competition starts today!
China shares trade halted after 7% plunge. Quite the start to 2016
I'm browsing through the investor challenge results etc. Is this real money and shares that you guys own ??
10 minutes into the JSE trading day and I am getting no price changes on Thursday last weeks closing prices - are any of you forumites getting prices?
My sharenet app also not working...grrrr
Looks like a red opening on all the shares I have in my watchlist.
After my shockingly poor performance last year, I'll play it safe this year.
After my shockingly poor performance last year, I'll play it safe this year.
I can see that. Double post is definitely playing it safe. :)
Hoping this year I do better.
So what's new? :) I'm still enjoying last few days doing nothing.
Going to be a tough year. For first time, South African assets abroad outstrip inflows
1st time ever on the top, I'm sure it wont last :-(
ADI hit by the falling Nkandla currency.
China suspends trading again as shares fall 7%...again
Going to be a Bad-ass day and year.
Yes it is.... :'(
watch the goldminers today
Wouldn't be sad if I were you. Bad ass year means bargain basement prices for buying ;)
Time for some ABBA !!!! :'(
But why the gold miners? It's not like mining suddenly became attractive in SA. The same acid heap of problems is still present
They sell in Dollars / Rands
I pressed the help button, but it does not work....ppffftttt
China suspends circuit breaker. D-day Friday or another 2008?
Are they mad?
Chinese stocks gained in volatile trading after the government suspended a controversial circuit breaker system and the central bank moved to stabilize the yuan with its reference rate
So the chinese government suspends trading when their market drops but they don't do the same when it's going up. It seems like market manipulation is the norm.
Falling of a cliff you need some help for a soft landing, Falling up a cliff ? need I say more .. :)
That's communism for you. Complete and utter cluelesness when it comes to economics. They think they can control the stock market the same way they control every other facet of Chinese society
It was not invented by China "On the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), one type of trading curb is referred to as a "circuit breaker." These limits were put in place after Black Monday in order to reduce market volatility and massive panic sell-offs, giving traders time to reconsider their transactions"
Not talking about circuit breakers. Circuit breakers make perfect sense. Talking about how China constantly tries to control and manipulate their stock market and economy in general.
@ Fawkes appologies for misunderstanding.
I think Frikkie is in China...:'(
US Payrolls ..
The 292,000 gain exceeded the highest forecast in a Bloomberg survey and followed a 252,000 increase in November that was stronger than previously estimated, a Labor Department report showed Friday. The median forecast in a Bloomberg survey called for a 200,000 advance. The jobless rate held at 5 percent, and wage growth rose less than forecast from a year earlier.
Gold miners again today. R/KG is at R593000
walking up to R16.80 to the dollar doesn't make for a good morning...
David Bowie, the Legendary Musician, Has Died at 69
JSE recovering ?
Yes, jaDEB looks like it..
So u happy u bought LON?..frikkin idiot
Think that's called a swing and a miss J. :)
Yes, should have used a bigger bat :)
I only recognize 1 in every 32 faces at gym these days, and yes, I have counted. ;)
new year resolution, they will be gone by mid feb :)
Yes, so crazy, and none of them know they're supposed to put the weights back when they're done!
I do my GYM stuff online :) Battlefield maps are huge...
I regard GYM stuff as a spectator sport.
Geeze, Lonmin is killing anything that comes near it
yes, :'(, I thought R15 is the bottom..... luckily only took small portion
My home gym makes a fantastic drying rack
So most of you are chubby then, lol - got it.
Real men have curves
Gym rat here, sadly my portfolio is as lean as my sixpack
AB Inbev listed today :)
ANB added to the contest, hopefully they do better than ANC :P
stock market not for the faint-hearted.. week 3 of slump
Very true. The world index is at levels last seen in September 2013. If you're still working and buying, that's not a bad thing. It'll come back someday, but who knows when that will be... I'm still buying every month as per my usual plan.
Realignment of stock valuations worldwide - was bound to occur, with China being the trigger. Deflationary fears.
Amid a selloff that erased more than two years of gains -- about $14 trillion
-- from global stocks now on the brink of a bear market, at least earnings stood
as a potential bright spot. Those hopes are fading: analyst profit downgrades
outnumbered upgrades by the most since 2009 last week, according to monthly
data from a Citigroup Inc. index that tracks such changes.
“The momentum in the global economy is slowing down to such an extent that
people are seriously talking about recession,” said Zimmermann, a strategist at
Bankhaus Lampe in Dusseldorf. “This is not just China, it’s far more widespread.
There are few places to hide. Even defensives will feel the pain.”
Asian shares slid to their lowest levels since late 2011 on Monday
Guess it is gonna be another rough week
YEs I know :'(
Ah Lonmin, The falling knife.
It is sad :'(
Glad I pulled out :P
U.S. Markets closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day .
Who is going to call the bottom on the commodity cycle?
NPN :)
From what I have been reading we may have reached the bottom of the commodity cycle but we are going to stay down here for a long, long time. Sorry
The International Monetary Fund cut its economic growth forecast for South Africa by almost half to less than 1 percent as commodity prices slump and global demand remains weak.
Gross domestic product in Africa’s most industrialized nation will probably expand 0.7 percent this year, compared with October’s estimate of 1.3 percent, the Washington-based lender said in an update to its World Economic Outlook report on Tuesday. The IMF cut its projection for 2017 by 0.3 percentage points to 1.8 percent.
WHat the FriKkie, is China the only country in the world.... xface here
-, only the largest economy in Asia, but who's counting.
Why can't I find MICROmega holdings MMG on the Investor Challenge?
If it isn't traded more than 16 times a day it isn't allowed in the Investor Challenge. So that might be a reason.
@rjt: Low trading, only 3 deals so far today, should it reach minimum deals allowed, you can just ask Patrick to add.
T40 down -940 pips @ 41881
sorry ... thought it was the search box :)
how is lonmin doing? have they had any increases in share prices over this month?
@Moneypenny what platform or website do you use to see live trades? I want to subscribe to a platform to track my portfolio not available.
For investing I have an acc with PSG Online, for CFD trading, account with IG Markets, both live prices.
@PsYcHZ, take a look at what the holders at the bottom of the leaderboard have bought...
lol, I have a plan, ok, ok...
rand cost averaging
World index down 2.71% today, I must have missed some news... It's pretty much at January 2013 levels.
@jaDEB for your sake I hope it's to balance out losses on a tax return...but wait this is virtual money :0
Yes, virtual training :). Maybe the best time to learn is now.
phocket !!!
MyBB members where are you ??
No more catching falling knives... I think it's time to hang on to my money
mybb members being sad about loosing so much fake money xD
But for my Naspers shares I would have had a good start.
Interesting article on Moneyweb by Patrick Cairns "What's up with the Divi?"
Patrick, I am 202 in the Investor challenge, how many people are taking part?
I think someone else has recently joined jaDEB, now you're 203...
I will go sit in the corner and cry, thanks Patrick and your competition for building my confidence.. :'(
@Patrick - n00b question - How often is the "net worth" updated?
Changed my music from ABBA to Ozzy Osborn, maybe that helps.. :)
thanks qriffin
All SA passport holders earning under R800K to be deported from the UK come April.
@sting, it's live, but share values are 15 minute delayed
All SA passport holders earning under R800K to be deported from the UK come April.
Is this just a UK/SA thing or are they doing for other nationals (dual) as well?
Read on SA travel website but applicable to all non EU pp holders.
Mr Market is being "nice" today!! Shares all in the green!! At long last!!
Let me try my hand at predictions: Monday will be a killer with major sell offs actross the board. JSE drops by 5%
Sounds like January2016
If oil remains above 30$ plus the Draghi comments re. stimulus, I don't see a sell-off in Europe and US, and our market is very much correlated to what happens there. So, let's hope you are wrong about Monday. But, who knows ?
@Fanus, looks like it is time for my tablets again... :'(
We have Zuma over ther making sure that everything goes smoothly. JaDEB you have nothing to worry about.
Nooo, now I have to double my dosage ...
lonmin waking up!!
Can someone tell me how Texton keeps buying properties, offshore, yet their share price keeps going down?
Patrick, where is you write up when u made wooden rings ? cannot find it, I is Noob.
@jaDEB, couldn't find it, so I re-wrote it, then I found it:
Thank you Sir ..
:'( I did not boil the crap out of it ......
@jaDEB My crystal ball is broken. It's the monday of smooth sailing
Yip, good news. but the day is not fin yet.
The ZAR seems to have pegged itself to the market performance now.
What is up with LON?
Platinum price has improved, so reflects on platinum mines
No Plat Oct 2015 1013, Dec 2015 839, now 874
UUgggg I feel dirty, posted on the darkside :'(
MTN looking waaaay too cheap on a PE of just 8.5
They're pricing in the loss of revenue to WhatsApp ;)
@jaDEB, couldn't find you on the rankings, I went all the way to the bottom but didn't see you...
That is cause I is not bottom anymore, but 208th.... I will buy more now but u only giving me my next 100K monday
Where is the LON "Shout" ?
I panick sold lonmin
at loss or profit?
yes, it's see-sawing it was up 7 percent and then down 5 percent, now I see it's up again.
Lonmin released good trading statement today!!
ADI released good trading statement today
CML surging up with the repo rate.
Rates increased by 50bps
Orca, why would CML be affected by the report rate?
SA interest rates are higher sending foreign investors back in and this will increase CML earnings.
Japan adopts negative interest rates
Telkom ADSL uncapped package my @zz
I will have Spice Girl song on my Apple till NPN hits R2000 again, help me please
wiff some Phantom of the opera to soften the blow :'(
Telkom ADSL...It's the one thing I will truly miss if I were to leave Asia for SA. Proper, fast, uncapped internet.
I would like to see SRE in competition. Maybe worth a punt.
Volumes are good and will move from ALTX to main board ± July.
How about it Patrick ?
Whats up with MTN down 9% again?
Hi moon. Any idea how often SRE trades per day? The minimum limit is 16 trades per day.
@jaDeb... don't look behind you
Hi moon. Any idea how often SRE trades per day? The minimum limit is 16 trades per day.
Volumes are pretty high - with average of ± 300,000 per day. On the strength of that I would assume
that you could include them ?
Ok, it's there
Thanks Patrick.
Insert Crying face here !!
jaDEB when did you buy MTN?
No I bought BIL
agg, ffs Frikkie stopit...
Is Frikkie after the Rand too now?
The only thing that is safe from Frikkie's onslaught is his pet pitbull terrier "Bob"
ACL :)
imagine u were short ACL/KIO today...ffs I am talking to myself again
You might be, but I'm watching you do it.
lol, I feel better now, I think
Rant is all over the place...... now back to R15.96
would love to know why
Apparently the dollar dropped by the most in 7 years yesterday on bad economic news. Also pushed oil up to 8% to $35 a barrel.
We Have A New Leader
Nice Q, I is still last, but I is creeping u from behind
I is 3rd in the darkside comp :)
nOW 1ST ... HEHHEHHEhehe
nOW 1ST ... HEHHEHHEhehe
jaDEB, I see you are quoting from SONA, was it leaked ? HehhehHEEH.
Yes, every time the sh#t hits the fan, I think of him laughing, I think he laughs at us..
SONA, State Of the Nation Address
What SGL at R40!!! was at R19 in Dec 2015...
Maybe add a disclaimer somewhere that the search box is below?
USD strengthens sharply due to NFP results?
"Once market internals deteriorate, central bank easing fails to provoke speculation, on average. The gas pedal is useless when the spark plugs are gone. Worse, central bank easing, in the context of unfavorable market internals, is typically a response to unexpected economic weakness. As a result, such “panic” easings are often followed by a further collapse."
anyone know where i can find a list of all SA REITs with their divvies?
Chinese holidays
Happy fire monkey year :)
Happy fire monkey year to u as well, Patrick, where is I on leaderboard? my screen is broken again... :'(
What the hell is up with my NPN :'(
Not sure I'll use this but...
I think we'll call jaDEB the comeback kid from now on. Doubling down on LON took some balls!
It fits my idea of how I 'see' JaDEB - that guy from Back to the Future - the young one. :)
Thanks MoneyPenny :), now can some1 please get Frikkie the %$#@ out of the Naspers Offices...Please !!
Frikkie is sitting next to me, hitting me on the head. He even took my wallet...bastard
yeS, nASPERS IS 64% OF MY pORT....DRugs SOME1 gIVe ME druGS..
That's the reason the STXIND scares me. Waaay too much in NPN (and SAB, and CFR) for my liking. I don't think anyone should hold 10%+ in anything, unless your name is Koos Bekker...
I don't like that heavy NPN weighting in the STXIND either. But I don't know how to fix it other than buying more Top40/PTXTEN or something to supplement my STXIND?
Now the dow/NDQ is!!!
@jaDeb what a miraculous comeback
:), did it years ago also, with a share SGL
Back to No 1 on the darkside
Hold thumbs ..... :)
Back to No 1 on the darkside....
okay what does that mean? Excuse my misinformed Q :o
It is the sharenet stock picks - :)
whl - wow
Wow nearly 10% down, what happened? I also see world markets are down 2%, anyone know why?
Have no clue - results seemed decent.
ALSI down almost 13% from 2015 highs. Woolies???? Great results and drops like a stone.
Yellen spoke yesterday and underwhelmed the market.... this feels very much like 2007 again.... could see imminent bank failures.... Deutsche Bank on watchlist...
As they said of Lehman Bros in 2008, if you have to come out and say you're credit worthy, then it's already too late.....
All of 2014 and 2015's stock market gains have been wiped off the Dow....
ZAR showing remarkable strength in circumstances.... shows how incredibly oversold it was.....
Has Zuma started his speech? Longest red candle I have ever seen at 14H20 on the USD/ZAR.
The market has already factored in a negative SONA address this evening - needs to be impeached
What time is SONA? 7pm?
Yes 7pm. I had some cash lying in my account, decided to buy this afternoon, let's see if it was a wise decision...
hmmm hint hint what did you buy? i made 13% on gold today ( SGL/ HAR/ ANG / GFI), but decided not to push it while markets is closed.
nothing exciting, just some divtrx. unfortunately i ask bought some VWRD yesterday, should have waited till today....
Managed to pick up SABC2 live on the internet so will be watching the SONA here in Portugal.
eNCA livestream on YouTube is better
EFF has made the ZAR to tank. Made a mockery of SA and no matter what Zuma says, bananas will be dished out at the dinner.
The rant is at R15.89, but yes it is hardbreaking how they act
Frikkie, I am getting old, enjoying Bette Midler music on my I-Pod :'(
ACL +25%, AGL + 16%, BIL + 6%, KIO + 16% :)
yes I'm also feeling quite smart for buying divtrx yesterday
@Fawkes85 Reason for drop RPL, CCO and others.
RPL better than CCO due to German exposure plus no luxury ultra high rental stuff.
- :)
bit happier today with RPL and TEX fawkes? :)
All to do with Brexit jitters. A positive is that HSBC announced that they will keep their HO in central London.
(RPL up on pocket change volume - not indicative).
I hope that there won't be a Brexit, it will cause havoc.
Yeah. RPL not up much. Still way off from where it was a mere two months ago. TEX shot up but I don't think it will hold. Will probably fall back down in an hour or two.
With RPL there is also the raising of GBP 100 million for the AUK acquisition coming up. Part of the multi year restructuring of RPL.
Pain now, but going forward should be good, even with Brexit.
It's hard to beat NEPI/RES/FFB and those are the ones that should form the bulk of a REIT/Property portfolio.
I also like SRE.
Kumba shareholders are referred to the announcement today by Anglo American plc (“Anglo American”),
of its intention to exit its 69.7% shareholding in the Company, at the appropriate time and in an orderly manner
Oakbay Resources and Energy Ltd. - Chairman: Atul Kumar Gupta
This seems like a pretty accurate view of what was going on in December. seems we have a fight on between two very wealthy families:
Seems like Zuma is toast.
Why, what happened today.
I was referring to Patrick's post below.
What is up with KIO ?
I call USD/ZAR at R13,8 within 2-3 weeks.
I'm watching it had back to normal levels with a big sigh of relief, you've been right before about other things Orca, I'm hoping you are again here!
If Zuma resigns tomorrow - then it should head back to below R 10 to the US$ >:D
No. Inflation will catch up to inhibit further strengthening of the ZAR.
Only 7 working days left to max out your tax free savings account. If you haven't put R30k into it (for each of your family members) make sure you do, even if it means selling your regular holdings. ABSA stockbrokers and Easy Equities are the cheapest providers around.
Good tip :)
Well I am presently negotiating with my stock brokers to open a TFSA account, whereby fees will waived or significantly reduced due to my share portfolio being held with them (normal mst, strate fees etc will apply), and they can show my holding on the same platform - so will be happy if I get this right
Sounds interesting, which broker is that GCR? PS I see the rand at under R15.40, hope it keeps going!
Darkside, jaDEB 53%, Happyboy 37%....hold thumbs
World's Largest Hedge Fund Bridgewater Pure Alpha Lost Over 10% Or $8 Billion In The Last Two Weeks
US red tonight sending the dollar higher. Not good for ZAR in the very short term.
MTN -18%
Hopefully will have a quick bounce in the next week or so :LHST:
Darkside update, jaDEB 53%, Happyboy 33%....hold thumbs
Thumbs Being Held :)
I'm out of fingernails after that cricket match!
World trade is so bad that cargo ships are being scrapped at double the 1986 record rate
Pound tumbles as Boris Johnson backs Brexit. The sterling is the most expensive currency in the world.
Yes, and it's wreaking havoc on GBP Rand hedges. Would you like to see Brexit ?
Yes because it will bring down the Euro as well. I need that now.
Darkside update. jaDEB 60%, Happyboy 42%....
rand at R15.18...
The Rand is not a Rant now. My prediction of 13,80 looks in sight already.
Uhh... the Sterling isn't the most expensive currency in the world. The Kuwaiti Dinar is.
Just saying :)
Or am I wrong?
BHP Billiton Slashes Dividend By 75% On 92% Profit Plunge, Announces $4.9 Billion Shale Writedown
FFS, was it expected or am I in for a hiding?
lol BHP closed +2.62% in Aussie Land
Curro going to market for another R 1 billion present p/e + 185. Another day at the races?
@luna. You are correct if you compare it to the USD.
everything gone south !!! :"(
Huawei Technologies buying Telkom or just a rumor?
This will mostly be through yet another big increase of 30 cents per litre in the fuel levy as well as increases in capital gains tax, property transfer tax and an increase of about 7% in the usual sin taxes (alcohol and tobacco).
Hey, not too bad. CGT = 40% inclusion rate and 16,4% max. effective if you are in the top marginal bracket (41%)
Annual exclusion of R40 000 capital gain or capital loss is granted to
individuals and special trusts. (Up from 30.000.-)
Fanks Mr Bond :)
Nothing of substance to change the framework to business friendly - and the Rand drops.
“Market expectations were a lot higher for a more austere budget,” Mike Schussler, chief economist at Johannesburg-based research group, said by phone. “Will they really be able to curtail the wage bill? That’s the key question.”
Withholding tax increase from 10% to 15% ???
Withholding tax was and remains @ 15%
Moonraker, now I hav nothing to complain about :(
Austerity measures not nearly strict enough to attract foreign investors. Upcoming elections more important seems.
Yes, for the last few weeks Pravin has done all the right things, pity he couldn't finish strong today.
If you liked Sin City and 300 - watch Deadpool - well worth it
@jaDeb You knew lonmin was a very unstable card to play?
YEs, I know ... only 1% of my real portfolio :)
How the F%$Kpkl can this be true "South Africa's unemployment rate fell to 24.5 percent of the labour force in the fourth quarter of the year from 25.5 percent in the third quarter, official data showed on Thursday"
I wouldn't even believe the 25.5% until I get the official source data. It's not for the public to know how these figures come about so why should I trust them at all?
Darkside update, jaDEB 67%, myshare 59%.... :'(
Let's get some positive speculation going : How long is this rush into mining going to continue?
No idea, but I based my thinking on it will be a while, 6 months
Darkside update, jaDEB 72%, myshare 58%.... comp closes Monday COB
Who to blame for ZAR? Brazil, Moody or Gordhan? Perhaps the bickering politicians?
Yup - Zuma acting like a petulant child and now getting his cohorts to start gouging Gordhan's eyes out. The drop in the Rand today is quite frightening.
Pity so few of the NEC have no backbone and are unable to see the wood for the trees
What is it with the ANC and its followers they seem hellbent on destroying things rather than improving or building new things.
Seems like the idiots and savages are running the show whether it be in parliament or universities with all this "this must fall" and "that must fall" hard work and dedication seems like an unholy word
Yes, it seems there is a war on in the ruling party. The President is a wounded animal, and therefore very dangerous. It might be a bit premature to say it, but I think JZ is losing the battle, and quite possibly his mind too. I'm thinking that if we get a court ruling against Zuma, either soon in terms of the constitutional court ruling on Nkandla, or at some point in the future related to the soon to be reinstated corruption charges that we'll see him recalled. I can no longer see him finishing this term.
'Hard work and dedication seem like and unholy word.' Seems to be the biggest problem with us millennials. We were raised in a very liberal world that told us that we are entitled to everything. We are a lost generation.
There are 2 issues that may well keep Zuma as president 1) The IEC may not be able to run elections this year even though legally they have to hold an election by latest August this year - reason Con Court has instructed IEC to obtain and record physical addresses for voters 2) Zuma is hugely popular in the rural areas because of his roots, so withdrawing him before the elections would create a problem for the ANC in terms of votes cast for them in these areas. Once the elections are squared off then there is every likelihood that he will be withdrawn. The problem is the ANC don't have a universally acceptable leader to replace Zuma as all of the punted candidates all have baggage Mbete - fraudulent drivers license via one John Block; Duarte - her husband had an accident in her state vehicle and she tried every trick in the book to hide the incident (car was written off if I recall correctly). Squirrel Cyril - has survived in business through BEE largesse but is not a competent business owner and has Marikana hanging over his head, Dlamini Zuma - supposedly will ensure no charges are laid against her ex husband and so will protect the guilty, also whilst holding her various portfolios whilst in government she was no ball of fire Home Affairs is still a shambles
So who does the ANC put forward is a serious problem - there are no competent leaders within the NEC/PEC - as a wild option maybe the sitting Minister of Finance should be given the job as he seems to have the country at heart but seen as too business friendly, but I do believe he could do the job and would have the creditability of foreigners and SA citizens alike
Just me views - now - on with researching how to squirrel money out of the country without raising alarm bells
Barclays to sell R120bn Absa. The annoucement is on Tuesday. Who's next
Japan's population down by 1 million. Can't be good for Japanese economy.
Also Hawks backtracked and said they are not investigating Gordhan. And so Zuma loses another battle.
Where did you get that info Fawkes85 ?
Zuma wants Gordhan to cooperate with Hawks - report
Cape Town - Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan will not receive any help from President Jacob Zuma relating to the so-called rogue unit at SA Revenue Service (Sars) at the time he was commissioner, according to City Press.
This despite the Presidency rejecting claims of a conspiracy against Gordhan and the African National Congress (ANC) issuing a formal statement of support for Gordhan.
The paper reported on Sunday that The Hawks are confident that they have a strong case against Gordhan, adding that Zuma was briefed by Police Minister Nathi Nhleko and Hawks head Major General Mthandazo Ntlemeza on the progress of the case at a meeting last month.
Zuma, who is said to believe that Gordhan should cooperate with investigators, was taken through the details of the case.
In a letter sent to Gordhan last Friday, Gordhan was given until Wednesday to hand-deliver his responses to 27 questions over his involvement with the formation of the so-called rogue unit at Sars.
Secretary General Gwede Mantashe said the ruling party was "extremely concerned" about reports that the Hawks sent questions to Gordhan four days before his Budget Speech about his knowledge of a rogue unit.
However, Zuma's office indirectly hit back at Mantashe, saying it "noted rumours and gossip which insinuate some conspiracy" against the finance minister.
On the News24 app
No. Sorry. Pretoria News website.
"There is no investigation into Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan, the Hawks confirmed yesterday(Friday), despite a series of questions sent to him about his knowledge of a so-called “rogue” intelligence unit that allegedly operated at the SA Revenue Service during his term as commissioner there."
Zuma must have called them off as he was once again reminded that Treasury is off limits to him.
OK, but Z. does not want to let PG off the hook. Link to my previous
That and the IEC problem (possibly no local elections this year) means ZA is truly you know what. Who is the bright spark predicting R/$ below 14 ?
That was me. I predicted that and I was correct for weeks as the ZAR strengthened almost daily and it was a good call as no one saw Brazil and the SARB/Hawkes saga coming. Had that not happened, the ZAR would have gained substantially against the USD after Gordhan's speech.
Marco - you are always right, just like my wife - ifs and buts notwithstanding. Had the sun not come up today, I would have a been a billionaire.
• I'm going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I'll do the second week.
tHERE GoES my 1st PLaCE on dArkSiDE "Kumba to vigorously defend SARS tax assessment" FFS
@Moonraker I get what you are saying but do you think it matters what JZ want anymore? He's not the all powerful man he was just six months ago. Even his strongest allies, Gwede Mantashe being the biggest, have left him. What JZ wants does not necessarily translate into what JZ gets anymore.
Here comes the next round of resources doubling up
Darkside Update jaDEB 85%, myshare 67%. sorry about the posting but I am keen on winning.
F%^*ING NETFLIX, My VPN not working anymore. Of course you will win jaDEB
@JaDEB what percentages are you quoting below?
Darkside (Sharenet Competition) -
Darkside Update jaDEB 87%, myshare 64%..
Congrats jaDEB, see if you can make it a double over here.
Thks Patrick, will try my best !!
Patrick any chance adding NEWUSD to the list
Shares in Barclays Plc fell as much as 11 percent in London trading this morning after the lender announced it was slashing its dividend and reducing its stake in its Africa unit in an attempt to shrink the bank and build capital ratios. Barclays also announced that it had identified potential money-laundering activities at its South African business, where it is also subject to a wider investigation over whether banks including Barclays colluded to rig the rand. Shares were trading 10.7 percent lower at 10:55 a.m. London time.
wtf !!! agree...
Fikkie is not at KIO, that is for sure.. maybe he is drawing money at ABSA.
KIO looking good hey, hope they can keep going up...
Thanks for the TFSA reminder Patrick, my R30000 is now R31000 ... Not bad for a weeks work :)
Damn, Samurai, we jinxed KIO... :'(
F & G index in the "greed" area. The highest this year. Are we in the eye of the storm?
Lonmin finally broke even from December!!!!!
I also want NPN to recover to R2200.... :)
Did not see KIO dropping by 7% today... downing a scotch tonight.
Q, is one allowed to utilised profits gain withing the Easy Equities tax free savings account to buy more ETF within the same TFS?
are there any implications when does this?
Yes, you really should be doing this. You can buy the same ETF, or a different one, just don't leave your money in cash, it earns very little for you.
Patrick how about adding NEWUSD to the competition
It's on the way.
Say what?
watch the goldminers today
Been watching them for ages, but I don't understand it one bit!
The simple answer is they produce in rands and sell in dollars. So weak R/$ bettter margins for same effort, but they are very sensitive to the $/oz price of gold. Global unrest( North Korea) and economic turmoil have also re-inforced gold's safe haven status
Hi there,
would like to withdraw some money
Please add PETMIN
I'll look into it FransH, are they regularly traded?
Haha Tefofo, were you being serious or just funny?
I think he was actually serious lol
You might be right, his only other post was in the chat in August last year and said "How do I get the moola? "!
Not that regular but expecting something nice coming. please add
Petmin SENS released
@Frans, when we enabled selling we agreed that it needs to be traded at least 16 times per day, any idea if it is traded that much? anyone else have that data perhaps?
Kumba making a comeback :)
In case anyone is wondering, all the RMB ETFs are now called ASH ETFs after the name change to Ashburton.
Platinum hit 1000 USD :)
South 32 also seeing to be doing well Value buy?
My opinion - anybody who invests in resources presently needs to take a valium at night :laugh:
Iron Ore jumped 19% today
@Frans, when we enabled selling we agreed that it needs to be traded at least 16 times per day, any idea if it is traded that much? anyone else have that data perhaps?
If u invested in resources 4 weeks ago, u would have made some nice cash :)
no sorry don't have! anyway too late now they jumped already
Thanks for the attatchment Brad, can you help me figure out the columns. I imagine it's open, high, low, close, but what is D? The rest I get, but is D trades per day perhaps?
PETMIN trades more than 16 a day. Today is half done and it already has 34 trades.
Ok, thanks for that, it's been added, should be available in about 15 minutes.
Yes correct "D"means deals or trades per day.
If u have KIO, LON, or BIL u need Steel b@lls. Any1 got some for me ?
bought kumba@63 sold @93 still happy.
Nice :)
Trump: I'm more presidential than anyone except Lincoln
Moody's on way to SA for thorough review
Should I wait at the Airport for them lol !!
ZAR strengthens by 1,8% as emerging markets rebound on USA results.
Ah I was wondering what happened. Moody's announces they're coming and the rand strengthens, didn't make sense to me!
R15.21/$, now all we need is for moodys to not downgrade us and we might dip under R15 for the first time in a long time.
Moody will only downgrade SA to one notch above junk. This will not have a lasting effect on the ZAR.
The European Central Bank cut all three interest rates and said it will expand its quantitative easing program in a bid to spur growth and inflation.
QE monthly purchases up from 60 billion € to 80 billion € -- more than expected.
The 25-member Governing Council, meeting in Frankfurt on Thursday, cut the rate on cash parked overnight by banks by 10 basis points to minus 0.4 percent, and its benchmark rate to zero. Bond purchases were raised to 80 billion euros ($87 billion) a month, starting in April, and corporate bonds will now be eligible.
So, € should weaken against US $ .. let's see what happens to the crosses.
With that, we may see the ZAR below R15 today.
And that is why only 3% of FX traders make money.
Manufacturing output weighing on Rand ?
Manufacturing output in Africa's most advanced economy unexpectedly contracted by 2.5 percent year-on-year in January after rising by a revised 0.5 percent in December, Statistics South Africa said.
Economists polled by Reuters had expected factory production to rise marginally by 0.2 percent.
On a month-on-month basis, manufacturing was down 1.8 percent, and was also down 1.1 percent in the three months to January compared with the previous three months, the statistics agency said.
"Weak demand, higher input costs and a death of confidence are all likely to continue to keep the manufacturing sector hovering around recessionary levels in 2016," BNP Paribas Securities economist Jeffrey Schultz said.
Statistics South Africa said mining output fell by 4.5 percent year-on-year in January.
Disappointing economic growth has heightened fears South Africa's credit rating could be cut to sub-investment grade and further unnerve investors concerned about President Jacob Zuma's handling of the economy.
U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Drop More Than Expected
The Labor Department said initial jobless claims dropped to 259,000, a decrease of 18,000 from the previous week's revised level of 277,000.
Orca, are you as baffled as I am ? € now a lot stronger than just after ECB from 1.08 to over 1.115 US $ to €. Rand however much weaker, from 15.08 to 15.38.
Is it the ZA manufacturing output data referred to ealier on ?
I have absolutely no idea.
Yes Moon. Defies logic. ZAR gained on the news and turned around with a vengeance. WTF? The EURO should have lost value and not gained.
If you traded FX it makes perfect sense
Most traders do not trade on the news but wait for it to turn before getting in as the move is always overdone and will retract back but not as far. This retractment is not logical to me.
Apparently a Flower Show in China was responsible for Iron Ore Jumping 19% recently (FT)
The market jumped to above 1.30 and then dropped nearly instantly to a low 1.28. This huge swing took place because Mario Draghi in a question and answer session after the ECB decision announced there will not be any further rate cuts. There was a chance negative interest rates would be introduced and as they have now been all but written off the market has put its confidence in the Euro - See more at:
The bad news from SA attenuated the fall of the ZAR and cemented the downgrade.
And then gains again the next day. Currency traders must be making a killing, or losing the shirt off their backs!
Traders act on impulse and then digest the news for some time to before making a decision on the direction it should be taking. Seems we will see sub 15 soon.
lon :)
anyone looking for info about megastocx, instastocx, tiestacron, MSI???
Did you get scammed by them? send Facebook and hello Peter are full of complaints.
Brazil was recently downgraded to junk but:
The index is now up just over 30% for the rolling month, against the backdrop of growing bullishness on South American markets, following moves this year by recently elected President Mauricio Macri to reform neighbouring Argentina’s economy.
So how did those on top of the leaderboard predict that reasources were going to run as hard?
I'm of the opinion that the world is on a downward spiral and that gold is going to become very scarce in the next 2 years so I'm trying to own the mines (just like some other Zuptas). If you invest where the president invests you can't go wrong.
Wait till (if) the FED increases rates - if they do gold will go down.
I think its clear Mr President is a forex trader... :P
Are you sure gold will go down after the FED increases rates? Gold is up in rand after the December rate increase. Might go down in dollar terms. lol to be honest... I think Gold will go up in rand terms whether or not the FED increases rates or keep them stable.
Agreed, in Rand terms it could be a totally different kettle of fish. However in $ terms, if the $ strengthens, it means that the $ strengthens against all commodities (which are priced in $), so by implication the commodity prices will be weaker. Conversely, if the dollar weakens so anything that is priced in dollars, including oil, becomes relatively stronger and that relative strength is reflected in a higher price.
lol and if the US decides not to increase rates... keep it stable or maybe backtrack on interest rate plans... it might be that investors will also flee to Gold (loosing faith in QE and other stimulus methods). Might be Bullish for the Rand (not that the FED will decide this unless some crappy employment data comes out)
We sell our gold at R15.30, next month R17, next month R19. I don't think the US job data, EU miracle stability or our politicians are going to change this trend any time soon
When Gordhan’s 17-strong “non-deal investment roadshow” travelled to London, Boston and New York last week, all flew business class. And in London the delegation, minus the trade union component, found lodgings at the luxury five-star Grange St Pauls hotel.
However, when they moved on to Boston and New York, the accommodation was at four-star level, at the Hyatt Boston Harbour and the historic Waldorf Astoria in New York.
(R= 15.90)
My mood seems directly proportional to the rand dollar rate :(
(Reuters) - South Africa's Hawks elite police unit said on Tuesday it would exercise its "constitutional powers" after Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan failed to meet a second deadline to answer its questions, weakening the rand further
(Reuters) - South Africa's Hawks elite police unit said on Tuesday it would exercise its "constitutional powers" after Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan failed to meet a second deadline to answer its questions, weakening the rand further
So the Hawks who have been dismally inept and ineffective in every investigation to date think they are going to make a case against Gordhan - I seriously doubt so - he probably has more intelligence in his little finger compared to the sum of intelligence captured in the Hawks.
Can see Zuma is not backing off against Gordhan and seriously wants him out of his cabinet so that he can place one of his flunkies in his place.
I am convinced that the exchange rate would improve significantly of Zuma was impeached or withdrawn - just need some ANC cadre's with oo's to take him on
I think it might have something to do with Gordhan's respone to the question yesterday about the Guptas' meeting with Jonas. They asked if he had any knowledge and all he said was "My silence is your answer" or something like that. Here's a great article on the battle:
The SARS rogue unit scandal was swept under the rug a long time ago so why has it now suddenly become an expedited priority? The Hawks head must be charged with financial sabotage.
This is the start of the end.
So what new bombshells can we expect today? Will the latest Gupta revelation shake things up in the ANC. JZ will never see 2019, I'll be surprised if he makes it past the 2017 ANC elections.
how about Gordhan arrested, R sliding into oblivion and interest rates up like you've never seen before?
I see Grande Parade brought out their results this morning.
If I recall correctly there was a debate on whether to invest in this counter or not.
My view was that it was not the best counter to invest in if compared to Taste. Both are suffering from expansion "growing pains" with the launch of their recently acquired franchises, both are going to spend mega bucks establishing acceptable footprints and acquiring customers. My reflection on the 2 counters was that Adams (GPI) was been more involved in slot machines (is currently negotiating the sale of more slot machines) whereas Gonzaga has been in the food industry forever (some of their brands have stuttered along for years). The point I am making is that this is all new to Adams, but not to Gonzaga so chances are that he will bed down his acquisitions in a shorter time frame and also with less teething problems.
Both are going to be long term plays - I have gone the route of Taste over GPI and have literally warehoused my Taste shares not expecting much over the next 2 - 4 years from them - bought at an averaged price of R 2.95 and they are presently sitting at R 2.41 so taking a knock of +/- R 25,000 but am prepared to wait it out
So just my opinion on the 2 counters
how about Gordhan arrested, R sliding into oblivion and interest rates up like you've never seen before?
Well if this does transpire the people to be hit 1st will undoubtedly be the poor who have no mechanism to generate cash to buy food so we could have an escalation of rioting and looting unprecedented in this country
Oh dear MP, that would be total hell. I'm being optomistic, Zupta gets recalled after the municipal elections...
Hmm.. Think I should buy a new car now. Next year maybe 40% more.
Happy thoughts people happy thoughts..ffs
@jaDEB I see uranium mines popping up everywhere and gold is so last century. Resources are shining bright :)
Every time I look at the news, it gets worse and worse.
not today, no happy thoughts.
not today, no happy thoughts.
This must be all the protesters call to arms slogan :LHST:
Rant taking again... :'(
Yup as per my screen now Rant down 27 cents today alone and SARB don't announced interest rate move/non move until tomorrow
Just a quick summation is that the top 10 shares by value have traded a figure of +/- R 4.00 billion today - that seems significant
Lots of pain down the line?
so stories or that Jonas has confirmed the Guptas offered him the finance post. Had he just released a nuclear warhead in Zuma's direction?
but OAKBAY is up 14 % lol
Yup as per my screen now Rant down 27 cents today alone and SARB don't announced interest rate move/non move until tomorrow
Just a quick summation is that the top 10 shares by value have traded a figure of +/- R 4.00 billion today - that seems significant
Lots of pain down the line?
Some interesting figures (ex Sharenet) of value of transactions:-
10/03/2016 R 22.86 bill
11/03/2016 R 20.79 bill
14/03/2016 R 20.21 bill
15/03/2016 R 21.42 bill
16/03/2016 R 19.74 bill
Wonder how much of these funds are actually leaving the country permanently or awaiting re investment dependent on the strength of the Rand over the next 2 weeks.
Another rather damning statistic is that the IEC states that if addresses are compulsory for all voters then 65% would be ineligible to vote. If they have to get addresses in terms of the Con Court ruling then it would take them until 2019 to correct their records. So will be interesting to see how the Con Court handles this as there is a lose/lose situation at play. Lets see if Mogoeng Mooeng is a real justice person or just another Zuma flunky - interesting times ahead of us
How about that rand recovery since the news broke...
Gordhan and Jonas are not fools. I am sure Gordhan asked Jonas to disclose it to salvage the ZAR from its free fall.
We now have 2 senior ministers implicating the Guptas in politics for their own gain and for Zuma.
This is the start of Zexit. Many a book will be written about the Zuma Saga and his scheme to hijack the country as his mentor Bob taught him.
Zexit, I like it!
Zuma will be gone by Friday. He has become too much of an embarrassment to the ANC and the NEC can see that he has tried to hijack the whole country for himself. The NEC has a meeting with him on Thursday and this may well be the last of him.
Just shows what greed can do to an idiot. He had it all and he just kept on pushing his luck. Now he's going to lose everything. The Guptas too probably. They are going to become a bunch lepers. Everyone will know from here on out it will be political suicide to deal with them.
- bet against SA is failing. It's a bag of mixed emotions :)
Mr Market in a good mood today!! Must be all news
Zuma will be gone by Friday. He has become too much of an embarrassment to the ANC and the NEC can see that he has tried to hijack the whole country for himself. The NEC has a meeting with him on Thursday and this may well be the last of him.
I hope so, but remember the NEC is loaded with Zupta acolytes and tenderpreneurs. It's the so called top six (which includes Gwede Mantashe) that want him to disappear. Can they bring weight to bear on the NEC ? I really hope so !
Well both the Alsi and top 40 is up looking good people
Repo rate up another .25% to 7%.
Mistake. Growth is more important than inflation.
Our super volatile rand is at R15.14 tonight.
If Zuma keeps his job it will be back over R16 next week
If Zuma keeps his job then this country will be a Mafia led country. The NEC knows this and as much as some of us dislike the ANC, they have some smart and educated people that will not allow this.
RIP Zuma.
If I’m not mistaken, a majority of two-thirds of the total house needs to come aboard before impeachment, what is the chance?
There is always a simple solution to a vexatious problem. All it requires is that sufficient ANC MP's follow their conscience and refrain from voting - called abstention - this would solve the 2/3rds requirement. Whether it will happen is another matter entirely.
Personally I don't think anything will happen until the the municipal election results are in, and then the ANC will recall Zuma as they can lay the blame at his doorstep for their poor showing. Its a more acceptable way of exiting Zuma as the phrase "the people have spoken" takes on relevance
I think nothing will happen, weeks from now he will still be here.
Maybe. But he is clearly stretching even the ANC's patience thin. He will be on very thin ice from now on or only president in name while the NEC run the place.
Zuma given standing ovation, I think we can now safely say nothing will happen.
A whitewash will negatively affect the Rand come Monday. Is there a link ?
ANC says it has full confidence in Zuma (Timeslive)
I read the full statement. To me it seems they are backing him for now while collecting more information. I still stand by my post constitutional court ruling date...
Yup but the markets are not going to like this support for Zuma by the NEC/ANC - I think we are going to see a marked sell off tomorrow and the Rand could go beyond R 16 :'(
Never seen the ZAR this volatile before as traders look for direction.
What up wiff my fishies ? (OCE)
Nigerian state oil firm 'withheld $25bn over five years' (BBC)
Fish oil?
Why would you film the Brussels happenings with your cell, with a lady lying next to you trying to protect a child or elderly person. Then you go and slap it on the internet, frikkin people of today. When is that mothership getting here to pick me up…
I agree, why aren't you doing something to help, and why do you think the world wants to see that?
Time to sell! The country is going down the shute
my LON and Fishies is down 7% + :'(
U.S. Mining Losses Last Year Wipe Out Profits From Past Eight Years (WSJ)
I need to find Frikkie....
Losses are in line with EM. Not SA problems.
What time does the JSE close today 12h00?
Normal time surely?
jaDEB how u doing on darkside?
Darkside is closed, Stockpiks says ,coming soon.... with new prizes...
Everyone have a good easter break?
Always, and you?
it was good.. totally switched off from this life here *hides* :whistle:
Good to have time off, but next time I'll avoid sun city on a public holiday!
It's really nice when you don't follow SENS announcements and then you unexpectedly get a message from your broker that a considerable amount in dividends had just been paid into your account :)
Which share was it Fawkes?
@Patrick: Are they done for now with construction & upgrades at SunC? – been there last year for a week and most of the restaurants were closed, going again for yearly winter sabbatical but I’ve read somewhere more upgrades to the tune of R-billion-something will be commencing in 4th Q? Really hope at least restaurants are up and running.
rant R15.01 :)
USDZAR 14.89
Go Rand go! I still think we'd be another R1 better off without Zuma around. @MP nope it's still a building site, no entertainment area until December.
Patrick my Portfolio is valued at R450k but I'm 36th?
@Patrick, your comp total worth vs nett worth (After tax), what is the difference. Tax % ?
Maybe I'm being double taxed when my net worth is shown?
Go Rand Go??? I thought you were on my side Patrick. Do you know how bad this bad rand is for my investments!?!
@Patrick, your comp total worth vs nett worth (After tax), what is the difference. Tax % ?
Patrick my Portfolio is valued at R450k but I'm 36th?
Take 30% of your profit from the selling of shares, and subtract that from your total worth. That will give you your Net worth (after tax) amount used on the leaderboard.
My own portfolio as of now:
Total worth: R379 920,12
Net profit on share sales: R188 211,15
30% of profit = R56 463,34
Net Worth (after tax) = R379 920 - R56 463 = R323456.75 (same as leaderboard)
Patrick please check my Portfolio
Ftfo :( (SC not q)
Hey Q, yeah I think it all adds up, Snapcase is right, we're all in the 30% tax bracket for the game. It's what we started since we had selling, to more or less represent the real world.
Haha sorry Fanus, I have pretty much all my investments in Rand so I'm feeling much better at the moment. Once I have all of my money in my US brokerage account I'll switch sides for you :)
It might be a great feeling but how can this not be currency manipulation?
Glad I did not take a gamble on the ZAR dropping and flee to USD. ZAR gained 2% and my portfolio by 2,8% today. This is a double whammy for me. ;D
$$$ On Sale Today
SA will not become a Zumbabwe. He has become too much of an embarrassment for the ANC and they will have to let him go after he pays for his floor mats and all.
I think some of the share price movements upwards yesterday and probably today are fund managers doing some window dressing at a quarter end again.
I am not sure why the Rand strengthened yesterday it may have something to do with Gordhan answering the Hawks question and could have something to do with the Con Courts ruling later today on the Nkandla issue. Gauntlett was at pains to say that whatever ruling is given, that impeachment, or unfit to hold office should not be a determinant in the outcome.
They do say the market knows everything
I finks it is the USD that is to strong for the US, it is now Euro to $ 1.13
They may not be Vanguard but they are the next best thing and they are coming to SA:
Here's why ZAR strenthened:
4th Place Total Worth R444k / Q Total Worth R445 27th something is wrong
The numbers add up Q. Your total worth is R446k, but of that your profit so far has been R200k, you pay tax on profit of 30%, so the government (me!) wants R60k from you, leaving you with R386k in net worth.
Patrick what is the R44k I've paid in fees already from the R200k profit?
Are you saying from my R200k profit I've paid out R44k (Fees) + R60k (Tax) = R104k
Patrick, please note MoneyPenny will pay my tax on the IC. Thus it does not apply to me.
Yep, fees go to the broker, taxes go to the government, you have to pay both, here and in real life unfortunately! @jaDEB, she's missed the last payment, I'm sending my MMA fighter brother to come collect directly thanks :)
Thanks Patrick
S&P Revises China To AA- (NEGATIVE) From AA- (STABLE)
Seems you have a perfect aptitude for a bright and long future in parliament jaDEB. ;) I really do know one of those MMA boytjies, should you need one P.
Sies julle is lelik met my :'(
Go ConCourt!
Constitutional Court Judges are FX Traders
@P. Don't forget that I am Non SA Resident so I pay no tax or VAT. :)
I am from Boksburg, Far east, thys also Non SA resident. Brakpan is Non world resident.
@P. Don't forget that I am Non SA Resident so I pay no tax or VAT. :)
Haha! But are you right Orca? If you were a trader would it be seen as South African sourced income? From what I understand even someone living abroad earning money in SA will still pay SA tax on it.
Cunning plan, the winner of IC gets to visit Orca... :)
Please remember tmmrw is 1 April
@P. Check my post on the Tax thread.
African Bank Limited will be renamed Residual Debt Services Limited on or shortly after 4 April 2016.
It's not just you! looks down from here.
Up again.
US Manufacturing up and NFP's better than expected; lends some gains to the $
R/$ currently 14.94
That should change soon as traders digest this news and dump the $ for equities.
Back to 14.76
A textbook response that FX traders use for their benefit. Don't trade on the news but on the retractment.
BREAKING: Zuma to address the nation after ConCourt ruling at 19h00 Tonight
ZAR 14.60
It wasn't me it was my lawyers. it wasn't me it was the police minister. it wasn't me it was the tooth fairy. I'm innocent!
Gotta give it to him. He has perseverance. He is going to fight to the very, very, very end.
I assume my African Bank shares is defunked !!!
Stock picks on darkside has awesome prices....go there now and play !!!! NOW...u can win a KIA..... (Sorry Patrick)
I also want a kia, but I'd probably sell it and buy a bicycle and a go on a long holiday :)
A Kia jaDEB, lol, to do what with?
U use the Kia to drive to the darkside...... no... no...there is cash also....
KIA SPORTAGE (RRP R400,000)., Every month KIA will also be giving away three cash prizes of R30,000, R15,000 and R5,000
I fink its a good thing..Patrick please talk to BMW about your IC... :)
Have you guys worked out the word puzzle from Sharenet as to how their competition works
How does it work
"Simply register, then pick 5 stocks at any point in each month, from April to November 2016, and you'll be in with a chance of winning"
Here's the confusion
1)You may pick a maximum of 5 stocks over the duration of the competition being run from April to November? O:-)
2)You can pick 5 stocks at anytime during the month and repeat this over the period April to November O:-)
3) You may pick a stock a month anytime during the month but may not exceed 5 stocks over the duration of the competition
4)You may select 5 stocks and purchase all 5 in the month of April and hold them for the duration of the competition
5) extension of 4 above but you can sell one of your 5 stocks purchased, but can't buy until the preceding month
The rules seem to be expected to be interpreted as the author wrote the rules, and not by the author trying to ensure no misinterpretation of the rules - some say that's singing from the same hymn book, I prefer to look at it and say confusing script, confused mind
Hope forumites interpret the rules like the author want you to without confusion, as I am indeed confused
You can pick five different stocks or you can choose to double-up on one or two of them. Once your stocks are chosen you won't be able to make any further changes for that month, so do your research and make sure you're happy with your choices
It is per month as in the past.
I is 3rd from last..... lol pathetic
It is per month as in the past.
So my question still stands - can I purchase all 5 stocks in April and sit it out until the end of the competition with the self same stocks in my portfolio?
No, it resets per month, the heading is per month "You can pick your shares for the month at any time during the month.The price of the share you pick will be entered into your stock picks at the time and date of picking or, if outside of market hours, when the markets reopen. For this reason it's important to make your choice carefully based on what the markets are doing. It is also possible to pick shares a month in advance but these will only be activated at the first market opportunity in the new month.
Heading "Play every month"
At the end of each month your points will be tallied up and the best performing portfolio will be that month's winner. Your points will also be added towards the final GRAND PRIZE. So choose your strategy carefully.
Patrick is going to ban me for selling the Darkside here.. :'(
OK so based on your responses this is a one hit a month wonder type of competition - research is not a factor whatsoever - but knowledge of how the croupier spins the wheel is important
Yes, you playing to win by November, not planing your retirement. :) have fun, that's what I will be doing.
PS. u might not win if you do not take major risk...
Pucket I am 2nd last...
Okay, let's do this.
Frikkie, the darkside is pasted with KIA every where....
I see that. Sportage not looking too shabby at all.
Ja, Nee, kom ons braai......FFS - THE national leadership of the African National Congress (ANC) on Monday night gave its full backing to President Jacob Zuma
Rant R14.99 :'(
If the national assembly can vote not to follow constitutional law... can I and some companies vote not to pay taxes to a government that doesn't follow the law? Doesn't that make withholding taxes technically legal?
The NA cannot vote to not follow the constitution and any talk that they will do so are fabricated rumours.
15.02 :( but Zuma will go and the rand will celebrate. might only be after the elections now...
ag frikkie, now I have to play catch up again, come back kid, pos 453 :'(
Zuma. His intelligent reply. He he he. He he he. I ween.
So by the ANC parliamenterians voting against the impeachment of their leader and president merely confirm that they are not in parliament for the people but for their own selfish designs. It also confirms that the constitution is in their minds a worthless piece of paper even though Cyril the squirrel was one of the authors of the document, bit like the NDP just so many words on a sheet of paper with little meaning or intent to be followed through
Not even a total opposition coalition will overthrow this. Total opposition 151. ANC 249.
Just three more years, just three more years, just three more years...
3? then?
No chance will he see another 3 more years, if he's not gone soon after the local elections, he'll be gone after the next ANC conference.
3? then?
Well, then we'll definitely be rid of him. But I agree with Patrick, I doubt he will stick around that long (nevermind seeing end of the year?).
If I had to take a guess, he'll resign after the local elections or something citing fatigue etc. and walk away with full benefits.
Sorry to be so negative, but Bob has been ruling for how long in Zim?
Sorry to be so negative, but Bob has been ruling for how long in Zim?
Our constitution (which the ANC trash at will) stipulates that you may not serve more than 2 terms as president - Mbeki want a third term and tried to have the constitution changed but was thwarted in his attempts.
The real travesty of Zuma continuing is that if he is not impeached he will get all his wonderful pensions and security detail and free flights all over the world.
RaNt BACK @ r15.26...FfS
Cry the beloved currency :(
Anybody see the push from Russia and China to drop the petro dalla? Things are heating up
Sorry to be so negative, but Bob has been ruling for how long in Zim?
Our constitution (which the ANC trash at will) stipulates that you may not serve more than 2 terms as president - Mbeki want a third term and tried to have the constitution changed but was thwarted in his attempts.
The real travesty of Zuma continuing is that if he is not impeached he will get all his wonderful pensions and security detail and free flights all over the world.
In addtion to his R4mil a year salary paid by the taxpayer.
29 years
Come on you lovely chickens!
How can Oakbay be going up, are u buying and pushing it up Patrick?
Sorry, I thought I was buying Oakley.
Seems like a red hanger sale on Friday. Hope I am wrong.
@ P ""
Yeah thats the guy a bought my frame from :) If budget wasn't an issue I'd buy one of these though:
Gupta and Zuma resign from Oakbay.
If I was one of the 1000 in that company I would get my CV up to date and start applying asap. The news channel and newspaper can't survive without government help, and it won't be coming in future.
it is Oakbay Resources...
Oakbay Resources and Energy Ltd. is an investment holding company having a 74% interest in Shiva Uranium (Pty) Ltd. and is Shiva Uranium is a mining and exploration company currently focused on uranium, gold mining and beneficiation.
ah OK, thanks for pointing that out
back under R15/$ again
Rant @ R14.88 :)
Guptas have fled South Africa. And so the dominoes keep falling for our dear president
I cycle past their estate every morning, there's usually 5 or so security guards hovering around outside, this morning, none. I must say, watching the Zupta's world fall apart is giving me a lot of schadenfreude!
What is that word? "Skade" en "vreugde" mixed in one, seker maar direkte vertaling.
What is that word? "Skade" en "vreugde" mixed in one, seker maar direkte vertaling.
"leedvermaak" according to Google translate. Never knew there was a direct translation.
Maybe it is like telling some1 to stick it up their a$$, and they do, and enjoy it.
From Wiki: Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This word is taken from German and literally means "harm-joy". It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune.
Now we know.
Rant R14,81 :)
It is amazing how similar the rand performs to the Brazilian Real against the USD.
Rand vs USD:
Brazilian Real vs USD:
The ZAR will follow other EM currencies like Brazil. Local news will have some impact but will not last long. We will follow the trend as long as EM's are in favour. Brazil's downgrade to junk had little economic effect so I would not be concerned about SA downgrade.
435th out of 835 players :)
164th :)
@ Q, Nice :)
Parliament votes to impeach president: Ok don't get too excited, it's in Brazil, not here!
On another note, ANC Gauteng defies orders and says he must resign:
Patrick I find it exctremely unlikely that it's just coincidense that SA & Brazil have impeachement motions against the prezzies at the same time. Regime change in both countries (almost a diversion tactic for something bigger that's going on)
Darkside - jaDEB 53 / Q 60 :)
i NEED AcL TO reCoveR TO GET in ThE tOP 10
@Fanus if it is the illuminati than I say go illuminati!!! Illuminati for the win!
I can only say go after Zuma if parliament is willing to overhaul itself. Another pupped on the gravy train isn't going to help anybody. What happened to tenderboy's SARS tax bill?
Frikkie, I is 28th ... magtig :)
13th :)
Mr Bond ?
288th in Investor Challenge...and only myself to blame :wall:
All my holdings are in the positive but I'm still 2% down. Why? Because of costs.
maqs, top of the log anyway and hasn't even used the last 2 months
Don't be too hard on yourself Hamster, it's not actually the costs, well not entirely, it's more because of your curro deal.
So we're sending money out, but foreigners now want to send money in:
Mr Bond !!
Some good news "A South African lion called "Sylvester" that twice broke out of his reserve - probably to escape threatening older males - will be sent to bond with two lionesses and learn how to become a dominant male."
Don't be too hard on yourself Hamster, it's not actually the costs, well not entirely, it's more because of your curro deal.
True. But I bought and sold a lot more than I ever do. Just not my "thing" to trade. Buy and hold....always buy and hold :D
Patrick, my screen is not working again. Who is 1st and 2nd?
Some good news "A South African lion called "Sylvester" that twice broke out of his reserve - probably to escape threatening older males - will be sent to bond with two lionesses and learn how to become a dominant male."
Adrian!!! (That actually makes me very sad when somebody has to teach the beast to be alpha.) :'(
Well done jaDEB!
does everyone have to sell at the end of the year?
Well done j. I actually record everyone's totals at month end, it would be interesting to chart it. You'd be all over the show! Maybe one night when I'm bored I'll work on it.
Correct I is up then down, up then down. Same as last year :).
Did a quick check, from second last in Feb to second today!
:) LON & KIO and I do not have them in real life, but have BIL up
Talking cra@p I have LON small qty :)
Welcome back to the top jaDEB. It's a miracle how you do it
ZAR 14.53
BIL up 7% :)
jaDEB, the Sanlam Itrade is starting 4th May
Sorry, sometime I talk to myself, then we laugh about it.. :)
Ja boet.
13th :)
I can picture the JaDeb household. Dry bread for a couple of days. Then only the best Kobe beef flown in from Japan. Then back to dry bread... :) Me. It's mince every day ...
lol, no, baked beans on toast most of the time... :)
lol, no, baked beans on toast most of the time... :)
Dude, the carbs....
:) help to keep the wife at a distance
Frikkie, dropping like a stone. bragged to much u chop !!!
Darkside "Point allocation: All players who finish the month with a positive return qualify for points. The points allocated to the winner equals the amount of players who finished in the positive for the month. The second placed challenger will receive 1 less point and so it continues until the last positive placed participant receives 1 point for the month."
Frikkie says morning... :'(
No Doha agreement reached on freezing oil output. Oil tumbles.
Oh dear, the Rand isn't going to like that.
Mr Bond, does my OCE like strong or weak rand?
Vodafone Group Plc’s South African unit is considering a bid for unprofitable state-owned Internet company Broadband Infraco, as the government works toward the privatization of some assets to boost the country’s finances.
Bought Coca Cola in the Itrade practise before comp starts 4th may.
18th on darkside :)
Any1 else doing sharenet hot picks and/or Sanlam Itrade?
Yes, I am doing both
Have you bought on Itrade, the US shares?
So I thought the rand would be punished, but it seems I was wrong, R14.49. As if I needed another nail in the "I can't trade" coffin.
Why would the rant be punished?
Lately it's been tied to the oil price. Oil dropped plenty, so I expected the rond to do the same.
It may seem strange, but the developed world is looking for, needs, a higher oil price.
U.S. now produces far more oil than thirty or forty years ago, and tough times for the energy sector could easily cause problems in US in banking and elsewhere. The thought of any weakness in the U.S., which has been the leader of the recovery, is pretty scary to the rest of the world, and continued falls in oil will hurt the emerging economies that export the commodity. Europe also needs a higher price to prevent a deflationary scenario really taking hold.
Food for thought ?
ZAR back to pre Nenegate value.
Naspers, Will change presentation currency in its consolidated financial statements from south african rand to united states dollar from fy ended on 31 march 2016
@Orca, it is, but I still think it would be a rand lower considering all the rate hikes etc if Nenegate never happened.
JADEB - bought shares on Friday. Very different, like the trading platform, very informative.
Hypothetically, the ZAR was Zumafied by R2.34 so we should be at R12.00 to the USD now.
Trump accidentally says 7-Eleven instead of 9/11! LOL!!!!
Can you believe. We have had 7 days of no rain since Jan 01. I have seen the sun on 4 occasions. This sucks as we are stuck at home with no car. The rain is torrential and I suspect the hills will come sliding down on us.
sorry to hear Orca, hope all is ok
can you send some water our way. my mom's place in umdloti still has no water between 9am and 4pm every day...
We OK jaDEB. Sorry P. No chance. I will update my "blog" soon as much has happened.
NPN :'(
jA ITS HuRtiNg MY nPn :'(
Why didn't the indi come down more if naspers makes up so much of it?
Gold 1258 / Plat 1028 :)
Oil 44.34 :)
So where will the rand be at year end?
Still in South Africa
i THINKS r13.5/R13.8
At least the ZAR averted landing up in Zumbabwe.
Resources turning :'(
The Southern African swallows arrived here today despite the rain. One day later than last year. :)
oNE of them has my wallet, get it PleaSE
I think it depends on who's in charge at the end of the year. If Zuma goes before year end I'd vote for R13.26 since I think he's responsible for R1 to the $.
Nooit Prince died :'(
Is 4th on Darkside... :) hold thumbs
What's the prize if you stay in fourth?
nothing, only from 3rd u get 5000
"Is R300 000 in fees over 5 years fair for a R1.9m investment? Nedbank financial advisor says it is"...Of course he would say that. It's where his salary comes from. I like Moneyweb but sometimes...
@Fawkes I saw that this morning and thought yikes! This one as well
Work out those fees over 20 years for a real shocker, I'd be willing to be the fees are higher than the investment returns.
@Fawkes I saw that this morning and thought yikes! This one as well
Sobering stuff... and that from a supposed 'best in industry' player...
I see Moneyweb has removed this link: Wonders if their sponsors we're a little upset...
Why, why...share holders lose 30% and he smiles, why why South Africa's MTN pays former CEO $1.6 million after resigning over Nigeria fine
I see Moneyweb has removed this link: Wonders if their sponsors we're a little upset...
If that is true it really does say something about their bias/credibility. (as if the weekly see-sawing of analysts on emerging markets, the Rand and economy isn't enough).
Asked them. Let's see what happens :D
Well considering that Moneyweb Holdings Ltd has been running at a huge loss since forever I guess they have to keep their sponsors happy. Beggars can't be...unbiased
They just moved it
Not the same article. Here's the cached one:
Ah fair enough, my apologies.
I guess there was a lot of money at stake, in the example with fees the investor only got R19m after 40 years, without fees it was R41m! So the provider stood to lose out R22m from just one individual...
This whole saga with fees is not new - if you had what they euphemistically "old order" R.A.s' the same approach was adopted - the fees (and the insurance companies) ran away with a large chunk of your retirement funds. Also they used to charge additional fees when you extended the life of the RA which you could do in 5 year cycles to age 70. Mine I extended twice and each time the fees went up which eroded any capital gains. At age 65 I converted to a LA but not with the insurance company but a competitor and I railed about their poor performance and ethics and they ultimately transferred my LA without levying any transfer fees.
Since that day I have purged myself of any dealing with the main insurance business - no more big greens for me thanks
I guess there was a lot of money at stake, in the example with fees the investor only got R19m after 40 years, without fees it was R41m! So the provider stood to lose out R22m from just one individual...
That's mind-blowingly insane. So in other words they take more in fees than they give you in returns?
Read that the 14+ area for the ZAR will have strong resistance but breaking this we could see 11.5
Am I reading this correctly:
shared via News24
This company reckons the MSCI World Index (DBXWD) will fall to R14?!
I can't keep up with which way people are predicting the Rand/economy will go :( :p
Commodities doing nicy :)
Apple not doing nicy :'(
All the experts giving differnt predictions for the rand. I think we need commodities to recover a fair amount and a new president before we'll see the 12's again, but if history is anything to go by, I know nothing!
I think and pray that our hopes should rather be on commodities, politics is just show business for fat and ugly people.
Shite reading what I just shouted, I should go into politics then :(
Anglo American raised $1.5 billion selling 2 mining businesses to China
The High Court in Pretoria is expected to rule on Friday on the DA's application to have the decision to drop corruption charges against President Jacob Zuma reviewed. The party said in a tweet that judgment would be handed down at 10:00.
DIVTRX's market cap was stuck at R40m for months and over the past few weeks it has more than doubled.
Okay to the opening of mall of africa seems like a huge success, why did Attacq close 2.12% lower?
Darkside, No1 (40,61%), No2 (39,94%).No3(39.25%).No4(39.19%).No5(39.15%), jaDEB 38.75%..hold thumbs please
Attacq's new development was priced in and traders took profits.
Thanks Orca, you think it can be a value share if one take a 10 year viewpoint?
I am not a fan of real estate as they are too cyclical. It averages 8% pa and PE is over 50.
So what you guys think the ruling would be? I'm betting my FDP shares on Zuma escaping again
Me things he will resign...
President Jacob Zuma says leaders should humble themselves when the people no longer want them to be in charge.
Decision to drop Zuma corruption charges irrational - Judge
He won't go anywhere unless ANC offers him amnesty from future prosecution.
Oh well. There goes my FDP shares. Happy to lose that bet.
Buy him a ticket " SpaceX plans to send an unmanned Dragon spacecraft to Mars as early as 2018, the company said on Wednesday, a first step in achieving founder Elon Musk’s goal to fly people to another planet"
Rant R14.17 ...
DBXWD besig om sy gat te sien :wall:
How glad am I that I didn't move from DIVTRX to DBXWD in January, DIVTRX gained 31% compared...
My calculated risk to stay in EM's paid off but for how long? ZAR struggling to break through 14.160.
DIVTRX's market cap was stuck at R40m for months and over the past few weeks it has more than doubled.
Yes, I bought a few... ;D
DIVTRX's market cap was stuck at R40m for months and over the past few weeks it has more than doubled.
Yes, I bought a few... ;D
ended 5th on the Darkside :)
Not bad, for your effort I'll give you R100 000. Virtually :)
Allready used it, I sleep at home :)
You did good jD.
Thanks MP :)
See Frikkie is at the JSE today....bastard
Frikkie was in Austalia this morning
RMB buiying 25% of Attacq?
Sanlam Itrade rules.... none?
Now Frikkie is in the US ... :'(
ZAR 14.61
JSE -1.8%
Now don't rush to buy USD stocks as this 2%+ decline is nothing unusual during it's bull run this year.
Damn, wasn't expecting that dramatic drop towards close
Not a good day today, May day blues?
May the 4th be with you today... :)
Look out for Revenge of the Fifth tomorrow :)
Also not a good day.
I see on sharenet that JaDEB - did rather well on the April winners list - well done, and keep going
See South32 CEO will host presentation today.
OLD getting a little stronger.
@ Graham.Thanks, but getting hammered now. But will keep trying, I want that KIA .. !!!
Possibility of a FED rate hike soon sends ZAR down.
gETtiNg mY a$$ hAnDed tO ME on THe daRKsiDE .. :(
jaDEB check your mail
Q-Please remeber you not allowed to short.
South32 up by over 3% today and who said resources are a sinking ship.
DRD 8% wow did not see this coming. I missed this boat.
Whats the rumour on Old Mutual going to give shareholders Nedbank shares?
What time are the employment figures coming out?
UK time 13.30 or 14.30 SA time and expected to show 202,000 jobs were created in April, fewer than the 215,000 created in March.
mmm, see you also talk to yourselve, we laugh about it together...
Yip. No one else here today and still raining.
Nonfarm payrolls increased by 160,000 last month, far below the 202,000 that economists polled by Reuters had forecast on average. Good for ZAR but bad for stocks.
Well the Rand just took a dive to 15.08/$ and 17.216 to the Euro and shares down about 1% - been a bitch of a week for shares
Sell in May and go away.
jaDEB if u kept LON this comp would be over
Stocks unfazed and the $ gaining after poor NFP ????
I used to and would have made big bucks with this one. Trade after the knee jerk is over and go the opposite direction for 4 hours.
I'm sure you can PM me but before you do so read my signiture.
The Treasury was responding to Moody’s announcement late Friday that it was maintaining SouthAfrica‘s investment-grade rating while assigning a negative outlook to it.
Moody’s said that it had now concluded a ratings review it launched on March 8.
“The confirmation of South Africa‘s ratings reflects Moody’s view that the country is likely approaching a turning point after several years of falling growth … and that recent political developments, while disruptive, testify to the underlying strength of South Africa‘s institutions,” Moody’s said.
@ Q, :)...
dARKSIDE 820 TH :(
@jaDEB... pathetic, pathetic...loser ... L
I thought Friday's news would be good news for the Rand today...
Well, several factors. China had poor trade figures over the weekend with imports (and exports) down, plus huge stockpiles of iron ore at their ports. This weighed on all base commodity prices like iron ore, nickel, zinc and copper. As a result, ZA being a commodity exporter, the Rand weakened. Second reason, despite weaker than expected job numbers in the US, components of the jobs market are quite strong - wages are rising. Also 2 FED governors are thinking along the lines of 2 rate increases this year with June for the first back in contention. This also weighed on EM currencies.
Last but not least, Moody's did keep our rating but changed the outlook from stable to negative. Does this answer sit well with you Patrick ?
There is also the issue of falling employment number in this country - down +/- 500,000 jobs in the first quarter - to put it into perspective that is 5 stadia of Soccer City size filled to capacity
Yes that makes sense. So basically the news wasn't actually that good from moody's and was totally drowned out by other pretty bad news!
Seems like the ZAR is determined to gain despite all.
Thin trades makes ZAR very volatile. Most I've seen it.
My prize in the Darkside is 1 years sub for sharenet :) ...
was 5th last month
You are definitely moving in the right direction lately jD. :TU:
Congrats jaDEB
:), but getting my a$$ handed to me this month
South Africa's economy has now even been overtaken by Egypt and is now only the third largest economy in Africa. It is really a testament to the complete and utter incompetence of the ANC and their running of our economy that we have been overtaken by Nigeria, one of the most corrupt countries in the world that also has to deal with Boko Haram and MEND, and Egypt, which has been in complete and utter anarchy since the ouster of Mubarak. Guess that's what happens when you put a communist in charge of industry and have a president...well.
Better go check how far behind the 4th place is, as unless leadership changes soon we could be heading there.
Still raining here. ZAR is getting me sea sick now.
Will South32 shares be available in this challenge?
Q = 2nd Sanlam Itrade Competition
:) well done
Thanks jaDEB, I'm just keeping this place warm for u :)
@samurai, it depends on the trade frequency. More than 15 trades a day is the min criteria.
Thanks Patrick, yes they average more than 100 trades a day.
AAPL Tumbles After Report Of 70-80% Plunge In iPhone Chip Shipments
Ok, I'll add them
Google Tops Apple As Largest Company In America
Ok, south 32 is there.
OCE Results look good :) my fishies
Thanks Patrick.
Today is Friday 13th, Frikkie Kruger's day :'(
Q is 1st in Sanlam iTrade Competition HIP HIP HOORAY
Nice, awesome ........ stay there !!!
The top ANC members told the Mail & Guardian that they had been secretly working on an "exit strategy" for Zuma who now says he is willing to step down to protect the integrity of the ANC.
Well the way the Rand tanked today 28 cents versus yesterday - Zuma must have told them he would not step down
Sunday times reporting that the hawks plan to arrest Gordhan. HKGK...
WTH hawks!
So the ZAR and stocks will tank on Monday as it did in December when the Hawks hit on Pravin.
So on Friday trades of NEWUSD were 10 x higher than the average. Is there any way to find out who the main buyer was?
Woah Lonmin!!
and AGL
What have we here ?
Zuma’s government working with British military to stay in power.’s-government-working-with-British-military-to-stay-in-power-report
Have not read the report due to connection problems here, but sounds like BS.
Warren Buffet Buys $1 Billion worth of Apple Stock
Warren Buffet Buys $1 Billion worth of Apple Stock
So its true - an apple a day keeps the doctor at bay - he will probably live to + 100
USDZAR 15.70
Ridiculous :(
hmm, I thought Mr Buffet was anti tech
A book will be written about Zuma, the Gupta's and the Hawks about their second attempt to hijack the SARB. Perhaps a movie as well.
A book will be written about Zuma, the Gupta's and the Hawks about their second attempt to hijack the SARB. Perhaps a movie as well.
If they bring out the movie soon they can give the main parts to all the real people on their way to jail.
I suspect tax evasion will be the undoing of Zuma and the Gupta's could be had up for currency violations (Zuma as well)
Anyone have a clue why BBET40 hasn't updated prices since 6 May. Not just here, everwhere.
Nevermind, I see it's now called the Coreshares EWT40: CSEW40
Talking to yourself again - occupational hazard on this forum, ask JaDEB and O. ;)
Noting wrong with talking to self. Keeps the voices in the head busy :)
At least one is entertained. :)
I'm a very good listener :)
It is safer to walk about Mannenburg at night than be in Parliament.
CML slapping me senseless. :(
Investing or trading it MP?
Investing, still thinking they will be fine long term.
CML magnifies the market. So I think they will be fine long term, provided South Africa is. Right now it looks like JZ is going all in. He'll either wreck us and make a few billion, or lose his job and possibly be charged. If the latter, then I would expect CML to be just fine.
Most stocks are very turbulent and CML is no different.
USDZAR 15.85
Two days no rain.
orca - you promised an update on your blog...
Yes O, WTH?
Commodities should be down today as FED minutes show rate increase in June is possible - up from around 12% to 30% probability.
MPC announced interest rates unchanged
Why can't I find Sovereign Foods on the Investor Challenge? They produce chicken in Eastern Cape.
@rjthomas Sovereign foods trade most days less than 15 trades a day.
And there we have the expected NPA appeal. Wonder how long it will take to see if the court will allow it or not... In the case of Oscar, it took about 3 months for him to be denied, which means nothing happens until after elections. I imagine if the ANC gets slaughtered in the elections, and is denied leave to appeal then we'll see some action from Luthuli house.
Well I wouldn't hold my breathe waiting for some action from Luthuli House - the entire ANC party are only adroit at handing out food parcels at election time, but have little evidence of ever landing projects which they have set in motion unless it is particularly skewed on racial lines and denial or dispossession.
Currently the ANC is a bit like the Post Office - nobody knows what they are doing and in most cases the population actually doesn't care less whether they exist/survive or perish, because they add very little value
Deutsche Bank: sell in May and don't come back at all this year
maximum retirement annuity
27.5%, but I guess you were looking for the search bar. That's further down!
Is that a google search or site search P? Both, oh cool.
Where is jaDEB with his daily updates?
Don't be invisible jaDEB :)
I hate it when people stop posting. I have acute medical problems now so will post a short note every day if I can.
No, sorry. will be up and running from Tuesday or so :'(
See you then :) Sorry guys, I'm off to Drakensberg for hubby's birthday weekend celebrations. ;)
More rain again.
Rain is good? All this drought and American imports killed my Astral
Patrick, kindly add SRE (Sirius) to the LDT tables. Div. = 22.54161cps LDT = 9-6-2016. Thanks.
Hi Patrick - my portfolio took a massive knock this am - due to the split in the Bidvest holdings that are in my portfolio - you need to include the food component - the codes are BID and BVT, the former being the new shares - issued in the ratio 1:1
@gcr I think you may have to wait till tomorrow when the apportionment of costs are announced.
@gcr, how's your bidvest looking now?
Looks like the -67.99% vanished.
Patrick - much better thank you
OK, the BVT BID apportionment ratios are out on SENS.
You will need to amend gcr's cost prices accordingly.
BVT cost = R38113
BID cost = R97734
Total = original cost = R135847
Apportionment ratio
Pursuant to the Binding Class Ruling obtained, Shareholders are hereby advised that the
expenditure and market value, as the case may be, of their Bidvest ordinary shares as
referred to above must be apportioned in the ratio of 28.05585% to a Bidvest ordinary
share held after the Unbundling and 71.94415% to an unbundled BidCorp ordinary share
(“Apportionment Ratios”).
The Apportionment Ratios are based on the closing price of R 118.55 per Bidvest share
and R 304.00 per BidCorp share on May 30 2016 being the Unbundling date.
That's quite a mouthfull of a SENS! I'll see if I can write another script.
Woah, whats up with DepeshA?
lol, I was wondering as well ....
Multiple sales of same investment
Ffs Frikkie
@Patrick you have a rebuttal to rebut,
Lol, I'll head there later. he's right though, technically, but satrix and sygnia are the exception to the rule. In 99% of the cases, a unit trust is terrible in comparison to an ETF.
@Patrick can you see the problem with DepeshA entries?
Thanks brad, seems there were duplicate transactions weirdly 20 seconds apart. They've been reversed.
Agg Frikkie, here we go again !!!
JOHANNESBURG, June 3 (Reuters) - Activity in South Africa's private sector expanded in May for the first time in a year, a survey showed on Friday, as new orders and exports grew even though the subdued economic climate continued to curb output :)
D-Day has arrived and I am not concerned at all.
Yes, that is cause you live if atlantis... :)
The market nor the Rand/dollar rate has not moved significantly this week - since the market is all knowing, surely the downgrade has been avoided until December - anyway that's how I see it now
Oh - and just as an aside - I have put orders on to buy certain shares in case there is a significant drop in the market
hOPE NoNE is MY ShARes :'(
Rant R15.35 ...
I'm also holding a little cash at the moment, just in case there are bargains to be had. looks like that won't be the case though.
S&P affirms SA’s rating, keeps outlook negative
Positive news
Sent from my LG-V490 using Tapatalk
A few clicks on my mouse would have sent all my money to Portugal but I stuck it out. World markets tumbled with the extreme bad employment news but SA was immune to it. ZAR strengthened by 3%.
what are your thoughts now Orca? move it before December's rating decision or just hang in there? your fortunate that you've already paid your CGT. if get hammered if I was to take my cash offshore.
Patrick, wait for mini budget in October - and then decide :)
EM's always outperform so I will stay here. Brazil's currency and markets were not affected with it's junk status and political scandals. We will too.
Do basically...
/buys more STXIND
Damn, these commodity shares are volatile
How can I buy STXIND when its at all time highs?
Simple. Buy now and the price corrects. Wait and the price carries on up.
Patrick - please look at the BID/BVT split on my personal portfolio they have recorded a unit price of R 217..09 (BID) and R 84.66 (BVT) - Thanks
Rant @ R15.01 :'(
Haha Orca, that's so funny, and true! @jaDEB, tears of joy? Will do GCR.
No, strong rand is not good for my NPN & Fishies !!
SOL brought out trading update . this is auto reply cause u typed in sol.
And also rand strenght against dollar
R14.80 :'(
hALLO !!
I'm sitting in Namibia where the internet crawls at snailpace. If the snail has a broken foot.
where are MyBB's?
MyBB's? As in people on Mybroadband?
Sent from my LG-V490 using Tapatalk
They're here:
SA GDP -0.2% YOY
SA GDP -1.2% QOQ
Ratings agency Fitch has affirmed SA's investment grade credit rating and maintained its stable outlook, but says low GDP growth posed a risk.
ZAR 14.83
I wonder whether Fitch took into account the dismal GDP figure, because that came out only about 20 minutes before the Fitch grading ?
I doubt it. We'll know conclusively in December...
Tencent is reportedly in talks to buy the company behind 'Clash of Clans' at a '$9 billion' valuation
Yes, last i read it was between 3 to 5 billion. Overwatch, game I is playing online now has 7 million players sofar. 3 weeks into release.
lol - South African firefighters leaving Canada blaze after pay dispute
Saw that. All those facebook posts of people so proud of them for singing at the airport must be eating humble pie. All they were doing was toyi toying.
Why is the rand in such a bad mood today :(
think it is more dollar strenght ?
UK...Property stocks hit by looming Brexit. Financial stocks also due to threats of moving HQ's to mainland EU.
MTN fine :)
Mainland EU stocks NOT immune to Brexit. Bad for all. Hope it does not occur.
ZAR 15.30
Well this salutation really deserves a response
And the rand takes pain again:
Patrick I know this isn't really from a South African perspective but would love to hear your thoughts on this:
Pity we can't invest in Bitcoins in this Competition
Anyone have any laying around? Jadeb?
I think you'll be able to buy them in an ETF form one day. Maybe ABSA will do a NewBit to join their NewGold and NewPlat ETFs. They are all mined after all...
@Fawkes, will have to check it out when I'm back at my BnB, in our Namibia office the internet crawls...
Nope, no bitcoins, to scared of them.
I see the JSE is taking strain
Date Alsi Top 40
14/6/16 51656 45654
20/6/14 51380 46274 (all time highs on this date)
Very volatile market lately - due mainly to all the ANC good story to tell syndrome
@gcr ANC stuff playing second fiddle to Brexit. Have you checked the world markets ?
SA40 -1000 Pips Today
@gcr ANC stuff playing second fiddle to Brexit. Have you checked the world markets ?
FTSE 100 has run a range of 5862 Feb 16th to 6044 per June 13th so no real massive changes it is a drop since June 7th when it was 6284 - so not convinced Brexit is having a substantial effect on our market
The nearly 2% drop in the ALSI today is dwarfed by the fact that the mega giants ABINBEV and SAB were flat.
FTSE Loses £30bn In Value As Brexit Fears Grow Today
STOXX 600 Has Lost 600 Billion Euros since start of June
A freezing one
@gcr ANC stuff playing second fiddle to Brexit. Have you checked the world markets ?
FTSE 100 has run a range of 5862 Feb 16th to 6044 per June 13th so no real massive changes it is a drop since June 7th when it was 6284 - so not convinced Brexit is having a substantial effect on our market
At loggerheads again I see. No, the decline in our market as well as in markets worldwide over the past couple of weeks, is attributable practically solely to Brexit fears as a result of several polls putting the leave camp ahead. Fear of the chaos that could result is best illustrated by this Bloomberg article
European markets have in many cases declined by more than our market - witness the nearly 9% decline of the STOXX50 since May 21st. in the attached chart.
So, ANC stuff for a change, IS playing second fiddle to Brexit.
Funny nobody here seems worried about a possible Brexit and the consequences. I hope it will not occur.
Brexit has contributed to a strong risk-off situation worldwide, our market follows EU and US markets etc. etc.
Mr Bond, I do worry about Brexit, 23rd June. As it is hurting my NPN it seems ..
@gcr ANC stuff playing second fiddle to Brexit. Have you checked the world markets ?
FTSE 100 has run a range of 5862 Feb 16th to 6044 per June 13th so no real massive changes it is a drop since June 7th when it was 6284 - so not convinced Brexit is having a substantial effect on our market
At loggerheads again I see. No, the decline in our market as well as in markets worldwide over the past couple of weeks, is attributable practically solely to Brexit fears as a result of several polls putting the leave camp ahead. Fear of the chaos that could result is best illustrated by this Bloomberg article
European markets have in many cases declined by more than our market - witness the nearly 9% decline of the STOXX50 since May 21st. in the attached chart.
So, ANC stuff for a change, IS playing second fiddle to Brexit.
Funny nobody here seems worried about a possible Brexit and the consequences. I hope it will not occur.
Brexit has contributed to a strong risk-off situation worldwide, our market follows EU and US markets etc. etc.
Moon - Not at loggerheads - just a view which seems diametrically opposed to yours - so don't take umbrage when others have a different view or don't subscribe to your views, after all this is a forum for expressing opinions. Also not everybody expresses opinions on this forum so your statement "Funny nobody .......... consequences" seems somewhat dismissive of peoples views on Brexit
So let's both suck it up and move on as it is obvious we differing views of local and external markets
Brexit will be the beginning of the end for the Euro zone and will have dire consequences throughout the western world----CityWire...UK.
What happened at Oakbay share seems to have dropped by some R 20.86 to R 2.14 - that's a significant correction
Will check....sold my LON :)
Moon - Not at loggerheads - just a view which seems diametrically opposed to yours - so don't take umbrage when others have a different view or don't subscribe to your views, after all this is a forum for expressing opinions. Also not everybody expresses opinions on this forum so your statement "Funny nobody .......... consequences" seems somewhat dismissive of peoples views on Brexit
So let's both suck it up and move on as it is obvious we differing views of local and external markets
Haven't taken 'umbrage'. Was I rude or nasty ? Merely expressed my opinion and don't care who agrees or disagrees. Food for thought for the forum members that's all, besides it adds spice to a discussion if not everyone has the same view point me thinks. Seems that only Orca has realised the consequences of a Brexit. Where are the people in this forum whose views on Brexit I am supposed to be dismissive of ? If I am getting on everyone's t**s maybe this is my last post here.
Oakbay buy @ R3.17 Sell @ R23.00 - 30 traded at R2.14 ... huh...
Wow that's quite a spread!
I was thinking, but I have Principles, Guptas and all.
buyers @ R4.02
NPN trading statement out...
Oakbay back to R23
Seems like hackers got into their website and pulled it down
Thanks - saw it on News24 after u mentioned it
Oakbay drop was not due to hackers. It is a JSE listing and it cannot be hacked. It is traded but as an illiquid stock, it has a large spread as traders are desperate to get out. Perhaps it was a rogue trade or a mistake trade that was fixed by the JSE staff.
Orca - Oakbays website was hacked - not the JSE
I did say that the JSE was NOT hacked. Read properly.
I did say that the JSE was NOT hacked. Read properly.
SA40 -550 Pips
GOLD $1313
ZAR 15.54
That's bad. any idea what's causing it Q? Are we to expect Gordhan's arrest or something like that soon?
I suspect it is market turbulence due to polls showing Brexit winning. Even the Fed has put the rate hike on hold.
Rand most vulnerable to upheaval if UK leaves EU (
Also due to $ strength due to news that the German 10 bond yield has turned negative for the first time.
And as to general malaise in all markets plus ours ..
( (
(Just an opinion confirmed - again).
Also J. Yellen's delaying of a rate hike citing deteriorating economic conditions and slowing growth in the U.S.and worries about global growth does not portend well for markets. Depends on data going forward - we have already one data point released yesterday; Producer prices in US rose by 0,4% more than the 0,2% expected, maybe this will provide US markets with a very temporary rally ?
Thanks Orca
@Patrick, Brexit fears are a excuse. ZAR gets strong on worst SA GDP for 25yrs, USD gets strong on worst jobs since 2010
SA40 +500 Pips, Markets all moving higher, Brexit VOTE might get delayed
Only campaigning halted due to attack on Jo Cox (who has now died). Surely the referendum is still to be held on 23rd ? Did I miss something ?
Thats correct Moon and @Q is living in a dream world with his night shades on.
@Orca, I said "Might" get delayed BUT the GBP ran up 160 Pips against USD & UK100 flew up 70 Pips or 1.3%
You more than most should know how Rumors moves Markets
I know that but traders and investors are confused at the direction to take. Markets were down as was the ZAR but recovered nicely due to turbulence from Brexit.
Afternoon jaDEB
I sIAd %$#@ MorNiNG
monday blues jadeb?
Rand under R15 again :)
Dammit PPC turned :'(, I did not buy...
@Patrick checkout Nigeria's currency today lost 30% against dollar
I see that, but the had an artificial peg to the currency, so not a standard drop. I imagine we'd see something similar if we unpegged swaziland's currency from ours.
ZAR 14.72
I think I'm going to take advantage of the R1m discretionary allowance soon if these rates stick...
I have a conundrum which some forum peoples may have experienced and got a solution to the problem
I want to buy a further 500,000 (NUT) at 1 cent (I have no problem waiting weeks to have the order executed), but I don't want to place the order myself over my brokers on line system as the chances are high that the order will not be executed in a single parcel, thus for every transaction executed it would incur brokerage per transaction. My brokers are not prepared to make it known to other brokers within the country that they have an order for 500,000 shares and then establish what the other brokers have to sell so that the parcel can be fully met. Initially they put me onto a portfolio manager who confirmed that this could not be done, but they were more than eager to assist with my portfolio and evaluate buys and sells.
So my question is has any other forum person been confronted with such a problem and whether their brokers assisted them with such a purchase/sale
Would be interested in knowing, as some 45 years ago when I was in a scrip department this was a normal function of stockbrokers in those days.
Thanks in anticipation to responses
Hi Orca, is there something specific I should be looking at on the link?
I sold my AVL, 4 trades same time, but diff prices. and trade cost was same as if I sold 1 trade.
Scroll down to "World Trader" and click on "Read more". Just a comparison to whatever broker you are going to use for foreign investment.
I sold my AVL, 4 trades same time, but diff prices. and trade cost was same as if I sold 1 trade.
If one or more trades are executed on the same day then you pay brokerage based on a single sale, however if it is only partially filled and it rolls over to the next day then you pay brokerage for the first days transaction and then brokerage is charged at the next days transactions
Sorry, why are you buying NUT ?
Sorry, why are you buying NUT ?
These are my high risk shares in my portfolio and I want them to climb to 10 cents over the next 5 years and if they do I will make a bucket load of cash. They may even consolidate their shares in the future maybe on a 100 : 1 basis ( I am hoping they go this route once they get themselves sorted out). Should they go nowhere and get liquidated then I will use the loss to offset CGT on shares that I sell in the future. They have been as high as 4 cents in the last year, but if I lose out then I can afford to take the knock
THanks, will add it to my list :)
FEDERAL RESERVE WARNS: Stocks are looking expensive
Friday may be a black Friday for UK. Trading suspension for the FTSE and a halt on the exchange rate mechanism to stop the pound getting pounded is expected.---Sorros.
Wonder what spread & margin requirements will be like Thursday & Friday for GBP with brokerages protecting themselves against a possible repeat of CHF massacre last year
Trading of the GBP may be suspended.
@orca, thanks, I looked at them, but I found that for me it is far cheaper that I use Interactive Brokers. Their fees are very low, for the london exchange, where I buy VWRD, they charge just 0.08% or 1 pound minimum. Also there are no custodian fees which ABSA has. There is a minimum in fees of $10 a month, so if you don't do a trade in that month they will charge $10. This falls away once you reach $100 000 in holdings, so it's also a good account to buy and hold for the long term.
@Patrick - I decided to use TD Direct due to some of the concerns regarding Interactive Brokers and estate duty. See the comment at October 19, 2014 at 4:08 pm on
@indexer, yes I looked into the estate duty which is why I'm buying an Irish domiciled fund. Cash is still and issue, but the risk of me selling more than $60k is very low. I need less than half that to live for a year. The risk of me selling $60k and then dying before I have a chance to re-invest is probably ludicrously low. I'll accept that risk, and avoid the guaranteed custodian fees with TD. Those fees would add up. At 0.3% per year someone with $500k would have to pay $1500 a year. If you anticipate that you'd withdraw 4% or $20k a year, at TD you'd only be able to draw $18.5k. That's basically a month's drawdown you give back to the broker.
@Patrick, I agree that the risk on US situs cash is very low. My main concern was that the person dealing with my estate might accidentally do something to trigger US estate duty when selling out of out the Irish Domiciled funds. I decided to play it safe and have the trading account outside the US as well. I might consider some holdings at Interactive Brokers and just keep it under the $60k limit. How did you calculate 0.3% per year at TD Direct for a $500k account? I understood the fees to be 25EUR for 1
@Orca, Both Standard Bank WebTrander and ABSA WorldTrader as just “resellers” of the Saxo white labelled platform. The user interface is the same except for the logo and colours. What value does Standard Bank or WorldTrader add that you cannot get with Saxo directly for lower fees? Saxo has a local Johannesburg office and their also offer proper two factor login. Standard Bank also changes extra for registration with GlobeTax to get the 15% dividend treaty rate.
@indexer, I was looking at the UK site: but fortunately it seems on the .com site all they list is 45 Euro per quarter. That isn't bad at all. I pity the poor Brits though. And of course any South African's using ABSA etc. I see Saxo also charges 0.12% custody fees. I'm still drawing up a will, and the instruction will be to transfer the holdings into a different account, and not to sell anything!
These brokers are not conventional brokers so I would not trust all my money with them. Most go bang eventually.
Here is a review on Saxo.
Here is a review on Interactive Brokers.
Here is a video.
@Orca - do you prefer Standard Bank or ABSA to Saxo/IB/TD? The forex situation in the Youtube video would probably have occurred with WebTrader/WorldTrader as well. They generally apply the same rules as Saxo. Who will you recommend as a conventional broker for offshore holdings?
I just don't know but I would not like to invest my life savings in an obscure broker that states they are headquartered and regulated in Geneva but your money goes to an office in Panama or Singapore where the regulators have no powers.
Most are in house gambling dens where your money does not actually go to the stock exchange but is traded within the company between members as in a casino.
Stick with banks in SA as you will have FSB behind you as you would not want to travel to Panama to fight for your money. Been there and lost out.
That's pretty cool, thanks jaDEB.
And for those who would be keen on an all night vigil:-
I'm just happy keeping an eye on the improving rand. Funny, but after 9/12, I said if the Rand ever got down to the pre 9/12 levels I'd then move my money out. I missed the April strength, now I'm busy applying for clearance etc.
Patrick dont you have an off-shore bank account?
Yes, but to move more than a bar you need sars clearance.
you have to be sh%$ing me "South African black lobby disappointed by MTN's new white CEO"
Guptas in move to buy a bank -
Jadeb sold my house
Rand at R14.40, and I need another week and a half to get SARS etc in order... Hope it stays...
@indexer, I was looking at the UK site: but fortunately it seems on the .com site all they list is 45 Euro per quarter. That isn't bad at all. I pity the poor Brits though. And of course any South African's using ABSA etc. I see Saxo also charges 0.12% custody fees. I'm still drawing up a will, and the instruction will be to transfer the holdings into a different account, and not to sell anything!
Why do you pity us South Africans who are using ABSA? (Sorry, but I haven't been following the chat).
The custodian fees. 0.1% doesn't sound like much, but it would be $500 a year on a $500 000 account. I'd rather keep all my cash.
Or R500 on a R500 000 account. That's not much.
Yes but one day you'll have a million dollars and then it will be :)
wtf happened to Brexit ?
If Brexit wins, then Italy and Spain will be next to have a referendum. EU Commission to look at having 2 different Euros. One for the poorer countries and one for the richer. Euro1 and Euro2.
Counting starts after 10PM.
Lazy bastards
Polls close at 10 pm.
what will the JSE do I wonder, and why on earth did the rand drop so far :(
Nasdaq & S&P futures both down more than -5%.
Gold spot +5%, Rand -6%
Oh my, did you really say SA -2150 pips?
Frikkie !!!!
Sorry Morning.
going to be a big day - if you have gold miners in your portfolio - cha ching! 20% up maybe?
My NPN is brining results out
I only managed to get 1 bar out on Tuesday, cost me R14.85. Takes about 4 days to clear apparently and then another 3 to get into my brokerage account, so I can't even go bargain hunting today :(
did they give you tuesday's rate?
sorry, guess that what you mean by 14.85!
Yes, I locked in when it was R14.70, the transaction cost me 1% for R14.85.
Have a look here, rand hit second hardest after pound:
Ouch R15.60 now.
T40 futures have turned for now, wanna bet its going down again just before opening? -4.3% now
@P: SA always on top of the 'bad' list and bottom of the 'good' list. :(
T40: -5.39% -2565 pips, so predictable.
It's going to be a very interesting week I think
Opening -5.15%, currently -4.79%
So Brexit it is.
So far, not nearly as bad as I thought. Always an overreaction though and it may just bounce but who knows as the news gets digested.
Apparently the referendum isn't legally binding, maybe it will end up being a massive negotiation between the UK and EU and then still remain in...
Taking most of the heat on T40 are Capital & Counties -18%, Brait -15%, Intu -16%, Anglo -13%, Investec -10%, OldM -11% -Bil -9%, RMB -8% FirtRand -8%, Capitec -7%, PSG -7% - I give up, can’t type so fast changing rapidly now. Ashanti +17%.
Whether Britain end up staying or leaving this will definitely lead to big changes in how the EU operates. The Dutch said they will also consider having an in/out referendum if the one in the UK is successful. Poland is being run by an anti-EU government and an anti-EU party won the mayoral elections in Rome. The leave win in the UK might also embolden the Greeks to get the hell out. The EU will have no choice but to reform drastically if they want to keep the union together.
David Cameron announces resignation
Staring at my screen watching my stocks in real life take a proper pounding (excuse the pun) of no less than 5% :wtf: :'(
At least you weren't invested in RPL and TEX :(
Rant R14.92 :)
Let's see what happens over the weekend with Spain elections. Should Podemos win (unlikely) we can kiss EU goodbye.
(ANC stuff IS playing second fiddle to Brexit - surely no more doubters now :) )
Digestion has begun. ZAR gained back half of it's loss already and stocks are following back up.
EU chiefs say Britain must leave 'as soon as possible' looks like frikkie is there ?
Putin is a happy chappy (for obvious reasons - enforcement of sanctions against Russia take a back seat, Ukraine the same etc.)
Should Trump win, well he has already said 'let the Europeans fight their own battles' i.e. less NATO involvement. That's why Putin
loves Trump - implications for Eastern Europe ?
Retreat from reason (
Does any1 know when NPN resulst be out? After market close?
UK "OUT" voters now seeing the consequences are having second thoughts and would have voted "IN" had they known. They did not listen or attend the road shows of both camps.
UK "OUT" voters now seeing the consequences are having second thoughts and would have voted "IN" had they known. They did not listen or attend the road shows of both camps.
Or bothered to vote
Think it's all a bit OTT and will settle down in a bit. Not a bad read about the economic impact here
On the news today.
Orca, now over 3,2 million.
Watching BBC Live all day. Like a soapy. No MP expected this so no plan B. Parliament in shambles today with members resigning and sacked. Scotland perhaps to veto and overturn the result.
Cameron has to leave as he was in the "in" camp. This may call for an emergency general election with "in" and "out" being in the forefront rather than party fundamentals.
I'm not British, but this article his home:
I still say its about fighting ISIS and everything related. The same reason Trump has so many supporters.
Good read P.
This will reverberate throughout the markets for some months but I see the UK may have early erections before year end. The UK will never exit as they cannot loose London.
This will reverberate throughout the markets for some months but I see the UK may have early erections before year end. The UK will never exit as they cannot loose London.
Lol, those pesky auto-corrects, I hate them but this one was good.
Haha just caught that now Moneypenny. Common problem for boys in high school swimming class :p
That will lead to a premature ejection for Britain.
Ja, you closest to Brit. u can wipe it clean
Lol @ that second referendum petition.
UK banks hit hard. Barclays shares suspended. Brace for racial riots.
This will reverberate throughout the markets for some months but I see the UK may have early erections before year end. The UK will never exit as they cannot loose London.
That will lead to a premature ejection for Britain.
Ja, you closest to Brit. u can wipe it clean
Shame, Patrick. That must've been embarrassing for you :D
Hope there were toilets nearby :)
I have been too scared to look at my portfolio since Thursday.
Gold FTW
I've looked, and you have plenty of reasons to be afraid. The only small silver lining I have is that I have 15% in USD cash at the moment. Wish it was more but SARS took too long.
I'm actually not terribly upset by the stock market going down, it's happening globally. What really gets to me is how the rand has pretty much been the second worst currency after the pound post brexit.
The ALSI was trading at an unsustainable high PE before this so this is not bad at all.
Yes it is. See Brexit consequences post.
any good twitter thingys i can follow for markets and JSE?
Being butchered
Being slaughtered
Being slaughtered
Dow drops 300 points as stocks extend losses; materials off 3%
S&P lowers UK sovereign rating to AA from AAA
SA markets hit worse than the UK market that caused it.
DJ Futures positive, :)
So what just happened in sunny SA on the JSE majority of my watch list are showing green and my portfolio has just recovered about 25% of its falls since Friday.
Must be a case of the false dawn or is it a case of all the traders who had shorts having to cover themselves?
T40 +737 pips
There goes Ashanti
Where to?
To hell and back - 4.5%
kio :)
How are the traders finding this volatility?
By looking at the charts.
glad this isn't real money XD
Some good news.
Are you guys aware that a national fuel delivery strike has already begun yesterday? Fuel shortage will probably be experienced at pumps from Thursday. It's being kept on the low-low as to not result in people rushing and filling up, so do it anyway. I've asked petrol attendant just know, he was aware of it.
Couldn't help myself - bought some more TEX at a conservative FWD yield of 14%, how could I say no? :)
Markets slightly upwards today.
That's a serious yield! My money hit my US brokerage, but for some reason it still takes 4 days to clear there. Will only be available on 1 July, I hope the bargains remain.
On the bright side you already up on the exchange - guessing around R20,600 - so that ain't bad. But would also be itching to get that cash invested! Putting it in all at once or spreading it out over a week or two?
I would literally give my left nut for some money to invest right now
Yeah some serious bargains out there!
Have now got ridden of sanlam and MMI - and added to TEX. Reason: I think insurance companies could struggle with all the claims from violent demonstrations now and in the future. Am keeping RMI though. TEX now close on 9% of my portfolio - so will leave it at that.
I think I'll go all in, as you said, I'm up on the exchange around 3%, and sidestepped a big drop in the markets. My rule is to do my best to ignore my fear and greed and to go all in when the money hits.
I just do not know what has changed since yesterday. ? Why the up in the market
I dont get it either. Really thought it would get a bit worse for a few days at least
Probably have a red day tomorrow. Will be volatile for some time I think.
Top of the morning to you
let the saga continue :)
So last night I went to an ABSA stockbrokers event and had a chat to the head of absa stockbrokers afterwards. Anyone want to guess which broker he uses for his offshore investing?
So last night I went to an ABSA stockbrokers event and had a chat to the head of absa stockbrokers afterwards. Anyone want to guess which broker he uses for his offshore investing?
Standard Bank Webtrader?
Probably have a red day tomorrow. Will be volatile for some time I think.
Not looking too bad ...yet
Trick question Patrick? he does not believe in stocks and prefers to carry, gold, silver, rare black sable semen and various collectible stamps sticky taped to various parts of his anatomy? What did I win??? :)
Not standard bank, a couple more tries?
not sable semen either :)
Not standard bank, a couple more tries?
Just threw the most unlikely idea out there. As a bank employee he is more than likely forbidden from using any platform other than their own. The fact that you posted the question probably means this is not the, answer please :p
I was under that impression too, but he uses TD Ameritrade. He doesn't like the custody fee on their own platform either, but Saxo makes the rules, so he can't change it.
Reading the complaints against them I would question whether I wanted to use them as a broker partner, seems like they can milk accounts quite effectively without explanation or at very least even warrant an explanation
I won't switch from Interactive, I believe returns are directly proportional to the inverse of costs, and of all the brokers available, for the amounts I invest, interactive brokers can't be beat on costs.
Chris Hart:-
“I fear that Brexit will be used as a cover for our own problems,” he said.
“South Africa is not growing, its heading into recession – if not already in one
- and it’s all self-inflicted.
For sure.
Rant R14.84
Long MTA tomorrow.
NYSE trader: Brexit? What Brexit?
FTSE levels above pre-BREXIT portfolio not so much
GBP to ZAR 19.85
And SARS is taking their time approving my offshore investment allowance...
Boris declines to be next PM. Stocks leap and EM currencies falter.
The likely candidate to replace Cameron now is Theresa May, who was in the stay camp.
Things are looking better in ZA. Huge trade surplus (latest)/Foreigners buying gilts and stocks/and ABInBev merger monies to flow in (maybe Oct/Nov).
If either Italy (48% want to exit EU) or France (41% want to exit EU) hold a succesfull Brexit style referendum, EU will be between a rock and a
hard place. Could then be that UK looks good in comparison (my opinion). ZA with higher yields may also continue attracting inflows to JSE and bond market.
What do you think ?
But whats the chance of Hollande allowing an EU referendum?
@czc You are 100% right, but 2/3 years is a long time in politics (particularly now in the EU). All depends on the Le Penn woman's progress.
Italy is a better bet, already Rome is in the hands of the Five Star party.
Orca stocks jumped because BOE announced more stimulus, AKA QE, AKA money printing
Morning jaDEB
Shame on you Chris Hart.
I read the article, but what did Chris do?
Read Reply #4260.
Got it. Happy to see the rand at pre 9/12 levels again...
Long MTA tomorrow.
What happened with your long?
On collision course with EU who want signing of Lisbon treaty now now. BUT..
Michael Gove said that the legal notification won’t be made this year if he becomes prime minister, echoing comments made by Theresa May.
They want to negotiate the terms of exiting now, EU says only after signing.
What's your take on this Snr. Orca ?
What happened with your long?
MTA's was in a bear mode due to Russia not allowing trade with Turkey. Russia was MTA's biggest customer of MUTLU in Turkey. This was reversed yesterday as they kissed and made up. Unfortunately today it was announced that car sales dropped more than expected.
Moon. The shenanigans going on in both the Conservative and Labour Parties must all be settled first before a new PM can be elected. Only then can they start in house discussions on the terms to negotiate with Brussels.
Morning jaDEB, how's things
Schizophrenia, so you'll never feel lonely hey jaDEB :)
I suppose so, sorry : a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation
I suppose so, sorry : a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation
I love it when people put my thoughts into words :)
Patrick - read your blog which is most interesting and I have a few questions - hopefully your responses will clear my thinking/understanding
1) You have taken funds offshore to a USA broker company and have bought your instruments out of these funds. Where are the instruments being held and in whose name are they in. If in your name with the USA broker then surely the funds are designated as a USA investment and as such you could run foul of the USA tax officials?
2) If the funds are in a nominees/own name sitting in Ireland who is holding these instruments for you USA broker or an agent broker in Ireland, and would they still be considered outside the USA tax laws or inside for tax purposes and don't you run the same risks if held within you broker account in USA
3) Could you not have established a broker account in Ireland and held the instruments with them directly without the risk of the USA leg being subject to some form of funds confiscation
4) Are you paying fees in USA and Ireland?
Maybe once you have settled all the bits and bobs of going the route you chose is to write a blog setting out how you decided on this path its benefits and pitfalls and if you did it again (maybe you will) whether you would tackle it differently
Hi graham, I've answered here:
@P. Please read my reply to the post below.
morning, watch the goldminers this morning gold over $1350/oz
Plat is also looking good
DRD above R10.
There is an interesting article on Moneyweb this am - The ups and downs of dividends - which is well worth reading
Sometimes I want to shoot the other shareholders of the companies I own shares in. Do you not realise what your panicking and stupidity is doing to my portfolio? Why can't you act like this when I have money lying around to invest? Bastards
dammit, and I got out of gold yesterday, haha
Why has the rand weakened so much in the last few days?
Brexit fears are back, these f&^% investors change their minds more than the voices in my heads.
Could someone tell the investors we're not a colony anymore please.
Could someone tell the investors we're not a colony anymore please.
Ah but we are part of the commonwealth - so nervous tensions all around
Woolies going down?
I must be the worst picker. Every share i have has lost 5%
I feel your pain Zizebra - Welcome to my world
is this when i should panick and sell to cut my loses or when i should hang in there and hope they regain and rise
Selling isn't cutting your losses, it's locking in your losses!
is this when i should panick and sell to cut my loses or when i should hang in there and hope they regain and rise
Z - if you are investing then these little rubble strips will occur on your travelled road. The only thing you can question is did you buy them as a longer term investment or as a speculative stock - depending on how you answer will determine your decision making process.
i see i bought them to run away from inflation
I shall have to learn to understand which shares are best for Long term then
In a few weeks time, this will show as a normal blip on the charts. We had too many good days and it was inevitable and expected that traders would book profits now. Perhaps another 1% to go or perhaps the market will turn as early as tomorrow.
@zizebra Defensive stuff MDC AVL BTI have so far been OK
US now positive :)
ZAR making gains again.
Portugal beat Wales in the Euro Cup and I have never experienced so much noise and fireworks in my life.
how is drd outperforming all the other glD
Gold getting smacked down
Glad to see markets are up today, holding thumbs
Well I am still in the red after Brexit hopefully its going to get better soon
iam still in the red. iam afraid to sell that i will lose more faster.
0.26% up on normal portfolio, 3.55% up on TFSA was worse at one point still 20% down on ARL and STXDIV
DIVTRX to pay dividend tomorrow....Hopefully. Some brokers may pay it a day or 2 later.
What was the last LDT for it Orca?
Morning jaDEB?
Morning... :)
Thanks Orca
@Patrick, think Magash has had a weird double sell issue with his Lonmin shares
PPC lol
Thanks Snapcase, I've rolled the double back.
Np, haha, his portfolio figures are still whack though - total looks good. Cash on hand -R650k, and he bought ACL with his double sell earnings.
that's normal, he spent money he incorrectly had, he'll be back on zero after he sells again but his net worth is right now.
Rant @ R14.63 :)
Need to buy some flights - come on rand!
that's normal, he spent money he incorrectly had, he'll be back on zero after he sells again but his net worth is right now.
Thats confusing :D. He'll be making gains/losses on the extra 'borrowed' money. When he sells, what happens to that portion of the gain/loss that is due to the borrowed money?
He should be fined R50k for not reporting the anomaly and thereby cheating.
Haha, Patrick's interest free loan investment simulator... :P
yeah, it happens, even though I have two sets of code trying to avoid it. wish I knew why.
@Mr div, I really hope there rand stats where it is till Tuesday. My forex transaction will be booked then.
@orca, was there an announcement on the divtrax divvie? Their site says 0c which I hope is a mistake.
that's normal, he spent money he incorrectly had, he'll be back on zero after he sells again but his net worth is right now.
Thats confusing :D. He'll be making gains/losses on the extra 'borrowed' money. When he sells, what happens to that portion of the gain/loss that is due to the borrowed money?
You right snapcase it is confusing.Look at FSD's account.He has made massive gains on "BORROWED"money.He has already made a profit of R774216 and has a gain of 10% on you.
@Brad FSDs account seems correct, no borrowed money there am I right?
2016/04/13 11:52 HAR Harmony GM Co Ltd 7197 5555 R401 392,52
2016/04/13 12:30 ART ARGENT INDUSTRIAL LTD -26500 395 -R104 555,00
2016/04/13 12:30 HAR Harmony GM Co Ltd 1979 5506 R109 399,59
2016/04/21 15:00 HAR Harmony GM Co Ltd -9176 5029 -R461 341,04
2016/04/21 15:00 TAS Taste Hldgs Ltd 167775 260 R437 959,86
2016/05/03 16:43 TAS Taste Hldgs Ltd -167775 275 -R461 261,25
2016/05/03 16:43 AGL ANGLO AMERICAN PLC 4082 14138 R579 421,61
2016/05/05 11:32 AGL ANGLO AMERICAN PLC -4082 14141 -R577 115,62
2016/05/05 11:33 HAR Harmony GM Co Ltd 12307 4720 R583 213,96
2016/05/06 15:34 HAR Harmony GM Co Ltd -12307 5139 -R632 336,73
2016/05/06 15:35 LON Lonmin plc 18292 3430 R629 925,26
2016/05/12 16:24 LON Lonmin plc -18292 3620 -R662 050,40
2016/05/12 16:24 MUR Murray & Roberts Hldgs 50113 1214 R610 805,31
2016/05/13 9:24 MUR Murray & Roberts Hldgs -50113 1282 -R642 328,66
2016/05/13 9:24 AGL ANGLO AMERICAN PLC 5443 12583 R687 632,26
2016/05/16 9:03 AGL ANGLO AMERICAN PLC -5443 12574 -R684 282,82
2016/05/19 15:14 GFI GOLD FIELDS LTD 22349 6062 R1 360 215,57
2016/05/23 11:22 GFI GOLD FIELDS LTD -22349 6309 -R1 409 878,41
2016/05/23 11:23 DRD DRD Gold Ltd 172856 800 R1 388 379,39
2016/05/23 15:42 DRD DRD Gold Ltd -172856 786 -R1 358 528,16
2016/05/23 15:42 PPC PPC Limited 121586 1117 R1 363 548,08
2016/05/25 9:55 PPC PPC Limited -121586 1117 -R1 357 995,62
2016/05/25 9:57 HAR Harmony GM Co Ltd 29758 4568 R1 364 782,82
2016/06/06 15:13 HAR Harmony GM Co Ltd -29758 5075 -R1 510 098,50
2016/06/06 15:14 SOL Sasol Limited 2079 43160 R900 885,59
2016/06/20 16:23 SOL Sasol Limited -2079 40777 -R847 633,83
2016/06/20 16:23 DRD DRD Gold Ltd 110941 769 R856 548,84
2016/06/21 13:17 DRD DRD Gold Ltd -110941 784 -R869 657,44
2016/06/21 13:17 HAR Harmony GM Co Ltd 18327 4654 R856 3
Patrick it is confusing but leave it as is.But competitors should inform you when their account has been doubled to be fair to other participants. :)
gcr, I couldn't find the dividend article on Moneyweb so if you could post it here for me I'd appreciate it. Instead, I found this one that places an interesting and, for me, a new perspective on Trump and Brexit -
Bread -
Hi, anyone still following ADI? Just had a look but couldnt find end June 2016 results?
nvm.. i'm a month too early lol
ADI. June interim results:
Interim Earnings per Share (EPS) improved by 43%. Divies only paid out at year end report.
How were the celebrations last night Orca?
Let me say up front I don't invest in property (other than my primary residence) nor do I invest in REIT's - however I just want to open a conversation here around property investments and REIT's since the advent of BREXIT. The Sensational Slimes this weekend carried many opinions of the impact of BREXIT on prices of homes in Britain, Property Developers (Capital and Counties was mentioned) and that they expect prices to fall off quite considerably over the next few months until solutions are found on the actual exit of Britain from the EU.
Those forumites who are involved in property investing could you give your opinions as to whether there is going to be a correction in housing prices, and even property development.
A reality down the road could well be that British companies with offices in Europe may be forced to/may decide to close these offices and move the staff back to Britain, however if the staff are local then they may well not relocate. It could also go the other way whereby these foreign countries deny the British company from buying/hiring office space in their respective countries - thus forcibly closing the foreign office. I don't know that it is going to get that nasty but it is a scenario that could occur.
This could potentially be an opportunity to buy a home in Britain if prices fall substantially, but then again looking at the Tour d France and some of the landscape the cyclists are riding through (especially France) their quaint villages look very tempting
So investec now owns 5% of ADI shares
@P. I couldn't believe the noise. It started as a wave from distant suburbs and then hit my area. I never knew so many people lived here as they all flooded out into the streets blowing vuvuzellas and jingling tins with marbles in. Hooters blowing constantly, fireworks lit the skies. People hugging complete strangers. This carried on for 2 solid hours and then the official fireworks started in the old town and we could see it from our balcony. What a marvelous site to behold.
@gcr. The Brits in the Benidorm area in the south of Spain and in Portugal's Algarve are already thinking of selling. They can no longer afford their bonds as they get paid in GBP's. These will become very cheap over time.
Looking better :)
Why is the rand strengthening so much?
Dollar weakness? perhaps
My money is out, just did the deal @ R14.45, I'm happy with that.
The USD is actually gaining in strength but the ZAR is gaining at a higher pace. EM's are back in favor again.
Dont understand whats happening right now, two weeks ago I was 63 now 17 on leader board. just glad Woolies and CFR is slowly turning up again...
That not a bad rate Patrick - could quite as easily have been R15.50 +
Yeah, if you offered me that 6 months ago I would have told you it was wishful thinking.
@orca.. are those ADI results are for 2015 by any chance? as I cant find 2016 SENS anywhere... =/
Aye.. okay those are interim results. waiting on finals :)
Morning everyone. Two days of work before I get some leave :)
Are you going away or are you going to stare at your portfolio at home?
Away, UK, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, by plane, train and bike. Can't wait!
Nivek I hope the ZAR might even go beneath R13 as the Samurai needs a new Gi from Japan :)
CFR looking up :)
CFR down today :(
Reports of a coup in Turkey, should be another interesting week next week.
When the news first came out, the ZAR flipped and lost 20c in minutes.
Maybe. But mainly due to USA data.
Retail sales, manufacturing reports give Fed scope to tighten.
Traders see a 38 percent probability the U.S. central bank will raise interest rates by year-end, up from 35 percent Thursday, as the economy shows signs of resilience.
JSE sees record foreign buying. Moneyweb.
What do you think the driver is Orca? Do they suspect local conditions will improve, or is it just an increase in risk appetite?
No yields seen in developed markets.
@Patrick, could you show me how it all works out with Magash and similar with borrowed money?
He was able to buy R1 619 789,75 worth of ACL, where he should have been able to buy R966 997,82 worth of it (just that total minus his -R652k).
Now ACL is up 8.16%, so he's made R132 174,84 profit. Whereas he should have only been able to make R78 907,02. Thats a gain of R53k for nothing.
So when you say it'll all even out when he sells, how are you taking into account that R53k extra? Its an error of 7.6% on his % growth stat.
You're right snapcase, it wasn't quite fair. He basially had access to leverage. In this case leverage worked to his advantage, but it could also have worked to his detriment. I'm open to suggestions as to how to deal with errors in future if you have any.
Not having followed this debate, but, is it not possible to unwind the whole transaction and then re create the transaction as it should have happened. Not sure if you purchase prices are hard coded - this could be a problem if they are
Yeah its not trivial by any means, especially with your fees calc on top. Plus without knowing how your scripts and DB work together, even more difficult.
The easiest way is probably to manually adjust the number of shares the person was allowed to purchase in the first place. You'd have to work out that number working backwards from the double sell amount, and factor in the fees as well.
And agree with Brad...something went whack with FSD's account around the 19th of May, he magically had access to double his money and has been making some good gains there from it. That'll be a complete nightmare to fix, haha.
Those that knowingly take advantage of this type of error should be punished by a fine exceeding the amount made by the error. Is this not "cheating"?
I think the situation should be fully investigated, and the facts drawn out before making disparaging comments or labeling someone a cheat - let sanity prevail over emotion 8)
Agreed...there are no prizes for the Investment Challenge luckily, so we all do this for fun and appreciate what Patrick has put in behind the scenes.
These kinds of things just nag at me, like a crooked picture frame.
Shareholders are therefore advised that MTN expects to report negative basic headline earnings per share
Shareholders are therefore advised that MTN expects to report negative basic headline earnings per share
Yup and the trades show it all 8.1 million trans; R 1.134 billion
Sorry about that folks, my virtual server went down and wouldn't come back up. Apparently something to do with the server power state being out of sync...
I hope you have someone there to reset it while you guys are in Europe if it happens again. jaDEB would go stark raving mad otherwise. :)
Haha, they've told me that it's a hypervisor issue on this server, so they're going to move my virtual environment to another. Sometime between now and in 6 hours there will be 12 minutes of downtime...
12 minutes, what do u want me to do for 12 minutes.... FFS
Frikkie is at BHP/LON/KIO/AGL today :'(
I do not get these investors, yesterday commodity shares dropped +/- 5%, now back up again.
It is not the "investors" but the "traders". Commodities are for trading and not investing.
can anyone point me to easy equities tfsa approved etf's to choose from
thanks stealthywealth - no Gold etf's to choose, damn
South African Reserve Bank leaves repo rate unchanged at 7.0 percent
lol ZAR R14.20
How to go from position +/-174 to 341 - simple someone zeroed my Bid Corp share price
Do we have a stand in administrator while Patrick is away?
BIL share price is 0 in the competition.
Oh. Been fixed now. Thanks.
Mine too - thanks to whoever attended to the error
investing is stressfull. iam yet to make profit
Hang in there, it will get better as you learn :)
Even if you get poorer doing it...:)
Hello from Heathrow everyone, on my way to Belgium now.
Bastard !! :'(
Save travels, make awwwwsum memories! :)
DiviT - wondered if you caught the sens after close - Gooderson Leisure Corporation Limited - Misappropriation Of Funds
DiviT - wondered if you caught the sens after close - Gooderson Leisure Corporation Limited - Misappropriation Of Funds
@Mr_Dividend. Yes, just seen that, pretty shocking. I wonder if they already knew and the delisting is a way of avoiding too much embarrassment, combined with being able to buy the assets cheap. I think it will still go ahead, but does cause a little uncertainty..
JSE computer error massively overstated foreign buying over last three months
Do you have a source jaDEB?
Verizon Communications Inc. will announce plans to buy Yahoo’s core assets for a bit more than $4.8 billion before the market opens, said two people with direct knowledge of the situation who asked not to be identified because the information isn’t public
KIO - HEPS of R3 billion, R9.41 per share, up 20%
I traded more today than the entire Zim stock exchange. :)
Stocked up with food and beer for 6 days as we sit out the heatwave here.
freezing down here in the Cape
Here to JHB.
Plat 1120
What did you buy Mr div?
Anggold or Sappi? I've gone for Anggold in the Challenge and ABSA's punting Mondi.
Was running though some share stats and was surprised to see how bad VOD's stats are - first CGT sale anyway - but under R40K profit. Also sold RFG - up 50% with it, but no real dividend expected as well as I think I may be able to pick it up cheaper for my growth portfolio - which, BTW, will be enlarging quite a bit after really thinking about the benefits of CGT tax. Bought two overseas REITS - SCD and IAP. Obvious reasons I guess. But trying to move away from rands as when we do the travel thing, will all be in $
Mr Bond ?
Sold OCE bought Abinbev
Was running though some share stats and was surprised to see how bad VOD's stats are - first CGT sale anyway - but under R40K profit. Also sold RFG - up 50% with it, but no real dividend expected as well as I think I may be able to pick it up cheaper for my growth portfolio - which, BTW, will be enlarging quite a bit after really thinking about the benefits of CGT tax. Bought two overseas REITS - SCD and IAP. Obvious reasons I guess. But trying to move away from rands as when we do the travel thing, will all be in $
I'm a bit lost on the obvious reasons. IAP I can understand. But SCD? Please enlighten me.
ZAR at 14.14 now. The lowest this year and may go down to my 13,7, my bet that I had some months ago. Sorry P. Still good to be outside of SA though for longer term.
im a millionaaaaire....whoop is this possible
I still get paid in ZAR, so a stronger rand helps me, even though I converted when it was R14.30
Rant @ R14.00
A knee jerk reaction due to exports exceeding imports by R12,5bil. Expected was R7,2bil.
While I'm a little sad I didn't convert sub 14, I'll be moving most of my salary to $'s for the next year, so I'm still very happy to see the rates drop and hope they continue to drop..
Strong R is poison for our market. Nearly 70% of JSE revenue derived from outside ZA
Morning everyone, back at work again over here.
Welcome back P. Perhaps we could start a new thread on "My holiday" where we can talk and post pics of our holidays.
Nice idea Orca, would be fun to see what everyone gets up to.
US good preliminary jobs report. Will see whether confirmed by NFP on Friday.
ADP said private sector employment increased by 179,000 jobs in July after climbing by an upwardly revised 176,000 jobs in June. 170,000 were expected.
Yes P. Like... I show you mine and you show me yours. Hope MP will agree. :TU:
Sounds good, Make it so Number One. ;)
Number One? Is Zuma around? Don't tell me the Guptas are going to be landing here soon ;)
No, didn’t say Number One-nabe (wannabe). I meant Jean-Luc Picard. :)
I am missing PGR dividend. I posted in the thread.
Stick it in the first post of the thread Orca, that'll automatically add it to the table and you'll get the dividends on Saturday night.
EuroNews. If ANC votes decline, it will become a referendum to oust Zuma.
if you looking for something to watch, try this guy - very interesting.
Very strong July US payrolls (rise to 255000).Watch Rand xchange
whatever happened to those blackrock etfs that were supposed to come to SA
Happy womans day Patrick
Gold 1340
Dollar/Rand 13.40
When have you ever seen that?
Rant is back to Oct 2015
Dear jaDEB, please make up your f%$#ing mind. Then I am to weak, now I am to strong. Regards the Rand.
R13.25, anyone know when the last time was that the rand gained so much so quickly!
@Orca, hope you aren't close to the Portugal fires.
Haven't seen the sun in 3 days due to the smoke. Left the windows open last night because of the heat and spent the whole morning dusting and sweeping the ash out. We are surrounded by mountains with dense pine forests.
"...surrounded by mountains with dense pine forests" Sounds amazingly beautiful
capital gains
@ MoneyChief ...... congratulations :)
Haven't seen the sun in 3 days due to the smoke. Left the windows open last night because of the heat and spent the whole morning dusting and sweeping the ash out. We are surrounded by mountains with dense pine forests.
Wow, sounds bad. I heard there are bad fires on Madeira, but I thought you were Lisbon part of the world.
wHY IS ppc gOIng UP LIKes THAt ?
Record high temps have caused over 100 fires in northern Portugal of which 11 are still out of control. The one in Madeira was arson.
Looks like everything is up locally today, DIVTRX up nearly 2.5% today.
Financials led the day.
A talk with the EFF
Flip Buys recounts his conversation with some Fighters during the election campaign
This guy can run:
Was that Wayde? Link shot but if it was, just wow!
It was. He ran so fast he was off the screen till right at the end!
First lane 8 winner ever.
One thing about Wade van Niekerk and also the 100 metre SA sprinter is that they have been very quiet about their capabilities and to all intents and purposes humble in their approach to the big events. So refreshing compared to out cricketers and rugby player who seem to think they walk on water yet choke at every significant event in rugby and cricket
Well done the medal winners
BIL divi is in USD. Now what?
We'll have to convert to ZAR and add to the challenge
NPN and 10c :)
DRD getting clapped ...
It's quiet here today...
Watching live feed of the voting in JHB.
Watching live feed of the voting in JHB.
Yip - I was watching paint dry this afternoon as well :'(
This sounds like a really bad omen to me:
What happened with DRD jaDEB? Just saw MP posted a 16%+ drop yesterday.
DRD brought out update yesterday
With Gold being up 30% YTD, DRD goes ahead and announces a decrease of between 12% to 20% in earnings, Brilliant
ZAR getting hammered.
1.00 GBP = 18.1071 ZAR 1.00 USD = 13.7239 ZAR 18:20
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has been ordered to report to a police investigative unit known as the "Hawks" by Thursday over allegations relating to a rogue tax unit, the Daily Maverick online news service said on Tuesday. The rand fell nearly three percent after the story was published but was one percent weaker by 1619 GMT. A Hawks spokesman said he "knows nothing" about the report.
According to Daily Maverick, Gordhan, former deputy commissioner Ivan Pillay, group executive Johann van Loggerenberg and initial head of the investigative unit Andries van Rensburg have been ordered to report to the Hawks in Pretoria on Thursday. When contacted by Business Day, Hawks spokesman Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi said "no comment". Mulaudzi told Daily Maverick that he did not have a "mandate to discuss any case or any confidential information attached to any case that is still under investigation. Any
? only "no comment"
He was waiting for the election to be over to do this. let's see if he gets away with it. I have a feeling he won't.
On the bright side for people still wanting to move money, you'd still get a better rate than I did!
Gordhan should have known 'the postman always rings twice' :)
What the h#$% is happening to Woolies?
Down 4%, sale maybe :). Sry let me know what u find
Funny day allover Sappi up 9%.
DIVTRX set to drop more than 3% as banks loose 7%.
So Pravin is showing the hawks his middle finger. it's going to get really interesting...
Pravin has the best legal think tanks holding his middle finger up.
And there goes Spar - down 5.42%. Just when I was looking to exit and get the tax free Resilient divi - LDT 30 August :wall:
RSA = Reload, change Foot, BANG !!!
Are we all ready for a interesting day?
There's a chinese curse that says may you live in interesting times
Rant @ R14.29
Germany advises citizens to stockpile food, water and cash for 10 days.
Unfortunately it looks like Gordhan will be arrested soon.
Why Mr Bond, link?
Wonder why the rand hasn't reacted to that, priced in already?
I thinkl cause it is Opinion, see link address.
Fine line between fact and opinion. Just ask any member of the Flat Earth Society :LHST:
I can't see this being pulled off. Zuma suppoerters have been far quieter than usual. It seems like when he messes with the coutries finances even his supporters come down on him. Should be a very interesting week.
Rant @ R14.47
I dunno. Where there's smoke there's fire. And every time there's bad news about it the financials will take another knock. And Spar :frustrated:
Time to buy STXIND again. Beating DIVTRX by 5% over 1 month.
That 5% is purely rand weakness. If you think the rand will weaken further, then the indi is the right one to buy.
The INDI has turned upwards despite the ZAR dropping due to foreigners exiting and dropping the ZAR.
STXIND - how you buy Naspers in your TFSA.
In the Investor Challenge, is the divi added after the 15% tax has been deducted? Because a divi paid by a REIT, in my case Resilient, is not subject to the tax.
Yes after tax Bread. While REITs aren't subject to Divvie tax, they are to income tax which is 30% in the game, so theoretically, I need to subtract another 15% from the REIT dividend ;)
SARS even gets us in play play land :'(
@Patrick. 30% only applies when selling at a profit. No div. tax on REITS, so I don't understand extra 15%
No, Patrick. You must only take off the 30%. Not the 15% because its a REIT.
Are you taking off 30% per trade, on selling, or at the end of the year?
/call FSB ombudsman :mad:
#Patrickmustfall :)
Haha, am I wrong? I thought the income from REITS gets added to your annual income and taxed at the marginal rate. Will go read. Does SARS have to pay penalties to us when they're wrong or is it just the other way around?
"There are two key parts to this. Firstly, it means that the 15% dividends withholding tax that is applied to dividends paid out by ordinary shares does not apply to distributions from REITs. Instead they are included in the recipient’s taxable income with no exemptions. So the full amount is taxed at the shareholder’s normal tax rate."
S. Africa’s Biggest Debt Manager Halts Loans to State Firms.
"Africa’s biggest private fixed-income money manager will stop lending money to six of South Africa’s largest state companies because it’s concerned about how they are being run, government infighting and threats to the independence of the finance ministry."
Yes, Patrick. The way I understand it is the full amount, i.e. the recipient's taxable income for the year including dividends from REITs, is added up and taxed at the shareholder's normal tax rate.
Does the taxman deduct the normal tax rate for every trade? If he did, and I traded 10 times in the year, then I would pay 130% tax. I'm under the impression, as a provisional taxpayer, that all my profits and losses get added up at the end of the year, added to my other taxable income including divis from REITs, and the total taxed at my normal rate. I am fairly positive I am correct.
Hey Bread, the taxman only takes 30% of your profits when ranking you on the leaderboard. No money is actually removed from any accounts. In theory though, i should take give you 15% more cash for your REIT dividend, and then subtract 30% of that on the leaderboard only.
OK, so if we're on the same tax is taken off from REIT divis ever, other divis are taxed at 15% when they're added, no tax is taken when I sell at a profit during the course of the year, but the final tally of all profit for all trades is taken off at 30% at the end of the year. Correct?
Almost, at year end we shoud tax the reit divvie 30%, but for now we can fix it manually by adding another dividend of 0.203 * the original dividend to the REITs.
Ok fixed and added to the LDT/divi system
Mr P down another 6%
Just bought Mr P
Nice, your big b@lls is in isle 5 behind the shirts
In real or in investor challenge
I too bought MPR with my Sept allocation in the competition and in my real portfolio am trying to sell some shares in other companies to enable me to buy more MRP - so far their drop has cost me +/- R 138,000 in profits. I have no doubt they will return to previous prices - it may just take 6 months or so
Bought in Competition and clearly the droppe even further :mad: :wall:
ALso bOughT MrP with SePt ALOCatiOn iN Compt.
Other Comp (DarkSide) I have DRD/DRD/NPN/NPN & BIL
2nd lender not doing soe
Almost, at year end we shoud tax the reit divvie 30%, but for now we can fix it manually by adding another dividend of 0.203 * the original dividend to the REITs.
Patrick, in real life the REIT divi is never taxed. That is the attraction. It is only added to the total profits for the year and THAT amount is taxed, not the divi portion on it's own. Otherwise, there would be no point in establishing a Trust, let alone a Real Estate Trust. The dividends, or profit distribution, from a Trust are not taxed.
ok, I'm still trying to get my head around it. It does make reits seem quite attractive
does the same apply to property ETFs?
MrP has hurt my main portfolio a bit - almost back to my avg cost. That said, have added quite a few to my CFD account - jumped a bit early though and avg cost around R181.
I'm not 100% sure but it would seem to me that the ETF shouldn't make any difference. No matter how the REIT divi is packaged there is still no tax and any institution that claims otherwise is probably taking it for itself, similar to what ABSA Stockbrokers do.
I enJoyEd Stealthy Wealth's new blog posT. :)
Almost, at year end we shoud tax the reit divvie 30%, but for now we can fix it manually by adding another dividend of 0.203 * the original dividend to the REITs.
Patrick, in real life the REIT divi is never taxed. That is the attraction. It is only added to the total profits for the year and THAT amount is taxed, not the divi portion on it's own. Otherwise, there would be no point in establishing a Trust, let alone a Real Estate Trust. The dividends, or profit distribution, from a Trust are not taxed.
Yes, Bread that is correct. Code 4238 on the tax return. Treated like local interest.
Almost, at year end we shoud tax the reit divvie 30%, but for now we can fix it manually by adding another dividend of 0.203 * the original dividend to the REITs.
Patrick, in real life the REIT divi is never taxed. That is the attraction. It is only added to the total profits for the year and THAT amount is taxed, not the divi portion on it's own. Otherwise, there would be no point in establishing a Trust, let alone a Real Estate Trust. The dividends, or profit distribution, from a Trust are not taxed.
Yes, Bread that is correct. Code 4238 on the tax return. Treated like local interest.
Thank you, Moonraker.
I enJoyEd Stealthy Wealth's new blog posT. :)
Thank you! P.s. Patrick you are late with this months blog post :-P
Hi Stealthy, like the blog! Although, heads up, you may want to fix your signature, the link has a misspelling :TU:
US NFP's disappointed @151000 - Probably no Sept. rates increase
Ja nice, now rant recovering R14.42...
Damn I know, here's the preview: You're quite brave to put up the figures like that, I've considered it, but not sure I'm ready to yet...
Thanks Strive! Poor form on my part
buy shares
buy shares
Which shares Vu2603?
I've heard stealthy has just become a dad. Congrats Mr wealth :)
nice one Stealthy.
Thanks guys! Lots of fun running on 2 hrs sleep...
Thanks guys! Lots of fun running on 2 hrs sleep...
Congrats stealth - if you are a father to a daughter then get used to the shortened sleep time - when they get to about 13 you will be all night waiting for her to be brought home safely. If a boy you will get the sleep you need as he will be some ones else parents problem :LHST:
Sterling made good gains but the ZAR beats it by far.
Any1 rember Tigon?
SA staves off technical recession, economy grows 3.3% in Q2. The strong Rant is going to kick my @ss
The ZAR will now play catchup to other EM currencies that have done well. Developed markets fleeing from their negative interest rates to EM's.
I have faith in our leaders to weakin the rant again :)
Nee Boet. Nomber 1 en sy mede swendelaars vleg piele in China vir 'n paar dae.
Dis alreeds ietwat swakker - gebeur elke keer as JaDEB na hom verwys. JaDEB moet 'n gemengde portefeulje bou sodat hy nie net baat as die R verswak. ;)
lol - Lag ek lekker :)
Van gelag kom
^%$### R14.13
Jy moet weer na die ou verwys. Doen dit en jy sal sien .
When is Zuma returning to Nkandla to discuss Gordhan and Banking sector and Rating / Junk status.
Bit of $ weakness creeping in, rather than ultra strong Runt. Jammer dit het klaarblyklik nie gewerk. Goeie Genade !
Dunno but looks like we will see sub 14 within hours. Unless we get profit taking after the 2%+ gain today.
It cool, it is better for RSA. :)
Yep, I'm still taking money offshore every month, I want a stronger rand! If Zuma goes sometime soon we'll be below R13. But for now this article is the only thing that makes sense:
A gauge of the dollar dropped by the most in five weeks after a report showed America’s service industries expanded in August at the weakest pace in six years, damping the outlook for higher U.S. interest rates.
The U.S. currency fell against most of its major counterparts, including high-yielding peers such as the Australian dollar and South African rand.
The 14.00 area seems to be a barrier as it bounced off it twice now. Profit taking.
ZAR went sub 14 a few minutes ago. As per P's post, Z won't open his mouth to send it back up.
Ront 13.97
Oh MR Zuma. Please give us your opinion about ,mmmm, anything. speak your mind. :)
Heh, heh, heh, R13.98
What I am number 7??? Whoa
APN getting a hiding.
Why is APN dropping?
Dunno, but bought for the competition.... please turn up :TU:
Trading update...
APN: Currency loss of R870 million
€ strengtens against all as ECB no change. R weakens a little on crosses, probably also due to weak manufacturing data:-
South Africa's manufacturing output expanded by 0.4 percent year-on-year in July, well below expectations after rising by a revised 4.7 percent in June, Statistics South Africa said on Thursday.
On a month-on-month basis, factory production was down 1.5 percent, but rose 1.7 percent in the three months to July compared with the previous three months.
A Reuters poll of economists had expected the headline figure to show manufacturing grew by 3 percent.
rANT r14.10
Ja. ZAR confused at what direction to take. It is looking at the politicians next move.
Rant @ R14.26
PTXTEN - last night I attended a talk on wealth creation at the JSE. One of the counters that came up was this Property tracking counter. My broker/JSE platform gives very little detail on this counter other than its quarterly distribution which seems fairly erratic with dividends ranging between 11 cents and +/-32 cents over 2015/6. Looking at SENS they listed 150,000 securities on 16/8/2016 only to delist 200,000 on 2/9/2016 - there are quite a number of occasions where securities are listed/delisted.
Can anybody throw some light on this index and whether they are holders in their own portfolios (not competition portfolio)
PTXTEN - last night I attended a talk on wealth creation at the JSE. One of the counters that came up was this Property tracking counter. My broker/JSE platform gives very little detail on this counter other than its quarterly distribution which seems fairly erratic with dividends ranging between 11 cents and +/-32 cents over 2015/6. Looking at SENS they listed 150,000 securities on 16/8/2016 only to delist 200,000 on 2/9/2016 - there are quite a number of occasions where securities are listed/delisted.
Can anybody throw some light on this index and whether they are holders in their own portfolios (not competition portfolio)
I do..
Basically take the top 10 property shares and creates an equally weighted (+- 10% each) ETF from it. Quarterly payouts and rebalancing.
PTXTEN - last night I attended a talk on wealth creation at the JSE. One of the counters that came up was this Property tracking counter. My broker/JSE platform gives very little detail on this counter other than its quarterly distribution which seems fairly erratic with dividends ranging between 11 cents and +/-32 cents over 2015/6. Looking at SENS they listed 150,000 securities on 16/8/2016 only to delist 200,000 on 2/9/2016 - there are quite a number of occasions where securities are listed/delisted.
Can anybody throw some light on this index and whether they are holders in their own portfolios (not competition portfolio)
I do..
Basically take the top 10 property shares and creates an equally weighted (+- 10% each) ETF from it. Quarterly payouts and rebalancing.
Thanks Hamster
EM's soar this year. Brazil up over 90% despite being downgraded to junk. Russia up over 50% and SA by a mere 7%.
Don't write off a FED rate increase this month.
Is that the mrket increases or currency increases Orca? Any link?
DA to confront P.G. with this. When are we going to have a tax revolt ? (’s-No-2-probed-for-R1.2m-in-‘suspicious’-cash-deposits)
red day :'(
Bloody red day, when I check my portifolio I had to reach for some gradpa powders...
Woolies is making me cry, at least next week they will be paying divi's
My ABN is positive :)
Damn, two weeks till payday so I can't buy now!
Today is one of those days. Were u do not mind ending day in red, u just hope it does not end as red as it is now :'(
Yip hopefully by Friday it might start to look better.
If we don't have a good day Tuesday you can all "smite" me.
But not if Zuma opens his mouth.
Well both Woolies and CFR looking slightly better this morning.
KIO getting hammered SARS again...
Here we go "Angry face" - negative again...some politician said something again...ffs
Is it a public holiday today? Cant get prices on Sharenet or my broker.
/wish it was a public holliday, my picks or on a downward spiral
Where's my grandpa powder???
How about adding stratcorp and Ellies onto the List?
Both are iliquid penny stocks. In real life you would not be able to buy Stratcorp for 1c.
Morning everyone
Ellies is surviving by the grace of Standard Bank at the moment.
And to think they once traded at R9+. If I remember, a few directors offloaded many shares at those prices.
I think Ellies were hurt when they couldn't roll out their set top boxes with the TV migration, and then their quality assurance on their products became non existent - I today will not buy any of their products because they are worse than the imports ex China. I don't believe they will ever return to their former glory days - I am glad I exited their shares when they were around R 6.10 - but still made handsome profits
DRDGOLD increases dividend five-fold to 62 cents per share
The contract offers the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a security
NPN also paying divvie today I think?
Sorry :)
My exposure to NPN is purely through STXIND
Come to the game park in Mozambique for the wedding said my sister in law. It'll be great, we'll stay in luxury tents, there's a pool to cool off in and we can have dinner under the stars. Right. Here's me in my shorts and light weight tracksuit top freezing my balls off before going to bed in a tent that doesn't close properly. And just for good measure you still get chowed by potentially Malaria carrying mosquitos! Stop complaining now Patrick, it's a lovely wedding...
Hey, at least u freezing your balls off enjoying a holiday. I will give my balls for a holiday. :'(
isn't woolies suppose to pay divi today?
isn't woolies suppose to pay divi today?
My Woolies divi's in my private portfolio were paid by my brokers on Friday already, along with Bidcorp; Adaptit; Massmart; and Truworths
R14.02 ... Frikkie !!!
Whats up?
Nothing, the strong rand is hurting me !! :'(
The rand is still weak boet.
That's just wrong.
Real value of ZAR should be 8,2.
At R8.20 I'd probably cry about missed opportunities! I would have a huge $ salary though, but I'd have to work quite a few more years to make back what I missed out on by converting at 14.30. Where did you get that number? I always read that it should be somewhere between 11 and 12.
I read that in some financial site about 2 months ago. Think it was Moneyweb. Highly unlikely to get there though.
What could also be supporting the R is ANB buying up R to pay SABMiller shareholders (the cash option).
I have ANB & NPN, thus my one share is hurting my other share, I is hoping some politician says something/gets arrested/gets investigated to weaken the rant.
Patrick, something is wrong with the IC, it shows Magash's have Minus R452000 cash, are u using it pay your University fees?
@Orca ABN have already forward covered their R purchases, so not a reason for R strength past few days.
According to Moneyweb yesterday, the buying will carry on for "a few weeks".
A new forex idea??
Why is the JSE a Screamer today?
Bloomberg yesterday: "The bottom line: actual or speculated SABMiller-related flows will provide significant help to the rand for weeks to come.”
jaDEB. No rate hike by FED so good for USA stocks and we follow suit.
TOPI exceptionally oversold. Indicators show a reversal especially for commodities. Double bottom and 200MA confirms a short bull run.
The way the All Share is performing today and the resilience of the Rand I don't see any repo rate adjustment today
A new forex idea??
Thanks for the tip. I contacted them to see what their charges are. They wouldn't commit to a fixed spread, but said it's generally spot rate + 0.5%. They also have a R350 fee per transaction. That would make them cheaper than exchange4free (spot+1%) for large amounts, smaller amount will be quite similar I think, as exchange4free has a lower R120 fee for transaction under R100k.
Not sure about Std Bank spread, but Min fee is R140 or 0.51% and capped at R790 (excl the fees on the other side). Daylight robbers I say and they aren't interested in giving better rates above 100k. Patrick, have you used exchange4free? I think ill give ClickFX a try in my next offshore tranch.
FNB is around 2% over spot rate, I don't think any other banks will be much cheaper. I have used exchange4free, the service was good. ClickFX will be about R150 cheaper for a R100k transfer. I'll give them a try next year when my discretionary allowance renews.
Exchange4Free are really good. Moved cash offshore and on the Sterling/Rand rate they were few cents of the spot but no transfer fee to transfer the cash.
Do you remember how far off spot rate they were perhaps? For my USD transactions the spot was R14.30 and I was given R14.45 as their rate.
GBP/ZAR at the same value it was almost 3 years ago.
USD at R13.47 looking good. Let's hope it stays here or goes lower by payday next month. That'll be my last offshore batch for the year.
Where on earth is jaDEB?
I've also wondered. It's very unlike him. jaaaaaaaDEEEEEEBBBB?
Is here, just took 2 days for RR, Played Overwatch and GTA V. ie saved the world, shoot people and picked up girls :)
saved the world, shoot people and picked up girls :)
I call that Friday night 8)
lol...nice response
Sold my DRD.... :'(
USD at R13.47 looking good. Let's hope it stays here or goes lower by payday next month. That'll be my last offshore batch for the year.
Where do you guys think the USD is headed? Will it reach R12.50?
Take your pic yozzi, Rencap says it will strengthen by 20-30% over the next two years, Nomura says it will hit R18 in a year: :wtf:
Sold DRD bought PPC .. start building people...
F^%$ me, gold tanking ...
I mean, Frikkie me, GOld is tANKing ...
Any1 here going to Rage this week end?
@ Patrick, getting lonely here :'(. See I is Second in the IC. :)
I see that. peaking at the right time! I've been consistently bad all year long :(
My portfolio has gained a measly 11% YTD but the exchange rate gives me a gain of 22%. Not bad.
No shouting today.
No, they started retrenchments here today..F^%$ it :'(
Good luck, Jadeb
Should have been a Stock broker, Jockey or Assasin...
JaDEB ..Illegitimi non carborundum
Thanks Mr Bond, no every one including Top is trying our best. But the Engineering industry is RSA is on their knees at the moment.
Not good jaDEB. Hopefully you avoid it, or otherwise get a monstrous package.
Sorry to hear that Frikie is visiting your workplace now.
ANB suspended, code changes tomorrw to ANH
ACL though...phew
ZAR/USD = 14.20 why suddenly ?
Oh, Rand tanks on Gordhan summons news.
Stupid F%$#ing idiots ....
I see the termites are once again gnawing away at the ANC tree - I wonder if they will even be a creditable opposition party after 2019.Can't recall a single terrorist organization that turned to politics actually surviving the long term haul
It takes 30 years on average to vote out a liberation movement, that would be 2024. A few very bad years economically could bring it forward to 2019.
Sigh, I was to move my last amount offshore for the year in 2 weeks time...
Why is Woolies plummeting south?
I do believe banks and retaqil ops are all suffering from this last piece of lunacy. I hold Massmart, Mr Price, Pick n Pay,
Truworths, and Woolworths and they are all down 3.0% or more - the banks have had R 50 billion wiped off their capitalisation which is big number
The ANC has double standards in saying PG must co-operate with the NPA and not saying Zuma must co-operate with the PP.
What I find extraordinary is the list of ministers making up the ministerial task force looking into student unrest at the uni's - the only missing acolyte seems to be Zwane - wonder if he is going to be reshuffled out of the cabinet. Where is Des van die rooi een
Guys would you be buying Dollars now?
If PG gets the chop then yes but look back at the previous attempts and you will see how the ZAR regained it's value over a short time. You take your own gamble.
WHat have they in store for us today I wonder..
PG might get the chop. Excuse being that it is untenable to have a Fin Min facing corruption charges.
Zuma is also facing corruption charges.
Good Santova trading statement out
Zuma has applied for an interdict to the PP paper. Would he do so if he was innocent? His end is nigh.
No jaDEB. Not the "nigh" you are thinking of.
And now Des Van Rooyen the Weekend Minister has also applied to interdict the PP
After this postponement I don't see the PP's report ever being released or, at best, ever being the original version Thuli had prepared and signed.
If Zuma, Des the Di&& and the ANC gang try and bury the report it will be curtains for them all. Thuli is a clever cookie - a copy has been lodged with the court - it has been sealed, but more importantly it bears her signature. I don't believe she is a sloppy operator and she would have probably interrogated every word and fact in the report, to ensure it has full weight.
Can't wait for the leaked copy to hit the internet - then the Zuma acolytes can really start their dancing and blessing ceremonies
I like this...
South Africa Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan will not ask the state prosecutor to review fraud charges he is facing as it would be "pointless" to do so, his lawyers said on Friday, trimming the rand's rally.
"The main reason for his decision is that he does not have any confidence in the NDPP’s (National Director of Public Prosecutions) ability or willingness to afford him a fair hearing," the lawyers said in a statement.
The NPA fired a 0,22 bullet at PG and PG fired a nuclear warhead back. PG has another one in his safe in the form of a dossier on Zuma as a backup.
I wouldn't say it was a 0.22. The NPA has no case, they're firing blanks..
If you want to see an interesting article then read
Hmm, all that from that small piece of handwriting...
Howa of Oak Bay resigns - citing ill health
Hmm, all that from that small piece of handwriting...
As long as the masses believe it and it in some way helps getting him out of the office (even better, in jail) then I'm ok with it.
Very true Hamster, it's not fact but belief that rules. Worries me about Trump though.
No worries there P. Trump will not win and Wikileaks has long lost it's credibility.
R13.90. Lately I take the rand as a scorecard in the current government boxing match. Looks like PG is in front.
Indeed. What I love the most is that the ZAR has gained 1.9% to the Euro today and attenuates my gains to 3.6% in my portfolio.
Very true Hamster, it's not fact but belief that rules. Worries me about Trump though.
If Trump wins buy shares in CNN's holding company
What's with Fin24 domain - down since yesterday for me.
Just come alive now. :)
I had the same problem. It was intermittent though, so you just have to keep trying.
I had the same problem. It was intermittent though, so you just have to keep trying.
Yes thanks. You can check a site anytime
SA to leave the ICC and the confirmed reports that the new public protector has changed all the TV channels from ENCA to ANN7. What is going on?
the new public protector has changed all the TV channels from ENCA to ANN7
Yep, even confirmed to John Robbie. Everyone at her offices must now watch Gupta TV.
Oh....great... :(
Until it is reported on News24, I see it as a rumor. I strongly doubt she will broadcast her "capture". She would be fired for breaking the ethical code of a PP to be unbiased and forcing people to watch ANN7 only and it is undemocratic and against the constitution. She is not so stupid.
Mail and Guardian do for you? Behind a paywall but you can read the beginning:
Strange why News24 hasn't mentioned it. Perhaps the PP wants to track what the Gupta camp are saying. I will wait for more info before I start getting violent.
That woman is captured. That's probably why JZ insisted the investigation into State capture be deferred to her. I can already imagine how this will play out: criticize Thuli as much as possible (she already started yesterday) so in time she can rubbish her report. Write a new report and declare that there is no State capture. :(
She: "asked that the television channels in the office reception be changed from eNCA to the Gupta-owned ANN7 and told staff that the office existed to work with government and not to be its enemy." :(
"Insiders say she disagrees with some aspects of the report and the way it was finalised."
The original report will never see the light of day unless it gets leaked.
What happened to BTI Initially up over 3% due to the anticipated Reynolds takeover, now down ?
Among equities, cigarette maker British American Tobacco remained the top FTSE 100 riser, jumping 3.6 per cent, or 170.5p higher to 4,973.5p after unveiling plans for a $47billion (£38.3billion) merger with US tobacco firm Reynolds, the maker of Camel and Pall Mall, which would create the world's largest listed tobacco company. BAT currently owns 42.2 per cent of Reynolds.
Reynolds wants more. (Don't we all?)
I think it was probably quite difficult to read the newspapers this weekend if your surname was either Zuma or Gupta... Huge stories, imagine how much money is being stolen if they can offer someone R600 million in bribes...
Just about sums up this country at the mo and what's going on is farcical! Imagine this in the US, UK, etc they would be in jail long ago!
lol - Article " PPC shares spike - PPC shares advanced as much as 0.17 percent" Obviously maths is not strong point.
Journalists are sensationalists these days, a 1% drop is a market crash sometimes as well
Journalists are sensationalists these days, a 1% drop is a market crash sometimes as well
I would counter that financial journalists have been sensationalists for a good many years - ever since they found words and phrases like stella;shoot the lights out; surged; free fall; eye watering; fell off a cliff; and a host of other phrases and words. My interaction with journalist whilst still employed was not so much the article but the headline was the all catching consideration. Unfortunately its not the stories that captive the audience it's the audacious headlines. However rest assured that the really pithy and eye catching headlines are still reserved for politics - after all headlines sell newspapers/magazines
And if some1 start another "****must fall" I will crap in my pant
#jaDEBMustFall because it will be really funny :)
Hey jaDEB - such colourful language - what time do you start taking your juice :LHST:
Appologies did not mean it :'(
I bought some dollars yesterday, expect the rand to strengthen any time now ;)
lol, thanks Patrick I needed that.
So.... mid term budget speech. Everyone re-assured we will avoid the December downgrade?
Not me
Not me also
We will not be downgraded. Zuma will bribe them.
I bought some dollars yesterday, expect the rand to strengthen any time now ;)
I bought the other week at R14.56 and look where it went too!
But still expect some weakness to come by year end and I'm still contemplating buying Sterling with the Dollars I bought
We will not be downgraded. Zuma will bribe them.
hi i would not be surprised. if one looks at the crash of 2008 i would say it possible
The only certainty I got from the budget was that taxes will definitely go up next year. It's just a question of how much, and if it's PAYE and/or VAT.
Oh please be VAT :(
Hey awesome, my butt is positive, being down every day for last 4 days :)
The 'kidnapping' at SARS. Should be the end of Moyane.
DvTycoon smiling at the moment...
Why Mr Tycoon?
Gooderson upped purchase price from 65c to 85c
Hi Everyone,, first post here, ooooh..
Im a South African in Canada coming to SA for a couple months, does anyone want some CAD currency?
Please PM me if you know someone.
Many thanks
DvTycoon smiling at the moment...
Thanks Mr_Dividend. Been a frustrating process and some interesting things going on, but seems it may be worth it eventually! Will see what the other minorities think, but at least it seems almost fair now, although the sens report said that the advisers to Gooderson said it 'unfair, but reasonable'...
Frikkie is moering me hard today ... :'(
binary options
So will the charges agains Gordhan be dropped today? I can't see any other outcome working for the hawks. If they don't the courts will hammer them later this week.
They have been dropped.
I bought some dollars yesterday, expect the rand to strengthen any time now ;)
See, told you it would :)
AB Inbev taking a pounding over the last month. Any ideas what has happened? I'm thinking of buying a few.
they brought out results last week + rand strenght
R13.48... And now, the end is near. And so he'll face the final curtain... There's just one small report between us and the president stepping down.
R13.48... And now, the end is near. And so he'll face the final curtain... There's just one small report between us and the president stepping down.
Wishful thinking. This guy is as slippery as an eel.
hOLOweenwas yesterday ? "Pretoria - Independent Police Investigative Directorate head Robert McBride and two colleagues will appear in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday on charges of fraud and defeating the ends of justice"
I bought some dollars yesterday, expect the rand to strengthen any time now ;)
See, told you it would :)
Patrick, you're not the only one as I've lost exactly a Rand on each dollar I bought! Having to relook at my plan as I was going to buy DBX US/DBX WLD but the troubles of Deutche Bank have me staying clear of them!
The bank will only be your agent. Your money will be segregated and held at the stock exchanges. That is the law and should the bank go bust, your money will not be a bank asset.
I bought some dollars yesterday, expect the rand to strengthen any time now ;)
See, told you it would :)
Patrick, you're not the only one as I've lost exactly a Rand on each dollar I bought! Having to relook at my plan as I was going to buy DBX US/DBX WLD but the troubles of Deutche Bank have me staying clear of them!
That Coreshares S&P EFT is starting to trade on Friday. Could be a lower cost option than DBXUS
The bank will only be your agent. Your money will be segregated and held at the stock exchanges. That is the law and should the bank go bust, your money will not be a bank asset.
I read that ETN's could be affected would this then affect ETF'S?
Sorry, just seen the link above which is self explanatory
That Coreshares S&P EFT is starting to trade on Friday. Could be a lower cost option than DBXUS
Will be a lower cost. DBXUS is very expensive compared to other ETFs
Have they published the TER for the coreshares S&P?
Have they published the TER for the coreshares S&P?
I guess we will only get the true full TER after a year in the market. They are talking about a headline service fee of 0.45%
I thought the 0.45 was the TER? So we actually don't know what the actual costs will be?
"Expected TER 0.55% – 0.65%" according to fact sheet
Thanks, that's far cheaper than DBXUS, slightly cheaper than DBXWD.
N/A- TER will be available when the ETF has been listed for a year. Headline service fee of 0.45%
Thanks CZC
Zuma withdrew his interdict, what is going on?
I think he's scared because the opposition advocates are asking for costs to be paid personally. He doesn't want to lose even more money. Rand likes it, R13.48 at the moment.
Report is coming out at 5pm today. Let's see if it has the desired effect. Rand certainly thinks so, R13.33/$
What companies make popcorn? I want to invest in them.
Hahaha! Yeah it's going to be an interesting time coming up. I think many heads are going to roll...
Thuli - has proven to be one clever lady. Her remedial action (Con Court has already ruled that these action have the full force of all court levels) calls for the establishment of a commission of enquiry set up by the president within 30 days and the chief justice of the country is to appoint the judge, and that judge is to appoint their own team of investigators. Remedial action is to be reported to the new PP periodically (she will be require to release this info into the public space). So she has hog tied Zuma and the new PP - very clever lady indeed
What a great day! 😌 Arrogance level of implicated individuals astounding.
ZAR in a quandary as to direction. Very volatile.
I have a feeling the ZAR was dissapointed with the wording of the state capture. It's full of "may be"s and "appears to be" rather than being direct. And instead of giving an order on Zuma it requests a judicial inquiry. I can tell why she did it this way, it's impossible to fight, and will very likely put the ministers and Zuma himself onto the witness stand, under oath. In the long run will have the desired effect, but my prediction of heads rolling soon will have to wait.
I have a feeling the ZAR was dissapointed with the wording of the state capture. It's full of "may be"s and "appears to be" rather than being direct.
You can not be direct, even when they catch a hijacker or murderer red handed it is always 'alleged' hijacker or 'alleged' murderer. Apparently one is innocent until proven guilty even in obvious cases.
True, the more I read, the more I believe she made the right decision. She seems to have set Zuma up to hang himself, with practically no way to use his usual delaying/diverting/picking lackey methods:
Assuming we all will have hangovers tomorrow?
lol - or cry . South Africa prosecutor says probe on Gordhan's role in 'spy unit' advanced
lol - or cry . South Africa prosecutor says probe on Gordhan's role in 'spy unit' advanced
Isn't this just crazy - and not one MP had the gumption to ask Abrahams when he is re instituting the 783 charges against Zuma - and he says he is not captured - boet this guy is in a straight jwcket
Z . can appoint the judge overseing the judicial commission of enquiry asked for by Madonsela. Can you believe it !
Has something changed? I thought chief justice was appointing the judge.
Patrick, I don't know, as Z. usually has the right to appoint. Maybe not in this case. See below. (From Daily Maverick - Pierre de Vos)
Usually the president has the discretion under section 84(2)(f) of the Constitution to appoint commissions of inquiry. The remedial action now fetters this discretion. The question a court will have to answer is whether the special circumstances of this case render this fettering of the president’s constitutional powers constitutionally valid or not. Is it permissible – in these extraordinary circumstances in which the president is being implicated in breaches of the Ethics Act and in possible corruption – for the Public Protector to restrict the constitutional powers of the President?
The problem faced in this case is that there are excellent reasons why the president should not have the discretion to appoint a judge of his choice to head a commission of inquiry to investigate matters delineated by the president. The president is conflicted as he is implicated in wrongdoing which would have to be investigated by the commission of inquiry. It is inevitable that if his discretion is not fettered he would appoint a judge he perceived to be sympathetic to him. This conflict of interest would almost certainly invalidate the entire commission.
If you read Wikipedia it makes for interesting reading she has legal degrees and has been awarded doctorates. She was part of the team that drafted the constitution and. She was a member of the SA Law Commission from 2007 until being made PP. So I think she knows her way around the law and the constitution. So in reality Zuma has to appoint a commission within 30 days, but, can't appoint the presiding judge that has to be appointed by the chief justice. I doubt that Zuma will contest this as the Con Court has already ruled that Zuma has not upheld the constitution.
She has proven to be a very clever lady whilst PP and certainly know the lie of the land
OK, thanks - that sounds better.
So on Friday Shaun the sheep says the rogue unit investigations are very advanced. Then on Sunday city press reports he'll be arrested before christmas. Now today the NPA claims the following: "The article, in so far as it relates to the NPA, is entirely without merit. The investigations are currently underway and are believed to be at an advance stage." What the hell does that mean?
Normally to become and advocate you have to do some serious studying, have to take articles, and practice as an attorney before you are admitted to the bar. Clear shaun the sheep went to the wrong bar and the bar man gave him a cheap advocaats certificate. The justice system seems to have overlooked checking out his qualification because the types of errors he has made would not be stand even a candidate attorney in god stead - if fact they would probably be fired
@Patrick, is your Compound interest calculator coded to compound monthly or annually?
ZAR has reached the level from a year ago but is at a resistance level now and will probably get stuck here.
@Nios, it compounds monthly
This is like walking up on brexit day. The rand was getting stronger but in the morning it was far weaker. When I checked why, leave was in the lead. Same thing this morning waking up to Trump in the lead. The world has gone mad.
Fasten your seatbelts, we going thru a sh!tstorm
President Trump
I just wish I had money to buy shares today!
I mailed Elon Musk and asked him how much for Ticket to Mars..F%$# this.
Canada immigration website crashed due to overload.
Haha funny, I heard there were a lot of threats. I think long term we'll see pretty much no changes, I'm just sad I'm missing out on the bargain hunting.
So now that Donald has gotten into the White House a whole new lexicon of words will start cropping up:-
$ Donald trumped Hillary
$ Donald came up trumps again
$ Donald is good at trumpeting his own trump (et)
$ are Donalds daughters trump or (s) trumpets
there will be many more :LHST:
Kinda disappointed that shares didn't fall more.
Kinda disappointed that shares didn't fall more.
Why - my shares were devalued by R 102,000 on opening this morning and the Rand pulled back all of 44 cents
My ANH is down 4% :'(
Why are resources up today ?
GOld was 1283 yesterday now 1304
Does Trump not drink alcohol?
Rand was R13.18 last night, now R13.50.
I don't get why resources are up today. Not gold, resource counters like BHP, ANG, etc. Trump's protectionist policies, plans to impose heavy tariffs on China etc. will all tend to crimp world trade and therefore growth, which means less mineral exports from ZA. The weaker Rand does not seem to be the main reason, as all the resource counters listed in the UK are also up substantially (£/$) practically no change from yesterday. Coal I can understand as Trump wants to move away from renewables in favour of coal, but that's about all I can think of as a reason.
Yest/toda Copper 511/538, Nickel 1098/1147
OK, think I've got hold of the main reason for uplift in resources. Trump wants to 'rebuild American cities' - huge infrastructure spend = good for minerals/metals - may outweigh the negatives mentioned earlier.
I agree Moonraker, that's most likely it. I like how you won't drop anything until you understand it!
OK, think I've got hold of the main reason for uplift in resources. Trump wants to 'rebuild American cities' - huge infrastructure spend = good for minerals/metals - may outweigh the negatives mentioned earlier.
Walling off Mexico will be really good for construction industry!
Kinda disappointed that shares didn't fall more.
Why - my shares were devalued by R 102,000 on opening this morning and the Rand pulled back all of 44 cents
Well that was 2 days of most interesting share price movements
So have recovered all my paper losses and things look like they are back to normal - if that's possible these days
Anyone know why the rand is a lot weaker today?
No Idea.
Probably because rate increase in US now more likely. Check T Bonds.
Yes. Patrick, your answer is here.
EDIT: which of course results in a stronger $ on the crosses.
A catch 22 situation. The cronies Z has placed in the top echelons of the party will want Z in place so they can keep dipping into the cookie jar. They have the majority vote and will win in every vote. The state capture is done and cannot be reversed with the current NEC wolves.
The vote today seemed to be all about the white DA hiding behind a black mask than about Z.
According to Woolies trading update they increased by 8.9% in the first 19 weeks of the new FY, yet the price is going south???
CIL reported a HEPS increase of 15% yesterday and she dropped like a stone and some more today. :wtf:
Rand getting stronger today. Co-incidently my office changed their working rate to R14.37 today. Unfortunately half my salary will now get converted to dollars at that rate in around 10 days time...
Story of my life @ Patrick
@Patrick. How does the Rights Offer work here? CIL gave us shares in CILN and I should have got 902 shares in the competition. I was not aware until now.
@Orca, rights offers are inforced. Do you have a link on the details so I can implement it?
Disregard it #P. Never had a Rights Offer before so I don't understand it yet. 740 CILN shares just appeared in my portfolio and the cost was zero.
Reading this link gave me a brain fart.
The number of oversold stocks in Johannesburg’s benchmark index jumped to the highest since January, with the relative strength index of 22 companies indicating they may have fallen too far and are poised to gain. Concerns Donald Trump plans policies that my hurt developing nations and boost U.S. inflation weakened the rand and gold stocks while South African consumers’ dwindling spending power saw retailers slump the most since 2008.
Greetings from ( (
Hopefully not with a bike P.
Windhoek airport road?
Well spotted BussoV6, and the bike came along Moneypenny, here are some more pics:
ANH :'( BIL :)
Apparently JSE is not doing well and just getting worse:
Yip I cant fathom why, heard on CNBC that recovery should start after the Xmas season.
The graph of the ALSI started dropping quite dramatically from about 2.30 p.m. today. From about midday today the R/$ exchange rate started deteriorating quite significantly. Zuma was in parliament this afternoon from 3.00 p.m. answering questions but most of the answers have been non answers (typical avoidance and the blame game yet again). They say the market know everything so I think there is a downgrade coming on our ratings but not to junk. Also tomorrow is Thanks Giving in US of A so their markets will be closed.
I think our JSE's poor performance may be as a result of a combination of the above factors and probably another bunch of unknowns
Don't know how many forumites hold Rhodes Food Group (RFG), but I do - not a lot 1,500. The company announced a book build exercise this week where they were offering up 25 million shares to institutional investors, but, not to ordinary shareholders. Today they announced the successful placement of all shares at an agreed price of R 26.50 being a 2.3% discount to the 30 day weighted average price. These shares will now rank alongside the ordinary shares and will enjoy any dividends going forward.
I find these types of book build exercises most disingenuous given that ordinary shareholders can't apply in the first instance, secondly the allocation is done at a discount, and thirdly they will enjoy dividends like the excluded shareholders all from a smaller pot of dividend funds. To my mind the shares should have been taken up at a premium so that the ordinary shareholders are compensated in a sense for lose of dividend value.
But hey I suppose that's how the big businesses roll these days - screw the smaller shareholders. This does have a downside of course in that the JSE will not be able to encourage small investors to invest in the JSE boards - in fact our private individual investment in the bourse is nowhere near what the private investment is in say the NYSE, or even the LSE
Just my thoughts on a ticklish issue
GCR - it really depends what they do with the money. Since listing, RFG as been highly acquisitive, using listing money as well as debt. I understand there are more acquisitions on the horizon money will have to come from somewhere. I have no problem as long as management use capital wisely and will be watching EPS closely. It's not like they using this money to did them out of a hole, as many issues are.
GCR - it really depends what they do with the money. Since listing, RFG as been highly acquisitive, using listing money as well as debt. I understand there are more acquisitions on the horizon money will have to come from somewhere. I have no problem as long as management use capital wisely and will be watching EPS closely. It's not like they using this money to did them out of a hole, as many issues are.
Concur with your views but I am merely lamenting the fact that I as a private shareholder didn't get the opportunity to take up additional shares, which I could have done. Anyway I can now buy at less than R 26.50 as they have fallen back to R 26.38 (11:43:25) :TU:
So it seems the world is saved and nobody needs gold anymore ... sweet
Anyway I can now buy at less than R 26.50 as they have fallen back to R 26.38
sticking it to the institutions! :D
Fitch Ratings has dropped South Africa's outlook to negative, while affirming the country’s rating at BBB-, which is one notch above junk status, it said on Friday.
Moody's left everything unchanged.
Zuma wants Thuli charged and cabinet reshuffled to sideline opponents.
And who's done the charging? The new public protector of course. As if it wasn't obvious enough that she turned all the tv channels to Gupta tv.
Do u know a rat can swim for 3 days before he drowns ?
Did you know that Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire
O'crap you just reminded me of something I was suppose to do..
Pineapples are not a single fruit, but a group of berries that have fused together.
Why are UK taxi roof's so high?
Why are UK taxi roof's so high?
To keep passengers above the waterline on mud island no doubt
So the gentry can sit without removing their tophats. Old but still in use today.
It rains diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn:
1.Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour
But it hurts :'(
What a lot of hogwash !
What a lot of hogwash !
Same stupid mission he applied when he was head of PIC - seems like this guy has a chip on his shoulder which he is unable to rid himself of
'This is despite the fact that since black people took over the country they have helped to increase the economy of South Africa threefold, often defying intermittent global economic meltdowns.'
Let's just conveniently forget that we are tinkering on junk status.
Anyone point me in the direction of a SENS for the delisting of SAB. I need to cater for it in the competition and I can't find it.
PM'd it to you.
Thanks Orca
A dog can hear sounds that are 100 times fainter than the faintest sounds that a person can hear. If a person can just hear a noise that is coming from 10 feet away, a dog could hear that same noise from 100 feet away
A dog can hear sounds that are 100 times fainter than the faintest sounds that a person can hear. If a person can just hear a noise that is coming from 10 feet away, a dog could hear that same noise from 100 feet away
Well I don't know whether that is true or not - my wife heard me and was waiting at the front door when I came home in the early hours of the morning, and I know I tried to be like a ghost :LHST:
Yes, but the dog heard u when u were still in the pub, and ran away before you got home. He knew u were in trouble
44.The French language has seventeen different words for ‘surrender’
Ok SAB holders have been paid their money from the deal. 45 pounds, but thanks to brexit, it wasn't a good deal for most!
wHAT TIME is The DOWn grAde?
I am TALkiNG to yOU !
You should know somewhere between 5:30 and 7:00 pm
tHAnks mR boNd
Hopefully what time is the downgrade near miss.
Consensus is for only a local currency downgrade, not a foreign currency downgrade which would mean junk.
November nonfarm payrolls +178K vs +180K expected
Highlights of the November 2016 US nonfarm payrolls report
Prior was 161K (revised to 142K)
Two month net revision -2k
Unemployment rate 4.6% vs 4.9% expected
Participation rate 62.7% vs 62.8% prior
Private payrolls 156K vs 142K prior
Manufacturing payrolls -4K vs -2K exp
Underemployment rate 9.3% vs 9.5%
Wages and inflation:
Average hourly earnings -0.1% vs +0.2% expected
Average hourly earnings 2.5% y/y vs 2.8% expected
Average weekly hours 34.4 vs 34.4 expected
That big miss in average hourly earnings takes the shine of a very good headline. There's a wing of the Fed (and of markets) that believes something has changed in the labor market and all that it can create is $10/hour jobs.
The kneejerk in the market has been to sell the US dollar.
Only local currency ratings downgraded by S&P - which rating is now one level above junk i.e same as the foreign currency rating.
'Good' news for now.
Whoopie. I took a gamble on that one. Now Z 783 must keep his mouth zipped.
I see Angelique de Rauville has resigned as acting CEO of Texton but has now also resigned from all board positions - Nic Morris is now confirmed as the new CEO. Some on this forum follow Texton and have invested in the company. Was this a palace revolt, as I thought that she started this company many years back - could be mistaken. Can anybody who knows, clear up what happened here, she has family that operate other companies as far as I know
Could be wrong, but thought she was at Investec before this - so do not think she started it. Always thought it was a temporary post - so not shocked, but thought she was doing a decent job. I do not really think CEO's of REITs though are as important as normal companies CEO's.
Could be wrong, but thought she was at Investec before this - so do not think she started it. Always thought it was a temporary post - so not shocked, but thought she was doing a decent job. I do not really think CEO's of REITs though are as important as normal companies CEO's.
Agreed, the actual properties are much more important than the CEO. A CEO can be replaced, hopefully the properties are decent enough.
South Africa's gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate was 0,2% in the third quarter of 2016.
The revised GDP growth figure Statistics SA recorded year-on-year for the third quarter was 0.7%.
Every time! Every single time I sent money from abroad home or receive money from abroad the Rand rallies. Every. Single. Time!
Mind giving us a heads up next time before you do anything?
Yes I'd like to plan my purchases for the next day.
Where is MoneyPenny ?
Every year our moon is moving away from the earth with a distance of 4cm (1.6 inches).
That's not good for the surfboard industry
Two reflective mirrors were place on the moon during the moon landing and the distance from the earth to the moon can be accurately measured.
Am so happy to register here
Hi Kwaila83, why not introduce yourself :)
Will this kill shoprite and steinhoff from jse?
Okay pat am just a beginner
You will have 'Retail Africa' housing all Steinhoff's and Shoprite's Africa businesses, and Steinhoff. So, the SHP listing will fall away.
Thanks Moonraker you analysed it my view all is the same they both winners as steinhoff will buy shoprite shares while shoprite shareholders will benefit with the acquisition of steinhoff Africa assets.
Hi Kwaila83, why not introduce yourself :)
US rates up, ZAR down...
i got a Million bucks in Divies
Wow. So that means you have +-R30M invested if they all in stocks.
Wow. So that means you have +-R30M invested if they all in stocks.
Interesting Lamak, were you trying the "buy for the divi then sell" strategy?
@Patrick. yes. that is all i did. At the beginning i was hoping to sell atva profit. but never happened one. So afterward, i get the divie and sell
also, i would never sell. i like collecting shares. i accumulated tge monthly allowance and reinvested in the next high paing divi
- is only in this challenge and not in real life
Aw shucks! Why not? ... no desire to retire :)
lol...i wish. im working towards it....very very very slowly
@Lamak, it worked surprisingly well. I know Mr Div was looking into this in real life, Mr Div what happened to that? In theory you should have lost the equivalent amount in sales that you made up in divvies, but that's not what happened. The only difference between real life and the game in this case is liquidity. This really deserves looking into...
In the comp we get paid divies on LDT day and not when the actual payment gets paid or when the price goes ex divie. Lamak sold before ex divie day and scored that way. The Record Date for IPF was 15th and he sold on the 13th which was the LTD day. The payment date was 19th. This will never work in real life.
Not so Orca, the price drops after LDT, usually a friday, but if he sells on a weekend the prices is readjusted after monday mornings opening prices. Also look at some of his trades, the sales often happen many days after the divvie. I'm finding it very interesting!
You are correct. I'm bad at remembering more that 1 date at a time. He did sell on ex divie day and not on the LDT day. Sorry Lamak.
Seems Reuters have removed their free charting. Anyone know where I can get charts? I like jaDEB's charts but don't know where he gets them.
Orca, no. eg. enter bidj.j then select companies.
Here is another local site (Profile Data). But no comparisons.
See screenshot.
Ta Moon. Sharedata is good but I prefer Reuters as I used it for years but lost the link to the charts and now can't find it. Could you please post a link here and I will bookmark it.
Orca, just click the search mag. glass top right, then follow the steps I mentioned.
- Orca
@ Orca. Please see the lovely screenshot I have prepared for you. :)
thanx all. beginers luck. But in real life i dont want to sell anything....just keep it....cos its
P - did not really work out, nailed on a trade on adcorp as i bought purely on div not on my thoughts of the company. Have some success on R50K trades buying good div stock in demand zones - selling when I get to predefined supply zones with no time limit and no stop loss. Just testing at the moment - will give it a full year. Weird hybrid between investing and trading really. Have made just under R8k since the start of Oct so looking good so far.
scratch that - R4638 after fees.
Thanks Moon and jaDEB. :TU:
Finally, holidays have arrived!
Just a reminder, the competition closes today!
FFS - singer George Michael died on Sunday at his home in England
Careless Whisper ..
Hi. is there a company tax guru in the house. i want some guidance on who i can consult with. i know there are no free lunches lol
New competition ? no money!
It seems so, no groups either.
Click on my holdings, that'll charge you up with cash. You'll need to start new groups again though.
MyBroadband group created. Let's do this 8)
This is great. Thanc
Happy New Year everyone
Click on my holdings, that'll charge you up with cash. You'll need to start new groups again though.
Hi Patrick - did this and placed 2 "buys" - both executed but my name does not appear on the list though it highlighted my share value at position 30. The holding form did show "Hullo gcr"
Can you correct on my behalf please
Thanks - gcr
I see that GCR, it looks like there are a few people who's names aren't showing up, I'll see if I can correct it.
Ok, problem solved, everyone has a name again.
I see that GCR, it looks like there are a few people who's names aren't showing up, I'll see if I can correct it.
Mine corrected thanks gcr
So my sweeties, 💕 What's up?
hey !!! u back :)
Hallo jaDEB 😄 Nog nie heeltemal terug nie, sal Maandag weer voltyds hier wees. Did I just say that in Afrikaans?
negative growth, that's what's up
Someone from Cell C keeps scraping my website, is someone trying to do an offline dump of all the information?
And again, what's up Cell C user!
u scaring me :'(
Someone from Cell C keeps scraping my website, is someone trying to do an offline dump of all the information?
Which parts of the site? Maybe trying to get hold of your share prices and use it as a feed.
It was the forum, not the challenge site. I can only imagine it's to do with spam, or using the information to build up another site. I blocked the IP yesterday, but it came back as a different cell c IP today. I'll turn on cloudflare this weekend.
NPN :)
Hi all, we're running through cloudflare (a firewall type thing) now. Please let me know if you see anything strange. You might get asked to prove you're not a robot every now and then...
Bleep, blop, bleep . beep beep beep
CF is awesome well done on the change. Have a number of clients on it here in NZ!
Your siren's sounding a little sick, jaDEB :)
STXIND dividends... 12c. Knowing full well that dividends is not its focus it still sucks :(
Talking about STXIND, what's your opinion on buy, sell hold? I've been buying for the last few years but not sure if I should continue
The moment it hits 7000 I'm selling Naspes INDI. That's my opinion.
I sold out at R70.52. I just wasn't comfortable with the lack of diversification. If I remember right, over half my eggs were in 3 baskets.
I stopped my debit order 2 months ago, will hold for a while and see where it goes. Will CSP500 on EasyEquities be a good alternative you think?
CSP500 is not an alternative to STXIND unless you use growth as your only criterion. DBXUS and DBXWD are the real CSP500 alternatives.
If you wanted to keep it "local" as with STXIND then NFEMOM is something to look at but a very different ETF. The only real alternative for the industrial index is GIVIND:
The moment it hits 7000 I'm selling Naspes INDI. That's my opinion.
Last week SA was Bloomberg's 2'nd best choice for investment growth for 2017 and now this;
U not F%$#@ allowed to sell anything that has NPN in, buy it back at higher price NOW !!!!!!!!
Hi all, we're running through cloudflare (a firewall type thing) now. Please let me know if you see anything strange. You might get asked to prove you're not a robot every now and then...
My AV software (Kaspersky) doesn't like me visiting this site. Every click is greeted with dire warnings of impending Dooom.
Do we know why anglos is up 6% ?
Can you send me a screenshot or copy and paste the message please BussoV6. I do run scans regularly, will run another tonight. Edit, ran a few web based scans. They all report a clean site, but also that my wordpress was out of date. I've just updated it, let me know if it helped.
- Clean all round
Thanks Moonraker, that's a useful link. Glad it gave an all clear too.
bil :)
Kids back in school, I'm back in traffic. Hello all.
Hello Nivek, all the best for 2017
Can you send me a screenshot or copy and paste the message please BussoV6. I do run scans regularly, will run another tonight. Edit, ran a few web based scans. They all report a clean site, but also that my wordpress was out of date. I've just updated it, let me know if it helped.
Patrick seems fine today, I don't get any warnings! :TU:
You too jaDEB.
Where can I find a list of the dates when dividinds are paid for the JSE Top40?
Okk here is a Dividend Watch on Moneyweb
Never knew about that ^
Where can I find a list of the dates when dividinds are paid for the JSE Top40?
I normally just check the SENS of the specific stock codes. Assuming you want STX40's:
Latest distribution SENS:
...they're paying today
Okk here is a Dividend Watch on Moneyweb
I use that for the contest, the only issue is it doesn't report the ETF dividends.
How do you know whether an ETF pays dividends or not? I assume it depends on the underlying equities.
How do you know whether an ETF pays dividends or not? I assume it depends on the underlying equities.
Yes. You can look at the fact sheet of the ETF. Most pay quarterly but there are a few (those tracking offshore equities by the looks of it) the payout bi-annually. If it is a "total return" ETF (like MAPPSG and NFEMOM) it automatically reinvests the dividends.
I am not an investor in REIT's but I know a number of forumites do invest in REIT's.
The Rand has supposedly strengthened against the Euro, Pound and Dollar
The quoted REIT's in this country are largely Rand denominated but invested in foreign assets. There has also been a substantial correction in housing and rentals in shopping centres
What I am interested to know is whether those who had invested in REIT's 1 or more years ago whether they are still showing profits and reasonable dividend returns or are they taking strain.
Also further to the above question would you consider further investing in REIT's now or would you wait awhile to see where things are headed
Would be interesting to get some opinions
(Not all offshore REITS were complete dogs, but the UK based ones were really bad .. due to £ weakness).
PS. The local REITS like RDF, GRT, and some others are still mainly ZA focused (±80% of portfolio).
I had an interesting night last night... ( (
Was that at a "New Age Breakfast"?
Nope, I had to hook him up to a security council meeting, then hang around to make sure nothing went wrong.
:D Orca
That's pretty cool.... Actually that's VERY cool
Going big on ADI and Rolfes this year risky with 2 relatively small companies. Any thoughts
So it begins
Welcome back Moneypenny
You should update the style of the live chat box. People still use it thinking it is search :D
Maybe also a bug ass link at the top point to the investor challenge...
EDIT: nevermind, I said link is already there. And still they search for it..
Maybe people see Shout as Search, I should probably rename it to something that doesn't start with an S. Maybe Talk?
Maybe add some text about the box saying chat?
Going big on ADI and Rolfes this year risky with 2 relatively small companies. Any thoughts
ADI is one of my favorites. Holds huge amounts of cash for acquisitions that it makes on a regular basis. Great management that follows EOH's philosophy.
Kinda like twitter but for shares, so shi... :)
Money, lots money - search - Click -
Brait has been in a bear run with no indication of a reversal and with their exposure to the sterling she may continue for a long time. Never buy stocks that are in a bear mode until a reversal is confirmed.
Haha, I reckon just remove the text input box altogether. Leave the chat though.
Not sure about you folk, but I never use it anyway, burnt too many times when it auto-refreshes and removes everything I've typed.
Haha, I reckon just remove the text input box altogether. Leave the chat though.
Not sure about you folk, but I never use it anyway, burnt too many times when it auto-refreshes and removes everything I've typed.
Or if you have to have it, move it to the bottom of the box so it looks like a chat window
PPC :)
How to remove shout box :-P
ok, this is not funny anymore
The telephone number that never was
Haha, it's the busiest the chat box has ever been. What about putting the shout button on the left to confuse people. Next to a label that says this is not a search?
Haha, it's the busiest the chat box has ever been. What about putting the shout button on the left to confuse people. Next to a label that says this is not a search?
Make the search more prominent and maybe move it to where the Shoutbox is since that seems to be the place people expect the Search to be. Add a border around the Shoutbox and move the input box to the bottom of it. Change text to "Send" maybe"
The search bar looks wrong being the full width of a page. One expects it to be smaller and have a bigger search button/magnifying glass icon.
Indeed. Standard inteface your chat input is below the chat box and search is top right (small text input)
"Go INDI, it's your birthday! We gonna party like it's your birthday!"
6% already this month alone, now at 6800 *touches every piece of wood I can find*
Thank you Patrick
Busy reading the "How I Made $ 2,000,000 In The Stock Market" u posted. On page 10 of 127. Will take about 4 months :'(
Busy reading the "How I Made $ 2,000,000 In The Stock Market" u posted. On page 10 of 127. Will take about 4 months :'(
Well if you really want to test yourself you can always read one of Benjamin Graham's books - I got halfway through the book and then stuck it in my library and have never been back to finish it
Yes, reading the shouts on this website takes a lot of time as well.
Anyone on the forum driving a Ford Galaxy Note 7?
Ok let's see if this reduces the use of this as a search bar. I didn't want to put it underneath because it's a waste of screen real estate.
@BussoV6 hahahaha
I see your inner developer opted for the quick fix route :D
ZAR keeps bouncing off resistance but if Zuma stays comatose we may well see sub 13 soon and will test the 12 area into 2018.
Wtf, send the note to whom?
@BussoV6 hahahaha
I just cannot believe a large multinational could handle a situation so badly. It beggars belief.
Enter PIN code
"How to restore old shout box" :-P
Where is the shout button?
Patrick is fuming ... lol
Everybody was sitting to often. now you're all postmen :)
But I have to sit at work :(
Unfortunatly I have to stand, otherwise they cannot kick my ass :'(
There's a Ford Galaxy Note :question:
I'm in Cape Town for the next few days. wish I could move my job here!
That's weird. Google/finance says TON hasn't gone below 13250, with a high of 13350, between 0900 and 1200 today yet My Holdings shows it at 13171. Anybody know why?
Looks like it's fixed Bread, can you check again. I get my prices from here Bloomberg, so if mine are wrong they're worth checking:
That looks much better, thank you, Patrick.
Constantly being redirected to spam websites today when navigating :-(
can you send me a screenshot of the redirection. the site is scanned often and has always been clean. I'd also recommend you run malware bytes locally, it sounds like malware.
Same problem as yesterday, Patrick. Investor Challenger price for TON shows 13171 when it should be 13350.
Looks like it's fixed Bread, can you check again. I get my prices from here Bloomberg, so if mine are wrong they're worth checking:
Patrick same with the sasol price challenger price is 381 and the market price is 418.
I see 13350 on the challenge now bread. Remember the game is around 15 minutes delayed, but to counter that I re-adjust the transaction prices after another 15 minutes, so you in effect get the live price for your transaction. The same for SASOL brad, I think you just needed to wait 15 minutes.
@Patrick, have you been able to wangle a better transaction fee with Exchange4Free?
PPC : )
Not yet, I have another call scheduled with them for next week, I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm never buying COH in the challenge again. Every single time I buy it it tanks.
You should buy it in the challenge and then short it in reality!
Hi Pat, I think my purchase price for SOL on Thursday cannot be correct. Shares were trading at Round R420.00 each?
Lol nobody has ever said that when they bought extra cheaply! I only had the close of day prices stored. What probably happened was a single transaction was at a low price and you were fortunate enough to buy at that price. I can roll back the whole transaction if you like.
No need, wanted to be upfront about it. If it is as you say and the IC participants are happy, then A for away and lucky me
It happens sometimes. People buy or sell at ridiculous prices and someone gets lucky. In the grand scheme of things it wont have much influence thanks to the fact that you're given money each month and not a lump sum.
bil :)
Be like Bil
I like bil :)
USDZAR 13.340 :) Eventually broke through that strong resistance.
Yeah just saw that. I hope it holds till next month, I need to send another batch of cash offshore.
I wonder if this is the reason for the added strength:
SA rate hike this afternoon or perhaps Trump said something.
Remains same - Rate- why is NPN going up vs rant strenght ?
In step with BABA - Alibaba Earnings: BABA Crushes Wall Street's Q3 Earnings, Revenue Estimates.
Strong ZAR hitting the ICT sector. ADI, EOH....
Is the ZAR strong or the USD weak?
With the ZAR gaining on all major currencies shows that the ZAR itself is strengthening. It has now reached a point where traders will start to bank profits.
Yes, it is ZAR strength - even against the £ which has gained against both $ and Euro.
Think it has to do with SARB being more hawkish in their rates outlook compared to their
last meeting. Plus of course the upwards momentum in resource prices.
A temporary phenomenon, ZAR is structurally weak even without political influences.
Expect a weaker ZAR towards end 2017. Say 14.20 to the $ ??
Another opinion on future of the greenback
So the $ has peaked. This is good for commodities and ZAR. My prediction of sub 13 is looking real if Z does not move Pravin out.
So the $ has peaked. This is good for commodities and ZAR. My prediction of sub 13 is looking real if Z does not move Pravin out.
Maybe read "The Rand" thread where some of us made predictions - quite interesting to see that the direction has so far been correct
All my predictions and warnings have come true. Exactly where I predicted a year ago and my recent 13.5 stagnation happened. The breakthrough below that happened eventually. Reached the 13.25 area that I said will be a strong banking of profits area. Not all posts were done on that thread.
Why is LON tanking ?
Do I click on Post Note gain to get awnser<
Do I click on Post Note gain to get awnser<
Thanks Mr Bond
Could you repeat that rietrot? :P
He said:
He said:
:D :D :D
and jaDEB is %$#@ confused....
Sorry. someone please delete the blanks somehow I am unable to.
I am on my phone's browser and accidently clicked the post note button a few times.
Is this what's causing the Rand volatility, and weaker tendency today ?
Yes, political uncertainty is the primary cause of our currency instability
Spammer snuck through my security systems yesterday. Not many do: 175947 Spammers blocked up until today
There seems to be some issues with share prices in the competition, I hold metrofile. This morning it said I had a 10% gain, now it says I have 0% gain.
The prices come from bloomberg. it could be a weird transaction, should sort itself out once bloomberg updates again.
I hate spammers HaHa, damn Russians
Wow, how is Apples cash !!! More than some countries, only Orca has more
Apple's enormous cash hoard grew to $246.09 billion in the fiscal fourth quarter, up $8.49 billion from the previous quarter
The largest portion of my holdings is in Apple, just over 2% :)
Bastard !!
The Phoenix (AXL) share price is not in the challenge list..
It's still a penny share trade001. We only allow shares worth at least R1 each (and those that trade more than 16 times a day). If it crosses over the R1 mark you can buy it in the challenge.
Thanks, Patrick. I wasn't aware.
ABL now AXL trading at 50c
And still they don't get it
AXL in free fall
AXL in free fall
Maybe because so many people bought and then realised it's got nothing to do with banking and not likely to be the next Capitec? Either way, I stand to lose R50 if they delist... :D
Why is Gold up?
Why is ACL up 7%... Scream Post !!!!
PPC update not to bad :)
VBS Mutual Bank, which made headlines last year after it gave President Jacob Zuma a loan to reimburse the state for upgrades to his personal home, plans to list on the JSE, its chairman said on Thursday - Cool I am in ... lol
Interesting. I read in December that they were going broke.
Probably why they want to list. To get some money
Go get 'em Patrick, thank you O.
When does Taste send out a trading update?
Taste published a voluntary sens notification on 4/10/2016 and in the final paragraph it states that it anticipates publishing its results on or about 12/10/2016 but I have no record of a sens being issued on that date or near it. So not sure what went on here
Have not seen a JSE warning regarding the company either
Taste Sens issued 12/10/2016 @ 08:00 with unaudited results
Yea I am aware of those dates and sens promises. Dammit. I want tas to make a move now
When is the SOTN speech ?
I believe SONA is Thursday
I believe SONA is Thursday
Correct - wonder if it will be delivered as the EFF and another obscure party oh I know the ANC will both be protesting outside on the day
Nooit, Joost has passed away :'(
Yeah I saw that. Very sad, but his life must have been very difficult up to now. Maybe it's for the best.
Also Veteran journalist Barry Sergeant dies :'(
Two new Satrix ETFs incoming: STXPRO and STXILB
to self
Remember to buy milk
aghhh crap did not get the damn note...forgot milk
Always keep some powdered milk when you're so forgetful.
Powdered Milk.... God no. That is straight from Satan.
Tell him, tell him.
It might be, but he's a lot easier to get along with than my wife when I forget buy everything I promised I would ;)
It might be, but he's a lot easier to get along with than my wife when I forget buy everything I promised I would ;)
The real message here is don't promise - you would sound like any old Yank prime time series they are either promising to keep some alive, look after them forever - so false
Rather just get what your wife wants and if you forget apologise and tell her you are human and fallable ;D
Pfft, I just get it myself in the first place.
Mr P ?
Urgh AXL - come on! Hit 50 please I do not ask for much, Just some activity.
lol I sold mine...why u still in !
Used EE man, so got suckered in at 48 cents. they stopped trading when it wen to 42 so could not pick up low. So now I am just hoping for a steady/fast climb to above 50 first prize would be R1
Am i Mr P?
Still sitting with a SONA hangover
No I was just out buying milk.
Copper :)
Who do you guys for copper?
Buy* sorry. brain was running faster than I typed.
I have BIL, I believe Glencore is the winner if copper goes up
Why is ADI down today? Have they released results or is this more of the insider trading people are complaining about.
Deleted my previous post. I did not realize that earnings report came out today and it looks like the HEPS was up by 2%. This is knee jerk.
bought book the monk that sold his ferari :)
Ferrari **
Saw that I mispelled it this morning in my driveway
You have a "my other cars a Ferrari bumper sticker"?
So tonight the wife and I are off to Chile. We're renting a cheap campervan and are going to drive all over Chile and Argentina for the next 2 weeks, can't wait :)
lol, Mr Dividend - Correct...
Sounds like great fun P. Enjoy but hurry now as the zar has broken through the 13.23 strong resistance and strengthening.
R13.13 now, should get good value for money!
Chile is a fantastic place to visit. I go quite often for work. Nice people and such a range of places to visit from the dry Atacama down to Patagonia.
Best is decent quality food & wine at a fair price. Pleasant change after Europe!
ZAR made another poke at the 13.23 area but failed. let's hope she now stays below it and reaches the 12.99 and lower.
I hope our president says / fire something.
Thanks Busso, this is our likely route if you have any tips:,+Chile/@-37.164508,-76.3718652,6z/am=t/data=!4m97!4m96!1m5!1m1!1s0x96183a4d6920f407:0x86a3f15a79a5c9df!2m2!1d-72.9411364!2d-41.468917!1m5!1m1!1s0x961764c1742fa651:0xef7ba395859ffcea!2m2!1d-72.4958333!2d-41.1041666!1m5!1m1!1s0x96171b961c7115f1:0x7df19a806a94bf91!2m2!1d-72.4968189!2d-40.6718713!1m5!1m1!1s0x961a7b1520c860e5:0x8210ae97cb7b9a65!2m2!1d-71.3102778!2d-41.1334722!1m5!1m1!1s0x96110e743605d0c7:0x71c43ffb1c66bc3a!2m2!1d-71.3524436!2d-40.1572103!1m5!1m1!1s0x96147f42351988d1:0x3c5c238b02dc5935!2m2!1d-71.9776285!2d-39.2722541!1m5!1m1!1s0x961346408e4cc715:0xefdca357d0266894!2m2!1d-71.6735439!2d-38.6910478!1m40!1m1!1s0x966bdd4669523657:0x8318f6229d680877!2m2!1d-72.3612251!2d-37.4629159!3m4!1m2!1d-73.0940143!2d-36.7808329!3s0x9669ca9ed61e17cd:0xadb985845cdd87b8!3m4!1m2!1d-72.9066909!2d-36.4814645!3s0x966844a8e2e4508b:0x799ee4d605a248!3m4!1m2!1d-72.6444634!2d-36.1909776!3s0x9668889ea396aa63:0x5e8e9cd6e79f1be5!3m4!1m2!1d-72.7781921!2d-36.1452091!3s0x96687c408d0c6e87:0x6f292d27213f5f13!3m4!1m2!1d-72.5736659!2d-35.8136791!3s0x966631b41da48641:0x98db20c376450e67!3m4!1m2!1d-71.9896145!2d-34.9223204!3s0x96669fa3286ea10d:0x59b594a6c3ed06e0!3m4!1m2!1d-71.7238116!2d-33.9836985!3s0x9663cf83563012cb:0x24be888f5893031!1m5!1m1!1s0x9689dde3de20cec7:0xeb0a3a8cbfe19b76!2m2!1d-71.6126885!2d-33.047238!1m5!1m1!1s0x9662c5410425af2f:0x8475d53c400f0931!2m2!1d-70.6692655!2d-33.4488897!3e0
Should I trust that link?
It's just a Google maps route link. No idea why it's so long.
Ahh I checked anyway :P living life on the edge
EOH making a great comeback on the results announcement! Still don't know why it was sold down so much.
R12.99! Who would have called this in January last year, could have made an absolute fortune! I'm sending some money across next month, I really hope it holds.
Sold mY ANH and BOuGht CCO ....
The Rand Thread can someone pull up this thread as there were predictions as to where the Rand was heading
Astoria, just me or have they been on the decline for almost forever now.
Astoria, just me or have they been on the decline for almost forever now.
They seem very conservative when it comes to investing and after they tried (or did?) give their managers shares at a very low price they got some real flak. I don't think people really want to touch them. Got rid of mine at a loss and I certainly won't buy their shares again.
Patrick, your route through Chile looks excellent. You are def seeing the prettier half of the country although the dry north has some amazing sights. If the volcano across the lake at Puerto Montt isn't smoking you can climb up and take a look. It's one of my favourite Chilean towns, has a bit of a German mountain village feel.
San Antonio wine region between Santiago and Valparaiso is one of the favourite stops :-) In Valparaiso, the house of Pablo Neruda is quite interesting if a little touristy on weekends. Fascinating collection he amassed.
Please universe, please give us R1 for AXL
I will hold thumbs for u - :)
Getting there, but not fast enough. I wanted it to be at at-least 70 cents by noon today.
Someone please fix my challenge profile. Sold ZED and it somehow got duplicated.
@ Thor - I am trying dammit !!! :)
Come now AXL or TAS FFS TAS is getting on my nerve endings.
@patrick,, will you please add texton property fund to the list of available shares to buy :)
Sure, might need a few days, I'm computerless in chile
Having fun in the van Patrick? A little taster for the boat..
Yeah load of fun, even in a torrential rain last night! Will post some pics when I find electricity. I brought an inverter along to charge my laptop but it turned into a smoke machine!
Looking forward to what shoprite's results will be this week
They make me so very very happy :(
So the shoprite Steinhoff merger is off
any focus on african phoenix shares
Let AXL hit 80! Come npw
hmmm anybody able to buy AXL on investorchallenge?
It is not available as it is a penny stock at 63c.
Come now AXL!
Why can't I find Purple Group (PPE) shares on the Investor Challenge?
•An increase in the dividend withholding tax rate from 15 percent to 20 percent.
@rjthomas PPE is a penny stock
Oh dear. I got another smite. Maybe I should tone down a little.
Oh dear. I got another smite. Maybe I should tone down a little.
Smites are good - its character building ;D
AXL making me so sad. So so SAD
JSE Overall getting smacked
According to sharedata ALSI is up .18%
Almost top 20 in the challenge :)
Almost top 20 in the challenge :)
Well my position improved significantly today, but, nothing like how my personal portfolio which improved by more than R 100,000, best single day this calendar year
how so?
gcr must be doing penny stocks and not saying how much he lost beforehand or he is a billionaire.
gcr is retired, no? So I'm assuming he's got "safer" holdings than the rest of us.
Well they do say the quickest way to make a million is to start with 2 million :P
gcr must be doing penny stocks and not saying how much he lost beforehand or he is a billionaire.
Only penny stocks held are Alert Steel (suspended) and Nutritional - Bidvest, Cashbuild, Discovery. Massmart, PicknPay, and Truworth's all did very well today - reality is they could all be down tomorrow.
Yes I am a pensioner - since 2005
Nice one GCR - sometimes the stars align!
Torrential rain and landslides in Chile so hope P and wife are ok.
Let phoenix rise today
I'm good thanks Orca. Feeling on top of the world in fact!
Morning all, back at my desk again :(
Altyd lekker
Hey everyone new TFSA year
Morning all, back at my desk again :(
Back already?
Yeah, it was only a 2 week trip unfortunately, I think I could have done about a year to try get through South America.
Felt quicker than two weeks. Time flies.
@Patrick Please fix my challenge profile. Sold ZED and it somehow got duplicated.
Done rietrot
Hi Patrick. A colleague of mine is locked out of her profile and needs help logging back in. How should she go about retrieving her profile?
I think I can reset her password from my end, let me know which username she uses.
Thanks, I reset her password and mailed it to her.
I neeed coffeee
Haha, Lonmin killing me. But I'm too far in to get out now.
Another wonderful day on the JSE I see :(
These investors are F%$#up, yesterday MTN was good enough for 9% inrease. They go home and read results and now it is down 4%
MTN is killing me
Take over talks should push the price today?
I see there is an article regarding (Moneyweb) regarding Redefine and the impact of Brexit on its portfolio - to the extent that they are or will be considering their dividend distribution going forward.
There are some on this forum who concentrate on dividends as an income stream - surely this is going to be quite devastating to such investors as you get the double whammy of the reduced dividend but also the share price drop and would be hesitant to sell off the shares
Interested in knowing how the dividend seeks would play this - sell, or hold on - or rely on their overall portfolio to bail them out in the longer term
Even more so if you consider the "momentum" that comes with people selling off large amount shares
I hate capco thanks to brexit it will take me years to recover what was a good gain
I also have Capco. But bought about 2 weeks ago.
Per my earlier post I see Texton released audited figures this morning div per share (rebased) up 7% to 47,95 cents but div (actual) per share down 6.9% and net asset value down 2.6%.
I have never been an acquirer of these REITS but surely they must be hurting holders of these investments, especially with the increase in tax on dividend tax and also the poor performance of this class of investment especially since Brexit
I see some have commented that they are taking pain - are you expecting to come out of this ok on the other side especially if your dividend stream diminishes and the price keeps falling as that ultimately will have an impact on future dividends - walnuts in a vice comes to mind.
Also does one wait before investing, as these REITS may buy back units which would improve dividend returns but would take a bunch of cash
Those who use these instruments as a source of continuous income/pension streams may wish to comment so that we understand the pitfalls and benefits in what has become a very volatile world market place
No div. withholding tax on local Reits (Tex) - only on the other one you mentioned RPL
To understand the reasons for somewhat lower earnings outlook, they are moving to an EPRA based earnings metric.
Distribution policy and outlook
As announced in October 2016, the Company will be moving to an industry standard EPRA-based earnings metric. Adopting this earnings measure, adjusted only for necessary Company specific adjustments, allows for a closer alignment between earnings and operating cashflow.
To facilitate our leverage objectives and to provide greater financial flexibility, a medium-term dividend pay-out ratio within the range of 90% - 95% of our rebased earnings measure will be targeted. In the short term, some degree of flexibility in the pay-out ratio may be required to smooth distributions to shareholders following the transition to the EPRA-based earnings metric.
A full presentation will be delivered to investors and analysts today and will be made available on the Company's website. Shareholders should note the earnings per share guidance of 2.70 to 2.80 pence per share for the financial year ended 31 August 2017 is subject to suitable re-investment opportunities being secured. Growth in earnings per share is targeted to be 3.0% - 5.0% per annum over the medium term, subject to ongoing favourable market conditions.
EPRA Earnings: Exclusion of profits/losses from trading properties. If management consider that trading is a core recurring part of the business activity this could be added
back as a company specific adjustment to show ‘company adjusted Earnings’.
Unfortunately I hold RPL and am very disappointed, especially when compared to most of my other REITS which have returned in excess of 20% p.a. over the past 10 years.
I am down 38% on RPL which I bought 2years before Brexit. About 31% of the negative return is due to Brexit and R/£ xch. rate only.
Will probably sell to offset against a capital gain.
Come AXL!
LON . . . . .wth !! ??
what happened to PCT - Prescient Limited ? 80% drop in a day?
I am so glad I took profit on lommy and not got back in! That rights issue was gorgeous
PCT went ex divi last week. The huge divi will make up for the drop in share price. (85%)
PCT went ex divi last week. The huge divi will make up for the drop in share price. (85%)
Ok, i'm not shy to say I'm a complete newby to this, what does this mean ? They paying out a big dividend, and this caused their share price to drop that much? so if this was real-life, would you buy more of their shares at that low price? or is this an indication that something is wrong ?
They sold their IT section and had to delist that part. The 22c share price it is at now is fair value and you will get about 85c per share that you have. If their IT sector was unprofitable it will perhaps be good for the co but I cannot make a call on that as I know nothing about the co.
They sold their IT section and had to delist that part. The 22c share price it is at now is fair value and you will get about 85c per share that you have. If their IT sector was unprofitable it will perhaps be good for the co but I cannot make a call on that as I know nothing about the co.
Orca - the Moneyweb article has a different interpretation on what is happening - the IT is staying within the company and it is this segment which constitutes the share pricing of the share. The financial operations (no idea what they are) have been delisted - hence the dividend payout and will be managed out of the public spotlight. What I did find strange is the fact that there is a private shareholding register of the financial leg of the company - not sure if this was made known to all shareholder - could have been restricted to major shareholders
Those holder of these shares may want to read the Moneyweb article
The South African economy contracted an annualized 0.3 percent on quarter in the three months to December of 2016, compared to an upwardly revised 0.4 percent growth in the previous quarter and missing market consensus of a 0.5 percent expansion.
Yip gcr. I got it the wrong way round.
AXL being such a tease. It wants to go up and then it doesn't.
wHERE is the %$#@ search button.... ohh found it
jaDEB nekkid pics
Tapatalk broken for anybody else?
Hold thumbs for my wife. She has been diagnosed with throat cancer and we off to Porto oncology hospital early in the morning. My life is on hold.
Sorry to hear that Orca, I hope the hospital in Porto offers some better news.
Sorry Orca, all of the best to both of you.
Sorry to hear that orca.
Fck me! Sorry to hear that Orca. Good luck, I cannot fathom what you and she must be going through at the moment.
Hey Patrick... will you please at The a texton property fund as a share to purchase
Ahh I could swear JSE:TEX was on there.
:( Orca, strength to you both..
What was Capital & Counties Properties previously known as ?
Just added TEX.
Sorry Orca, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer Dec last year. Its not easy but stay strong. All the best.
Snapcase hope all turned out good :'(
Anyone know why Aspen has fallen today?
Could AVV (ALVIVA) perhaps be added to the list of shares we can buy please?
Interim results announcement APN was yesterday
Doesn't that happen when results are announced not the day after?
APN - switching to ASC going on.
Thanks moonraker
Maurice, that's just my opinion :)
It takes a broker a day to read results properly and think about it. :)
I wonder what drugs they are on?
It takes a broker a day to read results properly and think about it. :)
I looked up their results but the sens message which came out yesterday is not time stamped on my Nedbank platform.
However if it was issued late yesterday afternoon then that could partially explain why the price moved only today.
Sometimes I think companies deliberately delay bad news until just on or after closing time so that they can "limit" price moves
It takes a broker a day to read results properly and think about it. :)
I looked up their results but the sens message which came out yesterday is not time stamped on my Nedbank platform.
However if it was issued late yesterday afternoon then that could partially explain why the price moved only today.
Sometimes I think companies deliberately delay bad news until just on or after closing time so that they can "limit" price moves
I saw the results on sharedata at 8am yesterday we should point out that sites to the brokers
Aspen from almost 5% down to 1% down that was quite a ride
Hi Patrick,,, it seems dividends tax is calculated based on 15% and not the 20% that is currently in place ?
Yes you're right, I need to update that for this year. It's terrible though.
okay, changed to 20%.
Yep,,, and will probably get worse in future
PNC name change to AVV last week not being reflected in valuations ?
Updated, give it 15 minutes to catch up.
Nee! AXL
So interest rates have been increased in USA :-[
So interest rates have been increased in USA :-[
And then ZAR breaks R12.80 ceiling (or floor?)???. Overvalued USD based on 0.75% FED increase expectation?
Yes, I was expecting a weaker rand but was pleasantly surprised.
Yeah, I don't get it. If somebody can explain why the Rand didn't weaken but strengthened instead after the FED increase announcement it would be appreciated.
Becuase the currency manipulators are being investigated ie the rand is now less fabricated
That is my opinion
Commodity prices up, usually the Rant strengthens ?
With the presentation yesterday, I think a lot of analysts were expecting a more aggressive easing of stimulus and faster more aggressive rate hikes. This was priced into the rand, and I think we are now seeing the correction of those expectations.
u got to be sh|tting me, u do a study and this is what u get, "By contrast, research by the Council for Industrial and Scientific Research last year found that shale gas exploration in the Karoo would create only between 60 and 900 jobs" 60 to 900 ? even Frikkie will do a better assessment.
Oh come on, can't we just have one more day like yesterday for the INDII. Sooo close... :(
Hi there.would it be possible to add the share Sacoil Holdings to the list of shares.The code is SCL
SCL is a penny stock trading at 22c with only a few trades per session so it will not be included.
Happy #StPatricksDay
So who else is sitting at work today?
/raises hand and hates himself for it :(
Don't feel too bad. I'm working today and tomorrow :(
The leaderboard seems to think it is also on holiday - something askew with the lisitng and positions O:-)
Yeah, there's some trouble with the server today. Not sure what or why yet, but it looks like the price updates haven't gone off properly.
- Shocking.
Server issues, altyd lekker. #HoldThumbs for you
- Shocking.
Shocking but relevant. Cry SA. My ex beloved country.
Now I am having server issues. Sucks
Mine just went away, what's up with yours Thor?
Unable to upload anything, i think they froze uploads as they migrate to teraco so I had to switch all attachments to go straight to AWS
I knew things were going too well with ABSA for too long. Sold off an ETF on the 13th (Monday), cash cleared by the 16th (Thursday), money was transferred out of BDA but not in my bank account yet (22nd, today). So basically, my money is either stuck in purgatory at Bankserv or they transferred to the wrong account. Either way - more phone calls and admin from my side.
...and I had such high hopes for moving my TFSA to them. Now the trust is gone...again :(
Red Day ?
Sorry did I say Red Day? I meant Red Day
Absa is not nice. Capitec ftw
Unfortunately, Capitec doesn't have a stockbroking platform. I found and they "blamed" Bankserv. Told here the time is still excessive even for Bankserv. Apparently the transfer should happen today... so we wait
I am now paying R1 400.00 less per month on my rent thanks to the exchange rate. :)
That is nice
I moved some money offshore yesterday when it was at 12.67, so expect it to get even stronger now...
Hey Patrick can you sell some JSE shares they are just falling
So it turns out the JSE decided to reverse the money transfer on their side. Sigh... Why?!!!!!!
Anybody know how to update share prices in an excel document ?
It's not going to be easy Trade, but here's the process:
God dammit I hate losing, but! The current group leaderboard does satisfy my OCD
check it - >
I don't gamble with my and my family's money as many people do but as long as I beat the indexes I'm happy.
Please, God, let the INDI hit 7000 today. Just this once.
Nice triangle there Thor, maybe you should choose a shoter name next time so you can do better :)
@Patrick, any idea why that thread of yours on MyBB was deleted?
What thread?
His boss' wife who went missing :(
Hey Hamster. It was a request from the office for privacy, so I asked for it to be deleted. There are updates in the news, but I've been asked not to talk about it publicly for now.
Oh I recall. I send it to my boss -
The guy is on there 40 times a day
Thanks Thor.
Hey Hamster. It was a request from the office for privacy, so I asked for it to be deleted. There are updates in the news, but I've been asked not to talk about it publicly for now.
Makes sense
Dont qoute in the chat box!
Hurts my eyes
I'm confused :0
About the qoute part?
Jip, lost in translation but never mind. :)
I am using the chatbox on the home screen, the chat box cannot render the qoute bit so it spews it all out hurting my eye balls
If that makes more sense?
It does
I am using the chatbox on the home screen, the chat box cannot render the qoute bit so it spews it all out hurting my eye balls
Pro tip: open the chatbox in fullscreen mode ;)
Still does not render a qoute block. Still hurts my eyes. Live chat box etiquette do not qoute; Simply @Hamster someone :P
Sorry - see the link goes to the live chat thread. I like the box :P
Your sarcasm sensor is broken :(
ZAR at 12.04. A very long red candle and I don't know why.
Explain to this n00b what that very long red candle indicates?
Look in "The Rand" thread.
I can see the candle, but what does it indicate: Rand possibly getting stronger or weaker
The pair is USD/ZAR so the first currency in the pair is USD. The action of the candle reflects the first mentioned currency and in this case it was a long red candle that shows the USD had weakened against the ZAR.
Had it been ZAR/USD then the candle would have been in the opposite direction (up) and green showing the ZAR had strengthened.
I forgot to mention that the chart I posted was a 3 minute candle chart. So every candle takes 3 minutes to complete. Candles can be red and green, red and blue or white and black.
Thanks :)
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa's Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has been told to return home from an international roadshow by President Jacob Zuma, Talk Radio 702 said on Monday. The rand fell as much as 0.5 percent following the report, while bonds weakened sharply.
These own goals by our government astound me.
Indeed. It means cabinet reshuffle imminent.
South African union leader who is due to attend an investor roadshow with Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan denied reports on Monday that he had been ordered by President Jacob Zuma to return from the trip.
What is going on? Impossible to make informed investment decisions.
Go 50/50 on everything. It's the only way.
South African billionaire Elon Musk, chairman of American companies Tesla and SpaceX, has set his sights on increasing production at Hulamin, the listed industrial company that produces aluminium-based products in Pietermaritzberg.
No cause of Mr Musk and the rant :), I have NPN & CCO
And just to confirm, you had confidence in ANC and Zuma? But I hope they do not fire Mr Gordhan. I like him, and he does not deserve it.
Are we ready?
If you want to buy some shares on the JSE do you wait a day or so?
many factors in play, I sold and bought yesterday. But yes, maybe wait and see, but it might only get worse
How do you spell dick?
The Rand !! !!!
..head ? Caramba ! ons is weer by 13.00 R/$
Patrick phone Mbeki and tell him to sort it
jaDEB: How do you spell dick?
Not sure but I think it starts with a Z
- sad what is happening. Let's hope for the best
Awesome - Tesla’s stock was up 3% this morning in pre-market trading after the company disclosed through a SEC filing that Tencent, a giant Chinese holding firm, has been accumulating stock in the electric car company for a total 5% passive stake worth over $2.2 billion at the current price.
That's pretty cool, that means Naspers owns nearly 2% of Tesla :)
Tencent owned in part by Naspers
Yes :)
It is GUPTA TV, so I will rather wait for real TV / News
ANN7 television reported on Tuesday
PRETORIA, March 28 (Reuters) - South Africa's Pravin Gordhan said he was still the finance minister in response to a question as he attended a court hearing on Tuesday on a case he has brought against the Gupta brothers, a Reuters witness said.
Seems @rjthomas is trying to be a little meany on Twitter. Won't end well son.
@ Thor - your twitter name? I would like to follow u
...Do you want to harass me like mr Thomas? :P I'm kidding here -> @ErikThiart
Please dont fire pravin please dont fire pravin please dont fire pravin
Followed, now u have to be carefull :)
I think the rant indicates he is gone, hope not, but will see
Oh, see he blcoked me.
Tawana for the win
Rant below R13 :'(
Cape Town - The rand reacted sharply on a report that President Jacob Zuma's plan to fire Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan is said to be opposed by three party leaders. The three said to be opposed is Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, Secretary-General Gwede Mantashe and Treasurer-General Zweli Mkhize.
Do we know who the 3 was that voted yes?
My guess: Zuma, Duarte and Mkhize
Gwede, Ramsphosa most likely voted for Pravan and I reckon Mbete would've too. Well, my guess is that Duarte and Mkhize will do anything for Zuma.
So if Dlamini-Zuma is made finance minister (instead of Brihavenoclue Molefe), would it be that bad?
@ Hamster, yes. They wana change to suit them, not RSA. We live in an interesting time, Brexit, Tesla, Zuma, ^%$# Guptas, drought. Imagine living somewhere boring like New Zealand.
And sorry add to list &^%$#%^&*^&%$#$# low oil price
Interesed to see what the SACP has to say at their briefing today. Gordhan is one of theirs.
Just when I thought I was coining it with the FX now this. I am going on the Vodka Diet. Loose 3 days in 1 week.
Just when I thought I was coining it with the FX now this. I am going on the Vodka Diet. Loose 3 days in 1 week.
Don't buy Russian Vodka its getting too expensive - foreigners seem to be pulling funds out of sunny shambolic SA and moving to Russia because interest rates are improving there
Here comes trouble...
Well the Rand has certainly plummeted :'(
Well Gigaba is new Finance Minister and Gordhan is out
Now Zuma783 needs to be recalled, prosecuted and stuck in jail, maybe they can throw in a bit of treason as well
Malema always claimed Gigaba was captured, now we have proof.
Is shorting the rand easy money?
Interesting day ahead...
Maybe buy some Oakbay shares ... LOL ...
Is shorting the rand easy money?
Getting a quote will not be easy and when you finally do, the price would have moved on and you would get a requote and so on. OK if you have fast fingers and a very fast computer.
Great link there Hamster. 175% in a few days is pretty good returns. I find the line near the end pretty interesting: Someone trading in this way out of, say, Dubai, would be almost impossible to detect.
This stupid idiot Zuma783 has cost me close to R 100,000 on my private holdings with his reshuffle :'(
13.33 Rand pretty strong considering.
This stupid idiot Zuma783 has cost me close to R 100,000 on my private holdings with his reshuffle :'(
It's only numbers on a screen.
Person: "There's nothing else you can do to screw up. You've done it all" Zuma: "Hold my beer."
WHere is eVERy body?
Getting lonely here :'(\
Getting lonely here :'(\
We're too busy crying over the exchange rate to type :(
Rand is losing quite a bit. If you listen to Cyril and Gwede there is a shimmer of hope that Zuma might get booted. Surely the Rand will spike....
Unlikely. Z. has done his homework. Majority in NEC still supportive of Z. This thing is here to stay, not a Nene replay scenario. Emigrate if you can.
It's a glimmer, like a candle glimmering on a birthday cake just before the cyclone arrives... Baleka Mbete is the cyclone and she's already scolded Cyril, Gwede and Zweli. I hope to be proved wrong next month.
F&^%$ me, now I wanna cut my wrists... :'(
F&^%$ me, now I wanna cut my wrists... :'(
Why - did you bail out of your shares on Friday and now they are all showing an improvement in values?
No, I read Mr Bond and Patrick's notes below :'(. No I have NPN & CCO and keeping them for a while..
Junk :( :( maybe this will get rid of no 1
Let's hope ANC has the balls to get rid of him
783 is as good as gone. No doubt. The people of the country will drive him out if the NEC does not. I foresee mass protests as from tomorrow while 783 is having diarrhea with worry about his soon to be empty piggy bank.
I think the current leadership doesn't even care.
Rand-denominated debt – which constitutes 90% of the debt portfolio – retains its investment-grade rating.
S&P can reverse their rating if 783 is ousted and Gordhan is reinstated.
My question is. Isn't it more strategic for the opposition parties to want Zuma to remain to further weaken the ANC, rather than drive him out now and strengthen the ANC come 2019. To me it would be more strategic to keep him in power.
Sad what is happening in our country, but purely from an investment perspective I am quite excited about the next few weeks, will be lots of opportunities presenting themselves.
Sad what is happening in our country, but purely from an investment perspective I am quite excited about the next few weeks, will be lots of opportunities presenting themselves.
Yup - keep your powder dry and buy up bargains - reminds me of 2007/2008 all over again
Sigh. Let me just bite my tongue.
So glad some of my money is in unit trusts I cannot touch. The urges to sell and buy like a mad man is a real problem right now. I pity my poor ETFs though...hopefully a busy day at work :D
I know. On the plus side, the only money I have invested locally is in DBXWD, so my and my sons TFSA balances are looking healthy. More good news is that Sygnia has bought the DBX trackers and plan on lowering the costs.
But on the downside, my salary in dollar terms has taken a big hit, so I'll have much less to invest in future :(
I want to earn dollars! Someone adopt me.
Look at some of those shares go! Watch some of them in about an hour or two when people start claiming their profits...
Hird new Fin Min on radio, glid I has rant hidge shires :)
He said in an interview that he celebrated Diwali at the Gupta compound. Isn't that nice.
Not very bright PR move, on the other hand it's in a 3rd world africa country - who cares
LON up 17% wow
Why don't Zuma and Wenger swap jobs?
Z has already taken SA down and I'd love to see him get Arsenal relegated and W is pretty stingy with the finances and doesn't look too coruptable so be good to let him be in charge of the country and purse strings! :))
I dumped everything and went LON earlier. Not in bottom 20 anymore :)
@ Datura, now if only u did it in real life :) ...
I did it last year with LON. Put in R1100 and took out R9500 the next afternoon
Sorry, R7500
Nice :)
Sold STXIND in TFSA so sitting with equal parts foreign, domestic and cash.... do sit on cash (earning 7%pa daily) and ride this out or buy more DIVTRX/PTXTEN now that it is cheap?
Where are you getting 7% on cash?
EasyEquities pays 7% interest (effective) on cash in the account and they recently switched to calculating it daily... 0.018%
Basically a better deal than the banks :D
I thought it might be that, but they actually take 1.75% of that for "managing" the cash for you: ABSA stockbrokers take 1% leaving you with 6%, so they're slightly better. That's where I keep my cash now, but I'm looking for a better option. I'd like to have my cash beating inflation, while still being available in a few days.
Well, it's stuck in the TFSA so can't be moved and the rest is up and down every other day
Doesn't ABSA have a minimum amount that needs to be in the account before interest will be paid? And it's monthly, not daily as far as I'm aware so EE has a slight compound advantage
Yeah, they only pay if you earn more than R30 interest in a month. I'll have to do the maths to see if the compounding makes them better. I do this with my cash before I move it offshore.
Everyone must be out marching today, it's very quiet here.
Fitch has just downgraded us to junk :(
Going to be quite a ride for the next while.
SA stocks and the rand has been resilient so far and when one looks at what happened to Brazil when they went into junk status, it is not so bad. The REAL increased by 25% over 1 year against the USD. Same politic problems. So hang in there.
Worst still coming if Rand's local rating is downgraded. Think I'll actually worry if news of that happening starts making the rounds.
Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
Worst still coming if Rand's local rating is downgraded. Think I'll actually worry if news of that happening starts making the rounds.
Well, Fitch has downgraded local Rand denominated debt to junk together with foreign denominated debt. If Moody's does the same, that's when the big selling of government bonds will take place as they then cannot be included in bond index trackers like Citibank World Government Bond Index and JP Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index.
That will cause the R. to weaken further. Our S.A. Inc. shares have not priced in this scenario. Very baaa..aa..aad.
Didn't realise Fitch downgraded local as well ...
Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
Some good news: Maybe they'll cancel it and Putin will break JZ's kneecaps before feeding him a cyanide sandwich.
Sheez. I leave you people alone for one month and the whole economy is falling apart.
It wasn't me
I preferred the previous comment. Made me seem all bad-ass when all I actually did on Friday was sit at home having lots of conference calls :D
I saw a photo of u and Mr Mbeki?
Badass ---> ( (
Ya, that 1, do u have an armoured vehicle in your yard.
Badassmobile ---> ( ( :D
OK, u are one of the poor gupta's I take :)
My bad-ass means of transport, Mr. JaDEB. :whistle:
LOL, nice 1 Mr Bond :)
Listened to a law expert on 702 this morning who made it sound like a closed parliament vote was a possibility :P
Mbeki has asked the MPs to vote for the wishes of the nation, not the ANC.
Nee! - AXL just not doing what it is suppose to do.
How do you buy FFB in the competition?
Closed vote a real possibility. Holomisa really pushing for it. That guy seems to have a handle on things, I follow him on Facebook and as far as politicians go he doesn't seem that bad an oke.
Does anyone know how liquid FFB is? Liquid enough for the challenge?
Does anyone know how liquid FFB is? Liquid enough for the challenge?
Pretty liquid. See attached.
Well today was an exceptional day for me on the local market - I have 20 counters in my private portfolio and today barring one (Alert Steel) all showed positive price increases to the extent that my portfolio screen was totally green. I have only seen this on 3 occasions since 2007/08 which is quite remarkable. Some only showed a .1% increase but nevertheless the fact that my whole portfolio was green is what is unique as my portfolio normally shows gains and loses. Very intersting
Well done :)
@Patrick, why is MEI's price not updating on investor challenge?
It looks like it's updating. Obviously 15 or so minutes behind though.
Took forever to move off 12500. But working now so whatever
Thanks for adding FFB Patrick, I like the gearing concept of it.
Thanks for adding FFB Patrick, I like the gearing concept of it.
Hello, what gearing concept? Like practically all Reits, they hedge their currency and interest rates with derivatives. Is that what you mean?
FFB for a long term hold is virtually impossible to beat, as you will have gathered by looking at past performance and the latest divvie:-
"dividend increased by 25,12% from 62,81 cents to 78,59 cents per share compared to the previous period."
In My mind I see this as gearing the B shares
The Fortress A shares have a preferential right to income distribution and to capital participation in
the event of winding-up. The Fortress B shares are entitled to the residual distributable income and
capital participation on winding-up. The growth on the A share dividend is the lower of 5% or CPI.
From their interim report, my interpretation is A shares get 5% growth in distribution and B shares the rest of the growth.
Has anyone got another interpretation?
10c :)
Another green day for you GCR?
Nope - BID, Rolfes, and Taste spoilt the party, but they do present buying opportunities if they drop a bit more (5-10%) in each case - trigger just waiting to be pulled >:D
With pretty much everything going wrong for the ANC yesterday, the rand is much happier.
Sorry, it is not the Rant, as much as we wanna believe. It is the Dollar weak
Bit of both? We're also much better against the Euro and the Pound: and
GLPROP dividend: 124.8c .... pretty good even when you consider it is biannual
Should be an interesting day for APN
For APN and SGL
LONDON, April 18 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will make a statement outside her Downing Street office at 1015 GMT on Tuesday following a regular meeting with her senior ministers, May's office said. It is unusual for leaders to make a statement outside Number 10 Downing Street and most prime ministers only use the setting for major announcements. Her office gave no indication on the subject of Tuesday's statement.
MAYBE a general election announcement - speculation?
Yup general election on June 8th. May says she needs an election now because other parties are opposed to the government’s Brexit plans
Am I cynical because I don't believe her reasons for the early election?
"A snap election resulting – May hopes – in a stronger Tory government and an unambiguous personal mandate is self-evidently the smart option. Such a victory would kill off the idea of a second referendum, and close down the argument that the electorate had not given consent to withdrawal from the single market. This will be a verdict on May, her version of Brexit and her vision for the country."
Hopes to increase Tory majority - to achieve hard Brexit. Of course there are risks, will have to wait and see.
cco :)
CCO Part 2 :)
Still a very long way a year ago.
Am I cynical because I don't believe her reasons for the early election?
Cynical.......... but spot on. :D
All politicians are scumbags.
Is anyone else surprised at how relatively strong the rand is? Imagine where we would be without Zuma.
The zar movement was large when Nene was removed as it was a surprise. The market was expecting for Gordhan to be removed so it had no real shock factor effect.
Yes, and because of strong inflows to our bond market. After US increases their Fed Funds rate 3 x things will change.
With political shocks of course things may change any time.
Tencents :)
EE late with dividends again...
Anyone here us FNB app on iOS? If so, how do I get rid of those ANNOYING coupon notifications?
Today is Coreshares Divi pay day :-)
Still no CoreShare divi payout on EE. ABSA paid on 19th already
Still no CoreShare divi payout on EE. ABSA paid on 19th already
Have you phoned them to find out what the delay is - as they seem to be co joined with ABSA and they have paid dividends
From EE FAQ: PLEASE NOTE: Dividends are paid into the accounts of EasyEquities Investors, one day after we receive payment (payment date).
Payment date for DTRX on SENS is the 20th, so we should be receiving our divs today, typically around 13:00 or so it seems
PTXTEN? I already received the dividends in ABSA on the 19th. I see the SENS says 20th, so fair enough, but that doesn't explain how ABSA did it a day before then:
04/19/2017 FOREIGN DIV **** PROPXTEN
04/19/2017 REIT DIV **** PROPXTEN
Either they jumped the gun or CoreShares paid out early and EE is taking their time gathering interest (which will be fine according to their SLA). I never checked the date in the SENS.
No idea how ABSA does/did it...But I know EE always(mostly) pay only the following day. I have also wondered if they get some interest this way...or what other reasons are there that would prevent them from paying on the same day as the payment date. Maybe a cash-flow thing?
If I'm not mistaken, EE makes use of one BDA account and keeps track of your account etc themselves instead of the JSE. This minimises costs...A LOT. Std Bank wanted to do that too when I was still at OST but not sure what ever came of that. I suspect it's because of that, or a clever way to gain a day's interest on it. Who knows.
I doesn't bother me too much, I just record my payment dates as pmt +1. I do feel I have missed some opportunities because of this, but it has also "saved" me on other occasions, so I guess it balances out.
Gee vir my Groen
If I recall my scrip days in banking the payment date is the company elected date, and what you will find is that a tape (or similar medium) would be passed to the banks ahead of the payment date as beneficiaries have already been identified as the last day to register has already passed. The banks then credit their clients, in my case my shares are in nominees so the company does not know that I am a shareholder. My dividends are always paid on the payment date or 1 day prior to payment date, but, never late. Also it depends how you elect to receive your dividends - if you elect to receive into a current account (as an example) then that has to be processed through the data processing systems of the banks. If you elect to have the dividends paid into your trading account then there is no delay in terms inter bank exchanges.
So I suspect that maybe those persons who elect to receive dividend to an account other than their trading account with their broker that they could end up with a delay due to the interbank exchange system which would delay dividend receipts by 24 or 48 hours
The GLPROP distribution was 124.80c/share, on an LDT close of 3227c. Is my calculation of a semi-annual div yield of 3.8% correct? All things remaining equal, this would equate to an annual div yield of 7.7%?
I admire Magda ..
"The rand and the bond market clearly reflect the fact that international investors are unaware of the political risks facing South Africa. They assume that mass demonstrations are a sign of change, like they are in Brazil. They are not. Unfortunately, we are at the beginning of our journey towards change, not at its end. Business can make international investors aware of that."
I'm a fan too.
The GLPROP distribution was 124.80c/share, on an LDT close of 3227c. Is my calculation of a semi-annual div yield of 3.8% correct? All things remaining equal, this would equate to an annual div yield of 7.7%?
That would be awesome, but I kinda doubt it...Most ETFs have varying distributions. What makes me wonder is, when GLPROP was listed, they estimated the div @ 3.2% or something which I was assuming was the full year div. So I have no idea what the next 6 months will hold...
Let's hope for the best.
Is there any reason to worry about this?? EE not a Registered Broker but is FSB registered. Worries about Purple Group Share Price???
Seems like traders decided to close that massive gap left by zar on Monday opening. It is now filed and hopefully will start gaining again.
EVerything is green, scaring the crap out of me....
wfy is ACL down so muchh, german accent
Wonder why I'm still paying 15% DWT. I thought it went up to 20%.
LONDON (Alliance News) - Shares in private healthcare business Mediclinic International PLC jumped Thursday morning following a reported regulatory change in Abu Dhabi, waiving co-payments for private medical treatment. Shares in Mediclinic were up 11% at 810.00 pence Thursday, shortly after the market open, the best performer in the FTSE 100.
MEdiclinic give me green today please
Who else is working today?
Who else is working today?
Yeah, me. :(
Not me.
Wife give you the day off Orca? ;)
If checking your portfolio regularly is considered working then am working - even though I have been retired for almost 12 years now
Wife give you the day off Orca? ;)
Naah...All I have to do is take my wife across the road to the oncology center for her 20 minute radio therapy every day for the next 6 weeks.
me was to working, but took Tuesday off
All news seems filled with doom and gloom, starting to rub off on me.
Same, I think we need to take a step back and re-look at our investments. thinking of Moving Wife's pension to max allowed offshore. And I am looking at open offshore with Sasfin and slowly buy Tencent.
ps. I downloaded pltwealth thingy on my tablet. :)
T'was not a good day in anc leader land
I thought it was an exceptionally good day for the ANC and its alliances. The alliance warned Zuma783 not to attend the meeting in Bloemfontein and he was roundly welcomes with lots of booes and hisses and some rather cryptic posters, and the photo of him glumly sitting on the podium was a classic shot of him looking glum/confused/petulant all at once. Then Mbete and Duarte (both lesser criminals the former faking her driver license and the latter hiding the fact that one of her family members severely damages her official vehicle) were also roundly welcomed by an enthusiastic crowd. Then Buffalo bill and Mkize (sp) were warmly welcome by their crowd but alas no invective posters to be seen.
Seems the gang is breaking up and we will soon have 2 very distinct camps. By the way what has happened to Jub Jub he has been remarkable quiet these last few days >:D
@Patrick, can you add ETFRHO to the challenge or is it left out for a reason?
Added Hamster
Hamster, Deutsch oder nur das "i" vergessen ?
Nein "i". Nein nein NEIN!!!
Goeie genade! Dis 'n nadruklike 'nee'. :)
What the hell, has everybody left the country? and left me here alone :'(
And to top it all, the Germans are invading me..
Ich bin hier.
Also sowas, noch einer.
YA bol'she ne lyublyu investirovat'
Ek wetie wat jy gese het nie maar jou BALLS ook hoor!
Se hom, se hom...(Kappies op e)
Ek't hom gesê bra, hom en al die vroumense in sy family gesê!
Eet 'n komkommer
Does anyone know why Hammerson isn't available to buy? In the Investor Challenge, that is.
Probably just not added yet he will probably add it soon.
Sygnia Limited fcking killing me.
Yeah, I didn't refresh the list in January so I missed the new listers. I'll add them and then check for other new people soon.
SYG. Pending rights offer weighing on the stock. (DBX trackers acquisition).
Thanks, Thor187.
Went from 260th to 10th on the leaderboard after changing poor decisions into less poor decisions :)
Beat you. I went from elevinty elevinth to um um.... he he... one hundred and elevinty hundred hundreds... he he he.
Could not help that but well done. My shares are sucking big time and am too scared to even look at my real portfolio.
/checks leaderboard
/notices 16 ETFs in the top 40
I saw that too Ham, counted 30 ETFs ranked above me.
Just goes to show... don't do it yourself :D
Nope, It is fun doing it yourselve. And nothing is for free. :)
ADI basically bought a POS company
WHat iS the sTuFf BELow tHe POsT NOte ?
Woohoo, I'm positive finally. Long may it last :)
Are you positive about that?
Haha, no, short lived it seems and I'm negative again. Such is life.
@ Patrick, the lines below Post note, that does not get used?
You'll have to send me a screenshot ;)
I am talking about the Forum below, it is not used so much any more, but rather the psot note.
I know, read just teasing. no idea why it's been so quiet lately. are people too upset to talk post junk stairs maybe?
I cannot chat as much as I used to as I am away from home and I have not had the time to research stocks this year. Perhaps I will start reprimanding my stocks in June and irritate you guys again.
Yeah. That was my contribution to the forum. :LHST:
I don't have that much to say, I'm mor of a reader here.
For some unknown reason, perhaps Patrick had something to do with it who knows, I can't post an emoji so I posted the link.
As in -
Maybe I'm doing something wrong but as far as I know to post an emoji I must click in this space and then on the chosen emoji and it should place it in here. Like this.......... Or not!
Left click on it and choose "save image as". When you post a comment you can attach it by clicking on the "Choose File" box and find it then click on it and then on "Open". Then "Post".
Nah, that still doesn't work. Maybe it's this stupid Edge that's making it so difficult.
Ah, yes :) :) :)
It's Edge. Works fine in Firefox :wtf:
Looks like Patrick neglected to mention anywhere that I wouldn't be able to post emojis when using Edge. Tut tut.
That damn Edge, U2 should fire him ;)
Tencent out with results this week, hold thumbs and BHP Billiton to drop Billiton from name. Where the ^%$# is Moneypenny.
That's weird. Last week I was -5.49% this week -6.16% when I don't hold anything :wtf:
I've been busy okay, stop shouting ;) Mozambique, graduation, fly-fishing & Harley, back yesterday.
- ...they've got the pie graph EasyEquities aren't implementing. UI looks nice (from screenshot). Costs look impressive
Only drawback - CoreShare ETFs only. Can I live without DBXWD and NFEMOM though. Replace with CSP500 and CTOP50?
I need more green
SGL rights issue priced @ R11.28, almost a 60% discount.
Must be desperate to raise cash :))
Would anybody including Patrick know why my position in the Investor Challenge dropped from -5.49% 2 weeks ago to -6.16% with no holdings? :wtf:
Patrick is a politician?
If has probably got something to do with fees :LHST:
NOt maybe because you saw it at 5.49% prior to your sell clearing with the actual price 15mins later?
It's a mystery but I'll look into it when I'm back from my leave.
leave again!!! and I thought I had lot's of time off!
Rolfes please climb today
had to google what leave means ?
Haha yeah, I took a week off. I get 6 weeks a years so I can't complain at all on that department. Went to Hamburg and London.
Deposited funds on Wednesday already and the trade still hasn't happened on CoreShares :/
FFS, now I have to google what is Hamburg & London. Just stop telling us Please !!
6 WEEKS??? I am officially the *INCREDIBLE SULK* :(
FFS, now I have to google what is Hamburg & London. Just stop telling us Please !!
This is a Hamburg:
( (
And this is a London:
( (
Now you know.
What the "bright sparks" in our government should be going for:
Glad I don't stay in Hamburg. They have crooked buildings that look like they might topple over.
Sygnia Limited worst damn share I ever owned in my life.
Oakbay shares tanking
And the Rand is strengthening. Recall coming soon?
Sygnia Limited worst damn share I ever owned in my life.
Never owned Astoria?
Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
And the Rand is strengthening. Recall coming soon?
ANC will be "discussing" it end of this month. Gordon somehow managed to be on the SOE Portfolio committee or something and called out Molefe and said the whole Eskom board should resign.
So either that or people really don't care much for the noise anymore.
Only recall will be the contractor to fix a fault on Zuma's pool.
Only recall will be the contractor to fix a fault on Zuma's pool.
:D :LHST: :wall:
The ANC chief whip sure called Zuma's bluff by appointing Gordhan to the SOE portfolio committee. PG knows every cloudy deal that is and has happened in SOE's . So Z is back to square one and must be spitting fire.
There is never a dull day in SA politics
Please pray for my wife. She is in a coma after a cardiac arrest due to treatable throat cancer. I am devastated.
Thoughts are with you Orca
Please pray for my wife. She is in a coma after a cardiac arrest due to treatable throat cancer. I am devastated.
Sheesh dude, my thoughts are with you.
So sorry to hear that Orca, hoping things improve soon.
That's what chemo and radio therapy does. They take you to the brink of death then they stop therapy. Wife had 27 sessions and only 6 left to go. :'(
Wow, my thoughts are with you. Chemo is very hard on the body.
Truly sorry to hear that, my thoughts are with you and your loved ones O.
Orca - all strength to you and the kids through this very trying period. They say every cloud has a silver lining - may this be true
So sorry to hear that Orca hoping for the best.
Thoughts and prayers with you and your family
Sorry to hear that Orca, thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this tough time.
Sorry to hear. Prayers have been sent.
Prayers go out to your wife and family Orca.
My sympathies Orca, I hope all will turn out alright.
Sigh, Telkom-wifi screwing around again. :(
Barloworld revored well...
ok Patrick, see my poll now, changed it to help you
Also note you cannot buy less than 100 Tencent shares, Hong Kong Rules :'(
Orca, I've only seen your sad news now and all strength to you and the family and be positive and all will turn out for the best
Isn't it fun watching the ANC train wreck go full speed off the cliff? Everyone can see it's going to be a massive disaster, but they just keep going.
Would you guys go for Cash Divi or Scrip Distribution Alternative?
AFAIK a scrip dividend means you don't need to pay the 15% divvy tax. That's quite a bonus.
20% divi tax these days
Ouch oh yeah, I forgot about that :(
ANC NEC: "Brian Molefe must be removed from his role as Eskom chief executive, but his skill set must not be lost". Would that be his skill set in finding ways to make the Guptas richer?
Here's a conundrum which I just can't fathom the logic of the markets reaction to. Taste is instituting a claw back offer wherein existing shareholder can take up (on a ratio basis) additional shares at R 1.50 and that they will rank with the existing shares at the same par value. Now I can fathom that the share should move marginally lower than current prices to offset the greater quantity of shares in circulation. But surely the sellers would want to get a better price for their shares if they were selling based on the price of the share on the announcement date, which as the order of about R 1.95. However I see it is trading at about R 1.76. So buyers should theoretically pay more for the share right now to take advantage of being allocated shares and at the lower price, and they can then sell at a better price above the R 1.50 and make a small profit. I just find it strange that the market is seeing something that I am not seeing, because without a doubt I will follow my rights and take up the shares as the majority of their costs for conversion and the acquiring of the right to sell international product has been largely taken up in their last results released today
Here's a conundrum which I just can't fathom the logic of the markets reaction to. Taste is instituting a claw back offer wherein existing shareholder can take up (on a ratio basis) additional shares at R 1.50 and that they will rank with the existing shares at the same par value. Now I can fathom that the share should move marginally lower than current prices to offset the greater quantity of shares in circulation. But surely the sellers would want to get a better price for their shares if they were selling based on the price of the share on the announcement date, which as the order of about R 1.95. However I see it is trading at about R 1.76. So buyers should theoretically pay more for the share right now to take advantage of being allocated shares and at the lower price, and they can then sell at a better price above the R 1.50 and make a small profit. I just find it strange that the market is seeing something that I am not seeing, because without a doubt I will follow my rights and take up the shares as the majority of their costs for conversion and the acquiring of the right to sell international product has been largely taken up in their last results released today
It makes sense give the results released yesterday. They were terrible, and I would be quite worried if I had a material shareholding, the cash situation is pretty dire.
To answer more specifically the price will move according to how valuable the market views those R1.50 TAS shares to be issued. Last week people were still prepared to pay R2 for 1 share knowing that they would need to spend R1.50 per share to maintain their existing shareholding.
I think the point that one can forget is that after you acquire your R1,50 shares, which are about 20% of the total number you have, ALL your shares will (in theory) drop in price at the effective date, to take into account the dilution. So while you may make a profit of say 18c on your 100 R1.50 shares if the share go's to R1,68 after dilution, you will make a loss of 7c (175c-168c) on your original 500 shares after dilution. In that case you would be a net loser, but this is just a theoretical example. Think in terms of a share going ex-div.
I hold 60,500 of Taste shares and at present they are a tax advantage :'(. But feel that over the next 5 years their price will improve as the benefits of their 2 primary brands start contributing. Seems pizza's and coffees are the flavor of the decade?
Personally I prefer Grand Parade, but at the current share price of TAS not sure I would sell out either. Starbucks and domino's could do very well if they get through the next few years, so patience will be required. Fortunately there is an anchor shareholder with very deep pockets so it is likely they will survive, but I would monitor this one very closely as the cash position would worry me.
Personally I prefer Grand Parade, but at the current share price of TAS not sure I would sell out either. Starbucks and domino's could do very well if they get through the next few years, so patience will be required. Fortunately there is an anchor shareholder with very deep pockets so it is likely they will survive, but I would monitor this one very closely as the cash position would worry me.
Now here I differ Grande Parade has wallowed along for years ( 9 to be precise) not knowing what business it wanted to be in from piggy backing on Sun International, their Worcester Casino, Real Africa holdings etc. The problem for me was Hassen Adams made almost daily bulletins on what the business was going to do and also the rapid change of directors. So after all these years in gaming they have decided to focus on foods. Not sure if they have updated their brands data recently as they show all their gaming brands but nothing about dunkin donuts
I used to hold their shares way back but sold out . Their best period seems to have been around September 2014 when the price got to R 7.60 and it has progressively dropped since then - now on offer at around R 3.60
So in my opinion you may have to hold these shares for 10 years to see them get their act together, and I don't believe they are au feit with the food industry - so why go into it :question:
Personally I prefer Grand Parade, but at the current share price of TAS not sure I would sell out either. Starbucks and domino's could do very well if they get through the next few years, so patience will be required. Fortunately there is an anchor shareholder with very deep pockets so it is likely they will survive, but I would monitor this one very closely as the cash position would worry me.
Now here I differ Grande Parade has wallowed along for years ( 9 to be precise) not knowing what business it wanted to be in from piggy backing on Sun International, their Worcester Casino, Real Africa holdings etc. The problem for me was Hassen Adams made almost daily bulletins on what the business was going to do and also the rapid change of directors. So after all these years in gaming they have decided to focus on foods. Not sure if they have updated their brands data recently as they show all their gaming brands but nothing about dunkin donuts
I used to hold their shares way back but sold out . Their best period seems to have been around September 2014 when the price got to R 7.60 and it has progressively dropped since then - now on offer at around R 3.60
So in my opinion you may have to hold these shares for 10 years to see them get their act together, and I don't believe they are au feit with the food industry - so why go into it :question:
Respectfully disagree completely. I have attended some of their presentations lately as well as the AGM every year , they are very focused on the food business. What they have left of the gaming business is for annuity income, and Grandwest is still a cash cow. They have Burger King and Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins, but also a big chunk of Spur now (about 18%). I believe Hassen Adams wants control of Spur, which has been grinding out profits and dividends since 1987.
I have been holding this share since 2010 and am a big shareholder, so may be biased, but think their capital allocation skills much better. Since 2010 I have received R1.72 in dividends, TAS shareholders about 25c. In 2010 there were about 200m TAS shares, after latest rights issue about 460m. In 2010 there were about 469m GPI shares, after recent buybacks about 450m. GPI could also probably sell remaining gaming assets for about R1,5bn, who knows what TAS will get for jewellery biz, but not even half of this. GPI cash flush without even selling gaming assets, TAS on their knees without rights issue and selling jewellery.
Well I suppose we have our preferences - which does make for interesting times.
I held shares in Grande Parade, but still when they were Cape Empowerment - from recollection the Spur holding goes back to the early BEE days. What does concern me then and still now is that Adams does not have any expertise in food businesses other than strategic holding where as Gonzaga has and Taste have taken on as directors Grant Pattison (Massmart) who is pretty astute when it comes to massmarkets
It will be interesting. Regarding the experience, my sincere hope is that Burger King etc will be 'sold' to Spur for an increased shareholding in Spur. Spur will then take over the food business including Burger King etc, and they are very qualified. By the way, Hassen Adams jointly owns Cape Town Fish Market, in his private capacity.
D - interesting article on Moneyweb this a.m. touching on Famous Brands Taste and Grande Parade
I see we have trolls back on the forum :-[
How does one now use iTrade website when no browser supports Java anymore???
Troll free again. Thanks for the report all. 178780 (yes that's the actual number!) Spammers blocked up until today, and counting...
Nee? WHat Thor ?
Hi Patrick - can you please include Long 4 Life Limited (L4L) in your list of tradable shares - Thanks
It'll be there just after markets open GCR.
how are you going to treat the rights offer for SGL?
@jaDEB, there was a spammer in the livechat selling organs so I said, Nee.
It'll be there just after markets open GCR.
Thanks Patrick
Why is we so red ?
South African pension funds have cut their holdings in local government bonds to the lowest level in nearly 4-1/2 years because of political turbulence in the country, but yield-hungry foreign investors are proving less hesitant
I took a calculated risk to keep my money in rands. I am not gloating about it but I did warn about going into USD many months ago.
I bought @ R12.95 (12%) of my portfolio is going into Tencent & Tesla
Patrick, could you please add GRP - I would like to monitor its progress (on Leaderboard)
Check here for volumes:-
Sygnia msp. this thing just keeps falling, defuq are they doing at that company?
Seems way more to politically involved
Whew. Standard & Poor's (S&P) has kept South Africa's long term foreign currency rating at BB+ with a negative outlook. The local currency rating remains at investment grade at BBB- with a negative outlook.
@Orca, I moved money out at R14.30, today it's R12.80. At that time I sold DIVTRX for R28.05, today it's R28.06, but I imagine the sell price is actually lower. Let's call it even to be easier.
I then bought VWRD then for $68.01, today it's $78.14. All in all I made a currency loss of 12%, but an investment gain of 15%, so to me at least, it looks like a good move!
How are things with you wife lately? I'm really hoping you have some hope on that end.
Check my retirement blog.
AXL gee vir my bietjie groen assablief
So a recession has been confirmed for the country
So whereto from here :'(
Down? or is there hope for up?
Do i laugh or cry "The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) said on Thursday it had tabled demands for wage hikes of 15 percent across the board in the metal and engineering sectors."
Sadly I hope they strike long enough so that we can justify a project delay :(
The market looks k@k today, will the fall stop soon?
Looked k@k for months now
Yeah, it's getting a bit depressing atm. Sideways for a very long time and every time it seems like there will be a bit of growth it just falls over. And the DA mess, Zille's hardheadedness (right or wrong), EFF threatening to pull support if she stays... I need a drink
And to top it all of, Clown Mantashe blames the private sector for the recession because according to him government is doing great!
With us they block the roads, was bad last strike. So if they strike I hope u get the project delay and there is lay offs later.
What time will we hear from Moody's?
2200 tonight SAST.
Thanks, saw the downgrade step with a negative outlook. I think the next review will be one to worry about.
Happy monday everyone
Must have been a good weekend, everyone is too hungover to chat.
Nope, watching my NPN, Tencent and Tesla like a hawk...
Can't be too happy with Naspers drop :'(
I'm just shocked Hlaudi was fired even though the whole of South Africa loves Hlaudi. Tis true, ask him.
TecH seems TO REcover is US :)
Who is watching NPN? Is this dip a good time to add some shares?
What the hell happened to my Naspers :( wow!!!!
Bought more :)
US tech stocks dropped which affected Tencent and that brought down Naspers. How's that for a connection!
TecH seems TO REcover is US :)
Thanks for the nutshell explanation, Patrick :)
Looks bit better today :)
damn it, was running some updates and I broke the site. It's back now but I still need the update!
If anyone notices anything else weird please let me know
Like Seagulls in my kitchen?
Like Seagulls in my kitchen?
When last did you take your meds? Brakpan has no sea you know.
I do take my meds, but it is not helping with the voices in my head. We have Boksburg lake, hence the seaguls.
Starting to become an unhappy Taste holder...
I think all the mining shareholders are also rather unhappy.
I'm starting to get nervous about all this crypto-currency stuff. You can't ignore it completely so have to jump in but the way some of these guys are going about it is borderline fanatical.
We're talking guys pulling all or most of their investments from the JSE and dumping it into bitcoins and ether because "the JSE is doing nothing". Then you get articles like the one where Morgan Stanly basically states that the sudden surge in bitcoins value cannot really be explained, that bitcoins need to be regulated and that you should be able to track the transactions for it to become a viable product to invest in. Man did the bitcoin guys freak out (and by "bitcoin guys" I mean the average Joe who became a cryptocurrency expert in the last two months).
Nothing Morgan Stanley said was wrong but they're being called dinosaurs by the guys that will be hurt most if this goes wrong. You can track the transactions but you cannot attribute names to the transactions as far as I am aware. It only takes a few countries that accepted bitcoin as a currency to backtrack on that decision (promotes illegal activities etc) for it to all come tumbling down.
And every day there is another coin out there which brings the exchanges and online wallets to their knees. Outages everywhere.
I silently wish the currency side of blockchain would crash and burn and that sanity can come back to the investment world. It's insane what's going on. BTC just "crashed" internationally but on the local exchanges it is powering on at almost 20% higher than the international price and not even hinting at a crash O.O
My kids have set up a whole computer system to mine bit coins internationally and they anticipate making about R 4,000 per month after electricity costs as this seems to be a high component of the cost of mining - net they are looking at R 3,000 per month so would pay off their investment within 14 months. My biggest concern is that there is a faceless group of people who create bit coins into the market and it seems that it is an open ended and has no basis for the creation of these coins. As Hamster says there is no regulations governing the whole crypto coin scenario, however it is a fantastic way of moving funds from country to country without any exchange control interventions, so in essence it promotes money laundering. I have no doubt that in the not too distant future the whole charade will collapse especially when governments see it as a means of money laundering, and as a mechanism of funding terrorist attacks.
This could be bigger than the tech bubble and more significant than the devastation that bubble created, but I don't think it will have a material impact on stock exchange markets as the tech disaster had.
I told my kids to treat this as a life experience, be prepared to writer off any losses and learn to differentiate between a plausible investment rather than a get rich quick scheme
Actually Bitcoin is not open ended. It will be limited to 2.2 million coins.
They keep using that 2.2 million limit as a reason for it to maintain its value as it will be more "sought after". What happens though when these other cryptocurrencies which are already popular become more "sought after" or gain momentum because they are easier to mine?
I for one wait for the Galactic Credit Standard :p
What if bitcoins are like tulips?
Actually Bitcoin is not open ended. It will be limited to 2.2 million coins.
its closer to 21 million.
the thing with crypto currencies is there is no government involvement. Means trading can happen without some government or central authority controlling transactions.
my thinking why the there is so much interest now is people are starting to realize there is no truly free market out there. Crypto currencies try and achieve that.
and what nice about something like ethereum is that they adding new features like smart contracts. no need for a third party to provide expensive services. now it can be done a lot cheaper.
I stand corrected
They keep using that 2.2 million limit as a reason for it to maintain its value as it will be more "sought after". What happens though when these other cryptocurrencies which are already popular become more "sought after" or gain momentum because they are easier to mine?
They are only easier to mine in the beginning. Like Bitcoin they all become harder and harder to mine as time goes on. And yes, more coins will come on the market all the time but not all of them will gain the fame that coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum have achieved. The weaker coins will fall by the wayside leaving us with the stronger ones. Not saying cryptocurrencies are without their shortcomings, but they are Zuma/Trump/politics proof and that is what I like about them. Pretty stupid to put all your money into them though. Like with anything else, you need to diversify.
my thinking why the there is so much interest now is people are starting to realize there is no truly free market out there. Crypto currencies try and achieve that.
I reckon 99% of people who own them are looking to make a quick buck and will bail the moment its "growth" starts flattening out
Last count this morning was 61 dead. This was the only road out the area in central Portugal.
What if bitcoins are like tulips?
Your refer to this crash?
Last count this morning was 61 dead. This was the only road out the area in central Portugal.
Too many fires lately. Pretty terrifying, I imagine we would have had a lot more dead in Knysna if they weren't able to escape via the beach.
Bitcoins are the digital equivalent of gold...
Bitcoins are the digital equivalent of gold...
Digitally, we're back in the old Wild West days except you're not the cowboy trying to rob the train of its gold, you're the guy whose gold is being transported.
Wow, ACL @ R5 level and LON @ R10 Level, Nice ANC nice ...
It's mind boggling. Almost as if there's a committee somewhere who try come up with the most damaging own goals around.
I can buy 8 ACL for a price of 1 packet of Cigarettes
You smoke cheap cigarettes ;)
champix you two...
or 4 Lonmin shares
or 0.0157 NPN
How many Tesla's?
It's mind boggling. Almost as if there's a committee somewhere who try come up with the most damaging own goals around.
And they are doing a fine job....
0.012091 TSLA
Does anybody know where and how I can download European share prices? At the moment I am paying PSG R169.00 for their end-of-day prices cos I'm using their Wen Professional software but I would like to trade other markets.
I live in Europe and have difficulty with that.
Thanks for that, Moonraker, but how do I get the info off all the shares in the Euro to load into my software?
Sorry Bread, I have no idea.
EasyEquities US share investing!! Think they're testing it with this competition, I see Tesla on there:
Pretty damn sad that an inflation ETF is in the top 6 of the investor challenge. This must be the worst year so far for the challenge.
Where the ^%$# hell is moneypenny
Does this help?
Zuma, Gigaba, PP Busisiwe Mkhwebane and Zwane are competing on who can
destroy the SA markets the most.
SA market up 1,9% since January while EM's MSCI index up 17%.
Zuma, Gigaba, PP Busisiwe Mkhwebane and Zwane are competing on who can
destroy the SA markets the most.
SA market up 1,9% since January while EM's MSCI index up 17%.
You made me look. AMIB50 is up over 10% sine April launch
New SATRIX ETFs coming: World Feeder, Emerging Markets Feeder and S&P500 :)
Good to hear, I'd use that in my TFSA. What is in the world feeder?
World feeder will probably have the usual suspects - Apple. Alphabet, Microsoft
Looks like the emerging markets one might use this as the underlying fund:
Which means Tencent, Alibaba, Samsung etc.
Thanks Mr Bond
What happened to the rand today, did I cause a massive exit of cash from SA? Nooo I still need to take more offshore for a few years, I was wrong it's the best place ever to invest, bring the cash baaaaack!
ANC agrees Reserve Bank should be nationalised, 'to ensure its independence'
Phew, It wasn me
I saw a photo of u and Mr Mbeki?
It is U
You remind me of all the people who left and then came back when they realised how good it is over here.
New SATRIX ETFs coming: World Feeder, Emerging Markets Feeder and S&P500 :)
Went to the ETFSA SATRIX presentation, re the above new ETF's, in CT last night and very interested in taking up the Initial Public Offering (IPO) before July 17th but have a question how do I take up this IPO with funds based offshore? Asked my offshore broker this morning if I could do this but he says they are not allowed to participate in IPO's in SA
Server gremlins again, if anyone notices anything weird please mail me.
JSE is plat
JSE is plat
Luckily, none of us own an ALSI ETF :p
Funny thing about index investing, the Vanguard execs don't use them themselves :D (According to Heystek anyway)
New SATRIX ETFs coming: World Feeder, Emerging Markets Feeder and S&P500 :)
Went to the ETFSA SATRIX presentation, re the above new ETF's, in CT last night and very interested in taking up the Initial Public Offering (IPO) before July 17th but have a question how do I take up this IPO with funds based offshore? Asked my offshore broker this morning if I could do this but he says they are not allowed to participate in IPO's in SA
Any ideas guys or have I put this post in the wrong thread?
JSE is plat
Luckily, none of us own an ALSI ETF :p
Funny thing about index investing, the Vanguard execs don't use them themselves :D (According to Heystek anyway)
Just as I decided to put some of them on my watchlist. Thanks for the warning. Maybe I won't now anymore.
JSE is plat
Luckily, none of us own an ALSI ETF :p
Funny thing about index investing, the Vanguard execs don't use them themselves :D (According to Heystek anyway)
Just as I decided to put some of them on my watchlist. Thanks for the warning. Maybe I won't now anymore.
What? Index unit trusts/ETFs?
Still the best route for the average guy. Wouldn't recommend against it here in RSA.
Oh my, what happened with the Challenge guys? Best after 7 months 23%, rest sub 10% and less - come on - get your act together. ;-0
Any significant newcomers listed on the JSE recently?
Get me up to speed please forumites. ;D Bad boys for this year so far after quick scan: MTN, CUR, NTC, LON, SGL, BSR, HAR, DRD and good girls: CND, AEG, NPN, BIL, KIO, DCP, SHP? Yes? No? Any share standing out long or short since beginning of the year?
Any significant newcomers listed on the JSE recently?
New SATRIX ETFs ...don't think that's what you were after though :p
No significant newcomers on JSE - but Oakbay will delist shortly :'(
What happens if u have (I do Not) shares. Do u loose u money?
Thank you
Oh my, what happened with the Challenge guys? Best after 7 months 23%, rest sub 10% and less - come on - get your act together. ;-0
South African government happened! Welcome back, I thought you might have moved to Australia already :)
Same-old, same-old hey.
It's a long process, New-Zealand though - not AUZ but I'll still trade SA. ;)
Sad, person from our company is also leaving, moving to US. 3rd person so far in 2 years. I must just remember to switch the light off.
What happens if u have (I do Not) shares. Do u loose u money?
From what I understand, although I have received no confirmation, is that your cash balance goes up and down with the prevailing interest rate of some or other bank at some or other predetermined length of time. Probably the money market rate.
Any significant newcomers listed on the JSE recently?
kaapagri is interesting. Does very well, not sure why! Was thinking that maybe they own a lot of their properties?
Kaap Agri is a well run business. It's a rare breed in Today's economy.
Kaap Agri is a well run business. It's a rare breed in Today's economy.
Kaap Agri used to be an over the counter operation years ago in the PSG stable through Zeder, but once they terminated over the counter trading they had to come out of the darkness so to speak - This company forms part of the Stellenbosch mafia grouping - but K-A is under the Mouton umbrella which is the who PSG conglomerate and has strong links to Christo Wiese and Markus Jooste (whose big interest these days is horseracing) and their names all pop up with the Steinhoff groupings
Chris Hart predicted the zar to get to 20 against the $ by year end 2016. Did not happen.
Last week Moneyweb stated that the zar is in a confirmed downtrend. WTF? ZAR continues to gain as long as Z keeps his mouth shut.
Stellenbosch Mafia is a myth, take it from a fellow member :P
Frozen fingers this morning. not the best week to be carless!
Try leather gloves with thermal gloves underneath. Had a breakfast run early yesterday morning at high speed, felt no cold. :)
Interesting, also what were you riding?
She was driving with Heated hand grips :)
Haha, Harley -pillion
How do you keep warm if you can't pedal for heat ;)
Hehe, that’s funny. I don’t pedal – I’m not a Flintstone. I guess it has a little something to do with the clothes. Long John’s, jeans, leather chaps, leather boots, thermal gloves with leather gloves, leather jacket, buff bandanna. Oh, and the music and chatting with friends while riding distracts from cold as well, I’ve honestly not been cold once.
Braver than me. Bike hasn't been taken out for a few weeks now. The older I get, the softer I get :)
I've also been using my car for the most part the last three weeks. Starting to wonder if the bike's battery is still going to work after all this cold and not moving :D
My CCO today is like moneypenny on her motorbike, all over the f%$# place
ETFs, ETFs everywhere. Coming to a platform near you:
Sygnia Itrix MSCI Emerging Markets ETF
Sygnia Itrix Global Bond ETF
Sygnia Itrix Global Property ETF
Sygnia Itrix 4th Industrial Revolution Kensho ETF
Sygnia Itrix S&P 500 ETF
Sygnia Itrix Top 40 ETF
Sygnia Itrix SWIX 40 ETF
Sygnia Itrix All Bond ETF
Is there a performance difference between a SWIX top 40 and Top 40 ETF?
Big difference. SWIX has done much better in the past. Here's the 5 year charts for both:
SWIX was created to get rid of the "resource heavy" problem and in turn created an "industrial heavy" index. So in my mind SWIX performs better than the regular top 40 because 1.) resources aren't doing that great and 2.) Naspers and SAB
Thanks nice site Big charts
What !! South Africa's central bank unexpectedly cut its benchmark repo rate by 25 basis points to 6.75 percent on Thursday saying a near-term improvement in growth was unlikely but that the inflation outlook had improved
@Orca, I can't remember if you still have SA citizenship, but it looks like something you might want to give up one day. I know I will if they enact this after I leave:
This will affect lots of expat South Africans, specially those working in low-income tax countries such as UAE etc etc.
No problem, I will give up SA Citizenship in a heartbeat, no loss.
I was born in Finland and never had SA citizenship. My wife is South African but as she emigrated officially, the proposed tax law does not affect her as she is no longer an SA resident. Her primary home is here in Portugal and she is registered for tax here.
It will only apply to SA tax residents working abroad.
I assume u are very upset with RSA Moneypenny... it is hart breaking how certian %$#ers are making good people like you leave :'(
No jaDEB, not upset, but reality is I have 2 boys and I don’t think they will be allowed to reach their full potential in peace here. It’s sad ‘cause they are bright and dedicated and would have picked up all around them, but yeah. Sayonara.
Yes, agree with you. Know people that moved there, but please note, I am sure u are aware "The country records more than 14,000 earthquakes a year – but only about 150 are usually felt. Schoolchildren in the country regularly undertake earthquake drills"
The NZ average number of deaths from Earthquakes is 15 per YEAR. The average number murders in South Africa is 49 per DAY! Is it really a hard choice?
Incidentally there are 46 people murdered in New Zealand per year as per last statistics, so you're still three times more likely to be murdered than die in an earthquake over there.
The NZ average number of deaths from Earthquakes is 15 per YEAR. The average number murders in South Africa is 49 per DAY! Is it really a hard choice?
NZ Population: 4.7
SA Population: 55.9
Death rate NZ: 0.000003191489362
Death rate SA: 0.000000876565295
I think you missed something Hamster, the numbers for New Zealand were per year and SA were per day!
Your stats should look like this:
NZ: 0.000003191489362
SA: 0.0036906382978723
SA has over 1156 higher chance.
I’m more afraid of ‘economic death” and degradation than anything else.
You and me both. The discussion of wealth taxes and citizenship rather than residency based taxes has me doing a lot of research!
%$#@ typed message 3 times ^%$# bomb out, thus short
Am not saying do not go, go by all means, spoke to NZ yesterday, they are happy there.
I think you missed something Hamster, the numbers for New Zealand were per year and SA were per day!
Your stats should look like this:
NZ: 0.000003191489362
SA: 0.0036906382978723
SA has over 1156 higher chance.
Yeah, I missed the per day part. That makes quite a difference :D :(
KIO :)
Can anyone recommend charting software that give live prices?
Sry mine is all 15 min delayed. think u have to pay for live prices
I do not mind paying...if it is not too much. Might make due with 15min delay. Which one are you using?
PSG Online, R40 for 15 min delayed JSE prices (online investor), R139 for live price (live trader) – trade 3x or more per month then live price is waived (R99), still pay R40 for account though.
@ Patrick, where do you source your 15 min delayed prices for all JSE shares (in alphabetical order) that you use in Challenge?
I pull mine share for share from bloomberg, like so:
Do you have to open a trading account with PSG to get those live prices? Don't like their fees. EQ Trader is already cleaning me out with their 0.1% fees :/
@Patrick: What? I'm sure you've programmed it to do that.
@Fawkes85: Yes, you do need to open acc, fica the worx.
Well Bloomberg delivers the prices in that format, it's called json. Then I have a cron job that goes and collects the prices from them for all the shares we have in the challenge.
Sigh, thought I could just download to Excel somehow, sounds hectic.
@Patrick, have you figured out a way to get the whole list of all the JSE instruments from them. Last time I played with it I tried because it seemed to work for INDU:IND. But, alas, that didn't work out.
Nope, I haven't tried. I do see data for JALSH:IND and INDU:IND though, are you looking for something different?
@mp, if you really want an excel download page for the jse I can build a CSV generator for you that takes the data from my database.
Nope, I haven't tried. I do see data for JALSH:IND and INDU:IND though, are you looking for something different?
Meant data of all the Instruments on that exchange
That is a much appreciated and unexpected gesture Patrick, thank you. :)
what data do you need? I can probably provide what you need.
for mahala
What we need is a standard web API for retrieving delayed JSE data. Don't understand why the JSE doesn't just do this themselves (throttle it if they're scared of abuse).
Thank you Thor187 😊 I need an alphabetical list of all JSE shares with closing prices each day downloaded to Excel.
Let me see what I can do.
So much choice for you MP. This will give you the latest prices I have, so run it after 5:15 and it should be end of day:
Jip I cannot beat that, sweet Patric you hero
Goodie it works! Yay! Thank you so much!!!!
Had a few minutes:
Draws data from Google Finance. Only problem - Google Finance will one day disappear and somebody needs to manually maintain it. Either way, you can setup a Google Spreadsheet and use the specific tickers you want to build a portfolio. Add your holding values, set up some graphs and BOOM! Better software than most banks provide :D
Very nice, I could have saved my server a tons of processing power with this if you showed me earlier! What makes you say it'll disappear one day?
Okay that link is very cool hamster. I wanted to see if I could pull all the data via CSV and I can!
Google Finance is not officially supported by Google anymore and given their history with products they can simply pull the plug one day without notice (suppose Bloomberg can kill their API as well). Not that I think they would. Google Finance also hasn't updated with the latest Satrix ETFs... :(
:) Thank you H
So much choice for you MP. This will give you the latest prices I have, so run it after 5:15 and it should be end of day:
Patrick, what do you mean 'run it'? When I click on the link it only opens a spreadsheet.
Hoping for a green Monday
Hey Bread, that is running it. The spreadsheet is generated on the fly.
Is anybody else having trouble logging into Standard Bank Share Trading?
Is anybody else having trouble logging into Standard Bank Share Trading?
Working now.
big blue sucks
big blue ?
Come on NPN close above R2900 today ...
big blue ?
I spy with my little eye something that rhymes with Standard Wank >:D
You need to give them credit though... Snapcan is pretty damn awesome.
You need to give them credit though... Snapcan is pretty damn awesome.
Snapscan was developed by another company Standard Bank bought if I'm not mistaken.
Kudos for them seeing the potensial :P
Probably the same scenario as 22seven and Big Green
Threw 100K at BTI...
I would throw that at BTC :P
@ Datura - Nice
@Thor - if I could go back exactly 7 years...
BTC $500k in the next 4 years easy
Thor did u buy Bitcoins ?
Me? - We've been Hodl'ing since way before it was cool :P
before it was cool means January :)
If you were holding ethereum since January you'd be smiling very broadly!
before it was cool means January :)
Jip, I bought a bunch at this time $8 I had a pretty good year so far hehehe.
I realized now having this stuff documented is probably a bad idea in terms of being put on a SARS watchlist of sorts...
one can buy eth and btc at
Which of these would you rather have in your TFSA instead of DIVTRX: NFSWIX, MAPPSG or CTOP50?
Which of these would you rather have in your TFSA instead of DIVTRX: NFSWIX, MAPPSG or CTOP50?
I like the CTOP50. Did a quick check on divs from Jul '16 till Jul '17. DIVTRX total of 88.84cps vs CTOP total 60cps. So almost 50% more divs from DIVTRX. That being said, if I plot prices from ~Jun 2015 to date, CTOP is up 2.5% and DIV down 3.3%...I love dividends, so I just have a bit of both!
YTD CTOP is up 9.4% and DIVT down 1.2%
True, but zoom out and DIVTRX is doing better over 4 or so years. Still, it's main focus is producing dividends and the performance I reckon is just a side effect of it selecting "quality" shares. CTOP50 looking better and better. If only they capped SWIX :/
What about some good ol NFEMOM
Why is the Rant @ R13.35 ? Dollar strenght ?
NFEMOM is too expensive. I've stopped buying it.
Downgrade looming jaDEB.
Country is a goner. watched that BBC interview with Atul
I never saw it, any particular highlights?
The guy was as calm as a potato asking authorities to act on the leaks if they were in fact true. It's a smear campaign and everything is news for him. - Basically saying HE is untouchable.
Wow. I think this is absolutely fascinating. Firstly, because I've always wondered how most people will voluntarily accept the chip and I reckon this is a viable alternative view to that and secondly, I wonder if this is what Jim Rogers was talking about when he mentioned how the next stock market crash is going to start. Or what the people in this interview call a reset. And thirdly, I wonder WHEN it's going to start. It could still be this year but perhaps more like about May/June next year. But just in case I'm wrong and it's this year I'm going to sell all my holdings by latest end September. Although, of course, I don't think we will quite have to go as extreme as bartering. I reckon the stock market will ALWAYS be there.
Bread what will you do with the proceeds, buy gold?
Bread what will you do with the proceeds, buy gold?
That's a very good question. What will you do? Mr. Rogers says he'll only buy gold under 900 or somewhere thereabouts. Or was it 1000? I can't remember exactly what he said. The herd will buy gold but in the rally from end May last year to beginning July 5 weeks later gold went up just over 13% and silver just over 28% so to me the obvious would be silver. Nobody seems to be buying either as gold has been trending sideways since April and silver is in a downward trend so if they both rally I reckon silver would increase even more. And it's looking increasingly likely that some kind of action is going to be taken against North Korea in the near future, besides sanctions already on the cards. Or is it just Trump speak? So chances are I'd probably buy silver and hang on for the ride.
N. Korea? Yeah possible ..
Silver or one tenth KR - more and you will battle to get change. :)
Wow... more on that interview:
SHP down 5.2% so far today. The market does like the SNH deal!
Yea man, Atul is next level.
So secret ballot is on tomorrow - now lets see the MP's vote - pretty much they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I would just like to see Zuma783 in court facing his charges and giving him his day in court which he has been asking for since 2009. His costs for himself and not the taxpayer >:D
Fairly sure she is paid for and Atul will remain president.
I doubt the ANC members will want to vote themselves out of a job and income. Their families need to eat.
As far as I know only the cabinet members would stand to lose their jobs, not the ordinary members of parliament.
My bad.
that was totally unexpected. Rand seems to like the news.
100% correct, they know they will lose their job so he had no problem instructing a secret ballot. I hope I am wrong.
Not quite so P. The market weakened the ZAR thinking the vote would be open the past few days. Now that it is secret, the ZAR has reversed thinking that Zuma would be voted out so the ZAR was happy today.
I personally think this will reverse by tomorrow as Z will not be voted out but I hope I am wrong.
I think the vote tomorrow is on a knife edge. The cabinet and the NEC are keeping Zuma in his position, if Zuma goes they are out, the president loses his pension and criminal charges will be instituted, Nkandla could be converted into an entertainment centre. The ANC lost the Nkandla district in a recent election rerun. I think the MP's that are unhappy with Zuma and his gang will vote against him - he will lose office and so will the cabinet, there are thus opportunities for these MP's to be elevated to MP level.
If the ANC don't take action now with this matter they don't stand a chance of winning in 2019 and then MP's will be ousted so its in their best interests to cut the cancer out now and then concentrate on improving their performance in 2019
Just my take on the situation as it is a zero sum game whichever view you support
Live chat is a killer.
@Thor - Yip
South Africa's business confidence climbs to 5-month high in July
@Thor, thanks, good use of 165 lines of code then :)
Sweat that server! Make it work. Tell it it's lucky, could have been worst, could have been in a bitcoin mine chipping away at bits and bytes
Haha, it's a 512mb ram single cpu server, I'd be lucky if it made a coin every 20 years! Still at $6 a month that would give it a reasonable return on investment...
Lol beans (:
You know you're in a small town when Google only has one nearby attraction. And with a name like Moordkoppie I'm not sure it's somewhere I want to visit...
Gee. Where are you? Jagersfontein perhaps?
Wild west
Wild south west, Africa
I am getting ready for a hiding :'( Tencent down 4%
I am getting ready for a hiding :'( Tencent down 4%
If there is a nuclear war, it doesn't matter at all, we are all stuffed. If not, buy on pull-backs.
I am getting ready for a hiding :'( Tencent down 4%
If there is a nuclear war, it doesn't matter at all, we are all stuffed. If not, buy on pull-backs.
The war machine keeps turning.
Chinese regulator launches probe into Tencent, Weibo and Baidu
Tencent’s shares fell about 4%, their biggest intraday drop in more than a month.
But that stemmed in part from a continuation of an overnight tech-stock selloff in the US,
and investors taking money off the table ahead of Tencent’s earnings report on Wednesday.
“The government will conduct such checks every year and I don’t see this having any impact
on the long-term development of the company,” said Yujie Li, an analyst with RHB Research
Institute. “People use WeChat and Weibo not for such illegal information,
so I don’t think this probe will affect the companies.”
© 2017 Bloomberg L.P
Sounds about right.
Did they think the great firewall will sit on the sideline?
Where can I find a list of the top 10 loosers and top 10 gainers on a daily basis on JSE?
What is the difference between Sharenet vs Sharedata?
What is the difference between Sharenet vs Sharedata?
Sharedata=Profiledata ..
The Profile Group supplies financial data and investor information via its two main operating subsidiaries, Profile Media and ProfileData. This site provides information about products and services. For online stock market data and unit trust fact sheets, please visit and
So after struggling for months in getting a euro bank account, I seem to have managed to open two last week. One super easy though it's purely a store and pay online account, the other a fully fledged bank account including a mastercard. That one was a little more tricky though.
@Patrick, do you perhaps feel like sharing the names of the offshore banks you used?
@indexer, I will soon, I'm just waiting for a transfer to go through on the one and the card from the other to make sure it'll work.
You mean Wednesdays....
Patrick, Conduit Capital is an illiquid share.It is traded more in the competition than on the stock exchange.
Platinum, what day is today?
Today is Wednesday and it's a wet one here in CPT
I believe you've sent us a monster cold front arriving tonight, thanks :(
yES, THANKs... awesome, enjoy the fr^%$ sea view !!
OOhhh sorry, u getting rain :) nice
Tencents :)
jaDEB, dude, who are you talking to :question:
Talking to PlatinumWealth... he indicates what day it is. I use that.
Appologies, should put @who I am talking to.
Today is Thursday, Cold, but no rain. - CPT
More importantly, tomorrow will be Friday, and after that it's the weekend which I really need :)
@ Nivek, same here, having a %$# week
The week was nice for us. Today is friday and the weather looks sunny, but it is slightly cold.
I'm looking for someone good with tax to confirm some things for an article. Do we have a tax guru around here?
Not even SARS fully understands tax...
Moon is our tax man. Platinum guy as well.
Cool, I think I found the info from the sars sites. Looks like you pay less dividends tax if you receive foreign dividends.
The tax rate for foreign dividends is determined according to a formula and will depend on the actual marginal rate of the taxpayer and can therefore be less than the maximum effective rate of 15%. A taxpayer who receives foreign dividends must also include the gross amount of the foreign dividends (total amount of foreign dividends gross of any foreign withholding taxes) in his or her tax return.
Foreign dividends are however in most cases (unless the shareholder holds more than 10% of the issued shares in the foreign company) subject to a partial exemption. This exemption is calculated by using the following formula: 25/40 x gross foreign dividends.
See also attached.
Thanks for this.
Thanks moon, I might send a spreadsheet your way for comment soon. If I'm following the sars examples properly you could even save on regular income tax through foreign dividend tax credits.
Now you guys have my attention.
@Moonraker, you've got mail.
@ Patrick. I have sent you a PM. Calculations are OK. Bit over my head.
Another bummer. New since 22/02/2017.
If there is a situation where a shareholder can claim back the difference between withholding tax of 15% (DTA in UK is still at 15%) and our 20%,
5% is reclaimable from HMRC in UK, BUT seeing that it is reclaimable, an additional 5% is deducted by SARS in advance.
Problem is, there is no easy way to reclaim. My broker says:
Unfortunately, it is only for Richemont where we currently have an agreement with Computershare to claim back on behalf of clients.
Tax is currently in discussion with possible vendors to supply a similar service for Anheuser Busch (and other shares where necessary). We’ll keep you updated.
If and when the UK amend their DTA to 20% as well that will help.
Today is Monday, weather looks alright, slightly cold.
Thank you Plat :)
Hehe :)
This grouping satisfies my OCD so well. Upside down pyramid is the way to go.
Bookmark this if you have stocks in foreign currencies. ECB Currency converter for any dates. Used by accountants for taxation.
Thanks Orca, that's pretty cool. When I did my taxes last week I used the annual average rate published by SARS. Nothing to pay in thanks to foreign tax witheld, but next year I'll use both and post the most favourable.
@Hamster can you rename the MyBroadband group to MyBroadband Forum Members Group to mess with Platinum ;)
@Hamster can you rename the MyBroadband group to MyBroadband Forum Members Group to mess with Platinum ;)
I will stab you in the neck Susan.
Done.. sortof.. still a pyramid... sortof...
Haha was only kidding hamster
Necks will be stabbed.
/sharpens pencil
Crazy. Not that I know whatever the heck it is you're all talking about. Maybe that's why you're all doing so badly in the comp :))
It's raining in Bellville which is nice.
Haha was only kidding hamster
So was I...
I will stab you in the neck Susan.
...but then he called me Susan
Been a crap week, so glad tomorrow is weekend
Been a good week thus far.
Weather is nice.
Naspers going a tad nuts today
I think when it hits R3000 I will be happy, and all the Twitter Neigh Sayers can go ^%$# them selves
Mr Bond !!! why is my CCO in a downtrend !!!
Mr Bond !!! why is my CCO in a downtrend !!!
Start play at about 8min 59sec
Thanks Mr Bond, the info is very helpfull
Live chat offline?
Oh sorry it's back now
Live chat offline?
If I'm not mistaken the live chat is disabled when the rest of the site is under heavy load
Ahh I see
NPN breaking 3K a share again today? On Fire!
Don't you feel sorry for the people with an equally weighted top 40 now!
No I don't. Their problem :D
That is quite a difference:
It Bitcoin and ? what is the other 1? and where do u buy?
It Bitcoin and ? what is the other 1? and where do u buy?
Thanks Thor
It Bitcoin and ? what is the other 1? and where do u buy?
local exchange that you can buy both btc and eth
Ice3X is nice for eth yes.
thank you
Seems new crypto currency BNK is about to open in 15 minutes. It is in a virtual London bank. Hide your money in any currency or virtual currency or but ETF's.
Get a free wallet here but server is down due to overload atm.
Do not think Bankera will last.
Bitwala is more trusted, ripple is designed for banks and civic will do the KYC.
This is fast:
This is fast:
Looks like they removed sharenet chat from loading page...
Jip... That they did...
Why would they remove the chat??
I can say. But not allowed in public. :P
The link is still there last link at bottom of the page on the right
@ Tovad, thanks
The link is still there last link at bottom of the page on the right
He is referring to this:
Portugal now open for immigration to South Africans. The only country in Europe to do so.
"Have registered as self-employed person in the Portuguese Tax Authority and the Portuguese Social Security"
Will they accept "Trader" as a self-employed person?
"Have means of subsistence, as defined in the Portuguese law"
I suppose that means some income threshold that can be proved?
Trading stocks is a business. Nobody here is sure of the minimum earnings or investments. Some say €900 to €1350. They did not even look at ours.
ok - thanks!
How can I Invest in OffShore?
Hi Pubson, the cheapest and easiest is to open a tax free savings account with access to the stock exchange, and then use one of the offshore based ETFs like the Satrix all world ETF. Some advice on the tax free here:
@Orca, that's really interesting news, and it opens the door to Schengen residency. I wonder what the "Have means of subsistence, as defined in the Portuguese law" refers to. Could enough investments qualify?
Hi Pubson, the cheapest and easiest is to open a tax free savings account with access to the stock exchange, and then use one of the offshore based ETFs like the Satrix all world ETF. Some advice on the tax free here:
If Pubson is looking to externalise his funds then buying the ETF is not externalising funds the fund manager may well externalise funds but as soon as you give them a sell order the funds will be returned in SA Rand and not in the foreign currency
You're right GCR, but fortunately there's no CGT penalty when selling, so it's a good holding point until you can get a full offshore setup.
Okay this is what I've found: Under of Ordinance No. 1563/2007 of 11st December, is considered sufficient income for subsistence the following amounts: € 6,360 / year for the first adult € 3,189 / year for another adults of family € 1,908 / year for each member less than 18 years. Not bad actually, just over €318k in VWRD (2% yield) will give you that in dividends if you're on your own. Add another €159k for a spouse and €95k for each child.
If money is tight you could always take more risk by holding high dividend stocks or ETFs, but you do need to be very careful.
Why is OCE getting a hiding?
think there was a TS on Thu/Fri last week..
Thanks Mr Dividend... missed it..I am dropping the ball, will go and stand in the corner for 12 minutes
Thanks for moderating jaDEB. I'll go ban the member now.
Hey, I just figured out how to get my BTC's wallet address :) incase any of you wanna send me a coin :)
Do you accept Thai Baht? I have a couple of coins left over from a trip and I think it would be a waste binning them.
The end of the recession or just a pitstop?
@ Nivek, :)
This must sound stupid, but did farming not do better cause we got rain?
who got banned?
That would be you my young apprentice :)
Hold thumbs for me. I'm on my way to the bank and if things work out its going to change my life forever. I'm talking about BIG money....I'm so exited I can hardly get the flipping stocking over my head.
Nice one Orca ...
@ Plat, some person spamming the site Patrick blocked
I'll join you O. ;)
Patrick - is there a site where you find all you LDTs?
I get them from here: ignore the fact that you need to be a subscriber and just right click and view source. They're still there!
aaah. Cheers ;)
...and share price history older than 5yrs?
Back to 2009
If you need older the chart goes back to before 2004:
Thank you :)
Isn't that being dishonest?
Actually I just checked. I changed them.
Thanks Patrick - even better.
So last month after some circuit breakers were stolen my area was without power for 4 days. Last night they stole them again. Apparently the guys replacing them are not the people who are supposed to put a padlock on the doors, so they were still unlocked...
NPN flirting with the R3K mark again...
@Patrick: So not going to miss this cr@p.
What a day -
@ Datura - :) @ MoneyPenny :'(
What happened yesterday PW?
Crypto markets - But today is better I am buying this Banking on Vinny.
With a graph like that you're a braver man than I am!
You close your eys and press buy :laugh:
So the government has backed down a little on the foreign tax exemption. Now the first R1m is not taxed:
This works well for retirees living overseas off foreign dividends thank goodness.
This would only affect SA residents working abroad and not retirees that officially emigrate like we did.
I was hoping to unofficially emigrate when the time comes. If I don't have to pay all that CGT I'd much rather not.
Then your center of life must remain in SA. This is not always possible. Had we not formally emigrated, our center of life is now in Portugal and we would be classed as non SA residents anyway.
Patrick, my screen is not working again :'(. Who is the top three in the Inv Challenge ?
Snapper, Illuminated One and Franz
You're 4th
May the fourth be with you jaDEB
:'( ....
i LIKE Franz, he buys good sh&t :)
He literally only buys Naspers :)
I hate for not buying Naspers each year I convince myself it will be their downfall.
Geez big seller in ADI
I see the financials are taking a knock. I haven't been able to keep track of things for the last week or 2 so would someone please tell me why?
Geez big seller in ADI
Overdone and I will hold.
Geez big seller in ADI
Overdone and I will hold.
Orca - any idea why this share is being slaughtered, down another 4.2% again today. My paper losses on this counter are starting to pinch a bit. I too will hold my stock, but it does get to a point where it is better to take the loss if there is no recovery. The only silver lining is that one can use the loss for tax purposes when CGT comes along
I bought CSG Holdings Ltd again I'm going to see if this badboy can climb to 170 again.
lol it was last at 170 in 2015...
So far ADI has dropped about 12% in 2 days and tomorrow it goes ex-divi so will drop some more. Been checking and find no reason for this. It should be going up with the zar weakening. I will hold as she always comes up with a hat trick like a new acquisition. Results were good in this stagnant economy.
So far ADI has dropped about 12% in 2 days and tomorrow it goes ex-divi so will drop some more. Been checking and find no reason for this. It should be going up with the zar weakening. I will hold as she always comes up with a hat trick like a new acquisition. Results were good in this stagnant economy.
I do not invest in tech shares so am not by any means an expert in this share, but if I was invested I would be a bit worried. By all accounts it is a good stock, I would also probably not sell until I could confirm the reason behind the fall, but these sorts of falls make me think somebody might know something the rest of us do not. Good luck though, as you say it has normally bounced back.
That bad boy hurt me
Plat? - would u buy XRP or LTC?
PPC sliding today...
Wish this bloody Ront would make up it's mind. Looks like Janet will increase the interest rate next year even if their inflation drops as it has. So perhaps it'll weaken from here onwards. Maybe I should start looking at resources. Or property.
Or offshore?
Good time to buy Sasol and Sibanye?
Am I reading the SENS right: CTOP50 is paying more in dividends/REIT than PTXTEN?!
Good time to buy Sasol and Sibanye?
I don't deal in chemical or mining shares but do read about their activities and have steered away from both for different reasons Sasol - Inzalo BEE deal, and Sibanye because of the CEO and his Harmony/Goldfields wars back in mid 2004/5/6
Am I reading the SENS right: CTOP50 is paying more in dividends/REIT than PTXTEN?!
I have halved my PTXTEN & Added STXPRO...I am hoping that I can get a better Div flow from them!
@ Grahamc, same for me, love reading and following them. But not buying ... ... ... ... .. yet
CTOP50 for the win
Or offshore?
Going offshore seems like such a hassle. It's so much simpler just to trade with ABSA Stockbrokers with their, to me, nice and simple 0.4%. Although my returns will be bigger, I don't know by how much they could/would be offset by a strengthening Rand. And the way I trade I need decent and reliable fundamental and technical data.
Good time to buy Sasol and Sibanye?
Sasol I would treat the same way I'd treat the Rand. It could break out it's triangle either way over the next 3 months.
Sibanye, I reckon, has still got some way to fall but I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole until there's a convincing change in the trend to the upside.
@Patrick,conduit is an illiquid share.It should not be in the competition list of shares.
BOughTS SOME moRE btc :)
I'm doing the Portuguese run today. Mozambique to Portugal via Angola. All I'm missing is Brazil :)
Tip P. Eat in small cafes where the locals eat. Usually in side streets and half the price. We learned the expensive way. Never ask for ketchup or any condiments as it is considered rude and insulting their culinary expertise. Some cafes pile cheeses and breads on your table before you even order. If you eat some, you will pay for the whole lot. Wave it away.
BOughTS SOME moRE btc :)
Where do you buy your btc? Here in SA or offshore?
Here is a guide to buy Bitcoin using luno -
Looks like the market has taken a firm view that the Ront has decided to weaken, putting Sasol and gold miners in the spotlight with Brent at a 2 year high.
I am always to late when gold rallies.
We really had our most online just now? P I think your stats are broken. ;)
And it wasn't counting me, I've been taking a break from email and internet.
I see Brian Joffe was gifted 250,000 Long4Life shares at R 5 which represents his salary for 3 months - amount in question R 1,250,000 - that makes it a salary of + R 416,000 per month. Trust the share price performs as well as his salary undoubtedly does
Wasn't me
I use to use Sharenet app for my tablet to follow my portfolio, but the %$#@ it up. Any ideas for other one to use?
Anybody using a more reliable end-of-day price and other data download than PSG? They are particularly unreliable when it comes to Fridays and when I spoke to them about it they say it's the JSE's fault. Anybody able to confirm that? :wall:
Please Sygnia be green today
I Johann Vorster is buying up more collar hedges in Clover (he is CE) 2 tranches of 350,000 shares each. I wish these guys would concentrate on running the business rather than trying to be smart traders in their own company shares. These guys also don't learn so many of them got their fingers burnt in 2007/8. Wonder how he handles CGT on this as the expiry date is 27/9/2019 which means he would not have held the shares for longer than 3 years so profit would be treated as income
I have some clover shares, but I do not know if I wan to hold onto it for much longer
Cut my loses since this company is downwards. Then again, big upside I suppose.
NPN get to above R3000 please !!!!!
Cut my loses since this company is downwards. Then again, big upside I suppose.
I sold out when I first saw Vorster playing snakes and ladders with the shares and they got of Danone, and all the excuses for poor performance. I really thought they would cream it (pun intended) when they came to market but sadly it was all smoke and mirrors
I bought in when they where starting to go down. I hate selling at a loss so I guess it is me and clover either till death or to the moon. I am locked in now.
I bought in when they where starting to go down. I hate selling at a loss so I guess it is me and clover either till death or to the moon. I am locked in now.
At tax time you can always review the situation and take a full or partial loss to offset CGT gains
Be green
NPN on fire again...
Yes, I asked yesterday :)
You did indeed :)
I'm late with a blog for the month, but Portugal is just too interesting for me to open a laptop!
I'm late with a blog for the month, but Portugal is just too interesting for me to open a laptop!
Now Patrick - that's no excuse - what are you doing between 3.00 - 6.00 a.m. - in my opinion the best time to write reports/bloggggs etc
Portuguese people only go to bed at 3 am.
Exhausting just reading that never mind doing it. ;0
Portuguese people only go to bed at 3 am.
Ah - but there's the rub he is not Portuguese - so no excuses
Sheesh....Vodacom been dropping all month, but just tanked 6% all of a sudden with that competition commission news..
Ah - but there's the rub he is not Portuguese - so no excuses
My wife is part Portuguese, she keeps me up ;)
Ah - but there's the rub he is not Portuguese - so no excuses
My wife is part Portuguese, she keeps me up ;)
What does she keep up? :LHST:
Alrighty then
Naspers is mental!
Check out LON ... and PS. it is not NPN it is Tencent
Yeah I saw LON shot up like mad today
up 24%
Haha, old Lonmin. I've put all my eggs in that basket since day one. Only now broke even...hoping it lasts
I made a shit ton of money during the rights offer of Lommy - wild tiger she is
89% luck
I invested in a uranium miner (Atlatsa) a Friday morning on 11/3/11 while the tsunami was happening & right before the Fukushima nuclear disaster – I never made the connection between tsunami in Japan and nuclear – (why would I?) lost it all – still have those shares, worthless though but still a priceless lesson. How is that for luck?
I love their music
Sold my CCO bought CFR
WHy is NPN up but rand has strangined ?
Yup rather strange, but maybe because of what Mark Mobius said.
"We can buy Naspers cheaper than we can buy Tencent," Mobius said. "If you buy Naspers, you get an Africa satellite TV business for free and you are buying this big internet company Tencent at a discount. If you have a choice to buy Tencent or Naspers, you better buy Naspers."
Mobius’s call clashes with the strategy adopted by CEO Bob Van Dijk, who has been pursuing internet technology acquisitions since taking the helm from chairperson Koos Bekker in 2014.
Thanks Mr Bond
Come on NPN get to above R4 000 lol : ) ...
NPN to the moon
Please remember today is Friday the 13th
For the 1st time in history my paper portfolio is showing 44.2% growth, excluding tax and costs, since 1st August 2017 which is more than triple the number of companies bought which is 14. Not bad for 2 and a 1/2 months. Maybe next year I should trade the same way in the Investor Challenge 8)
Does anyone here do technical analysis? What the chances of the Top 40 breaching 52000 in ththe next week? Keen on shorting the index as the bull run just seems too long
LONDON, Oct 13 (Reuters) - The South African rand jumped to two-week highs on Friday after a court ruling that upheld reinstating corruption charges against unpopular President Jacob Zuma, while the rally on broader emerging markets continued.
Bring on the court case!
CityWire UK today.
The MSI Emerging Markets index notched up near 18% in the 1'st 9 months of the year.
UK and US stocks eked out less than 8% and 5% respctively.
Those that fear they have missed the boat are in luck because experts say EM's will
continue to outshine.
Portugal was great, I could easily live there, but sadly I'm back at work again saving a few more $$$'s :(
Nice, hope you and Orca shared a glass of Porto or 2. :)
KIO is hot!
Sadly I wasn't able to get to Orca, but I'll be back!
I see the indi went over R80 for the first time today
CFR :)
CFR :'(
lol - President Jacob Zuma's announcement of yet another surprise Cabinet reshuffle
Yup - Zuma furiously re arranging the deckchairs on ANC Titanic
Everyday he's shufflin...
Back in 2011 we partied hard to this song, literally rocking a cruise ship left to right every night till sunrise. Fun times.
Notice how the Rand...didn't plummet. Nobody cares anymore.
Come CFR.....something's got to break after a decent trading statement this morning ...
i thought it is going to fly, but I read that allthough trading statement looks good, it is still not back to profits where it was few years ago. But I just bought thus keepng for a while
Will also be holding, at least for the short R127, if it gets there, I'm out.
When is Gigabyte's budget speech ?
october 25th I believe
When is Gigupta's budget speech ?
I reckon that today and tomorrow is a good time to sell my CTOP50 and NFEMOM. Let Gigaba finish his speech, let the ratings agencies respond and then buy back in. Or keep the money for the wedding that is coming...
Keep it for the wedding
I'm just sad I didn't have money a couple of weeks ago to move offshore. My next batch hits my account tomorrow I think :(
I'd like to receive money in batches.
BTG trading at $149
Haha likewise
Lol, it's only moderately exciting. I store my cash in my ABSA stockbrokers account until I have R100k or more then I ship it overseas.
You would make a crappy Gupta!
So the group is in the lead :whistle:
Well done Plat, as a reward I've fixed your triangle. How's that do for the OCD?
omw Mondi needs to stop bleeding
"Noooo we a membas!!!" ...the more the EFF causes k*k in parliament the more my invests grow :D
:( I'm glad my money moved this am.
Ahh man! dat fix!
tHANKS gigabytE raNts @ r14.19 ..
Considering I convert most of my income to dollars, I've pretty much been given a 6.7% paycut since last month :(
Look like a further pay cut for you Mr Patrick . :'(
With junk status fast approaching ,how do we navigate
So far this year, Brazil's Bovespa index has climbed 23.4 percent despite political turmoil surrounding unpopular President Michel Temer and his key allies. Brazil was downgraded to junk 1 year and 9 months ago.
Joh, total chaos in and around Pretoria today, but in a good way. :heart:
Hola back,thanx for the welcome response, can I tag you, r u on Twitter? Rising tides do lift all the boats.
Tis the season to be jolly, where is the lolly, we are hungry.
Who you're talking to Wallace? Seems to me you've already hit the punch-bowl today. :)
Miss Money Penny has dropped us a note, pity it was a penny farthing,farting. :laugh: Saying hello you.
Greetings Wallace, any relation to William?
It is only the name Nivek, but I am pleased to meet you. Hi.
Any ideas on TRADING this paltry market?
It depends on how quickly you want to run out of money ;)
now is that advice, money makes money? So you just tow the line
Isnt this a forum, or is it a dating site?
I'm just teasing about the constant battle between traders and investors. Statistically investors would be better off. Happily the game lets you test it out for yourself without you losing any money :)
To the forum MLP's short for Master Limited Partnership check it out.
Just double your dosage W, you'll be fine. ;)
Are you really only 15 Wallace? If so you've got a massive headstart on everyone else. You could end up seriously well off if you start investing this young.
that is my age but the JSE doesnt return 10%, then why invest there?
You have much to learn young Wallace. Join the investor challenge, there are many, many people who are making more than 10% albeit virtually, but have no doubt, in reality too.
Was waiting for a Naspers pullback about a couple months ago before diving in. I guess I missed that steam train.
Well when the bubble bursts around 10 cent then you can buy Naspers to your hearts desire and cheap :LHST:
If they happens I think they'll have to pay you to take Naspers!
Remember when Naspers was R700 a share and everyone said sell?
My only caution would be watch when Bekker starts selling off shares - he took his salary in shares for years so if they suffer a retracement he would be hurt quite considerably
BRUCE WHITFIELD: A sneeze in Beijing could chill Naspers to the bone
Bekker recently sold 70 percent of his N shares. Bob was awarded 150K N shares long term incentive. I would get worried if he started selling...
Bruce should spend time on other companies not performing, I is keeping my 10c and NPN.
Apple's new extravagant campus is based in Cupertino, California, and comes with an estimated price tag of around $5 billion
lol - South Africa's nuclear regulator said on Tuesday that an installation site licence would likely be granted in June for a nuclear power plant
Is BTC going to hit R100,000 Today?
Just did on Luno ???
mmm R91,700 at the moment?
mmm R91,700 at the moment?
right now:
( (
:) now R 105,000
BTC to the moon, but will drop after the fork no doubt.
oops! I was looking at coindata and just judging the amounts off there
What is volatile in Afrikaans?
Vissel vallig
Wispelturig maar wisselvallig is ook reg. ;)
Both meaning changing direction frequently, the former is just doing it with passion.
Frikkie my spelling suig ... dankie
Nooooo JaDEB, some things just sound better in English, stay with ‘suck’. :)
Will do :), my Tesla shares is getting a hidding, that sucks :'(
Should have bought Amazon... They're going to take over the world!
Including the Gupta's ?
No, Scotland Yard and the FBI will own them pretty soon.
AMD also taking a stocks are weird. ADI is crumbling, does anyone know wtf?
•Muted margin outlook was the single biggest reason for the sell-off. However, seasoned AMD investors are accustomed to emotionally fueled sell-offs
BoE raises rates for 1st time in 10 Years, Pound down nearly 1%
Anyone want a large dose of OMG you said what? Listen to Zuma dodge answering questions.
You need to be a special brand of stupid to buy any of those answers.
What answers? Only saw dodging.
Did anyone see that troll by James Gubb?
@czc yes, awesome, pity about the fine
ffs Lonmin
Just had a look at the leader board and though I am not doing great I see that I dropped from about 150 to 290 and all because I have not utilized my recent cash injection also the person sitting in 291 has some R600,000 sitting in cash
Surely the ranking should be based on the value of the shares in the portfolio and the unutilized cash component of one's holdings?
Cash is included gcr, so your ranking appears to be accurate
Cash is included gcr, so your ranking appears to be accurate
Thanks Patrick - seems that a few of my holdings are worse than leaking buckets and look a bit like the dams in Western Cape
Haha, Lonmin has caused me to drop from 15th to a single morning. Granted all my eggs are in one basket, but I was enjoying the rollercoaster
Clearly you chose the wrong basket, should have tried the Naspers basket :)
Haha, lonmin and Naspers have been good to sell since yesterday.
Buying stocks have become a gamble so perhaps the index method is the best way forward. I have always liked STXIND as it was the best performer for many years and looking at the 10 year chart I think I should sell all my individual stocks and buy into it. Then I will only hold DIVTRX and STXIND.
Orca - I tend to agree with you on STXIND - my view is that the only way the country will recover is through the industrial sector, mining is dead and corrupt. Other sector will only show real growth in industrials take off and they are by far the most likely sector to grow staff numbers
You guys meant to say NPNIND
Actually, why is Naspers still considered industrial?
naspers is life
I dont have the balls to short it
@Plat - good call :)
tencent up on 3% on HSE!
NPN 50% in 6 months :/
Hi,who should I go with when opening an e-wallet for cryptocurrencies
What currency do you want to use
LTC, lets start small
Platinum is the local crypto guru. I don't hold any, I'm too scared of the wild price swings.
Platinum is the local crypto guru. I don't hold any, I'm too scared of the wild price swings.
This. He's probably gonna end up drinking way more expensive wine than me one day, but I just can't get myself to invest a meaningful amount. :(
I use and I just send my daughter R300 worth of BTC so she can learn :)
F$#&^'en cheap scate
Thanx for the tip, will try Luno. I see they are the prefered platform.
JSE ALSI is only 7% a year if you think about it.
Thanx for the tip, will try Luno. I see they are the prefered platform. ( is also good just not as much volume as luno
So I'm planning to move from FNB to Capitec, anyone here use Capitec? Anything I need to know before I close my FNB account?
Yes, I have a question: Why?
...and can you transfer your soon to be defunct eBucks to me who in this time is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good and relieve you of this most heavy of burdens.
Just bought ACG, heard it thru the grapevine.
Orion popped on good news, I think I will hold off on this one, not minning yet.
I get no interest at FNB and I'll get 5.4% at Capitec. I generally keep at least R30k in that account so it'll add up. Sorry, I sold all my ebucks yesterday. Got 30% more than face value, good deal to me.
I get no interest at FNB and I'll get 5.4% at Capitec. I generally keep at least R30k in that account so it'll add up. Sorry, I sold all my ebucks yesterday. Got 30% more than face value, good deal to me.
Is that the regular savings/current account or like an emergency fund?
My current account at FNB after all the debit orders is close to R0. Extra funds is in a 32 day account I use to fund the credit card if there was an emergency of some sorts.
Patrick - capitec cannot do swift overseas transfer - as far as I know
Thanx for the tip, will try Luno. I see they are the prefered platform.
If you want to by LTC local the only option is ICE3X but they have highish margins so take care to compare prices.
If you're using ZAR rather buy BTC from Luno and move it to an exchange where you can swop it for other currencies like LTC.
Actually, a better way of doing it is to move your BTC away from Luno to a wallet where you control the private keys.
One option is to use which - a desktop wallet with great features. You control your own private keys and can use Shapeshift to convert to other supported crypto at low cost. (If you have USD or EUR then buy BTC from as it's around 6% cheaper than Luno on avg).
If you want access to all kinds of obscure crypto you can register at
Is that the regular savings/current account or like an emergency fund?
My current account at FNB after all the debit orders is close to R0. Extra funds is in a 32 day account I use to fund the credit card if there was an emergency of some sorts.
It's my current account. I need to keep a minimum of R20k to avoid monthly fees, so I start with month with R40k in it, and then it works down to around R20k by month end. That last R20k is my "emergency fund". My uninvested savings go to my absa stockbrokers account where I earn +-6.5% interest until I have R100k and then it goes offshore.
Patrick - capitec cannot do swift overseas transfer - as far as I know
That's what ClickFX is for :)
Is that the regular savings/current account or like an emergency fund?
My current account at FNB after all the debit orders is close to R0. Extra funds is in a 32 day account I use to fund the credit card if there was an emergency of some sorts.
It's my current account. I need to keep a minimum of R20k to avoid monthly fees
This works for me because of my spending patterns, but the eBucks I receive more than covers my monthly fees. I'm on level 5 so I get 40% discount at it really works. Way better solution for me than having to keep R20k in an current account.
sEE luNO IS ALSO NOW selling Ethereum :)
Tol ya so - almost got banned on mybb when I said they are talking kak when they said luno wont ever sell ether. They go where the money is.
If anyone is keen to sell ebucks, I would like to buy
20c per eBuck. Let's do this!
Hahaha hamster - not that keen... was thinking more like 11-12c depending on volume
So I'm planning to move from FNB to Capitec, anyone here use Capitec? Anything I need to know before I close my FNB account?
I've been using Capitec for close to 5 years now. I love it. Use in conjunction with a Virgin Money credit card (Free). Do all my spending on the credit card, up to 55 days interest free. Let your money sit in the Capitec account until your credit card is due, settle the debt in full, repeat process. This way you get all the interest goodness of a large balance in your Capitec account, and interest free "borrowing" for 55 days.
Capitec is incredible, from a fee perspective. Been a user since 2008
You Capitec guys. Do you have to verify each and every transaction on your current/cheque account with the app on your smartphone? I'm with ABSA and I've just discovered they won't let me continue with their online banking unless I download their latest app to my smartphone to verify online transactions. I don't want to do that as it's a hassle and makes me more reliant on my phone that ever. So I'm thinking of switching to Capitec where hopefully I won't have to do that.
Not at all, I do online transactions daily, no verification needed.
Ah, cool. Thanks.
Nice tip their RayRay, I already have a Virgin money card, I'll have to take advantage of the interest free period. just a question, of you pay for fuel is it also interest free for 55 days?
interest free "borrowing" for 55 days.
Which credit card in South Africa doesn't do that? It's not a Capitec "feature".
Nice tip their RayRay, I already have a Virgin money card, I'll have to take advantage of the interest free period. just a question, of you pay for fuel is it also interest free for 55 days?
As far as I have experienced, yes it is. I only buy fuel (and pay tolls) with my credit card. Have not seen any interest charges on my statements.
Hamster, I did not claim it to be a feature of
Capitec Virgin Money. Simply pointed out that you could, and should, use the interest period to your advantage. Also, some users might not have credit cards and/or know how the interest free period works.
Thanks RayRay, yeah getting any money interest free is great! Cards often charge interest from the word go on cash withdrawals, and I've heard of some doing the same with fuel due to some law I believe. I'll let you know what I see on my statement.
If you draw cash against your credit card then you don't enjoy the benefit of the 55 days interest free period - that was the purpose of the money card. Also remember that if you fail to liquidate the outstanding transaction by the 55th day then interest is charged from date that the transaction was processed. Also the banks have changed their method of processing transaction in that instead of the transaction being the date that the transaction was physically booked to your account, it is now backdated to the actual transaction date - which has reduced the 55 days to 53 days
My capitec credit card is set to straight so no 55 days for me sadly.
Hamster, I did not claim it to be a feature of Capitec Virgin Money. Simply pointed out that you could, and should, use the interest period to your advantage. Also, some users might not have credit cards and/or know how the interest free period works.
I now understand...
My capitec credit card is set to straight so no 55 days for me sadly.
Had a quick look at the Sunday Times Top 100 listings yesterday and one of the counters I hold Adapt IT was placed 2nd over 5 years.
My holdings are showing a 31% fall in value since September 2015 - so they must have, had to do exceptionally well in the previous 2 years to achieve 2hnd place. Currently they are the 2nd most costly share in my portfolio as I am down about R 26,000 on my holdings, but then again its better than my Taste shares which are costing me in excess of R 100,000 in losses.
Orca must also be screaming because I think he also has taken a substantial thump with Adapt It in his private portfolio
Come on Zuma move to Siberia
Also saw that in the Sunday Times yesterday and Finbond 110% annual growth and with R10k invested 5 years ago would now be at R411k is that for real? Incedible!
ADI is about 20% of my portfolio so I'm not too concerned or worried at all. I obviously don't like the fall in price but it is overdone and out of favour but it I will keep it as it will perform after the next results. Their latest acquisition will add to their income as it was a big expense with the last results.
Hi Orca, i'd like to receive your blogs to my email ?.
please explain to this dom kolf as to how. tx
ADI is killing me. I regret buying in to be honest, it's still on a steady downward slope. I don't know how you guys stay so positive haha, it just irks me because I cannot seem to find any legitimate reason for this?
Starting to think I need to get me some Adapt IT
I think I've bought in twice when I thought it reached a new low...and it's still dropping. I'm gonna wait this one out
Sounds like me and Long 4 Life, I've been buying since the IPO and it's still dropping
Sounds like me and Long 4 Life, I've been buying since the IPO and it's still dropping
I also bought L4L - 2 weeks after launch but steered clear of Anchor Group as it seems that all listings this year have settled below their listing price - suppose the hubris wears off - the saying "the market knows all" is probably true. Anchor price over the last 12 months shows R 10.20 as a high , against a low of R 4.40 and current R 4.80 so may be opportune to wait a few months and then buy. I bought Sygnia and currently they are just keeping head above water
ADI has a great CEO and management team that are hell bent on growing the company hence their frequent acquisitions. This is why they only pay divies once a year at a low percentage. These acquisitions hurt their results and frighten investors. The past 5% increase in HYE HEPS is great despite their new acquisition. I will hold as they have enough cash to make more acquisitions. They are in competition with EOH as the CEO said.
ADI has a great CEO and management team that are hell bent on growing the company hence their frequent acquisitions. This is why they only pay divies once a year at a low percentage. These acquisitions hurt their results and frighten investors. The past 5% increase in HYE HEPS is great despite their new acquisition. I will hold as they have enough cash to make more acquisitions. They are in competition with EOH as the CEO said.
I will also hold but will add more on the dips - which are quite frequent
So, how about that naspers price...
Patrick you mean this..
Tencent Holdings Ltd. (0700.HK) reported a 69% increase in third-quarter net profit, driven by strong growth in its mobile-gaming and digital-content divisions and robust advertising revenue.
The Chinese internet giant said Wednesday its net profit for the July-September period rose to 18.01 billion yuan ($2.71 billion) from CNY10.65 billion a year earlier. Analysts polled by S&P Global Market Intelligence expected net profit of CNY15.7 billion.
Tencent's revenue for the period rose 61% to CNY65.21 billion, beating analysts' forecast for CNY61 billion.
Tencent shares ended 1.3% lower in Hong Kong.
3698.49 +106.99 (+2.98%)
That would be the cause, yes.
NPN is flying it is a good hold at the moment. Who will be brave enough to short it?
TENCENT (700) HK$402.600 +10.800 (+2.76%) - More upside today if ROE plays ball
Everyone talks how overweight and overpriced and bad NPN is, but they all buy them in heaps, yet to meet someone who sorts NPN
It's like the spammers aren't even trying anymore
How come my Mr Price and Discovery shares on my portfolio have a zero value
Patrick - please have a look and see whether this is a glitch or not - Thanks
Hey GCR, sometimes the service I pull from allocates a 0 value. It usually fixes itself in 15 minutes as it has done again. I don't see Mr Price in your holdings though.
NPN / Tencent :)
@Patrick have you had a look at the new-ish Ashburton Global 1200 ETF? I quite like this as a "buy only one ETF" product. Thoughts?
Hey GCR, sometimes the service I pull from allocates a 0 value. It usually fixes itself in 15 minutes as it has done again. I don't see Mr Price in your holdings though.
Hi Patrick - maybe that's one of life's curiosities - could have sworn that it was Mr Price and Discovery - but could have been wrong - which in my universe is a rare event :LHST:
Hey JohnnyH, I had a quick look. It's not bad, but it's TER is 0.45%. You can get more diversification from the Satrix World Feeder at just 0.31%, so I can't see any reason why anyone would buy the Ashburton fund.
Hey JohnnyH, I had a quick look. It's not bad, but it's TER is 0.45%. You can get more diversification from the Satrix World Feeder at just 0.31%, so I can't see any reason why anyone would buy the Ashburton fund.
Thanks Patrick
Some differences are, the ASH1200 includes some Emerging Markets which I like & pays quarterly divs (will be small yes, but I still like it), so I hope the additional 0.1% TER is worth it for the EM exposure.
Hey JohnnyH, I had a quick look. It's not bad, but it's TER is 0.45%. You can get more diversification from the Satrix World Feeder at just 0.31%, so I can't see any reason why anyone would buy the Ashburton fund.
ASHGEQ has emerging market exposure.
If you are staying in RSA then all you need is 60% ASHGEQ and 40% MAPPSG and you should be sorted.
Hi Everyone, can someone please add the following share code for us. EEL
Any reason why ASHGEQ is not on the ABSA TFSA ETF list?
Any reason why ASHGEQ is not on the ABSA TFSA ETF list?
I can see it on my ETF only account. What list are you referring to? They also have it as "ASHGLOEQT"
Yes, I am also able to see it in my Absa Stockbrokers ETF Only account, but not in my TFSA account. The list I am referring to is the "Available TFSA Instruments" list.
Yes, I am also able to see it in my Absa Stockbrokers ETF Only account, but not in my TFSA account. The list I am referring to is the "Available TFSA Instruments" list.
I misread that. Checked - can't see it on ABSA TFSA, can see it on EE TFSA though. Maybe a bug on ABSA's side?
Sent an email to ABSA. Let's see what the response is.
"Thank you for contacting Absa Stockbrokers and Portfolio Management.
Please note that the TFS account only has an approved list of ETF’s that are tradable on the account.
Ashgeq is not a part of the approved list." :wtf:
You say it's on the EE TFSA list, Hamster?
Yes I see it on EE
"Thank you for contacting Absa Stockbrokers and Portfolio Management.
Please note that the TFS account only has an approved list of ETF’s that are tradable on the account.
Ashgeq is not a part of the approved list." :wtf:
You say it's on the EE TFSA list, Hamster?
It is not unthinkable that EasyEquities has a bug or listed it erroneously. They hardly have a great track record with these sort of things and have had to refund clients on more than one occasion.
My guess is that EE is a very manual system hidden behind a shiny (for those that like kiddy games) interface.
So on the face of it I'd side with ABSA on this one.
Noted, thank you.
Hi Everyone, can someone please add the following share code for us. EEL
How Liquid is EEL? It needs to trade 16+ times a day to be considered.
One sale so far @ 10:42, 250 volume, doesn't seem it will make it
Thanks yeah that's what I suspected from the graph.
Naspers taking quite a knock today 3.42% down is what I see!
Rand Strenght and 10c was down 0.74%. It's just taking a breather, it needs it.
Sygnia Itrix 4th Industrial Revolution Global Equity ETF IPO
fRIKKIE !!!!
Wat het Frikkie gedoen?
What happened there? LON value 0
What happened there? LON value 0
On EE?
@Moneypenny, Frikkie het a draai gemaak by NPN . . bl*ksem !!
When are the ratings results coming?
"We are expecting S&P to make their announcement tonight at 18:30 and Moody’s closer to 23:30."
Not the best news. I thought they'd leave us alone until after December.
S&P one below junk for foreign denominated debt. Note "below junk." NPN will be happy on Monday as ZAR sickly.
honestly can't keep up with btc, its insane
Shouldn't be long now, chaps 8)
BTC is life
Sygnia Itrix 4th Industrial Revolution Global Equity ETF IPO
Very interesting exposure indeed. Anyone else looked at this?
Sygnia Itrix 4th Industrial Revolution Global Equity ETF IPO
Very interesting exposure indeed. Anyone else looked at this?
Patiently waiting for the 6th
I'm buying
Can't buy the IPO on EE though because it says there are no available funds in the account. The same screen says differently at the top, but hey, I'm sure their support staff will eventually open the tick and fix it.
I really hate that site. If it wasn't so cheap and convenient... *sigh*
Heh I don't have any funds, period :D I've just allocated to others before I found out about this ETF. I'm gonna have to wait till after it's listed
True about EE, I'm not anticipating their upcoming app will be any better!
Jeepers!!! I've never seen the Dow go up like that ???
Can't buy the IPO on EE though because it says there are no available funds in the account. The same screen says differently at the top, but hey, I'm sure their support staff will eventually open the tick and fix it.
I really hate that site. If it wasn't so cheap and convenient... *sigh*
I have the same issue...Sold some GLPROP to move over to this 2 days ago, but getting the same error. Asked them on twitter & they responded saying you can't buy IPOs with uncleared funds.
So, now I wait for 6 Dec like you. ::) If any other broker removes their minimum trade limits I will definitely move!
Can't buy the IPO on EE though because it says there are no available funds in the account. The same screen says differently at the top, but hey, I'm sure their support staff will eventually open the tick and fix it.
I really hate that site. If it wasn't so cheap and convenient... *sigh*
I have the same issue...Sold some GLPROP to move over to this 2 days ago, but getting the same error. Asked them on twitter & they responded saying you can't buy IPOs with uncleared funds.
So, now I wait for 6 Dec like you. ::) If any other broker removes their minimum trade limits I will definitely move!
If you have a reasonable standing with your broker there should be no need to wait the 3 days - this ruling has everything to do with banks clearing periods where funds flow from one institution to another, but even today with ACB there is no need to hold onto these clearing rules.
Since all scrip today is held electronically and you don't have paper share certificates which have to be dematerialized of certificates split it is ludicrous that the broker insists on the window period
If you have a reasonable standing with your broker there should be no need to wait the 3 days - this ruling has everything to do with banks clearing periods where funds flow from one institution to another, but even today with ACB there is no need to hold onto these clearing rules.
Since all scrip today is held electronically and you don't have paper share certificates which have to be dematerialized of certificates split it is ludicrous that the broker insists on the window period
My thoughts exactly. What made it worse was that they told me that I can always deposit new funds & then draw that amount again afterwards. No problem, right? Except that this was in a if you withdraw any amount, you lose that "forever". Just bad advice I think.
Anyway, the brokerage on the amount I wanted to buy won't be gigantic, but ja, still would have been nice.
Wow, NYSE tech stocks had a Black Friday sale yesterday looks like
crypto having a late black friday
50\% off
How to drop more than 100 positions in the share challenge - have 2 of your counters show 0 current value - Bidvest, Woolworths
I blame Bloomberg, but don't worry, it'll sort itself out soon.
Google cutting their API sucks balls.
I blame Bloomberg, but don't worry, it'll sort itself out soon.
All fair and well but today my Rolfes have no current value :'( :'(
Looks like bloomberg fixed the price, now it's just a very lousy performer again :)
Looks like bloomberg fixed the price, now it's just a very lousy performer again :)
Now my PnPay also zero current price :'( :'(
I never seem to be able to see the issues you mention. Everytime I check it's all back to normal!
I never seem to be able to see the issues you mention. Everytime I check it's all back to normal!
I could well imagine that because prices are time stamped there is every possibility that we may see different prices/non prices - could also have something to do with the spooling of prices by Bloombugs :LHST:
Don't know if anyone holds Greenbay but it seems that the turnover in shares has been what I would consider high, to just a few moments ago trades topped 20.6 million shares and this past week volumes have been high
Anybody have any insight as to what's going on into or is the counter just a high volume entity?
It's pretty normal. See
Check Volume over 1 Year
It's pretty normal. See
Check Volume over 1 Year
Ta - very busy share - volatility 7.1
Zar up 3.7% for November despite the downgrade beating 21 of it's 22 emerging market peers. Look how well the Brazilian market performed after all 3 agencies downgraded it to total junk.
I want logn 4 life to shoot the lights out before 2018
Greenbay divi ldt 12 Dec.
TENCENT (700) HK$393.000 +8.000 (+2.08%)
Thanks Mr Bond :)
How are you guys investing in foreign stocks? EE don't have a few on their list that I am interested in (U.S.)
I opened a offshore account thru SASFIN and bough Tencent & Tesla
I use Interactive Brokers, I also have a De Giro account, but I haven't used them for anything yet.
Cool, thanks guys. I'll check em out..
SNH down over 7% in Germany - more uncertainties re. balance sheet fraud.
What are you guys using now that google finance looks like it was made for children...? I really miss the old GFinance!
Yeah wtf!!! I think I'm using an old Firefox at work, because it's still using the old interface
It has been suggested that the capital gains tax (CGT) rate be increased further so that the full capital gain realised on disposals is taxed.
If that happens, it would be a reason to immediately emigrate (if possible), even as an old person.
Or become a trader as the 3 year rule then becomes meaningless.
NPN taking a knock...
That FIN24 article is a bit misinforming. Portugal has a 50% inclusion but only for fixed property. Shares have a 100% inclusion rate.
Had a good chuckle last night, Radio 702 bitching about multichoice and Koos Bekker and then play a add for DStv lol
Who wants to live in Europe and be taxed to death if you could live in the US where even your mortgage bonds are deductible.
SNH shooting the lights out .. to the downside. Unaudited results tomorrow.
CGT sucks here but mortgage and even rent is tax deductible. A portion of your food also as is your non working kids and spouse.
Steinhoff...ouch. Markus Jooste quites with immediate effect!
...but, but, but, Christo Wiese took over for now.
..from the fire into the frying pan. CW is a wealth destroyer. ;)
Wow, people on twitter saying price at ~R17
Steinhoff N.V -61.53%, ShfInvpref -5.19%, "buy when there is blood in the streets."
-47%, -12%
Who wants to live in Europe and be taxed to death if you could live in the US where even your mortgage bonds are deductible.
Anyone who thinks you might ever need serious healthcare. Before Obamacare medical bills were responsible for 60% of bankruptcies in the USA. If you feel like some scary reading try this:
Steinhoff N.V -61.53%, ShfInvpref -5.19%, "buy when there is blood in the streets."
Only if you are prepared to wait 10 years in this case.
I'm thinking more along the lines of a long next 6 mnths.
Good Day all and sundry, I would like to try this CFD thing is their anyone willing to mentor me in this regard?
Use GT247 if you want to go down that avenue.
BTC R191k...
Still feels to me like a classic case of the greater fool theory, only the greater fool is so much greater than I thought ;)
Use GT247 if you want to go down that avenue.
I would be wary of GT247 - they have a history going back to about 2005 for some rather unsavoury operations
SNH there are fears that investigations may also extend to Wiese.
whome else can I go with?
this market is tired, where is the bull market we have been reading about, the last hooray.
The bull has emigrated :) Hey Graham what is the history, 2005 is before my time. Isn't easy equities part of GT247?
Market dip probably means a good time to get into it.
Who wants to live in Europe and be taxed to death if you could live in the US where even your mortgage bonds are deductible.
Anyone who thinks you might ever need serious healthcare. Before Obamacare medical bills were responsible for 60% of bankruptcies in the USA. If you feel like some scary reading try this:
Good grief ??? We sho' got it good here in ol' SA.
Being in the UK currently, I keep telling them how the NHS is virtually the single most important institution they have, and they need to avoid going private at all costs. They dont get it.
Good Day all and sundry, I would like to try this CFD thing is their anyone willing to mentor me in this regard?
Hallo to you too random citizen. :) I don't think anybody who knows how to do this would dare to mentor somebody else. The easy part is choosing your longs/shorts and timing. The hard part is learning the tricks, yes I said tricks, of the market makers.
Being in the UK currently, I keep telling them how the NHS is virtually the single most important institution they have, and they need to avoid going private at all costs. They dont get it.
True that, NHS was really easy and effective when we lived there.
SNH -61.03%, SHFF -33.3% and guilty by association (Wiese) Brait -6%. Guess BAT happy they sold $1BLN stake in Steinhoff late 2015.
The bull has emigrated :) Hey Graham what is the history, 2005 is before my time. Isn't easy equities part of GT247?
I tried to dredge up what some of the noise was around GT 247 but can't find it. I used to read comments on a site which I recall being called page 181 or something to this effect - all posters were traders from across the world (but all at one stage had SA roots) some traded on behalf of HSBC in Hong Kong, Meeg Bank in London and Chase Manhattan out of New York. The only name I recognize at GT247 is Mark Barnes who now functions as CEO of the Post Office but was part of the start up team that established GT247. From memory there were some issues around timing of deals and that they were not always executed timeously. Will read through Google a bit more to see whether I can get more detail and then provide more info
Tencent up 2.9% :)
My DIVTRX holds Steinhoff. :wall:
Eish did anyone hold SNH stock? Amazing. EE not having stop losses is always a worry
In real life I seriously hope not, but look at the bottom of the leaderboard, all victims of Steinhoff. I'm 7th from last. Bought in when the share price first dropped and the rumours were supposed to be drivel. Guess it wasn't! Anyway, nothing to lose so I'm going all in!
My DIVTRX holds Steinhoff. :wall:
All 2% of it?
In other news, EOH is also on sale today. Down 18%!! I am so happy
@ Patrick, also bought Steinhoff this morning in the IC.
Wow, posted by Keith McLachlan on twitter "Interesting historical fact: EOH comes from PG Bison's IT department ("spun out"). PG Bison is part of KAP, which is owned by Steinhoff."
Yoh, as if EOH wasn't looking troubled before already :/
Jis the market just hates anything to do with SNH ne? EOH @ R44. PE of ~5. Wow
As Wiese said: “Its worse than a divorce, lost half and I still have the wife.”
So Shaun the sheep is out, at least there's some good news around.
Speak up Wallace :)
lol good one :)
I hope zuma gets his ass handed to him
Sounds like what caused EOH to drop was two directors failing to meet margin calls on derivative positions.
Well they are up 30% today so far..
Why NPN flat to down when Tencent was up 3% ?
Maybe due to sentiment ... Observers are now generally worried that high levels of corruption in government and state-owned enterprises, are now manifesting themselves in the private sector given the revelations around KPMG, Naspers and now Steinhoff.
Mr Bond, was wondering same. Maybe they can just give us Tencent shares for every NPN :) , I'm cool with that. Jiggy
Unless the Nasdaq futures are down, another reason?
Nasdaq up and Nasdaq futures up more than earlier.
I see my BVT shares have a zero value :'(
Let's hope DZ wins in the elective conference. If so I think CR will not take that lying down and will form a new party. This will finish off the ANC in the 2019 elections ?
We do not have till 2019 :'( I am afraid.
Moonraker, why do you hope DZ will win? I thought business wanted CR to win.
Bought NPN at 352899 8)
Simply because I am hoping that CR would then form his own party, i.e. split the ANC so that in 2019 there won't be an ANC as we know it running things.
If none of that happens, of course I prefer CR over DZ.
i prefer CR to win. but if DZ wins it makes sense that the ANC will be underpressure for 2019 and that is a good thing becuase i dislike anybody who thinks only they are competent to lead. that attitude just sucks in my book.
No doubt CR will win and he will chuck out the Zupta cronies. CR is wealthy and has no interest in enriching himself. This will be bad for the DA and EFF in 2019 and Dr Khosa's new party will not take off if CR wins.
I don't care who wins 2019 if CR is president as he will be the game changer. Thinking of my SA investments.
When is the election?
Like when do we know Zuma is in or out
Maybe 20 December?
Are you referring to NDZ or JZ?
Wow check out The Investor, zooming to the top of the leaderboard with just 4 transactions. Impressive timing, not sure I'd have balls for that much risk taking in real life.
PAtrick yUor GAme is BrOKEN. my shares shows 0 value
i DoNt SeE ThAt? :) It sems bloomberg has been doing this a lot lately, always for very short periods. Next year I'm going to try a google finance based link.
Cool see it is fixed, thanks
Please tell Koos to sort Multi Choice, otherwise I am sending Frikkie there :'(
Zuma proof stocks. I have them but also unfortunately Advtech!/10-stocks-zuma-cant-break
Of the 12 Computer Services stocks 9 are suspended and only 3 survive but with low PE ratios and downtrends. No reason for this except EOH.
Zuma proof stocks. I have them but also unfortunately Advtech!/10-stocks-zuma-cant-break
This basket could include the likes of:
Old Mutual
Royal Bafokeng Platinum
British American Tobacco or Reinet
Pioneer Foods
Oh, of those I have only BTI and MEI (Planning to sell MEI as I no longer believe hospital and pharmaceutical stocks have much potential. These companies are always under severe pressure by governments and medical aid societies to lower their prices. Human rights and populism. You can't win against government regulations.
Of those I have zero, zulch, nothing, nada en net mooi niks
Christo Wiese stepping down from Steinhoff, can anything save it now?
WTF :'(
I see he unloaded 98.5 million shares of steinhoff yesterday. Yes 98.5 MILLION. Amazingly I believe that's around only 10% of his holdings.
Surely the share should be suspended? That was one of the reasons I got out...and lost mucho dineiro.
was the sale of the shares not a forced sale by the lenders who held his shares as security?
was the sale of the shares not a forced sale by the lenders who held his shares as security?
Yes, those were shares lodged with banks as surety for financing the business. As a result voting pool drops to below 30% - breaks voting pool control over Steinhoff.
Thoughts for a long term hold?
ABinbev, Shoprite, Discovery, Aspen, NPN.
Thoughts for a long term hold?
As an experiment I recently (like a week ago) bought this (even split 10 ways):
BVT Bidvest Group Ltd
CLS Clicks Group Ltd
SHP Shoprite Holdings Ltd
DSY Discovery Ltd
NPN Naspers Limited
CPI Capitec Bank Holdings Limited
KIO Kumba Iron Ore Ltd.
RES Resilient REIT Limited
SRE Sirius Real Estate Ltd
So far NPN has lost me money :p
Thoughts for a long term hold?
As an experiment I recently (like a week ago) bought this (even split 10 ways):
BVT Bidvest Group Ltd
CLS Clicks Group Ltd
SHP Shoprite Holdings Ltd
DSY Discovery Ltd
NPN Naspers Limited
CPI Capitec Bank Holdings Limited
KIO Kumba Iron Ore Ltd.
RES Resilient REIT Limited
SRE Sirius Real Estate Ltd
So far NPN has lost me money :p
Interesting choices - I hold 4 on your list of which 3 are showing profits of + R 240,000 and the 4th R 68,000 but then I have had it in my portfolio for a much shorter time than the others.
Also look at Cashbuild it too is giving me a paper profit of over 1/4 million Rand
I see in early trading Capitec took a big smack this morning but seems to have recovered a bit
One more week for the competition!
Wow, Discovery has been hauling the past few days
Note, half of top six are NDZ aligned and two of those are linked to state capture. CR has a problem.
Once that sinks in Rand will weaken again.
The top 6 had to be chosen from both factions so as to not split the ANC. They can now reconcile.
It is inevitable that the rand will weaken as traders book profits in the short term.
DIVTRX really seems to be liking Cyril!
Orca, CR is going to have a hard time.
Reconciliation? I think they will thwart him at every turn.
I agree, Moonraker. And things like Radical Economic Transformation are still very high on the NEC's agenda.
Read and weep ..
There goes SNH again..
which way?
Priced for bankruptcy now mate.
crypto sale
Did the market close early today? I planned to buy on my TFSA but I saw this on ABSA: The JSE is open between 09:00 and 12:00 weekdays (GMT+2)
Yes it did and it will close again early 29th December 2017
Competition is closed, results are here:
Well done Snapper! KIO is a winner
No doubt the zar will go sub 12 to the USD soon. CR has not yet flexed his muscles but foreign money seems to love him. Profit taking will happen but when CR gets rid of Zuma it will be a whole new ball game for the zar to it's favour. Next resistant level is at 11.80.
Quick questions to forumites - around TFSA's
# Is the investment period a calendar year or a tax year
# If you didn't invest in one year can you top up for that year and still invest for the new year
# If you didn't use your full allocation of R 30,000 in one year can you top up that particular year in a subsequent year
Obliged if people would comment/respond
1. Tax Year (1 March - 28 Feb) 2. No 3. No and the new figure is R33 000
1. Tax Year (1 March - 28 Feb) 2. No 3. No and the new figure is R33 000
So seems like Capitec is going to break R1100 soon
YERS!!!! No 1 in the challenge! I might be the only one, but no 1 nonetheless!!!
The new challenge has begun, check here for last years results:
That seems to be showing this year @Patrick
So who won?
Thanks for that Snapcase, I missed one file update. The link should work now. Snapper was the winner with Tremaine and OnePowerfulCorsa in second and third, well done all.
We won :P
15th, will have to get my investing cap on this year :D
This year I might actually look at a few charts and financial documents!
A real gamble would be to put it all into Steinhoff in the hope it can resurrect itself somehow. If it manages even a little bit, you're golden.
Oh never mind, I see Tajiri's already started that. lol
Be sure to join our group - the winning bunch :P
Be sure to join our group - the winning bunch :P
But if everybody joins we'll be average :(
oh my lord someone smited me.
oh my, what did you do?
Anybody got the best/worst share list for 2017?
Anybody got the best/worst share list for 2017?
I've got the shortened one:
Winner: Naspers
Loser: Steinhoff
I had a look at the leaderboard and have a question of Patrick - the best performer on the board when I looked was Ashburton Inflation ETF (ASHINF) however these units were purchased at 8:23:52 on 2018 - 01 - 02. The market doesn't open to the public until 9:00:00 and only the auction is open and that is exclusively to brokers and opens 10 minutes before public opening. So how was it possible that the holdings were acquired prior to even the auction period, and, further, what price was inserted against the purchase of these units - was it close of business 2017 - 12 -31, or was it based on some or other factor
Please clarify >:D
Saw that too
It's easy, my cron job for adjusting pending orders into actual orders doesn't kick in until 9am, that's the price they should have been given :)
Still don't follow the logic, also given that you use 1/2 hour delayed prices - so should have showed as booked 09:00:01
Are you a robot :LHST:
I can explain it in robot :)
Highly dodgy code was here :wtf:
:D :D :D
Basically after 9:30 update any orders made since 5pm last night with live prices. This fixes overnight orders and also updates daytime orders with actual live pricing, so nobody can cheat using their actual brokerage account. Sadly I didn't have the date updating, there's always a bug somewhere! I'm sure all the php experts are going to chime in and tell me how I'm using old SQL and that my code looks like a dogs breakfast, but hey, it gets the job done!
Thanks for the explanation. Looks easy to follow. Yes. Sigh. ???
Thanks for the "dogs breakfast" explanation - too many years ago that I dabbled in SQL to check your coding - so accept that your intent is still honourable.
Your "system" is still malleable in the sense that I can see on my live prices that a certain share has increased in value over your 15 min delay prices and can then buy on your system and as such get the benefit of the "delay" between pricing - I am sure I could do the converse with price falls - but then I would in essence be trading rather than investing - which to my understanding is what the competition is all about
Maybe consider restricting frequent buyers/sellers to remove the trading aspect from the competition - just a thought
You are a brave man posting site code with db statements constructed using simple concatenation.
1=1; drop ... and all that.
My paranoid senses went haywire.
Exploits everywhere
Lol, I know, I know. One day when I don't have a day job I'll rewrite it fully. Post will now vanish :)
Lol, I know, I know. One day when I don't have a day job I'll rewrite it fully. Post will now vanish :)
Shouldn't - use it as a frame of reference when you rewrite O:-)
haha, too many developers on here
Your "system" is still malleable in the sense that I can see on my live prices that a certain share has increased in value over your 15 min delay prices and can then buy on your system and as such get the benefit of the "delay" between pricing - I am sure I could do the converse with price falls - but then I would in essence be trading rather than investing - which to my understanding is what the competition is all about
Maybe consider restricting frequent buyers/sellers to remove the trading aspect from the competition - just a thought
I was also under the impression we wouldn't be able to conduct ourselves as traders but as chairmen of investment clubs. When I ran our office competition I had rules to exclude traders.
The live pricing advantage is killed off by the pending delay. You might think you can see the future using your using account, but then your price is adjusted to the actual live price when you purchased.
if you'd like to see it in action take note of the live price on your next purchase here.
I had to change my security question, too many bots getting through. What do you think of: When something is really nice, in afrikaans we say "Dis baie l****r"
Nah, multiple questions and you give a random one when he signs up.
I would load that question and its key via an Ajax request and generate it client side plus a honeypot. So you'll end up with:
input 1, hidden, name="questions"
label, question text
input 2, name="answer"
input 3, hidden, name="telephone"
1. It is generated client side so bots must support JavaScript
2. Random question so difficult to specifically target you
3. If that honeypot (telephone) comes back with a value you know a bot entered it
...or just use Google CAPTCHA
TSLA up 5% :)
My value is down 3%
But all shares I bought are up by between 0.1 and 1.5%
Is there a rule IAM missing
Looks like it was a calculation bug. Should be fixed now.
Nah, multiple questions and you give a random one when he signs up.
I would load that question and its key via an Ajax request and generate it client side plus a honeypot. So you'll end up with:
input 1, hidden, name="questions"
label, question text
input 2, name="answer"
input 3, hidden, name="telephone"
1. It is generated client side so bots must support JavaScript
2. Random question so difficult to specifically target you
3. If that honeypot (telephone) comes back with a value you know a bot entered it
...or just use Google CAPTCHA
Great ideas, you're a smart rodent :)
JSE discord group for those using discord -
As at 13:23 of today the 9th Shifty is 1st without having bought or sold anything. I wonder what his secret is.
As at 13:23 of today the 9th Shifty is 1st without having bought or sold anything. I wonder what his secret is. have to wait 2 weeks to see my secrets...
JSE discord group for those using discord -
Will check it out.
Sweet stuff
Go long 4 life gp
Go long 4 life gp
All the REITS in the Resilient stable are down sharply. Wonder why ?
RES is dropping badly :'(
Shit. It's Viceroy that's got these stocks in their sights. Speculation.
Is there any other speculation on RES besides Viceroy.?
RES has issued a SENS notice saying profits will be up 13% this has helped. Let's see!
I'd say so. Look at that rebound! ...for the week anyway
Interesting sens notification. There interim period results are as per 31/12/2017 and its on the board by 11/1/2018 which is unusually early. The sens covers the usual statements that these results have not been reviewed or reported on by their auditors - but their interim results will be finalized and published on or about 8/2/2018.
I sincerely hope these directors have not just brought numbers to the market as a means of pacifying investors and that when they do publish the results they equate very closely to their sens "voluntary" trading statement. What the relevance of a voluntary trading is, is beyond me as in terms of the JSE listing rules they have to issue statements via sens on interim and final results and voluntary doesn't come into play at all.
To me they are keeping their heads just below the parapets in case there is some mud around
Long 4 Life please go long! I want returns
Interesting article on Moneyweb "Coming to terms with the SATRIX DIVI" for those who are interested ad invested
Am I right in saying the reason no position change or portfolio value update is because Martin Luther King day in USA
Is there ETF`S that replicate the US indexes?
Yes, SYGUS and SYG500
JSE AlSI Technical Analysis
Wake up buddy
Getting sleepy up there at no.4 jaDEB?
Maybe you should catch a wake up and switch to SBK lol :TU:
recomendation plz. i want to access a jse share charting platform/. it must have indicators. and live prices not delayed.. thanks
@ Bread, :). I am waiting for Patrick to include BTC in comp
Haha, that might actually be fun. Where could I pull the actual price from?
@mp, has your thread vanished already? Let me know if an email would be useful.
Hi P, if you've already done it, I'll appreciate it - if not done yet, I'll survive. ;)
@ P, I use Luno. Soon it will be a high bridge
Sorry jaDEB, I feel for the guys who got in near the peak
Oh my goodness. You guys are living in a Turd World country. Not Shithole at all. :LHST:
Bwhaaa! ...that's funny!
ADI on a surge!
Haha, that might actually be fun. Where could I pull the actual price from?
Here you go -
@jaDEB Bitcoin is there as a test for the year, it's listed under Crypto: 0.01 Bitcoins. Thanks for the help Thor.
aM i In thE leAD yET ?
Slightly down at the moment :) You'll either win or come last with bitcoin! If a bitcoin trader wins at he end of the year I may need to have a regular leaderboard for those who didn't use bitcoins.
whAT IS GOING on with CCO? down 5%
lol JSE overall up high % wtf...who works there
This I suppose ? CAPREG 11111111
JSE Overall 17:10 ######### 72.21%
I see you're at #2 jaDEB
Your Disclaimer is nogal rof, scared the crap out of me.
It's not aimed at you, it'll appear on anyone who does anything with BTC in the comp. Now that you're at #1 I imagine a lot of people will be thinking about it, and potentially thinking about buying in real life. The volatility could wipe people out.
Are you refering to the people that did research and looked at graphs and then bought Steinhoff @ R80
Yes, exactly those :))
I will not mind if u feel that it might be problimatic, and remove it. It does make life bit more interesting
It'll stay for the year, I think the volatility and potential total collapse could be real learning opportunities.
Problem is that doing well with 50/50 gamble does not make one an astute investor. Winning will not even give you bragging rights.
Agreed, but the leaders at the moment we those who bought steinhoff this year. Also a massive risk.
Agreed, but the leaders at the moment we those who bought steinhoff this year. Also a massive risk.
Not even close to the same level of risk
Agreed, but the leaders at the moment we those who bought steinhoff this year. Also a massive risk.
Ah - but that's been my contention since the challenge was introduced - the "game" is one of chance and picking a lottery share. To get around this it may be prudent that if a challenger sells out of a share in the same year as purchase then the transaction is subject to CGT and any other taxes that a trader would be subjected to, via SARS
Taxes are there, set at 30% on overall sales profit.
Anyone else expecting good things for the Rand on Monday? Where will it open? Maybe under R12?
ZAR opened up 11c lower than previous close so it might at some stage want to close it again. Sub 12 is inevitable though.
R12.04, it's nearly there!
RES :'(
BTC :'(
TER 0.6 - 0.7% :(
Index yields 4.25%, will be reduced by the TER. Returns last year were good, but lower than market average, long term it hasn't done that well:
And if we remove 2008 from its performance?
Total returns %
2008: (53.77)
2009: 45.16
2010: 20.51
2011: (1.72)
2012: 13.64
2013: 18.26
2014: 4.55
2015: (8.26)
2016: 13.21
2017: 18.86
3 years (including 2008) of negative performance. Also have to factor in the exchange rate but potentially it could yield rather high results.
Yeah, I like the fact that it's quite well diversified, so likely safer than DIVTRX, it also has a higher yield. I also see the dividends must increase for 10 years to qualify, so likely solid companies. I'd consider it in my TFSA except that there's no way to recover foreign taxes paid in a TFSA :(
True. Saw the effect of that again when SYGWD paid out. R180 worth of dividends, R60 in deductions. 33%
Granted, small numbers, but if I was focused on dividends and that happened - ouch.
Over R2.3 billion changed hands in Naspers yesterday in what appears to be 1 deal.
Was'nt me - I did however sold some CFR @ bought more NPN
Was'nt me - I did however sold some CFR @ bought more NPN
There we go, under 12 to $1!
So 11.87 is getting close to my 11.77 call. And this is due to the USD declining and not SA politics (today). Zuma's exit is not factored in as much so should he exit we would see sub 11.
Anyone else see Cyril on CNN last night? He sounds like he means business.
All politics
If he meant business, Zuma and Co would have been in jail.
CR has no authority to send Zuma or anyone to jail. He has achieved so much in 1 month however. He kick started a process that may take years to resolve.
I don't trust any politician so to me this is all a show : )
I don't trust any politician so to me this is all a show : )
I transferred bucks to USD to buy stocks when it was 13.5....sigh, all my gains wiped out now that it's at 12.00. Anyway, I started it for long term holdings
I transferred at R14.50! If you invested straight away you'd have been fine though, the world market beat the SA market significantly over the last few years, so I come out almost the same whether I transferred then or now. As it's impossible to time the market I'll settle for that. I always say it's never a bad time to do the right thing, and diversifying globally was the right thing to me.
Yeah I don't regret it, I needed to diversify globally. I thought if I'm holding long term then I'm not gonna sit for months waiting to time it!
Anyone know what happened to Discovery today? Down 6% out of nowhere
I did @ R12.95, but will do some more in March. How is that NFLX shares, I have it on my list for March :'(
Anyone know what happened to Discovery today? Down 6% out of nowhere
Everything went down. I reckon it was because of Moody's note of concern on the Cape water crisis. At about the same time the Rand was trading at about R12K to the USD.
Just a guess. CPI was down about 10% at one stage.
At about the same time the Rand was trading at about R12K to the USD.
R12K to the USD, did they make Zuma president for life :LHST: :LHST:
At about the same time the Rand was trading at about R12K to the USD.
R12K to the USD, did they make Zuma president for life :LHST: :LHST:
So... Capitec... this is not gonna end well. Viceroy report.
Or maybe it will. Storm in a teacup?
I did @ R12.95, but will do some more in March. How is that NFLX shares, I have it on my list for March :'(
Holyyyy cow!! Amazon been strong, can only imagine another jump when they announce quarterly results this week
Wait a bit, Viceroy was founded by a short-seller Fraser P-something, who partnered with 2 youngsters from down under and they are now Viceroy Research?
Wait a bit, Viceroy was founded by a short-seller Fraser P-something, who partnered with 2 youngsters from down under and they are now Viceroy Research?
Articles in Business Day and Moneyweb today about Viceroys new target - Capitec Bank - which I suppose will have a knock on effect on PSG and maybe even Curro.
Seems like this crowd is a bit of a hatched job as they are short traders. I believe some or other company will target them and regret they put pen to paper
Patrick - I notice that there are only 191 participants in this years competition any reasons for the drop off of participants?
No idea actually, but if I remember right last year was similar at the end of Jan, people joined during the year. I'd like more players obviously, just not sure how to get them onboard. There are nearly 3000 forum members, but most aren't active, I assume they registered to be able to download attachments or something.
Maybe if you changed the rules to exclude traders and speculators more people will join.
I think people (and by that, I mean mostly men) don’t like to lose and specially not in public. With investing/trading you will lose somewhere, somehow. The trick is to learn from it and keep going, who cares anyway, it’s a personal journey and nobody is right all the time. That’s way people wait to enter, they first need to see somebody else is down by twenty-something percent and then go in. Boggles my mind. :)
I think people (and by that, I mean mostly men) don’t like to lose and specially not in public. With investing/trading you will lose somewhere, somehow. The trick is to learn from it and keep going, who cares anyway, it’s a personal journey and nobody is right all the time. That’s way people wait to enter, they first need to see somebody else is down by twenty-something percent and then go in. Boggles my mind. :)
I think your comments are accurate as regards traders as some 95% are never successful. However when investing this is a different kettle of fish. If you invest for the long terms then you need to invest in solid companies that you feel will enhance your wealth over time. This type of investing is not like taking a lottery ticket, and hoping to win a bundle, but rather participate with the companies as they grow. Many companies have some form of cyclic progression and also suffer from pull backs from time to time but these are normally company generated - Woolworth's is a prime example of 2 events which have occurred and I still hold my stock - in the early 2000's they got their clothing merchandise wrong and it hurt their share price dramatically, and the most recent is the Davy Jones fiasco - however I am comfortable to hold and add in this share.
To my mind there is a more sinister matter which I don't know how you wash out of the system and that is irresponsible journalistic (in its widest sense) reporting and everyone sees the future in the tea leaves.
As to people waiting to see who is on the bottom of the board - I don't buy that as the competition awards you R 100,000 per month and you can quite comfortably sit on the sidelines whilst being in cash awaiting the option to buy.
I have long held the view that this is a traders competition and not an investors competition - you are not penalised for trading other than through the buy/sell charges - my view is that maybe it needs to be split into a trading completion and a further one for investors which will cover a 3 year window period
So just my opinions on the set up
Orca - you must be feeling a bit happier these days as Adapt IT are starting to show an improved share price and their results weren't too shabby either :TU:
Its true gcr, traders trade on market trend and psychology whereas investors invest on value. Traders go for high risk, high reward in the shortest period of time whereas investors prefer relatively lower risk in quality stocks over a long period of time. Both have merit and both requires research, savvy and skill imo. That’s why I find “The Challenge” invaluable. It’s trading/investing with training-wheels-on in a safe but real-life environment where you can test your own strategies, even if it means hanging out in the same pond with others who trade and/or invest. Oh, and did I mention it is free. Market makers give you two free weeks with virtual money and then you have to go live with real money and real risk. To split it would be a nightmare I think, investing for 3-5 yrs is medium term investing, and if you really want to trade you’ll have to bring in geared options as well, talk about horrifying nightmare. Think it’s just a question of practically to be honest and I also think it serves its original purpose, (training/learning) with other like-minded individuals, with flying colors. But you are right, trading will always win the battle in short term money making. Come on gcr, come over to the dark side and trade with us, even if its only here on “The Challenge”. Never too young to learn, never too old to change. ;)
Orca - you must be feeling a bit happier these days as Adapt IT are starting to show an improved share price and their results weren't too shabby either :TU:
That turnaround has been quite something in such a short time, I was so tempted to sell, glad I didn't. But what bothers me is I have little idea why it went so low in the first place...
@GCR, trading profits are taxed at 30% as an incentive to the investors.
Edit: Now showing tax in the holdings page.
Edit: Now showing tax in the holdings page.
Then the next question is if a forum person sells the bought share within the competition period is the Rand value of their holdings reduced at time of sale. I,e, they are assessed for MST, brokerage and other taxes + CGT on sale?
Its true gcr, traders trade on market trend and psychology whereas investors invest on value. Traders go for high risk, high reward in the shortest period of time whereas investors prefer relatively lower risk in quality stocks over a long period of time. Both have merit and both requires research, savvy and skill imo. That’s why I find “The Challenge” invaluable. It’s trading/investing with training-wheels-on in a safe but real-life environment where you can test your own strategies, even if it means hanging out in the same pond with others who trade and/or invest. Oh, and did I mention it is free. Market makers give you two free weeks with virtual money and then you have to go live with real money and real risk. To split it would be a nightmare I think, investing for 3-5 yrs is medium term investing, and if you really want to trade you’ll have to bring in geared options as well, talk about horrifying nightmare. Think it’s just a question of practically to be honest and I also think it serves its original purpose, (training/learning) with other like-minded individuals, with flying colors. But you are right, trading will always win the battle in short term money making. Come on gcr, come over to the dark side and trade with us, even if its only here on “The Challenge”. Never too young to learn, never too old to change. ;)
Miss Moneypenny - I don't trade (though I tried it years ago) went to all the lectures and seminars and decided that if I wanted to blow money then I would play the horses and or slot machines. So this competition will only be used to test the water on shares I am interested in buying down the road and only has a slight resemblance to my real share portfolio - though both the counters I have in the competition I already hold in my own portfolio
Yes, I am glad I held onto ADI. Made 52% over the past month. She merely went out of favour even though the fundamentals were great. The best performer over the past 2 weeks.
Is it possible to have an option to search the share code/name?
Is it possible to have an option to search the share code/name?
CTRL+F on the buy page?
RES keeps on tanking. Even after Capitec was fingered by Viceroy and it's pretty clear it's not RES :/
where there is smoke... They and Aspen, too funny for me when Viceroy alluded to other companies they were the ones to tank....
Can some1 smite me please.
I don't have any problems with the comp - all fun. But I wonder if a rule that you could not invest more than 20/25% total worth in in one counter might help?
I think bitcoin already smited you jaDEB
1 can only dream and try :'(
Sucks jaDEB. Are you hodling regardless or do you have some kind of stop loss plan in mind? I can't remember when you got in?
I think bitcoin already smited you jaDEB
I don't have any problems with the comp - all fun. But I wonder if a rule that you could not invest more than 20/25% total worth in in one counter might help?
Rather just display anybody that held any form of cryptocurrencies' name in yellow or something.
Dam. Zar not reached my prediction of 11.77 yet. How dare this currency embarrass me but it got close and will eventually get there only to be stuck at that value until Zuma gets kicked off and we will see a different ball game. Sub 11 to 10.7 will follow but I have proven myself wrong many times but currency is my livelihood at this stage so I hope it goes my way.
So can somebody explain why everything is so red today. What happened or what are we bracing for?
The mysteries of life
Yes I can tell you why… we had a super moon (perigee), blue moon, blood moon and total lunar eclipse all in one day. 😉
Yes I can tell you why… we had a super moon (perigee), blue moon, blood moon and total lunar eclipse all in one day. 😉
Well today there is no blood moon around but only 2 of my shareholdings (of 22) are showing the effects of the moon today seems like a real red Friday
Um Patrick some weird error on the main page: Warning: session_start(): open(/var/lib/php5/sess_5knh03sspf7k1rnmkn3cce59g6, O_RDWR) failed: No space left on device (28) in /var/zpanel/hostdata/zadmin/public_html/shareforum/competition/wp-content/plugins/adsense-extreme/adsensextremeopt.php on line 349
thanks, will check it out
Are you still seeing it czc? I haven't been able to find a fault. maybe it was a temporary problem.
Its gone.
I thought I got a good deal with my monthly purchase on Friday, but today all I see is red!
WHL looking to be going lower. Buy opportunity later?
ok, this is not fun anymore :'(
ok, this is not fun anymore :'(
Yeah.... I'm going numb.
Well the Alsi seems to the refrain Waltzing Matilda - on 25/1/2018 it got to an all time high of 61684.77 and today the closing index value was 57113.74 - a significant drop over a very short period of time
Trump Tax Cuts, cutting in.
Looks like another plummet today.
Keep calm call Batman :'( - Tencent down 6%
T40 now -3.64% -1762 points
Yup and my portfolio down R 157,000 :'(
Up now: Drd +5.65%, Harmony +5.23% Supergr +4.20% NuWorld +3.394%. Down Now: Snh -9.76%, Sacoil -8.54%, Invest -8.17% Disc -6.72%, Fortr -5.98%
Good grief...Dow Jones took a solid kick in the nuts after some body blows last week...everything solidly in the red! JSE being dragged, cryptos times!
Nasdaq and S&P futures in green about an hour ago
Back red again but barely
Phew what a few days it's been. I'm nearly down a years after tax salary and it hasn't even been a week!
US trading all green atm, looks like the worst is over for now.
Phew what a few days it's been. I'm nearly down a years after tax salary and it hasn't even been a week!
That only means one thing to me - You're big into investing and that is all guuud. Do you know how you know you've made it? It when you lose billions in a day, so keep going, you're not done yet.
Yes, just to be clear, and hopefully not upsetting those who think differently, I'm really happy about the drop. I keep score in dividends at the moment, so a drop in share price means I get to buy more shares of my ETF for the same amount of money. I don't like meteoric price rises, and I'm scared of heights!
@patrick, can you add STXQUA to the challenge?
Do you mean just for purchase or with a tracker bot too?
Both? Tracker Bot would be great actually.
The bitcoin rally is on?
One up day does not make a rally. If you look at the month chart you will see a few up days even though it is a bear chart.
Example: RES is up 9% but I'm still 20% down :-[ :'(
Okay, give me a little while, the bots take more time.
Apparently there is a flood of new ETFs coming. You are going to be a busy man adding them all...
Annie - Tomorrow / Tomorrow always ^%$# tomorrow in this country
@patrick, can you add STXQUA to the challenge?
Added with a bot.
Not sure I agree with putting BTC into the challenge. I think things will be very skewed by year end because of it, and I'll wager the top performers by then will all be BTC holders.
I suspect there's a greater chance that they could end up at the bottom...
Heh, time will tell
Still reckon anybody who owned any kind of crypto should be highlighted in yellow on the leaderboard.
Who is using Tapatalk? Trying to figure out whats going on there.
Not a bad idea Hamster, let me see what I can do.
Actually, I'm actually interested to see how people who diversify into crypto fair against just regular stock investing.
Not a bad idea Hamster, let me see what I can do.
Don't use yellow that shows up when looking at ones own position on the leaderboard - maybe use puce or khaki :LHST:
So, R11.68/$!
Zuma is thinking that staying in power has caused the ZAR to get to 11.7 :LHST:
Next target is 11.38.
He's gone so good riddance - Zuma783 has resigned
Woot! He is gone!
According to IOL one of the Guptas ran for lanseria, but the pilot of the private plane refused to take off!
That pilot - what a boytjiie!
Stocks seem to be loving this news..
NPN :)
DSY, COM and BVT :)
STXQUA also up over 4% 8)
Looks very susceptible to exchange rate changes.
I discovered yesterday there are actually 2 Bitcoin billionaires. They are twins and some of you might know them from the Facebook saga. They've been called various derogatory names but their proper name is the Winkelvoss Twins. They've started their own regulated Bitcoin exchange and are pushing for more BTC regulation. They also haven't sold all the bitcoins and don't intend to so if anything I would say bitcoin's performance will be just the same as any of the top performing shares.
Stocks seem to be loving this news..
No. NPN is loving the news and skewing the performance of the TOPI and ALSI. Most of my stocks were in the red.
Stocks seem to be loving this news..
No. NPN is loving the news and skewing the performance of the TOPI and ALSI. Most of my stocks were in the red.
That's funny, most of mine including ETFs are green.
what to invest money on
what to invest money on
Your future!
Switched the site to https, if you see something weird please let me know.
advanced health
@Patrick, are btc buys and sells exempt from your tax calculation? lol :P
Nope, taxed at 30% just like shares.
Could bitcoin realistically disrupt Gold. That's what the proponents argue. That it's an alternative to Gold
@letlhogonolo here is my take on Bitcoin
What time is Budget speech ?
Google it you knob !! Wednesday, 21 February 2018 at 14h00.
I see EE have released an app....
Thanks knob, I was also wondering what time.
I am not talking to you, u taxing my bitcoin :'(
A gupta man has to eat :D
VAT up 1%, fuel up 52c/l, sin taxes up and no inflation adjustments to the tax brackets.
This is most definitely a Cyril budget, not a chance in hell Zuma would have raised vat, instead he'd have slapped on a 50% tax bracket for the wealthy more CGT and divvy taxes and maybe even a wealth tax. Overall knowing the economic reality we're in this is an okay effort.
Now we need to fix the SoEs or get rid of them, wipe out all corruption and get our debt levels down like Trevor did. It's going to be a long process.
We pay 23% VAT and the UK slightly less. Yous guys are lucky.
If we lucky, why are u there ? :)
Remind me about all the things we pay for that people get for free on that end. Education, medical, a proper state pension, decent public transport, there must be more. Oh and what about the things you don't need at all like armed response, burglar bars, electric fences, a car... Looking at value for tax money it really sucks here. For now of course, Squirrel will be fixing things up slowly but surely.
Plus we get huge discounts when 65 years old like half price for public transport. Plus tax deductions at year end for medication, groceries, utilities, rent etc. Anything you buy or pay for you are asked for your tax number and it gets entered on your personal tax work page. Just rubbing your nose in it. :))
Even with the high VAT, food is still cheaper here though.
I see EE have released an app....
If by app you mean their mobile site, sure. Methinks their funds are drying up.
And there's no beard tax.
Only no tax for brown bread, I'm not sure if you qualify :)
Boom, have some baskets on EasyE
See Cyril the squirrel had to compromise on choosing his cabinet. Suppose he will have to wait for the election and then purge the deadwood when we end up with a coalition government next year
Scary thought is who would be President of he was taken out. I hope he has serious security.
Let us just enjoy some positive news for a while, just a %$#@ while
No change to the R33K we can put into TFSA??? That sucks.
Anyone know why the rand dropped nearly 2% today?
Compromise cabinet reshuffle and this
R/$ could be reacting to this
That is not the case as it would have given a sudden sharp spike when announced. It did not happen as it was gradual softening of the zar. This was merely a temporary profit taking and will not last long as the zar was overbought in the short term.
Rant - Fed Chair Powell hints at 4 rate hikes in 2018
Anyone used the EE app yet? It just looks like a poorly adapted browser version of their website.
I had a look at it. I think calling it an app isn't really accurate. It's more like a shortcut to their mobile site.
The App is a fail from EasyEquites. Their official reasoning for doing this is so that they can push updates to the site and it will immediately be available for everybody.
The big tradeoff is user experience. If you ask me they did it this way because 1) it is cheap, 2) one less thing to support and 3) they only need the app approved once by the stores. Any future changes to it won't go to any of the app stores and won't be vetted.
The cost to develop also plays a role and, I'm speculating, but the dev house they use may not have the necessary skills (as in resources) to do it effectively.
To be honest though, who uses EE that much that they need an app for it?
For some reason the money never arrived automatically this month. I've just pushed it through manually so you're all rich again!
Allready bought Bitcoin :)
DAmn, nex thINg Shaun Abrahams will also be DOing.. ohh wait, never mind :)
When will Zuma face arrest?
I never got my dividend.
Which one Orca?
I sure picked them for the challenge this year. Both RES and CPI :wall:
BTC Global. Wheeeee :TU:
TBS - Listeriosis & Fire at R2.2B processing plant, it's going to be bad tomorrow for them.
After 180 deaths they deserve it. I just feel bad for the investors.
Was there a fire at the factory?
Yes, I read it somewhere - nice timing nogal.
Apparently they've already known this on Valentines Day 14 Feb.
Good. Maybe now they'll improve their quality control on the Weetbix line :mad:
Yes, I read it somewhere - nice timing nogal.
And all their safety checks got burnt right?Good. Maybe now they'll improve their quality control on the Weetbix line :mad:
What's wrong with their weetbix?
Good. Maybe now they'll improve their quality control on the Weetbix line :mad:
Weet-bix is a product of Bokomo (my grandfather was head miller in the late 60's) which is in the Pioneer stable
Good. Maybe now they'll improve their quality control on the Weetbix line :mad:
What's wrong with their weetbix?
Found the complete body of a fly about 3 weeks ago, wings still attached. And before that it was what looked like a tadpole. Have a pic of the fly somewhere.
Good. Maybe now they'll improve their quality control on the Weetbix line :mad:
What's wrong with their weetbix?
Found the complete body of a fly about 3 weeks ago, wings still attached. And before that it was what looked like a tadpole. Have a pic of the fly somewhere.
Well they do say its SA favourite breakfast cereal, and you can be thankful that all the bits and pieces of the fly and tadpole were intact :LHST: :LHST:
Good. Maybe now they'll improve their quality control on the Weetbix line :mad:
What's wrong with their weetbix?
Found the complete body of a fly about 3 weeks ago, wings still attached. And before that it was what looked like a tadpole. Have a pic of the fly somewhere.
You bought the "Protein Enriched" version..... ;)
Bought Some NetFlix :)
Looks like a definite trend change in Naspers.
mR bREAD (tRENd CHANGE UP oR down ?
mR bREAD (tRENd CHANGE UP oR down ?
uP mR jaDEB
Support Eth at this level, who is buying.
I is sticking to BTC for now. But am following ETH, IOTA and XRP. Soldmy ETH and bought BTC
TSLA was up nice last night :)
That was quite a jump, what were the reasons?
Bloomberg News reported Sunday that Tesla’s factory in Fremont, Calif., had temporarily stopped Model 3 production for four days in late February.
Tesla confirmed the report and said the downtime had been planned, adding that such periods are used to improve automation and address bottlenecks to increase production rates eventually
So bad news was actually good news?
What are the chances of EOH recovering in future?
Mr P, your Game she is broken. Some people has more than 100% porfolio's
Where where? Has it fixed itself or am I not seeing something?
Leader = TBS Tiger Brands Ltd 1500 39171 34917 -10.86% R523 755,00 138.08%
Was it Mr. Venter or someone else. I'm trying to trace it but I can't find it.
Yes, Mr Venter now has 10%+5%+9%+144% = 168%. I think it is correct, only % of portfolio is incorrect. But overall % is correct. Thus not to worry
Here's something I'm exploring a bit. If you look at the ETF's in the top 50 - 60 positions in the competition maybe it makes sense to select a few and have them in your TFSA as bankers and/or as growth stock. I'm sure it would make more sense than being in bank investments which are subject to monetary erosion at the hands of inflation. Also because you can effectively trade these EFT's in your TFSA you can as an when prudent sell and bank profits and then reinvest in the same ETF and or change your portfolio holdings
My Luno account was hacked - all my money gone - lovely :'(
Tell me you're joking? What happened, how did they get in? Did you have 2 factor authentication enabled? Can you tell where the crypto was sent to?
No joke, No I did not have 2 waY RAdio. And yes, I know that what they are going to say.
I've heard it's happened even when people had 2FA activated. Do some reading here:
Thanks Mr P, see Luno is actually at work, my account has been disabled
%$#@$^%&^&^%$$##@@@@!$$%% Sake
Sorry to hear jadeb
well that's a kick in the nuts. On a monday as well.
Just got reply from LUNO, according them I should have had 2FA, + Extra secirty on my mail, extra locks on the bathroom, windows, and my dog was not allowed close to computer. Standard Copy paste crap they must be sending out on daily basis. In any I lost my money, and LUNO will not see me again.
TBF - you should stop using "password" for your password...
How the hell do u know my password? Can u please put my money back in LUNO Please :)
Sorry JaDEB, 2FA is essential nowadays. Hard lesson to learn.
No, the lesson I learned was actually how f&^$ easy it was for the them to take my money. Shocking, and response fron Luno is worse. Go google Luno wallet hacked, and read Hello Peter.
And while him upset, when I did stuff on Luno, I got codes on my cell, my tablet that I had to use. WHen they took my money, not a beep. If you on Luno, go login, then go to settings and change your password. Try
Tencent results out tomorrow
Google decided to kill off my highest earning app. They won't even bring it back online if I make the changes they request, I'd have to resubmit it which means losing my ranking, reviews and list of downloads :(
Thanks, jaDEB. Here's hoping they good and NPN gonna fly wheeeee :D
Its a pretty poor show jaDEB. BTC isn't anonymous and can be traced, so surely they can help out a little more than completely brushing it off?
My Luno account was hacked - all my money gone - lovely :'(
jaDEB - I'm coming in a bit late on this matter - did you sign a contract with whoever Luno is - if you did, did they explain the T & C's or as is normal said to you read through the T & C's and then sign the form. In many cases they ask you to sign the document with all the T & C's but fail to explain those where you are at risk and which T & C's you should take note of specifically. They are also required to explain to you what their roles and responsibilities are and what the consequences are in your decision making process. If something is "hacked" then that is not due to your lack of security protocols but theirs and there well may be a case to answer by them that they are culpable and responsible for your loss due to their inability to secure your funds
I'm no lawyer but in banking one learns something about contracts - so the important issue here is whether a contract is in place, did they explain T & C's sufficiently for you to know what security arrangement you need to put in place and what were their responsibilities and accountabilities.
Its a pretty poor show jaDEB. BTC isn't anonymous and can be traced, so surely they can help out a little more than completely brushing it off?
You'll find most financial institutions rather unhelpful if you do not make use of the security features they provide you.
I did use the security they provided, but enough said. My last post will be under Pulvarized Sandbox
jaDEB thanks for the warning. I wouldn't remain as calm as you have. And sorry for your loss!
Tencent Doubles Profit But Warns Spending to Weigh on Margins
What a company, Naspers really got lucky hitching on to that ride.
Naspers nearly 9% down. The market doesn't like something. Is it the sale of some Ten cent shares?
No, it is kick jaDEB in the nuts week !!!! :'(
Stop moaning u knobb . . .
I want to relate a story which quite simply is making me livid and it involves my bank - Nedbank for whom I worked for neigh on 40 years
About 6 weeks ago I wanted to load a new beneficiary to my list on my profile - and the banks system returned an error message. I detest visiting my bank because I find the staff clumsy and award (read inefficient and poorly skilled) to resolve the matter. The bank were unable to tell me why the condition had occurred and upon writing to senior management of the bank they informed me that they had my landline as the mechanism of contact and as such that's why the error message happened, yet when I told them that all previous beneficiaries had been loaded successfully and that the authorization to proceed to load the beneficiary had always been on record and used - I merely had to respond to the message ye or no. When I pointed this out to the bank that this was the case they then informed me that the reason for blocking my ability to load beneficiaries was because I had not completed a FATCA declaration. On questioning them on what this was all about they informed me that all clients and not only clients of Nedbank are required to sign this declaration. In 2014 SA signed (along with many other countries) an accord with the USA wherein, foreign country banks provide data to SARS of all USA citizens who are holding banking accounts in these foreign countries. The principle behind this is that the IRS is trying to determine which of its citizens are holding funds in a foreign country and why they have not been declared to the IRS - this has a lot to do with terrorism and the curtailment of these activities.
So given that all bank clients are supposed to sign this declaration (my bank says it is similar to FICA - which I dispute as this legislation was tackled far more professionally to get everybody on board) I checked with a number of existing Nedbank staffmembers/and pensioners whom I know to gauge whether they had signed such a declaration - of the 8 approached not one had signed the declaration. When I visited the designated Nedbank branch to sign the declaration with a particular person he was unavailable (I have yet to sign the declaration) ask asked the frontline staff of Nedbank whether they had signed such a declaration and only 1 of 4 confirmed signing such a document. I then visited Standard Bank and ABSA in the Northgate (JHburg) centre and proceeded to engage some of their staff on this whole FATCA matter and only Standard confirmed to me that their system flags customers who have not signed a declaration but they did indicate that it was not a general rule that all their clients were required to sign the form. I further learnt that though this legislation has gone to parliament it has not been approved so in essence this is not eligible for enacting until such time as it is passed by parliament
So my question is rather who has signed this document with their bank - because to ask who has not may end up with an overwhelming no answer
Maybe one of the clever ones on this forum can run a survey schedule allowing 1 of 2 option either forumites have or haven't signed a FATCA declaration. Just as an aside those who have in fact signed this declaration are you aware as to what you signed - especially since you may only have a single citizenship, that being RSA
Interested in seeing responses
Or not :mad:
Today I is just gonna hold on to my nuts, and look away
I use Google Finnace to follow Tencent & TSLA & Netflix. But they broke it, any ideas which site I can use. Will appreciate it. Damn it rained alot.
I use google sheets use =GOOGLEFINANCE(JSE:NPN,"price") for the current price. Just google the other symbols. It works for now.
Google Finance doesn't always have all the tickers (well, SA ones anyway). Bloomberg quote pages and their watchlist still works the best for me.
My shares in Afrikaans. Tiensent en Netflieks :)
Do you have any gesigboek?
Lmao - good one, Bietjie Munt ?
Het Spotify al ge-list op NYSE?
looks like next week. 12 hours ago - Just a week before its initial public offering, Spotify on Monday said it expected revenues this year to grow 20 percent to 30 percent
What's up?
Or down?
Could it be NPN?
Currently experiencing it's biggest 1 day drop since 30 Jan :wall:
frikkin Walloping I is GETing
The whole world is getting a walloping. I blame trump.
The whole world is getting a walloping. I blame trump.
Not really - you need to include Russia, China and North Korea in this stupidity in the market - I think it is the traders buying on tick who move the market - the robots are trading as they have been instructed to, think it could progressively worse as more robots are brought onboard to trade - conventional investor could get hurt
Could everyone please wave as Patrick drops slowly but steadily down in the competition and passes us by.
Bye, Patrick! Bye bye. Say hello to Orca and jaDEB for us when you pass them.
:P >:D :))
Damn NPN #$%$^%@ ;)
Yup. But I'm hoping for a rally over the next 2 weeks so I can sell at about 3430
@bread - challange accepted :)
Hey guys, I have just sold most of my profile in my easy equities TFSA. I'm looking for a etf that is heavily weighted in gold atm?
GIVRES is probably your best bet in a TFSA.
Citywire UK. UK investor sentiment as low as 2008.
Are they more worried about brexit or the current global correction (does it qualify as a correction yet?)
Big trade wars between usa and china, this can be bad news for the market
I'm in Wales ATM and see the food prices are about 20% more than last year. Banks closing hundreds of branches due to e-banking. Residential housing prices are sky high due to no new builds. Rental prices are double compared to Portugal. Rent includes rates and taxes and about R1 300.00 pm for utilities is separate. Just bought Chinese Chicken Chow Mein (500ml) for R100.00.
How is NPN, from minus 6% to + 1.7% wtf !!!
Sorry Smiley Face :)
Nooo. -6 to +2.60% We should swing up nicely in the coming days. Thereby swinging Patrick up over the moon.
Sneaky, jaDEB, very sneaky.
Amazing how it turned as soon as it hit 278000 mid day. I thought it would only turn only after closing at or below 278000.
So I see ABSA now has an inactivity fee on their TFSA. R35 every 60 days. They apply this even if you fund the TFSA fully for the year. I'm planning on moving everything to EE now.
yeah - ABSA loves moving the goal posts. So after watching there Capitec eat them for lunch - seems they want to help EE do the same on the stockbroking side.
Here's the document, it applies to their ETF only account too:
Well. it was good while it lasted I guess...
Was it good though... :P
rEAD WITH tHICK gERMAN ACCENT "wY IS EOH falling like this !!"
Saw an article yesterday about EOH worries, I think it was on moneyweb should still be there.
Netflieks results out today
What time? They've had an amazing few years.
The company will announce Q1 earnings after the market close April 16
Netflieks - cool :)
Netflieks > bitcoin
N 'groter as' B?
Netflieks currently $145B > Bitcoin currently $134B
WOnder which ^%$# of the $134B stole mine, u upsetting me again Mr P
Oh okay
It's odd that it can't be tracked. I would have thought that trust, tracking and accountability were the main benefits of blockchain. Surely a stolen coin could easily be blacklisted from being sold or redeemed making theft a non-issue?
And so, our power cables stolen again, 3rd time in 2 month, turnaround usually 21hrs, 😡 Later.
We had druggies stealing our substation fuse. 4 days turnaround for that. Turns out someone forgot to replace the lock once, and the people who kept replacing the fuses weren't the same people who could put a lock on.
We had druggies stealing our substation fuse. 4 days turnaround for that. Turns out someone forgot to replace the lock once, and the people who kept replacing the fuses weren't the same people who could put a lock on.
What the hell just happened? Why the massive selloff since just after 3pm on the Overall?
Bread there is a trent line that has not been broken for the top 40 the markets have not made a higher high
So we still in a down trend regarding the top 40
My stocks don't follow the TOPI at all as the TOPI is controlled by 3 large caps and does not represent the performance of the JSE overall.
Rant @ R12.19
Think i got lucky for pulling all my funds from dividend shares to GIVRES etf my tfsa is up by 7k in less then 2-3 weeks
Rant @ R12.19
Now at 12.255
Just scared of the head and shoulders patten bhp billiton can form
Anyone know the cause of the rand rant?
Not really so much the zar but....LONDON, April 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. dollar rallied to a seven-week high on Monday after a rise in the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield to within a whisker of 3 percent sent investors rushing to buy the greenback, leaving the euro and yen sharply lower.
ZAR should head back to 12.00 again.
Cable theft again 2am, prob next 24hrs without power. I wasn’t build for th*rd world countries, I don’t even camp FFS, oh how I hate this. Later.
You must be going out of your mind. Time for solar panels?
Sigh 😔 16hrs, 8 to go then the f&$kers will take it again before the weekend, guaranteed.
Article on Moneyweb - NPN/Tesla. What a waste of time to read. u should have it, or u should not have it. Maybe or not.
Anyone care to explain the huge drop in the Rand/Dollar exchange rate 16 cents is worrying - can't believe it is due to the Dollar strength as we have also lost 1.03% against the Pound
US Treasuries & Dollar rallied on geopolitical tension – emerging currencies hit, or so they say but I see you’re not swayed. ;)
Anyone else at work today?
Why work :LHST: :LHST:
Have to work to fund the wife's lavish lifestyle and addiction to buying new clothes every month. She's got loads and loads of clothes in every cupboard in every room but no. None of them fit her 'cos she's put on a little extra weight now you see. And of course winter's coming so...... :frustrated:
I take it your wife isn't a reader of this site :D
No, no, no Bread it’s called maintenance and you should consider yourself lucky. Every girl does this in her teenage years and 20’s. A scary number don’t after marriage/mid-20's, have you seen those? (majority imo), - only a few keep it up. >:D Granted, I'm not talking about extremes and psychos.
@ Bread, just get bigger Cupboards. My wife actually has a list of her shoes :) , I remeber mine, one pair for work and 2 pair tekkies weekend.
But saying that she does not go ballistic, most is Mr Price and PEP, she actually kinda feels guilty verytime she buys, but she should not, as I do not mind.
I take it your wife isn't a reader of this site :D
But saying that she does not go ballistic, most is Mr Price and PEP, she actually kinda feels guilty verytime she buys, but she should not, as I do not mind.
@ Bread, just get bigger Cupboards. My wife actually has a list of her shoes :) , I remeber mine, one pair for work and 2 pair tekkies weekend.
I'm with you, bud. Bigger cupboards indeed. That way we can get rid of all the old suitcases and plastic bags :wtf: and the list sounds like a good idea :) that way she can keep track of which year and weight goes in which cupboard or suitcase. Ugh
But ja. As long as it's Mr. Price and Pep I'm happy. This nonsense of spending R400 on a blouse at Woolworths mustn't be allowed to see the light of day. Damn woman. Or should I say women.
LOL, although my TSLA is down 5% I like Elon Musk's earnings call, "Boring question, next"
Nice 😊 You can take the South-African out of SA but not the Pretoria out of the South-African.
I see the analysts aren't too happy with how he handled the call. Apparently he needs to grow up. I'm hoping he doesn't, there are enough grown ups screwing up the planet already!
Trend line still in play, it made a u turn at the trend line. BHP still doing great, im still having this feeling of a market crash
I see we have a moron spammer again...
Taking care of him now
Can some one tell me why there is limited news about naspers, looks like them controlling the news market
I have heared stories about multichoice not doing so great in africa
Every time naspers shares take a hit news24 dont show any updates of the markets
nASPERS folloWs Tencent, the DSTV does nothing. Tencent down 2.14%
Haha hamstre, when you control the media you can control alot
I suppose anything is possible these days
Sheesh, why is it that the insurance companies fight so hard to keep your business once you cancel, but don't feel shy to give massive increases every year.
They are skelms.
I asked Santam to have a look at my policy and they reduced it by about 10% in March. Late April I get an email that in June my policy will be renewed and the policy goes up by close to 10% again :-[
So the better question is - why is my car becoming more expensive to insure?
I phone around nearly every year and end up with an under inflation increase every time. As an added bonus Outsurance give me R400 every year too, and that covers more than a months insurance.
I never used to phone around. Always stayed with A&G for many years. Until one day I realised my premium was over R1000 but I would've been lucky to sell the car for R20 000. And since then I've realised the auto insurance sellers are just as bad as the life assurance/insurance sellers. They all con the public by saying their increases are inflation linked. Or cost related. Which they are, let's be fair. But the unsuspecting public believes inflation linked is CPI linked. Which is not the case. It's linked to the company's cost of doing business, which goes up every year by a certain rate, I suppose what one would call their in-house inflation rate or cost of doing business. Operating costs. It's got nothing to do with CPI. So if their expenses go up, our premiums go up.
I never used to phone around. Always stayed with A&G for many years. Until one day I realised my premium was over R1000 but I would've been lucky to sell the car for R20 000. And since then I've realised the auto insurance sellers are just as bad as the life assurance/insurance sellers. They all con the public by saying their increases are inflation linked. Or cost related. Which they are, let's be fair. But the unsuspecting public believes inflation linked is CPI linked. Which is not the case. It's linked to the company's cost of doing business, which goes up every year by a certain rate, I suppose what one would call their in-house inflation rate or cost of doing business. Operating costs. It's got nothing to do with CPI. So if their expenses go up, our premiums go up.
It really does pay to shop around and negotiate with your insurer - household goods are normally on a new for old and that the goods are easily transportable - I have some heavy equipment (woodworking) which I cover but on the principal that these items are not transportable unless they bring a large truck and a contingent of labour to remove these items so my premiums have been adjusted downwards due their shear weight. Also cover cars on the basis of book value plus 10% (my determination). Also I get discounted premiums for having an alarm system linked to a reaction company and I also got a reduction in premiums when I installed a 5 camera system to cover entry to my property from any direction
And then I thought I found my insurance home in King Price. Insure with us, they said, the only place where your premium drops, albeit by only a few rand every month. That's fantastic, I thought. Instead of my premiums going up every year they'll actually DROP EVERY MONTH. But they didn't say they wouldn't do away with the annual increase, which was about the normal 20%, so I still end up paying more. So now it's back to phoning around.
Wow what a sneaky loophole.
Wow, read the Steinhoff sens, sad, so sad.
Steinhoff now a penny stock and probably to be suspended within a month.
Tried to delete my previous post to no avail. I don't want to incite violence here.
Gone :)
Is the rand upset over the middle east or is it something I've missed?
No. The USD surged after retail sales data. No prob. as it is short term. The ZAR will get back below 12 soon.
Tiensent bringing out results now now. Hold thumbs ..
can you give us a summary jadeb
See Pulverized Sand Box
Rand stocks being decimated.
Will the Rand be close to R12.90 by the end of next week?
R12.78 at the moment :(
Good bye ABSA.. last funds scheduled to transfer out :)
Good bye ABSA.. last funds scheduled to transfer out :)
where did you opt to go?
Good bye ABSA.. last funds scheduled to transfer out :)
where did you opt to go?
Well, we're thinking of buying a house and getting married so what is left will be in a 32 day account for now. As far as ETFs are concerned: TFSA is still at EE and also have some funds on CoreShares. Most likely I'll up that debit order in the future.
Will this swing lower be the one that breaks the camels back, as the top 40 did not make a higher high
I cannot wait for L4L to make some deals!
...aaand CoreShares is broken. No portfolio data :/
Talks about italians wanting to exit EU
Hullo moderator - please block Hemmings8 and some of the advertorials slipping through - Thanks in advance
I'm on it. These local spammers are getting past my security, time to up it again.
Anyone out there using the IG Markets platform?
I'm on it. These local spammers are getting past my security, time to up it again.
Thanks Patrick
What a day for Naspers!
Anybody know the reason for the unusually high volumes over 30-31st May in some stocks? Like Rangold to the value of R3 770 317.20. Perhaps it has to do with gold's rerating.
Maybe now would be a good time to pick up some RNGs, although I won't cos it's too thinly traded. Perhaps it's on a precipice. Either it's gonna shoot up or go nowhere.
Tesla up 9% :)
What is HApeNINg wiFF the RAnt (German accent)
I was wondering the same. Just withdrew some cash in Madagascar and noticed it cost me more than I thought. Found wifi and saw actually the ATM was right and I was wrong :(
It should trade back below 13 tomorrow as traders take profit. I cannot see why it weakened by such an extent.
Apparently the ZAR weakness is (at least in part) due to funds moving to the Turkish Lira after they had a bigger than expected interest rate rise.
Fin24.....The rand extended a slump after breaching R13/$ for the first time since December as investors bet there’s little chance the SA Reserve Bank will follow emerging-market peers in raising interest rates.
I was wondering the same. Just withdrew some cash in Madagascar and noticed it cost me more than I thought. Found wifi and saw actually the ATM was right and I was wrong :(
Awesome Madagascar.. you should hop over further to Mauritius to my house for some rum :)
Wow, crypto currencies hey
Portugal year on year growth an "impressive" 1,6% while the ave for the EU was 1,2%. SA had a "dismal" growth expected to be just under 2%??? WTF.
Orca, me lad. You have made a monumental you-know-what. Delete it quickly before anyone else sees it and then go back and read it again.
If it still says the same thing then you are in the process of learning to double and triple check the facts before posting :-)
SA figure is from memory but the other 2 are from CityWire UK posted yesterday.
Just checked to make sure.
South Africa’s economy expected to grow at 1.9% in 2018
Ah, yes. Now I see the error of your ways. I thought you said SA had a dismal expected growth rate of just under 2%, meaning so far for 2018 :D
A growth of 1.6% for Portugal is considered great by economists in the UK but 1.9% is poor for SA. Then again, 7% average for Uganda, Tanzania and Nigeria is expected. I don't get it.
A growth of 1.6% for Portugal is considered great by economists in the UK but 1.9% is poor for SA. Then again, 7% average for Uganda, Tanzania and Nigeria is expected. I don't get it.
Aren't emerging economies expected to have higher growth?
Yes. Developed markets are are just that...Developed. Reading the UK financials yesterday I see many billions of GBP's leaving to offshore emerging markets. Mostly to Emerging market world ETF's and the like. So it seems like we have to keep out of Emerged or Developed markets to get more growth in ETF's.
Looking specifically at our market which has been as volatile as 2007/8 here are some sobering numbers related to the ALSI:-
6/10/2017 57328.07
10/10/2017 57670.29 T40 51502.53
26/10/2017 58852.54
06/11/2017 60086.92 T40 53682.89
21/11/2017 61267.94 T40 55156.55
25/01/2018 61684.77
These number represented the highest highs
13/06/2018 58437.23 T 40 52200.03 and today the ALSI moved higher by 229.41 points and the T40 290.63
So the reality is that we have had significant retracements on the indices and also our exchange rate has deteriorated quite substantially
Not a pretty picture - if only the NPA would start criminalizing some of those persons responsible for state capture and theft
Looks like the days of a sub 13 Rand are over for the short term. Don't see any reason for it to strengthen in the mid to long term.
Maybe now would be a good time to buy a gun. Some of my colleagues are EFF supporters.
Heel do anything to her into the news. I think he's scared of the Rama anc and expects to lose a lot of support. Rand on 13.44 really is bad, but a few years ago we would have dreamed of it!
Headline 10 years from now......
And so it came to pass that on this day way back in the year 2018 the crypto currency known as Bitcoin suffered a fatal blow......
So jaDEB, how is your BSR $#@% knob
Are they going broke? They were once worth R37.50/share now R0.02?
Under business rescue
R13.62 :wtf:
Let's see if Naspers ends at about 3360 end of Tuesday.
Naspers going to end up alot lower today.
Daily low - so far R3184.27 - and the entire market dipped
Or maybe not sigh
Will the Rand continue on it's upward journey to regain lost ground from pre Rama days or strengthen further?
14.50 here we come.
Short term we should retrace back to around 13.00 but then I reckon we will see around 16.50 to 17 to USD by election time next year, as some crazy promises are made and the media over-eggs the things that are said. Then (hopefully) SA will finally get its act together and the Rand will really start performing, taking us back to around 10, or even better to the USD. Of course, if Trump bankrupts the US, and possibly even the global economy by then, all bets are off. The US is around $21-trn in debt and borrowing to pay interest, from creditors that are increasingly getting peeved about their attitude to trade. Either way I reckon I'm pretty safe in Hogsback. We got free water and off-grid power now. Dairy, meat and most fruit and veg is also sorted now. Just need a solution for fuel. Biodiesel really clogs up the filters. Someone should tell Elon Musk to make an electric bakkie!
Anybody familiar with silverscreen movie streaming?
If you mean this read this
Patrick, me lad, is your IC challenge still working 'cos I've been in 156 for 2 days and I've rebooted?
If you mean this read this
The same yes, pity - I'm bored with Netflix.
cough, kodi+placenta, cough
People, People I have Netflix Shares Stopp IT !!!!
NPN :)
NPN to the moon, I hope L4L follows
At the risk of worsening your cough, Nivek, please elaborate on your kodi+placenta. While I'm familiar in a bad way with kodi I am clueless about the/it's placenta.
I've found this helps an irritated throat:
Hey - Would you all concur that this is the time to sit and wait with your money as there is some serious upheaval with the trade pricing spat !
Got some cash to purchase but do I wait for the drop and then buy or do you get in as it is 10 year plus outlook.
A correction is due but it may take some months as it needs a catalyst to start. For long term I would buy now but only ETF's.
Cool. Thanks, Nivek.
SinCity annual week vaycay, see you next week. 🍸
Looks like a small flash crash atm
I hope it sticks, I'm buying three times more than my usual amount in a week or so!
Can you believe that ETFs are the top 4 ranked players in the challenge!
I see so but sniff sniff not mine.
the numbers should actually be even better. I haven't put their dividends in yet, have to do it manually add I haven't found anywhere to scrape from
While you're about it why not put all 52 in rather than leaving them at 30 odd. I'd do it for you but you won't let me :-)
The danger still lurks......
viva anc. our shares are worth cr@p!!
Patrick, me lad. Things are looking bright. Looks like 4600 is reachable.
Hi Administrator - please have a look at the leader board I have been frozen at the same number 188 for a considerable length of time (since just after opening). Maybe the counters prices may not be updating correctly :'(
Damn not again. Bloomberg has been giving me hell lately. When I have some time I'll switch to a new provider...
Okay switched to a google sheets based update, hopefully tomorrow everything will be perfect again...
Phew, it seems to work. As an added bonus, it used to take me 15 minutes to pull all the prices, now it takes 3 seconds!
Just another day taking it in your stride. ;)
Okay switched to a google sheets based update, hopefully tomorrow everything will be perfect again...
Google Finance listing everything again?
Yeah pretty much everything I needed was there.
Yeah pretty much everything I needed was there.
Sweet! I can make use of Google Docs again :)
Cannot access many USA websites anymore. Other websites have annoying pop up cookie policies stuff. Can only see half my screen for ads and cr@p. "Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries".
haven't tried - but opera has an inbuilt vpn - might be worth a go
Had a look at the ADR share price performance on the NYSE and it's been in a falling wedge since November 2017.
I use opera at work to get to blocked sites all the time, great browser.
Opera works. :TU: I can now read the news at
That's like the US equivalent of ANN7
I was not aware that Fox had a news service but a link took me there but it is geolocked.
I knew it was a TV news service. Not a newspaper though. ANN 7 was biased in favour of the ANC. News24 and the Sunday Times is biased against the ANC. Same with FOX news. It depends on your political affiliation to believe in either one.
Well if it's news you want then maybe you need to read the following for SA context:-
Business Day;
Daily Maverick:
Mail & Guardian
I access these sites frequently throughout the day and then draw my own conclusions
For fun I read Daily Mail UK for a bit of fun and laughter
For international news (share related) I read London Stock Exchange and
Gaan Old Mutual aandeelhouers uitgereik word met Quilter aandele
Pretty much what I read and subscribe to as well. Plus some Alex Jones Infowars for fun.
Hallo CraigT - you've just pushed membership to 3001 :)
Sjoe, made a pretty penny on snh - I hope the uptrend continues.
3 things
Nice Mr Platinum
What is Group 5 code on JSE?
Netflieks results out today
got it GRF
Will we see some bumpy ride on the jse tomorrow?
The JSE has been on a downward spiral since January 25th 2018 - at that date the ALSI hit an all time high of 61580.59 as an index today it closed at 55442.04 a marked retracing in value :'( :'(
@jaDEB, group 5 is GRF, but they're almost a penny share, if they drop another 10c they won't be on the list of shares anymore.
My frikkin Netflieks aggghhhhh
Bumpy? NPN went down to 3220 at 09:45 and ended at 3371. Yeah, I'd say that's bumpy.
Nice discount on my full tank of fuel!
Nice discount on my full tank of fuel!
Bit of a long way to go though, just to get cheap fuel. You chasing snow?
Work. I get paid to fly drones around these days. narrowly missed crashing one into a mountain that was far higher than expected. Another lesson learnt for the guide book.
Nice discount on my full tank of fuel!
Bit of a long way to go though, just to get cheap fuel. You chasing snow?
The bitcoin profile is in profit for the first time this year...
hi patrick can you recommend a top 40 etf?
The bitcoin profile is in profit for the first time this year...
People love chasing it higher but it's getting a little top heavy now I reckon. This is a fascinating market to watch the ups and down of. Homo Sapiens pure unadulterated FEAR and GREED at its core. It's what we are as a species unfortunately.
@ishpat, in theory all top40 ETFs buy the same shares in the same ration. Just buy the one with the lowest TER!
I believe the Ashburton and Sygnia ones are the cheapest. Ashburton is the one I'd go for if I wanted a top 40.
Still reckon the top 50 from CoreShares is the better one to go for.
I don't know what to call anymore in this strange financial climate. Not even the best expert can make a call nowadays. Things have changed over the past 2 years. I have even stopped the investing challenge. I follow the ZAR for personal reasons and see it at 12.76 by year end if politicians keep their mouths shut. My last call was correct so lets see if I have to eat my jocks with this one.
I don't know what to call anymore in this strange financial climate....
Extrapolate the rich getting richer and the poor getting left behind. It's not a pretty scene. More and more of the majority of the world is landing up in debt and basic food will start getting vastly more expensive now as almost all economies of scale have been leveraged. Just to get your standard retail loaf of bread requires wheat farmers, truckers, millers, food preservative scientists, branding and marketing people, packaging people, more trucking and retailers. Or you could live in an off-grid community with wheat farmers, millers and bakers. US social security goes bankrupt in 2020. The US itself seems to think it can avoid its more than $20-trn debt, trusting they can just print more and the same old morons will keep buying and rolling their bonds. Interest rates are climbing and inflation is nowhere to be seen. QE has blown most of its gunpowder. Unfortunately we are heading for a huge financial reckoning with years of negative market returns ahead. But we will come out of it a little wiser, more ethical and caring for the planet. The robots will be doing all the work and the government will pay everyone basic income grants. Unfortunately for most this will barely buy hydroponically-grown lettuce and stem-cell grown meat alternatives (yuk), never mind travel the world. Governments will of course get bigger and bigger, when they should really be getting smaller and the people should be more free.
The annual Julia update took place last night:
She's got R4.8m now in SA. I'm a little upset they didn't update her total net worth as she has a near paid up house and some money overseas.
thank you
thank you
. for investing off shore will a S AND P etf be advisable or the ashburton 1200 will more suitable?
this question is for patrick
/sits quietly in corner
Hi ishpat, your best bet is to read what those ETFs invest in and make your own decisions. As someone who isn't a financial adviser I'm not allowed to advise. In my own TFSA I buy STXWDM for offshore.
FRikke I Am geTiNG a Hiding :'(
Excellent article written by Stephen Grootes sometime during the afternoon of Monday 30th July 2018.
Perhaps his fourth dynamic, racial inequality and the most powerfully dangerous dynamic of them all, will eventually be our undoing. And sooner rather than later. The Government is actually inadvertently fuelling this through their land-without-compensation roadshows. I watched a bit of some of them and most of the people are very, very angry. And I believe there are dark forces who are watching this and waiting and planning to initiate a civil war. They've probably been planning for a long time already.
I use my credit card quite a bit when traveling overseas. Standard bank have implemented a 2.75% transaction fee. (last year was free).
I think Investec charge 2.5% Anyone know of local banks that don't charge this??
Capitec, no fee and no spread. It's hard to believe but I've checked it in many countries!
And R55 to draw out cash - not too bad.
How I long for the days when we no longer have bedtime announcements destroying the currency...
thanks Patrick I understand
How I long for the days when we no longer have bedtime announcements destroying the currency...
How I long for Cyril the squirrel to grow some 00's - fairly obvious that the NEC is opposed to his leadership
Am I going senile? If a company issues a Trading Statement it means that the HEPS has grown by more than 20% and I thought this was good. Apparently not so. ADI issued a great TS and it fell by 4,5% in seconds. Today it continued its fall by 2,7%. WTF is going on? Have I got things wrong in my head?
And yet again a further drop of 2.8%. The single largest shareholder is S Shabalala who holds 9.4% and he is the CEO - must be wondering what he and the company have to do to move the share price positive. Its high over the last 12 months was 1050 so where it is languishing now is way off its high tide mark - however the last few days have represented a buying opportunity
Are you following Musk's Twitter feed today jaDEB?
rammstein pumping, wife in turkey, unlimited red wine - how to stop???
and playing worl d of war ships
err, do we ever grow up?
How's the headache Mr Div :D
@ Mr P, yes. Now trying to figure out if I will be able to stay if he goes Private
MrD :D Hope your wore earphones or your neighbors will hate you today. I used to like their Benzin & Du Hast.
Ront @ R13.91 (Market never takes holiday)
Is this just Dollar strength?
Yes- check out USD Turkish Lira. And the ^%$# JSE has no idea where to go.
ZAR getting pummelled in overnight trade. At one point blew out to 15.50 but currently back around 14.50. Seems to be mostly emerging market contagion from Turkey. Man Financial saying risk of major sell-off escalating and only safe play is short end of treasury curve. Same strategy as Buffett lately. Take the 2% yield and preserve cash to buy in after the fall.
Tiensent bringing out results now now. Hold thumbs ..
Eina !!! ???
Dis seer ne? Vat Naspers saam, laagste 300000
Is easy equities down?
So wierd i called them to follow up on a 30% crash on one of my TFSA and then boom down boy!
It got fixed not sure who to blame and if it can happen on a smaller scale so people dont notice and gets scammed in the long run
They're quite good on Twitter if you need to get hold of them urgently.
Why does your nose "run" in English but in Afrikaans it "walks" (loop)?
Why does your nose "run" in English but in Afrikaans it "walks" (loop)?
Want ons is rustig boet... rustig. Wyntjie vir jou?
Why does your nose "run" in English but in Afrikaans it "walks" (loop)?
Must have something to do with urgency
Bin doing some interesting analysis in Excel on my Investor Challenge trades. Turns out that if I had used only R100 000 starting from 03 January I would've lost it all by the end of May. So I entered all the shares again using the R100 000 and just 2 simple moving averages which meant trading the shares on different dates but withing the January to May period and managed to turn the 102% loss into a 16.6% gain. So I thought, surely I can do better than that, so I added the ZAR/USD exchange rate which excluded 11 shares and turned the 16.6% into 89.1%. Tried different combinations of indicators, including the popular ones, and still ended up with a loss.
Edit: turned the 16.% into 58.3%
If you replace "W" with "T" in "What, Where and When", you get the answer to each of them.
Sold Tesla, bought more Netflix
Here's a curiosity which I have difficulty fathoming and I have just picked 2 fairly recent share listings
AYO came to market a little while back and has had a high of R 45.00 and is now trading at R 26.00
SYGNIA - also came to market not too long ago (I hold some of their shares) has had a high of R 14.73 over the last 12 months and is now languishing at R 9.50 - I bought at R 11.88 (all in) so have suffered a paper loss of 20%.
The question I am raising is that these companies come to market with somewhat high hopes/inflated ego's as to what the real worth of their businesses are really worth - surely advisors have some common sense to advise these companies that their expectations are too vaunted
Most companies with less than 70% exposure to the USD fell by 20%. Those above 70% grew positively. I don't recall that percentage. Read that on some news email today or was it Just One Lap?
In lockdown mode here due to high heat and humidity. But not too bad as the peeps in the apartments across the road are entertaining us in their underwear once again. :TU:
On again
Rules have changed slightly. Wonder what tax rate they use for the people who trade Sanlams system and how they are going to manage the tax aspects
MTN being punished for investing in high risk regions
That high risk country was probably where all the growth came from, it's just backfired lately. Did I miss something re the rand though today?
EM currency selloff.
Haha. The US is currently in the longest bull market in history.
That will end when/if my man Trump is impeached or his 1st/2nd term ends.
Back at R15/$ :(
Yesterday my sister enquired on the Rand/Pound exchange rate 19.01 today 19.705
MTN are playing with fire investing in countries like Nigeria, Iran, Syria, etc.
I feel the US markets are going to turn red today amd drag us down at 15:00
Maybe not :) Netflieks Pre-market 344,77 +3,59 (1,05%)
Tencent not doing so great, and naspers has broken its support to the down side
The US ETF on top, world ETF in second place. I'm really glad my full TFSA allocation is in Satrix world...
What??? No movement from the Rand after allegations of a plot to oust President Ramaphosa by ol' Zuma himself?
Zuma is a very broke lame duck. He's no danger anymore.
Zuma is a very broke lame duck. He's no danger anymore.
Never underestimate a desperate and vile character person - their motivation is sheer revenge, and assuming unwarranted power
Zuma and his mates are desperately grasping at straws to stay out of jail as the net closes in on them.
That's the way I see it too. This comission seems to be getting great information.
All I see is all they do is talk - till 2019 elections. Nothing is happening
Patrick do you know the codes for JSE Indices I am looking for ALSI FINDI or a complete list?
Patrick do you know the codes for JSE Indices I am looking for ALSI FINDI or a complete list?
It is the google finance codes I am looking for I can get them the shares.
No idea how to get it on google, but for bloomberg it's here:
Thanks Patrick does anyone know how to pull that into google sheets?
Try this in the cell: =IMPORTXML("","//span[@class='priceText__1853e8a5']")
APN & MTN - Frikkin hell . . . . .
Thanks Patrick that worked.
Q on steroids?
Winning is like a drug hey Q.
also playing the tradeamillion, loosing my pant :(
Perhaps we will see zar at sub R14 as early as tomorrow.
Hi Patrick - Libstar (LBR) does not appear on the listing of shares which can be purchased/sold - is this an omission or is it not available due its price limits
It's not a penny share, so it could qualify. The other criteria is that it trades a minimum of 16 times a day. Any idea if it meets that?
Strange why FX traders sold the ZAR after Ramaphosa's stimulus speech. I don't understand traders anymore.
LBR has over 100 trades per day but is locked in a long downtrend with no reversal in sight. I may not always be wrong but I have never yet been correct.
Im doing the EE ZAR account to the EE USD account, the rand to doller is about 2.5% more if i compare it to news24 rand/doller
So far betting on sa resource 15 payed off on my TFSA, up by 25% from 2018/04/13.
App - Here's a challenge to all those who play around and create apps. I pick my grandchild up one week day each week and the road (was dual direction in the early days) in front of the school is now single direction with a number of diagonal parking bays have been demarcated for parents and grandparents to park awaiting the children's release from school. Every time I go to collect the youngster I have to be selective in choosing a bay as the parkers of vehicles are parked so poorly that probably 10% - 15% can't be used.
Can someone develop an app to assist the mothers and grandmothers (predominantly - but there are some male persons who also experience difficulty in parking) to park their >:D vehicles correctly in these bays. Maybe the app can be used in conjunction with a transponder to ensure accuracy of parking
Any ideas and a solution would be most gratifying >:D >:D :LHST:
Guess who Cracked the Sanlam #iTradeWithAMillion Competition Top 10
You? :)
Yeah, the POZI Gods are favouring me today
We have no proof that it is you. :LHST:
Can you explain this : Everybody is the same age this year. Your age plus your year of birth equals 2018. Only happens once every 1000 years. Happy Birthday
You wrong Orca.Every year is the same.Last year if you added your age and your date of birth it would give you 2017. :))
:TU: Not many people will try to work that one out. They just take your word for it.
Ah it only works on one day of the year, dec 31. So if your birthday still coming up this year then its 2017
It appears the leader MJ with a profit of R1.7M has been disqualified from the #iTradeWithAMillion
And when does the competition finish December sometime?
at Q - Nice awesome, hope u win . . We notice that a few of the leaders traded in instruments not on the JSE Top 40 or Dow Jones 30 lists. They will be disqualified. Please make sure you understand the Terms And Conditions.
WHat IS haPpeNIng wiff CML ?
WHat IS haPpeNIng wiff CML ?
Nelson handed over the reins and now is merely a director
The Institute for Supply Management's (ISM) non-manufacturing activity index jumped 3.1 points to 61.6 last month, the highest reading since August 1997 and the ADP National Employment Report showed private payrolls jumped by 230,000 jobs in September, the largest gain since February. The spike in U.S. yields also pulled the gap between ten-year benchmarks between the United States and Germany to its highest in nearly three decades at 274 basis points and boosted the prospects of more rate hikes from the F
Having a great time on holiday. Nobody told me how absolutely beautiful Seville is. Blown away. Normal viewing will return in a couple of weeks.
Awesome Patrick, try get to Cordoba as well. Was the cradle of civilisation at one point. The Moors were really on top of things at one point in history.
The autonomous regions in Spain are just insanely breath taking. Enjoy the hell out of it. The country side and magnificent architecture married with the rich culture is just a wonder to absorb...
? Q
Found out the other day my step son's dad is emigrating to Spain. He's actually French and can speak French fluently even though he's been here most of his life so I couldn't understand why he chose Spain. But apparently beachfront houses are cheaper there so......
Just having a look at our exchanges performance today as they say it is currently the lowest it has been for some time. My records show that on 16/04/2015 the Alsi was 54262.27 and the T40 was at 48003.52
The amount of political noise in our markets is certainly hurting all investors local and foreign.
The Reserve Bank used to publish inflows/outflow into/leaving our economy/market are these figures still published - used to be monthly - anybody know?
Nice :) at Griffin . . .stay there :)
Bread. If your step son's dad is married to a SA citizen and moved back to France then his wife will need a visa to visit any other EU country. Relocating to Spain will relieve the wife of having visas bc France will apply domestic law and Spain will apply EU law to the residency. Many older people in Spain and even here in Portugal speak French as it was a second language.
We all fall down, Asli moved pass its 200 MA
Anyone else thinking it's looking like buying time? I have some cash due to clear in a few days...
What looks good and cheap?
Nothing yet. I get daily market views from my bank and today it says that we may be in a "corectomento" mode with US and Asian stocks tumbling. I would wait and see.
Yoh the markets are hurting..
Anyone else thinking it's looking like buying time? I have some cash due to clear in a few days...
Patrick - my view is buy in smallish parcels of shares that you are interested in. Just remember that if your order is not filled and you roll it over you will be charged brokerage based on each days deals.
If you are placing your orders via a broker and not buying/selling live across their platform you may be able to swing it that he/she buy/sells during the broker window 08:50 - 9:00 a.m. and 17:00 - 17:10 p.m. daily
Anyone else thinking it's looking like buying time? I have some cash due to clear in a few days...
Remember the crash of 2008 began in Oct / Nov 2007.... I'm seeing similar patterns in monthly and weekly momentum now. Of course we could pull out of it but then again, when the US finally has to face its debt mountain, the financial world will implode. Trump is trying to grow his way out of the problem but its having knock-on effects around the planet. Everything is inter-connected now and when the US goes down it will take everything with it.
The gold bugs are starting to froth at the mouth again.... :) On another note, I appear to be losing more than my entire capital on the leaderboard. Something is seriously up with the feed for the NewWave USD:ZAR Currency ETN.
Netflix :) the third quarter brought Netflix’s customer base to 137 million worldwide
Sanlam ITrade comp is a joke.leader has made 9m profit using only allowed shares...Griffin, beat him NOW !!!
On the 15/10 the 10th placed person had profit of R650k, there is absolutely NO WAY 1st place could have made 1460% trading within the rules when doing a calculation that way
Thanks JADEB, will try my best, weed does help. Waiting for the latest Top 10 this morning. Doubt the 9 Million person will still be there
The Battle, US10YR vs Stocks Tonight 20h00
lol R9.5 Million man is GONE
I'm 2nd
uh Patrick, can you check out the price feed for the NewWave USD currency ETN please.... I seem to have lost all my capital in the comp as price has gone to zero...
Apparently the Saudis cut up Khashoggi in their embassy while he was still alive
Their excuse would be that they had to keep to the Halal method.
SNH going to fly tomorrow, Up & Beyond
I'll check it out Bevan.
fixed, google finance stopped listing newusd, so I switched to bloomberg for that one.
SNH +7% / My PONZI Sangoma was correct
To access my e filing do I need Adobe Reader or Adobe Flash Player?
SNH + 12%
'Q, What do you want for Christmas? Steinhoff Shares, lol
Griffin ?
U SECOND AgaiN ... NiCE. I IS rooTing For u
yeah, went out came home and saw I took a loss of R400k on IBM
To access my e filing do I need Adobe Reader or Adobe Flash Player?
Adobe Flash Player
I don't use Adobe Reader and I was able to complete my e-filing. I think I used Chrome because the site may have issues with Firefox.
Foxit Reader is a good alternative to Acrobat Reader.
Use Explorer not CHrome. Then it works, I had the same problem
Their excuse would be that they had to keep to the Halal method.
E-filing can only be accessed with Adobe and I have tried Chrome and Edge and they would not allow me to open any docs. Perhaps it is my foreign IP address. Next year they will be replacing Adobe with HTML15 or a cost of R1 Billion. :money:
Well I wouldn't bank on that, given the idiot female running their IT operation. It was fairly obvious from her interview recently not only does she not know what to do with her paper packet, she doesn't even know it has an opening at one end :LHST:
No system costs 1Billion. My E-Filing was completely stuffed. I have spent the last week on the phone wit the very cool call center staff but they are simply out of their depth with the complexities caused by the snowball effect of implementing broken software.
All comes down to cutting corners when it comes to user acceptance and quality assurance testing being done. I have worked on systems that are twice the size and complexity of those required by any Bank or SARS and never saw a PO for over a quarter of a billion.
SARS/AnyGovermentJob is out of whack when it comes to reality, we do some goverment contracts for software. It's absolutely mind boggling what some of these companies make.
ag nee, not this
I'm back :)
Arnold, is that you :)
October 31 2008 marked the birth of bitcoin. Ten years on, the world's first cryptocurrency is at the forefront of a complex financial system viewed warily by markets and investors
Arnold, hahaha
Frikkie maar ek kry pakslaa :'(
If SA markets dont turn soon we going to see more blood
Blood is good, I want to buy stuff on the low. (we need a bear market, it's been a decade since the last one.)
The ALSI has slipped by 20% in the past 9 months. The TOPI has done nothing in over 4 years. In my book that is called a correction. We should see a bottom soon and then up again at last.
I'm looking at switching from an Irish ETF to a US ETF for part of my holdings, if we drop another 12% I won't need to pay CGT to do it!
Through who?
All through interactive brokers. I just found out that the irish fund tax credits don't count in SA, while the US ones will :(
Blood is good, I want to buy stuff on the low. (we need a bear market, it's been a decade since the last one.)
As Orca says, SA has been in a bear market of late. SA typically runs counter-trend to other markets with Rand hedge effects as well. I expect US and European markets to keep taking some hits for a while, whilst SA stocks should find some support quite soon. The pro-business Ramaphosa approach should also start having an impact within about 6 months, freeing up investment capital and growth in SA markets.
Wow, my gains for the year have been wiped out on US stocks! Good time to invest a bunch more I guess! Will watch for the end of this correction, but what do you guys think? Wait for the US midterm elections to settle first before piling more bucks into that?
The 2008 crash started in late 2007 as confidence slowly started being eroded, leading to a mass exodus. Whilst I don't think we're going to see a crash just yet, I wouldn't be piling into the market right now. Things have changed dramatically over the last year with US interest rates. High rate environments chase money out of stock markets. The professional money has been leaving while widows, orphans, dentists and shoe-shiners have been trying to prop up the market lately. We are a long way from capitulation still...
Yeah interesting. Always a risk so I guess it'll be a steady and watchful stream instead of piling in..
Markets move in cycles and have done ever since I started investing in 1967 when I started work - in '69 Retco and Glenanil took our market down significantly - we have had many corrections as well. The 2007/8 market drop cost me about R .5 million in 4 months - this latest correction in SA started in about January and my holdings have been reduced by a similar amount to date. This latest movement stems to my mind purely on political infractions which has had a severe effect on the economy and the constant reference to EWC to such an extent that farmers are not planting full harvest as they don't want to borrow funds to plant and fertilise if their farms are at risk. This non committal by farmers in the long run could have serious repercussions on food supplier; inflation, wages and government spending. Buying and selling shares/ETF is a very patient operation and I think that currently what is happening is that the speculators and the buy on overdraft brigade are being shaken out of the market
Agree with gcr. SA only really has room to move upwards from here, after next year's elections. But we could end up becoming a net food importer and that will cost us dearly. Global equity markets should see a nice bounce this week and perhaps next week too, but we are not out the woods yet. Trump's trade rhetoric, US debt issues and bond market wobbles have all seen cash fleeing equities so that markets will likely end in the red this year. However, I reckon best Xmas presents will be equities as next year should see a nice recovery, albeit not shooting the lights out.
I don't think people realize how deeply fcked our countries infrastructure really is. Without an outside country (China/Russia) steps in I dont see the ANC having the ability to turn the boat around and the DA will never govern nationally so that option is out.
now Hamster can finally log in to his EE account and not be irritated by the big red section with the account value :)
Im Wanting to start investing offshore with either Degiro or interactive brokers. What bank account is best / accepted? Any advice will be appreciated.
p.s sending money to an offshore account is no problem as i have a UAE bank account
Dumped everything yesterday and pumped it all into NPN. Fun begins...
We have a bank account setup in Puerto Rico that we use to invest in property development projects in the States. Pain in the right royal arse to setup but worth the effort.
NPN is life
Investors scooping up "Red October Crash" bargains and not only on the JSE.
I am glad I am recovering, NPN/10C & NFLX. Imagine u shorted NPN or Tiensent...
And as of 1pm New York time the NPSNY is up 11.89%
Imagine if you put it all in NPN a week ago! My crystal ball is useless :(
Top 40 is heading for a crash setup
Top 40 is heading for a crash setup
So what should we do with your unique knowledge - sell out our portfolios or open the bunker doors and hibernate? :wtf:
Haha, if the low that was made on 25/10/2018 is taken out, we all in for blood. Just hope it makes a double bottom and heads back up!
Double bottom setup will put us back close to new highs. So atm it can be 50/50, but how i feel about the markets is very bearish.
Atm Im holding 77% cash and 23% in shares.
It is quite normal for profit taking to happen after a short bull run.
Oversix - I have recorded ALSI and T40 highs (not daily just when they have achieved highs) the current ALSI was sitting 52310.70 and the T40 47115.55 and these were the new highs on 29/07/2014 - so if related to todays values we have experienced a significant pull back already, so we would need a significant event to destruct our bourse - what is that event likely to be, I have no idea but the politicians have been pretty good at destroying wealth in this country. I think the event may only come next year when Cyril the squirrel gets in but with a reduced a majority and we see some prosecutions of a number of politicians and get some money back for the taxpayers - jail would be a good alternative as a disincentive for other politicians
Top 40 is heading for a crash setup
Doubt it. Market already quite oversold and recent profit-taking hasn't even hit the 50% retracement level of last week's move. Medium term momentum is going into positive territory. So not exactly boom or bust, better to sit on interest-earning liquid bonds for now.
But watch Nassim Taleb on youtube about how the system is more fragile now than in 2007 going into GFC. Couldn't agree with him more. All that QE has found its way into the market. Household debt has become corporate and government debt now, and interest rates are starting to push up fast around the world. No nation in history has even been able to handle an excessive debt bubble and the US is not immune, even though they have the world's reserve currency. The GFC led to an excessive widening between rich and poor as the rich milked the system on easy money. Expect a levelling pretty soon with property (especially high-end) coming in for some of the earliest and biggest knocks. Then the markets will of course bleed. What we've seen so far is just early jitters from the professional community. But the dumb money and tracker funds have all kept investing, keeping a bottom under the market.
The global crash is coming although it's impossible to tell when. Meanwhile, best to keep watching momentum for those early signals....
Tiensent out wiff results today. Nervous
It is quite normal for profit taking to happen after a short bull run.
Orca, are you still invested in CML?
Is it a buy at the present price and what's the outlook?
No yozzi. I make a point of not looking at stocks I have sold. I sold at around R87.00 and have no wish to know the price now.
No yozzi. I make a point of not looking at stocks I have sold. I sold at around R87.00 and have no wish to know the price now.
Good decision to sell Orca, it's half that price now!
ohh lovely !!!! %$#@#
Seems we have broken below the end Oct support level so a double bottom may be in the pipeline. With the zar drop plus the ALSI drop, it adds to about 4% today. This is bad.
Hi Patrick - Imperial have split out Motus out of the holding company today, are you looking to effect the split on the challenge board over the next couple of days? I hold Imperial so is somewhat of a self interest matter
Looking at the sens now. Tell me if this is right. There's a name change from holdings to logistics, but the share code stays IPL right? And then for each IPL you hold you get 1 MTH, but what I can't figure out, is when you need to be holding the shares to get that, what is the cutoff date?
Hi Patrick - the split was effected on Thursday (yesterday). You are right for each Imperial share (IPL) you got 1 Motus (MTH) share. There was a sens announcement 17/9/2018 regarding the unbundling of Motus - according to the same sens last day to trade to be eligible fot participate in the unbundling 21st November 2018
Hope that helps
Graham, you were the only person holding imperial, so I added the motus shares for you manually. Could you double check that all is in order.
Alsi looks like it bounced, know its to see if it can keep going. Some news events in the usa coming out this week, lets hope its some good news.
Hi Patrick - Motus does show in my portfolio - Thanks. The drop in price of Imperial does seem to mirror my personal portfolio but I think there is still some shaking out to be done as according to my personal portfolio there is no cost associated with buying Motus
Will revert in need at a later stage if circumstances change
Sure. The costs didn't come out of your portfolio, but they would have come out of the share price of imperial. I imagine there would be a base cost in your personal portfolio, otherwise you would show 100% profit on selling one day and pay huge CGT.
Looking at my portfolio it now shows a cost of 1 Imperial share at R 97.20 against a current trading price of R 63.18. On the other hand Motus is now showing a unit cost of R 143.39 against a trading price of R 94.14 so in essence shareholders suffered a loss in unbundling.
Seems that it was not a widely accepted unbundling move - I will have to speak to my ex banker colleagues to find out why they got it so wrong
does someone have link to site that compares tax free savings accounts? Like on costs and interest rate.
No but I personally think the way to go is with easy equities. It used to be ABSA but they aren't trustworthy.
There some big gabs in the markets, makes you think when they going to be filled
No but I personally think the way to go is with easy equities. It used to be ABSA but they aren't trustworthy.
Wow so you are a supporter of Markie Barnes then!!
In terms of easy equities yes, in terms of the post office no!
thanks i will have a look at them :D
FTSE tumbles 2.3% / Emerging markets rebound - Citywire investments today. :wtf:
I was at Simon Brown JSE talk light night with the year end wrap up and predictions for the future. He still thinks the rand could hit R10/$, at the very leaast sub R11. The big danger is eskom.
When? You gotta love prophets who don't clarify their predictions. :)
Personally I agree we will get back to around 10 on USD, but in around 2-3 years time. For now we are more likely to bounce around the 14 - 15 level, until elections and the Eskom crisis is over. The silver lining with Eskom could hopefully be that we see it break up into generation - transmission - distribution, and we get a deregulated power market, and steadily falling prices.... Wow, that would be nice, and we could finally join the developing world with a free market.
It's gonna be years before Eskom is sorted out. It has already begun, but it might end up worse-off for the consumer ito pricing. We have it easy right now imo..
The US markets have really messed up my festive period! This week is surely going to see more selling off, just heavy...
12/21/2018 | 06:16am GMT
By Shan Li
Shares of Tencent Holdings Ltd. climbed Friday after a regulator was quoted in Chinese media as saying the first batch of new videogames would be given the green light soon, signaling an end to a crippling approvals freeze.
The first group of games have been reviewed and publication numbers, which companies need before they can charge money for a game, will be approved soon, according to local reports citing Feng Shixin, deputy director of the Propaganda Department's copyright bureau. Mr. Feng announced the news Friday at the 2018 China Game Industry Annual Meeting in Hainan province.
Compliments of the season to all members
you too Andrew
Andrew ran out of ink.
Okay so it's time to talk about the contest. This year I've launched a US based competition for a few reasons: 1) the number of players of the SA version has been shrinking every year 2) Investing globally is in my view a better idea than investing just in SA inc. 3) I'm hoping to get more people playing the new game.
The international version can be found here:
The big question I have now is should I still keep the SA version or should I kill it off?
Either way the blog will stay and continue to be updated here. I'll also keep the historical scorecards.
Any thoughts?
Please do not stop the SA website!
NO Don't kill it keep it up :-)
Andrew ran out of ink.
Patrick - as an age old competitor on your site, I don't think it prudent to kill the SA competition, you may however want to reconsider some of the parameters of the game i.e.:-
1) Give each participant R 1.2 million on first business day of January annually
2) Any person joining later in the year would also get R 1.2 million on entering the competition - to level the playing field
3) Only allow buying/selling once a month - i.e. kill off trading - this was never intended to be a trading competition
4) Ranking to be based on highest value of portfolio to lowest inclusive of shares purchased and the cash component unutilized
Agree with the above, be much better :TU:
I think the numbers dropping off has a lot to do with lackluster returns on the JSE - as JSE's own volume figures would indicate. Great idea on the S&P comp. Although it's a competition, I really compete against the ETF's - GCR all you will find is that someone will put R1.2mill into ellies or something of that nature - it will still bug you! BTW 2018 link does not work. All the best for the year. Will be heading to the UK for good this year, so packing and selling the order of the day - interspersed with mountains of paperwork.
#Mr. Divi. If I remember correctly either you or your wife has a UK passport. Am I correct?
Thanks for the input so far everyone. I'll keep the SA comp running for this year then. @GCR, thanks for the input, I've already covered point 4, unless I've made a mistake somewhere it is holdings + cash - tax to get the leaderboard. I'd be happy to try the rest but maybe I should put it them to a vote in a blog post about the comp soon.
@Mr Div, 2018 ink should be fixed now.
Hi Orca - how is Wales treating you? Yes, I am a citizen - maddingly though, you, with a EU passport, got in easier - although looks like you timed it to perfection as I am sure rules will change. Will be living on the coastline in the south - probably Eastbourne - but flexible. Trying to squeeze as much sunshine as we can get :) Cheers for that Patrick
I think the numbers dropping off has a lot to do with lackluster returns on the JSE - as JSE's own volume figures would indicate. Great idea on the S&P comp. Although it's a competition, I really compete against the ETF's - GCR all you will find is that someone will put R1.2mill into ellies or something of that nature - it will still bug you! BTW 2018 link does not work. All the best for the year. Will be heading to the UK for good this year, so packing and selling the order of the day - interspersed with mountains of paperwork.
Or you could invest in another Steinhoff and lose it all :LHST:
Hey Mr Divi. I have not yet relocated to the UK and it will not be Wales. It will be the Garden of Eden known as the Cotswold. Cirencester is the capital and we are in the process of buying a home with our daughter who insists on us living with her should we perhaps get old.
You, as a UK national and a non EU wife will have problems relocating your wife to the UK. Very much more than I will as a non Brit. I can explain it all on my blog if you wish.
Who the hell is strengthening the rant !!! !! Dammit
I don't know, but I hope they continue :)
I have electronics I want to buy, so stronger rand helps me :)
More drones?
Soooo... how is everybody? :)
Good this side. Have you moved overseas?
Good to hear :TU: - with regards to move - It’s been one hell of a journey so far but after 3 Lever Archer files of red tape/admin, 90K and 14 months later, we received visa just before Christmas, going in 40-odd days to set-up/look-see (we’re colonizing so-to-speak, expanding established SA-companies over there which is fun as well as daunting). But yes, not easy, back in 2008 we were wined and dined first class all the way to UK for move, this time we had to proof over and over that we can walk on water whilst jumping through fire-hoops at the same time, which I can sort of understand. Absolutely zero trust in anything (from university degrees – which are not accepted unconditionally after 2010 - yes, all SA uni’s or even school IB Senior Cert – yes again, I know school teacher/principal says it’s ‘international baccalaureate’ - overseas government says if it says Umalusi or SA Government on certificate it is not ‘international’. For them international means an overseas company/school visits SA with their examination papers, overseas staff physically supervise day of exam, and they mark and grade overseas, that’s international to them. Some institution like CIMA – no problem, they accept but same principle applies. So, the long and the short of it, they only accept partially, - still have to do a bridging course at overseas school/uni for few months to years – they decide after they test you and your SA uni degree or IB Cert. Just saying, do your homework first, it seems to me what is professed here and expected by overseas governments, do not match at all.) What I’ve learnt is that SA "international" qualification or uni degree means you can freely study/work in rest of Africa with your SA qualification, if you should choose that route but leaving the continent – no-no – your qualification becomes conditional. ??? Kapish?
Also, no proof of copy accepted if done by SAPS, which is kind of funny if you think about it – it should all be done by commissioner of oaths. As I’ve said, no trust – you’re considered guilty until proven innocent. It’s been a steep learning curve, unexpected and amazing - I should write a book.
Good here too. Wow MP that sounds a lot more difficult than I actually thought. Something to think about for when my sons decides he wants to study.
Oh boy, just saw last year’s challenge results brutal hey? – Well done Sunny.
No worries though, new year – clean slate, we’ll start again. ;)
OK, how do I get to the Dollar based Investor Challenge ?
jaDEB, just read the e mail you knob ...
Haha right. I should probably put a link here somewhere. Maybe on the home page...
That will be awesome
Patrick - over a few days when you have idle fingers - could you rank the best ETF (top 10 would be great) over a 13, 25 and 37 months. It may be easier to create 3 tables for the 3 periods - it should show the constantly satisfactory performers versus the one hit wonders. It could give us investors some sort of direction the achievers are going but can also use these ETF in our personal portfolios
If you have idle time :))
Haha, if you have idle time, good one G ;)
Sorry, P, I cnnot find it on front page. Is I missing something
We do not discuss shares anymore here :'(
I will start, Netflieks and BAT is looking good today
Made a turbo challenge. See if you can time the market compressing 20 years into 60 seconds using real S&P 500 data: Would love some feedback please.
That turbo challenge is great for getting a feel for the effect of compounding. Interesting game!
After a few tries I got this: You beat the index, that's pretty rare! Try again to see if you can repeat that.
Beat it at over $68k but only because I remembered when to sell and buy. I would have lost miserably by trying to time the market as you know with my CML. Could have made a cool R12M if I had just stayed in.
Okay so now the Turbo challenge has a leaderboard too, and guess what, I'm in the lead!
Such a cool game. Much like FX scalping. :TU:
:) I see you beat me on the leaderboard already :(
Patrick, how about a little test? Would you be able to throw a MACD indicator on there. Say 3 (Fast EMA), 9 (Slow EMA), 21 (Signal Line). Would be interested to see how performance improves, or not...
No problem with that, but I'm going to have to go and figure out what a MACD is now :)
A quarter pounder or technical indicator, can go both ways – you choose. ;)
Haha, the first is far easier to include on the chart. Maybe not quite as useful.
With the game being this fast, I'm pretty sure performance will drop. If you do add any indicators, I think the best tool will be the off button on the indicators haha
Hi everyone, can someone please give me some advice and help that is using Interactive Brokers.
Quick question: Money Market Unit Trust fund yield/distribution, is it considered interest? Or dividends?
Will Brexit vote tonight effect the JSE?
@stefan, I responded to your email query but if anyone else is wondering, I use either RandSwiss or ClickFX to move funds offshore. Stay a million km away from banks when doing that, they'll charge you three times what you should be paying.
Trying a new quick game here, if you guys would like to test and give some feedback before it goes live pls:
This graph represents the timeframe from January 1871 to January 1891. Is that right ?
Yeah, I have data going back to January 1871 plugged in there.
pretty neatr
Both of the quick games now include quaterly dividends. That maks it even harder to try time the market:
What is dividends ?
S&P 500 dividends for the quick games on the US site.
No problem with that, but I'm going to have to go and figure out what a MACD is now :)
Still no MACD Patrick? I bet you I could improve my timing significantly with just a simple MACD. Here's how to do it in Excel:
MACD's are neat for seeing alignments in timing between fast and slow money, and which moves are more trusted. Simple harmonics and nature loves harmonics and spirals, probably because no-one can escape the Coriolis force on this planet. But now am getting into the quadrivium and sacred geometry and everyone is probably snoozing off. Unless you follow Pythagorus' as well.....
Bollinger bands would also be useful. Simple standard deviation stuff. Bollingers are like the elastic bands of a market, telling you when they're too stretched and need to come back within normal ranges. All very basic human nature stuff.
Lol haven't even looked at it yet, but I'll give it a try once soon, I have a staycation coming up in Feb.
WhAt is HaPPeninG at EOH ? down another 27%
"EOH says Microsoft did not give any reasons for terminating the agreements"
Thanks . . .
Wow - mine seems to be how the mighty have fallen. 2 place to go and I will be plumb last on the table :)) :)). Whereas a few weeks ago I got to about position 3 :money: :money:. Guess I need to buy a bucket load of Steinhoff, Taste or Grande Parade next month :LHST: :LHST:
Look on the bright side Greaham, you didn't buy EOH!
Look on the bright side Greaham, you didn't buy EOH!
No but I did hold Steinhoff and sold out at a profit. And then bought in a large parcel at R 1.86 all inclusive - need my head read :LHST:
I did @ R20 Rant. EOH
Futures trading such as SSF's, CFD's and FX at margin is not taxable in many countries such as the UK as it is considered as gambling. What about SA?
I dabbled in CFD in about 2005/2006 and then stopped - the reason being that they are short term contracts and as such SARS then saw this as trading. If you are categorized as a trader then SARS treat profits as income and you are tax accordingly, and if you really do well (ha ha) you could fall into the super bracket taxpayer. Also when I engaged with SARS to understand the ramifications of being a categorized as a trader you would have great difficulty convincing them that you could be a trader and an investor at the same time . I also raised the question of partitioning a portfolio into 2 components "trading" and "investing" - investing you have to hold the shares for 3 years to be categorized as an investor. When we had the crash 2007/2008 I sold out much of my portfolio some in time others not so lucky - but I still kept my status as an investor. Another "trick" I learnt was that you buy a sizeable parcel of shares and you trade within this parcel based on the shares volatility but tax year to tax year your holdings stay at the original purchase. However over the ears I have stopped doing this because my stockbroker now sends comprehensive documentation to SARS and their investigators will (if you are on their radar) interrogate your transactions on the transaction listing report.
One type of share dealings that seems to have either disappeared or doesn't seem popular anymore is installment shares. In 2005 and 2006 I built up my share portfolio this way - you bought x number of shares in a company (at trading prices) but only paid 55% up front the balance you could defer for one year - this gave you the opportunity to see the direction of the shares - if increasing in price you paid at the original agreed price and could then sell at the higher current price and make a small profit or large profit if it took off. Haven't checked lately whether they are still available though
Be very wary with SSF's and CFD's - in about 2006 I lost some R35 k in the space of 2 days so it really is gambling at the high end and as all casinos know the tables are loaded against the gambler
The reason I mentioned this was because of that lucky lotto winner. As he is not a full time gambler he does not need to pay tax on his windfall.
If he does then all lotto players can book their losses to offset future winnings. This is the reason UK does not tax futures on margin. Most people loose and would book the losses.
Futures trading such as SSF's, CFD's and FX at margin is not taxable in many countries such as the UK as it is considered as gambling. What about SA?
Not sure if I am reading this right - but spread betting is not taxed, but CFDs are taxed in the UK.
In the UK, CFDs, forex and spread betting are classed as ‘speculative’. As no underlying asset is actually owned, these derivatives escape Capital Gains Tax and HMRC view income derived from this speculation as tax-free. Individuals who class themselves as ‘trading for a living’ may need to pay income tax, but in general, profits are not liable for tax.
The main difference is the way they are treated for tax– spread bets are free from capital gains tax in the UK *, while CFDs are not. CFD trading is not tax free in the UK, while spread betting is. CFD equity trades ask for a commission – spread bets on shares do not.
you have a link? Everywhere I look says the above?
cheers Orca - everwhere else say differently. Like the tax free nature of spreadbetting but they seem to be for day trading only as the close at the end of the day and need to be rolled over and as I am more a swing trader, CFDs make more sense.
Seems like time to look at STXIND again.
What's your view on the ZAR/USD?
I reckon it gonna strengthen again after the hoohaa over our Reserve Bank being nationalised blows over.
Nationalising the Reserve Bank is already known so it must be pricing it in now. International best practice is for the state to own central banks anyway. The weakening zar is now mostly due to the electricity price increase and the strengthening of the dollar.
Man the casualties on JSE is getting bad, APN, BLU, EOH and ELB
SNH too. I would have never guessed those in a million years.
Oh - the list is much longer than these few:-
Off my portfolio alone;
ADI, CML, DCP, IPL, L4L, RFG, RFL, SYG, - all 20% or more down on original purchase price.
My view is that politics is getting in the way of good business practices and having a major depressing effect on the economy, and the ability of business to function in such negative environs.
Hardly a day goes by where we don't hear some or other depressing economic story, looting by politicians or interference in the lives of South African, and yet the landscape is littered with thieving, fraud and wholesale treasonable acts and yet nobody goes to jail for their crimes.
Sad state of affairs indeed
WHL, SHP, BTI, BAT, TBR, TBS, ANH you can just go on and on.
Way harder to actually find stocks that have grown over the last 3-4 years bar mining stocks. Capitec? err, anyone else?
Fortunately I also hold AVI;CLS; BVT; CSB; MRP; STXIND - for many years and they have been my bacon savers :-*
Quite sad state of affairs our JSE - on the current chart from position 74 upwards all competitors are showing negative results on their portfolios
Greetings all. I'm a total newbie to investing and stumbled across this site after reading one of Stealthy Wealth's posts. I've found it to be invaluable. I have some serious catching up to do - no retiring early for me! Looking forward to learning from this forum.
Welcome :)
Bought some Amazon on Friday :)
Patrick me lad.
We need to talk
Thanks buddy.
That looks way better :TU:
No idea what that was about bread. I'm in Beira with no power, no mobile networks and too much water that won't stop rising. Trying to connect people to a tiny satellite link so they can try find more rescue helicopters before even more villages end up underwater.
Oh my word. Sorry to hear. It's too trivial to mention now but BHP's price was 0 which put me and ol' Pansie at -99% in the Investor Challenge but it's all good now.
Hey buddies, what’s up? :)
Oh no P, hope you are okay.
Another member ran out of ink.
Another member ran out of ink.
Nay - its invisible ink - just need to stroke it gently :LHST:
Another member ran out of ink.
Directors piling into NPN with pension, family trust and employee incentive funds.
No blog post this month. I've been working 14 hours days since I got to Beira, haven't had a day off since the 11th and won't until the 16th when I get a break to go home...
No sweat. You doing good work pal. :TU:
So here's a video of how my team and I spent our day yesterday:
So here's a video of how my team and I spent our day yesterday:
My Reuters charting has disappeared. Anyone have free charting website? jaDEB, I know you have.
Thanks. :TU:
Hi everyone just like some advise, I trade Us stocks only and only trade short to medium term. How would you actually go about, declaring the profits to SARS, what form do you need to fill in, can you do it on your efilling? Do you declare it quarterly or annually? There is not allot of info on how to do this on the net and the last thing I need is to get into trouble with SARS.
@Stefan. Check the thread. "Investing in US stocks".
Thanks Orca
Monsie is kicking a$$ in the IC Nice
Monsie is kicking a$$ in the IC Nice
Yip, well done, 2 great calls! I wouldn't be surprised if he is on top for a very long time.
Hi everyone just like some advise, I trade Us stocks only and only trade short to medium term. How would you actually go about, declaring the profits to SARS, what form do you need to fill in, can you do it on your efilling? Do you declare it quarterly or annually? There is not allot of info on how to do this on the net and the last thing I need is to get into trouble with SARS.
Declared annually on your IT 12 income tax return via EFiling
Trading activities = 1
Cost of Sales: Stock moved for the year.
Opening stocks plus purchases less closing stock. Fill this amount in COS.
Sales: Total stocks sold as per broker IRP year end note.
That's it. The SARS programme will do the rest. Expenses are not recorded as the brokers note uses the "Due by you" and "Due to you" amounts that already incorporates the expenses. Simple.
Don't like the UK anymore. It is not like SA. Went to the indoor pool today and the life guard caught me peeing in the pool. He shouted so loud I nearly fell in.
My wife was so sick today that I had to carry her to the kitchen to make me coffee.
Orca - stay in pomm land - you sound so much like Andy Capp :LHST:
Just trying to get some response on this website as it seems dead. Patrick has not given me any money this month and I have no access to the US comp for a week now.
Ping ... Ping ...
Lol. Hey Orca, your money is there, your sitting on R200k of cash, I just haven't had a chance to send out any emails, still in Mozambique feeling with these damn cyclones! let me know what's up with the US comp, it should be working fine.
*dealing with cyclones
Thanks P. It's working fine now.
Hey H8rlequin... putting all of your eggs in 1 basket isn`t good for business... hahaha.
Don't like the UK anymore. It is not like SA. Went to the indoor pool today and the life guard caught me peeing in the pool. He shouted so loud I nearly fell in.
Speaking of Beira......
One of the systems we use in Search and Rescue is SARSAT. To keep it calibrated we use dummy sites at various points around the world. One's at the magnetic north pole, another's in the Azores and another's in the Canary Islands. On the 9th May an incident on the northern tip of Madagascar triggered a satellite detection, as did an event in Cape Town, as did an event at sea, as did an event at an airport. And then I noticed that a line drawn from the magnetic north pole through the Azores through the Canary Islands intercepts the line drawn from the incident in Madagascar through the 2 incidents on land to the incident at sea. That line interception occurred in Beira,
Weird, hey?
Just saw on Mybroadband that Mexem is now in SA, any one used them before?
@Bread, what type of incidents are they? Is it a device with a panic button like a spot tracker?
@Bread, what type of incidents are they? Is it a device with a panic button like a spot tracker?
Patrick, they are aircraft and ship and personnel devices. It's a beacon that's activated either automatically or manually. Aircraft and ship beacons can look exactly the same but differ according to when it was manufactured. The panic button/spot trackers we call Personal Locator Beacons. Maybe you guys have some? Is there an ID consisting of 15 letters and numbers on it somewhere near the top?
cAN HE HELP with the Trade war between Trump and China. Thanks in advanced
Hey Musa, I didn't realise there were herbs on the moon. Just goes to show you, you learn something new every day. :)) Seriously though, does anyone really fall for this crap?
Tiensent results looking good :)
I wonder is it time to sell btc now?
I buy every month - payday. :) in real life not IC. You can laugh, it does not matter. My goals do not care how I feel :)
i buy eth rather i feel like btc is a bit over priced for the utility.
Nice :)
ETH definitely the better choice from a utility perspective. Ripple even better if you believe that financial insto's are going to support any of them. But then again, if they do, they would rather build their own. So I don't think we've seen the killer app in blockchain emerge yet. Meanwhile, BTC will be what the crowd (read "dumb money") follows and buys into. It has the lowest utility but highest FOMO and Fear and Greed factors, so expect it to also have the highest vol going forward. The days of puberty and HODL are past now, and crypto has become a trader's dream. Most of the black boxes are clearly MACD / momentum driven in their algo designs so it's easy to sell high and buy low on momentum, not price. Wish there was someone bold enough to offer long dated options but most of the CFD providers (IG etc) are too scared because vol levels are so high.
ETH and BTC both clearly very overbought and over-extended now. But weekly and daily momentum are still positive so no reason to sell. Just bring stop losses in quite close. This week could see some fast, gappy corrections so perhaps set guaranteed stops around 5% lower. If stopped out you probably want to look for an opportunity to re-enter on the long side, but we could see up to a 20% correction, so watch daily and 30-min momentum for timing.
BTC on the Investor Challenge is also quoted in ZAR and the Runt looks like it's in weakening mode again. Expect 15 or even higher to USD fairly soon now. So weaker Runt and lower BTC means best to hold in the investor comp i.e. avoid paying taxes on profits.
i am leading again
Well done. Now tell me. Did it take in depth research on your part or did you take a pure gamble? If the latter then I am the winner.
- i watch a lot of his stuff and from the TA there I got an idea that a big move is going to happen sooner that later
The big move being in bitcoin, not shares?
The Ront appears to be in an extended inverted head and shoulders with the possibility that it'll weaken back up to the 15.40 mark by or about the end of July and then strengthening down to or below the 13.63 level by the end of September or October. But I'm usually wrong about these things :question:
ZAR is crosscurrent i.e. short term strength against medium term weakening. Expect choppy, sideways action (wind blowing against current in ocean) until we revert to concurrent weakening again (to ride big swells), probably later in week. Fundamentally, emerging markets to weaken against bleak global risk-off sentiment.
in the challenge we pay taxes and transaction fees, but we don't earn daily interest on uninvested cash , i`d like to see daily interest income introduced since USstocks seem to be starting a possible longterm downtrend.
Hmm, good point George. Anyone know what ABSA and EE pays in interest? I could implement it, but it would probably be fairer to do it from next year.
Anybody have an idea about what's happening at Goldfields?
York Timbers YRK doesn't appear on the list of shares you can buy in the challenge .
YRK is a penny stock and too few trades per day.
...until we revert to concurrent weakening again (to ride big swells), probably later in week....
We are in strong concurrent weakening on the Rand, now targeting 16 to USD by end June. However, for now we are quite overbought (i.e. USD) and Rand pushing outside the elastic bands (Bollingers), thus expect a little contraction and sideways, choppy price action. Especially as momentum (the wind) starts moving against signal and trend (the current). This will form the typical bull flag pattern, whilst momentum catches its breath. Following the bull flag, I expect further weakening to the expected 16 level.
is vodacom a good investment?
Capital growth, no. Dividends yes. Bit pricey @ 120 on a pe of 14. Better would be around 80-90
Vodacom is a dog have held shares for in excess of 18 months and have managed to make a profit of R 2,000 on an investment of R 125,000 - would have been better served with a 32 day account with a bank.
Also as a service provider they are very tardy in following explicit instructions and keep sending "special announcement messages" and how much data I have used and can't explain what consumed the data
Pretty ordinary company
oh, well. i got lots still to learn about making proper investments. you guys are cool. thanks
Thanks, Bevan.
I see today Vodacom has issued a whole bucket load of forfeitable shares to a number of "executives" and whats more they have been issued at R 117.3259 per share on 14th June - current price R 125.75 and the lowest price I have for the day is R 125.38 - so how did Vodacom acquire these shares - certainly not on the open market. Seems like the "executives" got their shares at a discount to market prices. My understanding is that if the market doesn't move to the higher side then the "executives" suffer no hardship, also at its present price all these people are in the money.
If I look at the companies histogram on prices they have dropped from R 183.09 July 2017 to current levels - hence my comment the other day that the share is a dog - to my mind the company executives are milking the business and robbing their subscribers
Would've bought NepiRock NRP in the Investor Challenger but SOMEONE has chosen to NOT make it available.
Damn that SOMEONE! Looks like it trades often enough, I've added it.
Thanks, Patrick :)
wyn on the leader board is not in the right position
Gold price set and being forecast to head even higher. Wonder how much it will continue to spil over to ou gold stacks like ANG, Sibanye, HAR and Goldfields ?
Hi Wyn, you need to take into account the tax on your profits. All profits are taxed at 30% on the leaderboard.
Why is it that after many trades WealthSmith_1 tax expenses =R250 how is that even possible since my tax is R11500 after +- same amount of transactions ???
oh my bad.. it's tax on profit.okay Sasol just deacreased my tax expense by +-5k i get it.the more profit the tax is paid.okay.
That's it, just like real life.
Hello Moneypenny hope all is fine :)
Hey jaDEB 😀 All well although in kind of a funk atm. Husband already in NZ, me still putting lights off this side, living in limbo tbh, never been "single" since 16 - i find this really weird. ☺️ How are you doing?
@ Company I work 2 People left in last 2 weeks, New Zealand and Australia. I did indicate I will switch off the lights.
@ Company I work 2 People left in last 2 weeks, New Zealand and Australia. I did indicate I will switch off the lights.
Good to see you online again MP. Must be quite a change. Which visa did your husband manage to get in on. I know quite a lot of people hoping to get in there too.
Amazon clapped $2000 :)
looks like the s&p500 is going higher✨ hence my investment this month...
Did another podcast with JustOneLap:
Netflieks results out tomorrow night and Amazon later in July
Yeah, personal and not professional opinion, but I don't like Netflix. Too much quantity over quality with their shows
I still think netflix can pull out a few more tricks out the hat for one advertisement
solD nETflix, BOugHt mORE amaZON
Sell low buy high? :D
Patrick my screen is broken again, who is No1 & No2 on IC ?
Oh buddy you have been beaten by a bit coin :D
I barely make the top 100!
Patrick, when I load graphs, the first 2 u can open, then the other two needs to be download. Thus I removed message. ANy reason why?
The change in share code affects investor's holdings and position. The MMI position I had vanished into thin air, taking the entire invested capital with it, and affecting the net profit. Is there something that can be done to mitigate this problem?
Check tomorrow morning. Just converted MMI to MTM, the pricing will update in the morning.
Hi Patrick, Can/Have you fixed CSEW40?
Fixed, seems the change from CSEW40 to SMART was incorrectly announced and google and bloomberg followed it. When they correct their sites it'll break again so just shout if you see that.
GFI is incorrect, been running wild on the gold price. Current share prices is over R85
Looks okay to me? Shows the same as I see on sharenet and google. Did it catch up on it's own?
jip, seems fixed now
So how low do you guys think can Sasol go? And how badly is the market over reacting.
I`d wait for weekly& monthly chart for confirmation, i think Sasol probably can continue going down.
I`d wait for weekly& monthly chart for confirmation, i think Sasol probably can continue going down.
I`d wait for weekly& monthly chart for confirmation, i think Sasol probably can continue going down.
I`d wait for weekly& monthly chart for confirmation, i think Sasol probably can continue going down.
I`d wait for weekly& monthly chart for confirmation, i think Sasol probably can continue going down.
Is the Game system Down ? No Price updates for an entire morning !
Should be fixed now, the server ran out of space! Thanks for letting me know.
Weird how the system MISCALCULATESshare prices, When the share Price = R2.62 The Games says R2.25 That's serious mis calculation
That was likely due to yesterday's space issue. Did you make a transaction that was at the wrong price? If so let me know so I can fix it.
GLD is 206.21 on the system for 2 says already and is 222.89 on JSE Public site in the same days
several other stocks also at old prices for 2 days already if you want to buy bargians
several other stocks also at old prices for 2 days already if you want to buy bargians
Very weird and very hard to catch Shopkeeper. It's normal now, but if you see anything at the wrong price please let me know asap. This is the URL for all the prices:
Okay caught it. Server had a runaway mail log causing it to run out of space. I think it's settled now.
Oh, to be an NPN director!
Hi, Patrick. some shares are not updating...
Hi George, I had a go at solving it last night, wasn't around to check today, but did anyone notice if it was still an issue?
Hi. Patrick, all the shares in my portfolio are all correct.
except for capitec. i bought it at 1205.00 but i got the price of 1086.94
It was obviously off during the mistake. I can rollback the transaction if you like.
yes roll it back. thanks
Buy seeds Plant them Come back in 20 years and look at your pretty trees I strongly disagree, if you planted your Steinhoff tree and came back in 20 years you would have found that your tree was ripped out, and offer no shade or comfort.
But then you bought the wrong seeds, you need to buy seeds which are a hybrid blend of thousands of tree types from all over the world in a ratio based on the size of the tree ;)
In the IC a damn coin is a better investor than all of us.
And it's not even a real coin!
This market of ours is crazy and has no sensibility whatsoever. I have a portfolio of 24 shares (ETF are a separate portfolio) and yesterday the shares moved positive by + R56,000 and today - R 70,000 and strangely enough the share which has shown price growth is Steinhoff Int Holdings
Crazy, crazy movements in our market since early June this year - just wish all the politicians would roll over and die quietly
Has anyone seen or have any commentary on Delta and Rebosis. The price of delta is now just getting ridiculous PE of 1. Div of 70, okay the div will be less, but still crazy high. It's like I'm the only person thinking there's something there and the rest of the world think it is going to go up in flames next week?
If it sounds too good to be true it probably is! No idea what's going on though.
Sorry about the downtime, I'm taking a trip through Europe and wasn't keeping an eye on things. Thanks to DdL for letting me know.
Okay, have a fabulous trip.
Hi, is the Prosus shares not going to be automatically added to portfolios that have Naspers? This is what happened with "real" portfolios post the unbundling.
Hi Nkama, yes they will be. I'm away at the moment, but give me a little while and I'll have the system allocate it.
okay prosus shares should be in
Why is my monies for IC not in ?
oops, I'll sort that out
Orca, did you move to Spain or Portugal?
Thanks mate
Hi Nkama, yes they will be. I'm away at the moment, but give me a little while and I'll have the system allocate it.
side gig
Oops... posted a note instead of searching. XD Please ignore..
Well, if it was Portugal I sure hope you'll be proficient in Portuguese within 7 years of moving there :D
Orca, did you move to Spain or Portugal?
Lived in Portugal for 5 years but live in the UK now. Portuguese is a very difficult language to learn.
Damn JSE must start using spillchicker "JASCO ELECTRONICS HOLDINGS LIMITED - Disposal of the Electrical Manufacturers division and withdrawel of cautionary announcement"
i think it`s probable bitcoin will go down a further +-30% or erase atleast half of the month of May gains 📉
Hi Patric, the Game prices show R18.86 and JSE Price shows R14.74.
The Game price shows r13.86 and jse show r14.74. Took a screen shot to prove.
Which share is that Shopkeeper?
so bitcoin it would be nice & healthy for it to go -25% down and maybe even -60% from where it is now...
Neither does the market
But anyway we now know which side Tito's bread is buttered and he is nothing more than one of the flip flop gaggle of geese in the ANC farmyard
Hi Patrick. Please have a look; it seems as if most of the commodity share prices are incorrect/ not updating. Thanks.
Thanks yeah for some reason the google sheet that controls everything isn't updating :( Working on it
Thanks. Looks like it's fixed now.
A portfolio in the CoreShares Index Tracker Collective Investment Scheme registered as such in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002, managed by CoreShares Index Tracker Managers (RF) Proprietary Limited (“CoreShares”).
Investors are referred to the announcement released on SENS on 10 October 2019 regarding the successful outcome of the second ballot voting procedures in relation to the Amendments and are advised that the final conversion ratio for CoreShares PropTrax SAPY ETF, determined as at market close on Monday, 28 October 2019, is 3.15965 CoreShares Property Top Ten ETF (PTXTEN) securities for every 1 security held in CoreShares Property SAPY ETF (PTXSPY). The CoreShares Property Top Ten ETF securities will convert in a one for one ratio to effect the name change to CoreShares South Africa Property Income ETF (CSPROP) securities.
The final conversion ratio was determined based on the issue prices of R47.10590 and R14.90860 per one CoreShares PropTrax SAPY ETF and one CoreShares Property Top Ten ETF security, respectively as at market close on Monday, 28 October 2019.
Any fractional entitlement in respect of the amalgamation/ conversion will be announced on Thursday, 31 October 2019, by 11h00.
This is in response to Fabu20 - I do not want to be stuck on 13 posts
Satrix World not available? Satrix Nasdaq not available?
Montauk available to invest in?
Badger, you must know something about D3 RIN's that I don't :'D
Anybody no what Clicks's dividend declared date and record/last day to trade date is/was?
Clicks Div 327c Ex-Date 22/01/2020
renewable energy, gas production, construction leaders of LFG systems, carbon credits and a future listing on Nasdaq, liquidity for now is not great but could change, located in usa.
Thanks, Nad_Inagap.
Where do you get your info from? I'm looking for a place where I can get all the divi info from besides Sharenet which I pay R120 for.
Bread, I have access to Iress and Thomson Reuters (Refinitiv), but the best bet if you have access to sharenet is to look at the dividend declaration paragraph in the SENS announcement containing the financials
Badger, I flogged out of it when the D3 RINS in Montauk's book were priced higher than what I thought was sustainable.
Bread, I have access to Iress and Thomson Reuters (Refinitiv), but the best bet if you have access to sharenet is to look at the dividend declaration paragraph in the SENS announcement containing the financials
Ah, cool, thanks. Sharenet's dividend page under their drop down menu doesn't work in Clicks's case as they haven't added the latest date and is confusing in that it now shows an Excluding Date which is 2 days before the Record Date. Do you (or anybody else) know what an Excluding Date is? I've never heard of such a thing :wtf:
hi Patrick please correct error for this transaction 2019-11-14 09:24:15 CPI CAPITEC BANK HLDGS LTD -642 137318... price should be 144731... thanks
Hi George, it does looks like the wrong price for that day and time. I can only roll it back, would you like me to go ahead?
yes roll it back. thanks
Done, you're in negative cash at the moment, so you can't buy, only sell.
What happened to all the bitcoin gamblers in the investor challenge? :wall:
I wonder if they sold out and bought Onecoin.
yip when you nibble at bitcoin it always comes back to byte you...
close date
20 December
okay so, which is the appropriate to buy for the long term if i want to compound the growth and eventually live off the accumulation....
Which is the best ETF?
Everyone will have a different opinion. Personally I like all world indexes, particularly VT and VWRD.
Thank you. Patrick. i will look into VT & VWRD
Hi guys, I've been watching ADI for a while, I can't believe the continuous slump. Anyone know wtf??
Ah thanks!
When must we be in cash for the Investment challenge. End of Game. Well done to Diesel & Dust....
No need to end in cash, you can stay invested
Best Wishes for the season to everybody and happy holidays. Thanks to Patric for the hard work of maintaining the game. Patric, can I buy now and stay invested for next year or must I cash in ?. Thank you. Shopkeeper.
You can stay invested, but you'll end up with a clean slate next year again.
Competition is closed until next year, prices will still update until I clear out the database, but the results were saved already. Have a great Christmas and new year everyone :)
And the competition is open again!
Hi Patrick. Some of the gold sector share prices are misaligned.
Can you give me an example please
SGL was reflecting 2805 earlier this morning; I see its fixed now. Thanks!
Patrick how Impala platinum could have been bought for 11135 on 02-01-2020 a jump of 30% as reflected on the leaderboard.
Yes, that one is an anomoly, I'll have to reverse that transaction, sorry krycor :'(
Yea I noticed now..
SSK - Nice :)
Hi Patrick
Regarding last year's challenge. I was heavily invested in LONMIN and this was my only holding before they were merged with Sibanye. On my Holdings, it showed that it had zero value, but should in fact be changed to 0.976 SGL shares for every LON share. I had 37897 LON shares and should have been converted to 36646 SGL shares on the 10th of June 2019 (R14-63).
The price ended on 31 Dec 36646 shares @ R35-89 = R1 315 224. Plus the R700 000 in cash should change my position considerably. (Could be close to top spot)
Could you rectify this?
Thank you and regards
Hi Pilot, yes you're right, I'll go back in and correct it soon. Just one note, the competition closed on the 20th December, so you'll end up with the price on that day.
Done, looks like you ended up in second place, if the contest ran till year end you'd have won, but we always end the last Friday before christmas!
:TU: Thank you Patrick for the update!
congrats too Diesel & Dust... may everybody except me eat your dust again this year..🤣
Hey guys. I'm pretty new to investing, currently threw in a bit at US stocks a couple years back and that market seems to be soaring. What is your process on selling invested stock? Do you sell off profits once a year for example, or do you sell specific stocks at specific points based on performance and outlook? The US markets are surely going to correct soon, they seem pretty overbought. But I have no "sell" plans yet, not sure what the norms are and what I should be looking to experiment with...
I sell based based on performance & Outlook. I have Amazoon & Uber. Will sell some NPN in March and buy something new. Maybe Apple. ps. I sold Tesla at 308, still crying . . .
Ok, but is there a figure you set to take out when it is time to sell, or do you just re-invest a lot of it? I guess I'm talking about cash flow...This probably should be in a separate forum post :)
Yeah I stayed away from Tesla because it looked so volatile, looks like you could win or lose big there short term...I am still happy with my AMD stock, same game I guess
No currently I sell JSE (last 4 years) and buy offshore. Stay invested, not take cash. Just move some i.e. Sold Tiensent and bought Amasoon. Sold Tesla and bought Uber. Still need a Afrikaans name for Uber.
And I buy small amount of BTC every payday.
Ah ok thanks! So at no point is this supplementing your income? I don't mean to actively rely on it, just wanted to know the thought process on how you guys look at it..
How can Steinhoff still be the most viewed share on Sharenet ? 30% Top viewed
It takes so many views to see the numbers properly from behind the tears
It is sad, so sad.
hey guys, any thoughts on these ouks? ->
Never heard of them. Minimum fees are much higher than Interactive Brokers (, whats the benefit?
Agreed Patrick - just saw a sponsored article on Moneyweb this morning.
GOLD GOLD GOLD, haven't seen a run like this in ages
How do we sell shares in investor challenge?
Patrick, u trying to say something ?
No idea what happened there! Pocket posting I think. I've been on leave, so I wasn't behind my laptop much in the last couple of weeks...
@Antony, click on My Holdings, there's a sell button next to each share.
Hi Patrick, I cannot find the shares for Novus Holdings
Reinet seems to be stuck on price of 970?
@zizebra, it needs to trade more than 16 times a day and I don't think Novus does.
Hi Antony, looks like there was a share code change way back in 2017! I rolled back your transaction and changed REI to RNI so we should be good again.
The world is an interesting place right now..
Yes, sure is . . . at least I will be buying Apple cheaper this afternoon. And Sasol wow down 40%
Hi Patrick, SGL price doesn't seem to be updating?
Maybe someone can help with SGL. As far as I can see there were no updates since Feb 18th: Didn't see a sens about it, does anyone have more info?
SGL Ticker Changed to SSW
Thanks Pilot, will update it.
Okay SGL is now SSW
Thanks Patrick and Pilot. That means the price I paid on 4/3/20 is wrong... Could you please reverse it Patrick?
Done. I also see google doesn't have SSW listed on google finance yet, so I'll pull those values from Bloomberg, but they're often delayed so we'll have to see how it goes.
Wow the leader board looks crazy.. at some point keeping cash would be better haha
Yes totally. That point would be just before the crash :)
I need more fake money!
And a really good developer that can create an app that converts it to real dough...
Something broke. %growths are suddenly massive INP 165% and SOL 159%
Something is very wrong :/
Obviously an anomoly snuck in yesterday, it's back to normal.
Awesome, thanks :)
IC is broken. CPI shows current price is R1298
Yep. Looks like it is picking up historical data for pricing for everything.
ya was wondering how we recovered so fast
How long is this social distancing supposed to be? My wife keeps wanting to come inside.
Let her in twice a week to clean house ;D
Woops. Shares have vanished :/
Hi Patric, Why is Sasol R72.86 in the competition while on other shares sites R 23.21 ? Huge differences that don't go away for days ? Thank you Patric
Good question, I pull the data from google. I'm seeing R23.21 at the moment though, so it might have been someone hitting the wrong buttons
Both my accounts are incorrect. I sold at the incorrect high price and it now looks like I am a master trader >.< Check my holdings/purchases/sales and you will see that I sold my Sasol and Investec at 7000+ and it was captured as valid.
I think the script you are using to pull data is pulling obscure data after hours. Just a guess...
Weird, which transactions were they? I'll have to roll back for fairness. I use the googlefinance function in google sheets to get the values.
For me, this transaction is incorrect: 2020-03-19 20:48:07 SOL I sold at a high price that wasn't a real price.
Patrick your IC is broken. Sasol price is shown as R72. I wish.
It seems to be a common problem with googles Sasol price, always at R72. I'll try switch to a different source for it.
Maybe I should sell my Sasol to Google
Has anybody heard from Orca and his family - are they alright and healthy?
Thanks for asking gcr. We kinda good but reeling from the exchange rate and a 40u% drop in the market. We have plan B in place. Will post in my blog soon.
Hi Patrick, for a friend that is able to invest from a US account, what Vanguard ETF would you recommend that is all world?
Personally I split between VT and VWRD. Both are very similar but taxed differently. it depends on many things, like where your tax residence is and if you have a US social security number
Maybe I should sell my Sasol to Google
That's funny :) Hope you don't have too much there...
Are you saying I make bad Investments ? :)
SSW price is broken... wondering which others are too.
Seems okay now, might have been a temporary glitch
@jaDEB, no you make brave invetments :)
Hang onto your Sasol @jaDEB. May looks like being another rough month for global markets but after that the recovery should be on firmer footing. Structurally, Brent and LNG and other products that Sasol deals in can't go negative, unlike WTI. Sasol might take some more pain in the short term as people seem to treat it as a proxy for the oil price - not sure why such a simplistic approach is taken. I reckon they've hedged their FX exposure quite nicely and they import a lot of spot crude, so they should do quite well on their forward refining margins for the next few months.
Thank you :)
Sell Sasol. i think it likely gonna go further south.
Hi. Can you let me know what is the most cost effective onine trading platform for shares / equities trading in SA?
Most find Easy equities the cheapest
Patrick - does Easy Equities have a platform allowing access to the LSE
They don't unfortunately.
How would a second listing abroad effect a local listing. I.e. MTN listed in Nigeria as well. MTN gets a third of its revenue from Nigeria which gets repatriated back to Johannesburg listed company. Does this change now that it is listed in Nigeria and that third goes to Nigeria MTN and not to South Africa ?
Share prices for INP and SOL are broken.
Looks okay at the moment, maybe a temorary glitch.
Great interview with Druckenmiller... Never seen risk:reward for stocks this bad in this career... Fed has spunked all its firepower due to front running nature of stimulus, and market only rallied to just over half the crash in March...
Thanks, Patrick. Must have been :)
Thanks, watching now. I still can't get how the market has recovered when the world economies are in such a state. It makes no sense at all.
Well the US pre-empted the corona crash using all their firepower.. well there was bigger issues afoot and a recession was well on its way without virus. Technically I’d say they still have to get to the recession impact on their economy with the quarter ending now.. so yah more pain coming. Perhaps this will force them to allow bad/weak companies to fold.. sadly though, in a GDP at all costs targeting scenario .. efficiency to grow profits mean globalization, this they either gonna have to make a choice.
Any1 else on the Sasol train here ?
Basically the top 10-12 😂
Capitec also shot up today 18-22%
Actually I think Capitec over few days.. thing that I’m wear about though is that Sasols issues didn’t disappear.
Another crazy Sasol day due to opec limits
Thanks, watching now. I still can't get how the market has recovered when the world economies are in such a state. It makes no sense at all.
It makes perfect sense when you consider how much cash has been minted and flooded into the system. Ride the Fed man, everyone else is doing it!!! Just sleep with one eye open and one foot on the floor, to make sure you can be one of the first out of the exit door when Wall Street finally realises that Main Street is on its knees.
Sasol falling slightly as worries about sustainable oil price is pondered.
something wrong with SOL
fixed, not sure what went wrong there
Still broken as share price shows 3374 but googles says 13 989
It’s a bit icky when that happens as you kinda forced to not trade till fixed.
Sorry krykor, can't figure out why it keeps bouncing back to that. Will try troubleshoot.
Okay made some changes, the most major was switching back to google from bloomberg for the sasol price. Don't know if that was the issue, but it's worth a try.
Hi Patrick
I don't understand the values on the leaderboard?
My value on the leaderboard shows as R531k but in my holdings it shows as R864 - difference of R333 - losses on sales is -R152 and transaction cost of R13 - what is the difference? :wtf:
Patrick me lad, we need to talk. According to DRD never dropped to 1713, down 28.53%. It closed up at about 2555, a 5.14% increase. Please be so kind as to make the necessary amendments. Ta.
Does the RMH (RMB) growth make sense?
As per Joeman below, Patrick you IC is broken...
I need to spend some time figuring out what's going wrong. Hopefully I can take a look tomorrow.
Okay first round of fixing done. How's it looking now?
RMH RMB HOLDINGS LTD 1018749 154 5830 3685.71% R59 393 066,70 I am not complaining :D:D:D
LOL - Datura is on R89 Million. Nice man.
something is broken.
But saying that, you seem to have done lots of trading...and deserve being one of the top players :)
Hi Patrick, somewhere on the site you chatted about who you are using to transfer cash overseas. please point me in that direction
Try this Div:
very cool, cheers patrick
Wow.. Gold finally rallied i see and the guys that bought in or stayed in with HAR got rewarded nicely. Will be interesting to watch what happens going forward as defaults and earnings coming in ahead of elections in the US.
Though thats in October-November so lots of things can happen esp with US fighting pandemic too.
harmonies price is nor 5441
And RDF not 308. Seems to be multiple shares.
Hi Patrick, seems like GFI, SSW, ANG, HAR, DRD, SOL, values are broken...
Monsie134 take my money XD
What's ANGLO's divi?
Sharenet is saying 459.7628 ??? but I think that should be 4.597628.
As far as I know divvie is always showed in Cents?
How does one get SUI rights shares (in Investor Challenge)?
I do some crazy calculations and run a script. Which share is it?
SUI, Sun International.
IC is broken. Leader on 12062 % Growth, 2nd 8524% . . . lol
I see nothing ;)
@Shi, thanks will look into it
@Shi, done, you were the only person holding SUI so I quickly did it manually.
@Patrick, thanks. My figures are looking a little better now :)
Hi Patrick, seems like GFI, SSW, ANG, HAR, DRD, SOL, values are broken again
Hi Patrick please may you reset RMH TIA
Constant battle trying to figure out why the price sync stops... I'm nearly ready to give up! What I'm trying now is to embed the pricing spreadsheet at the botto of the purchase page. Hopefully that'll keep the updates ticking in.
It's been nearly a month since the last prices not updating complaint. Maybe my last fix actually worked!
Hi Patrick, I think you just jinxed it... SSW at zero ☺
Why is SSW showing as 0
SSW is fixed, it was using the other source rather than google, but it's back to google now. Wasn't a non-update issue thank goodness, I'm still cautiously optomistic that the non-updates are over...
Hi Patrick , can't seem to find Steinhoff listed on the system - please look into this matter. Ta GCR
@gcr, shares under R1 not included in list.
Thanks Shi - I'm aware of that but I do hold some in my portfolio and I want to buy some more - the share should rise above R 1 as they get to grips with the fiasco - which could happen before year end and I want to speculate on the ride to above R1
Thanks Shi - I'm aware of that but I do hold some in my portfolio and I want to buy some more - the share should rise above R 1 as they get to grips with the fiasco - which could happen before year end and I want to speculate on the ride to above R1
What's your forecast gcr? Worth a punt?
Thanks Shi - I'm aware of that but I do hold some in my portfolio and I want to buy some more - the share should rise above R 1 as they get to grips with the fiasco - which could happen before year end and I want to speculate on the ride to above R1
What's your forecast gcr? Worth a punt?
yozzi - I hold Steinhoff in my private portfolio and have been buying this counter over time where my average cost is 99 cents. The shares are cheap if one looks at the companies within Steinhoff group, I'm speculating with these shares in both my private portfolio and in this competition. They also have some astute directors so its a bit of a wing and a prayer buy and may take a good few months to recover to above R 1 and beyond
So speculative investing here - hoping they shoot the lights out - just wish Jooste would go to prison for his carnage and hopefully Wiese will wear an orange tie from now on just to show his involvement in the company
Hey GCR, it's hard coded into the system to automatically block shares under R1. It would take ages to code exceptions in, but they'll reappear as soon as they hit R1.
Hey GCR, it's hard coded into the system to automatically block shares under R1. It would take ages to code exceptions in, but they'll reappear as soon as they hit R1.
Ahh the vagaries of hard coding
My screen is not working again, Patrick, who is in the lead in the Investor challenge ?
I'm not a 112% sure ;)
Patrick ek het rdf aangekoop en nie rpl soos op portefeulje aangegee nie
I see a bunch of dimwits are back on this site
Hi Patrick, are you able to transfer USD from Shyft to IB? I'm having some difficulties....
Specifically, what payment option to choose? International wire transfer (not supported by Shyft), or ACH (requires a source ABA number).
Hi Patrick,can you please correct my Redefine Properties Ltd (RDF), its not RPL. Thank you
Just to answer my own question about Shyft IB transfer: use IB's wire ABA number and the first CitiBank account number (minus your user number). Transfer takes about 5 days and costs $14.
Thanks Argentum, I was in rural Moz for the last 2 weeks, so I had no connection.
So contest closed on Friday (last Friday before Christmas as usual). Congrats to jaDEB, I think that total officially makes you a multi-millionaire!
Hey Patrick. Where in Moz? I moved here middle of 2018. I'm in Inhambane near Guinjata bay. Coconut Bay is 500m north of my place.
This trip was to a place near Boane. I've covered a lot of the country, Cabo Delgado, Zambezia, Beira and surrounds, Maputo obviously, but never Inhambane. If I do end up there it probably means you've been hit by a cyclone, so hopefully you won't see my anytime soon!
Would love to hear what it's like living there though. If you feel like sending me a snippet by email I might even put it in one of my live cheaply outside of SA posts.
This year, I'm making it easy for myself. Just buying Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a cheat code, like Tesla
sure I can send you a snippet...
IC is broken
This year, I'm making it easy for myself. Just buying Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a cheat code, like Tesla
I suspect there is an abberation on the leader board from position 14 everybody has made losses big time
Hi Patrick I think I broke AFX when inputing the dividend sorry.
I've rolled it back, you can add it again if you like. Remember it's in cents.
Thank you added again ... AFX is showing R0.00 trading price
Hi Patrick I see linde bought out afrox - should my holdings not include an automatic sale and special dividend ?
Are you guys playing again?
Hi Patrick - Afrox shareholders recieve R21.18 per share at the time of delisting 13/01/2021
Hey Impi, is that a dividend, so it'll be taxed at dividend rates? If so we just need to add it to the dividend table. If it's not a dividend we can still action it by adding it to the dividend table, we should just add 20% to the amount so it'll end up being the right amount after dividends tax is taken off.
Can't play with you guys. "This site can’t be reached" for weeks. No access to either competition.
Not sure how to enter that comp??
Investor Challenge
you need to log in, then click on investor challenge above, then you can trade...
Updated the quick game with the data for 2020. Give it a try here:
Patrick my screen is not working, what position am I in ?
6th ;)
PSG has decided to end their offline charting provision. Now we have to pay 250 to use their quite comprehensive interactive charts but we have to have a trading account with them. Does anybody know of a good alternative?
I'm with ABSA at the moment but their interactive charting is not working and they don't know when it will be back. I would like to stay with ABSA because of their 0.4% trading fee. PSG is 0.5%.
- or tradingview both are good and comprehensive and both are free. :)
Agree, I use trading view
Hi Patric, What happen to the system showing no current prices and 100% loss and just some people still have gains ?
Thanks for replying Brad and jaDEB.
But I'm looking for a charting site where I can make my own simple moving averages.
TradingView and are great but they have preset moving averages.
- - You can adjust the moving averages to any number you want.You must explore on the chart
and I am sure you will find the adjustment to change the number.Tradingview is the same and you can even
make up your own indicators on the chart on Tadingview. :)
Hi Shopkeeper, we get some weird data sometimes from google but it normally resolves itself quickly.
- - You can adjust the moving averages to any number you want.You must explore on the chart
and I am sure you will find the adjustment to change the number.Tradingview is the same and you can even
make up your own indicators on the chart on Tadingview. :)
Yes, Brad, you are correct. After playing around with TradingView I did notice that but I think you have to pay for that feature to be unlocked. For instance, they will let you customise it but then you won't see the 2MA as solid lines but arrows on the chart where the MA crossed in either direction. Their pay version costs about the same as I would pay at PSG. Is it the same with
Hi Bread.The free version of Tradingview has a maximum indicators of 3.For example moving averages:MA 8 ; MA 20 ; MA 34.
or you can change it to MA 13 ;MA 34 ;MA 50 or any other number. You can change the color of the line and you can change the line
as solid or broken or uses Tradingview's platform but there you can use any number of indicators and you can
adjust the indicators same as Tradingviews.I hope this explanation is helpful. :-X
Seems like there are abberations in some prices Cashbuild and Mr Price as 2 examples
Any one else here have BTC on Ice3x, cannot get to wallet...
Seems like the glitch has gone - thanks Patrick 8)
I'm staring 55 in the face any month now. :)
Thinking of retiring from my RA and putting the money into a living annuity. Anyone know of a provider that has a low-cost offering where I can invest in some decent global ETFs?
Janey6177 - where do you get true offshore ETF's? - to my knowledge they are all Rand denominated - which effectively means you invest with a local investment house and they do the investing offshore. If you sell a portion of your LA then you will receive proceeds in Rand and will have no access to the foreign amount whatsoever
Check this out with your current RA advisor to get full details
@grahamcr Easy Equities USD account, Interactive Brokers and TD Ameritrade are all happy to work with South Africans.
Patrick - I hear you, but, please clarify on my main contention:- when you sell the funds are returned to your account in Rands, and your account is held in a Rand denominated region, not in some or other USA banking account
That's the nub of my response the funds are not externalized by the investor
Hi Bread.The free version of Tradingview has a maximum indicators of 3.For example moving averages:MA 8 ; MA 20 ; MA 34.
or you can change it to MA 13 ;MA 34 ;MA 50 or any other number. You can change the color of the line and you can change the line
as solid or broken or uses Tradingview's platform but there you can use any number of indicators and you can
adjust the indicators same as Tradingviews.I hope this explanation is helpful. :-X
Thanks a lot, Brad. All sorted :TU:
Doge Coin is doing nice . . .:)
Please do not shout at me ..
Seems like time to engage in CML again.
Investor Challenge (especially My Holdings) has been buggy for more than a week now. Lots of time outs.
Other errors include "Error establishing a database connection"
Hey Shi, sorry about that, been snowed under at the office. Should be fine now. I'm actually looking for someone to take over the running of the challenge. I'm low on time, and my office would prefer I don't have too many outside activities. It was mostly the blog they were concerned about, but I think it would be better to do a full handover.
Hit the EasyEq rabbit hole, found Patrick and now I feel like closing up the studio and going to the beach forever! lol Glad to be here. :-)
I could do it if I knew how. Can I run it from my laptop?
Haha Hi Kenton, no going to the beach forever until you have 300 x monthly expenses invested :D
Hey Bread, it's not hugely difficult, but occasionally it needs some coding in the background to fix a data feed. So either you need to know basic PHP coding, or be willing to pay for it.
I've dabbled a bit in coding. Did a course on how to create a simple macro in Excel if that's any help. Give me a few days to see if I can get to grips with basic PHP. So a laptop is all I'll need?
What a fall by BTC !!
I now have BTC, Doge and SHIB :)
Patrick, did you get my message?
It seems the current price of some shares bear no relationship to actual Clicks current 255.88 actual 256.45; Cashbuild current R 233.43 actual R 303.45
Thanks problems seems to be fixed 8)
Now it's broken again 19:15 hrs :-[
Looks like prices are stuck at 23 Sept 2020 prices. ADI at 117 and PPC at 53 are examples.
And yet again 6.44 p.m. prices of my shares (current price) bear no relationship to my JSE prices
can I buy at these prices?
Place orders - I'm sure the system will allow you to do so :D
Just be careful the pricing seems to be correct for the shares currently
This NASDAQ is fantastic. My 3 shares went up 32% yesterday. I'm paper trading them on tradingview, with thanks to Brad and jaDEB.
Anybody have any experience with World Trader on Absa Stockbrokers? Pros and cons?
Can anyone recommend a share trading platform in SA?
Just to clarify, are you trading or investing? I use easy equities, but don't trade.
Patrick - please clarify Using Easy Equities can you buy/sell shares on the various overseas exchanges or are they merely intermediaries and they place all buy/sell orders and as such you incur not only the exchanges costings but the intermediary also levies costs for using their services.
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for your input on Easy Equities. I am new to the forum, but not to JSE investments.
I recently encountered problems with Absa Stockbrokers which left me lacking confidence in their system and their ability to communicate with their clients. My portfolio was deregistered without prior notice and I could not reach them telephonically or via email to verify what had happened. It would appear that I was not the only client who found themselves in this predicament.
I am a pensioner and I need a reliable platform that I can trust.
Thank you for the details and for endorsing Easy Equities.
Seems that the current prices for Click, Cashbuild and others are incorrect in the "game" Hi Patrick - can you possibly investigate Thanks gcr
Will check it out GCR. Keeping the prices updated is a real pain.
Patrick - it would appear that the file that you moved into the competition is inaccurate and has affected many competitors standings. Not only is my ranking suspect but Orca has dropped from about 6th to 104th
Checking again gcr. I've moved the price scraper out of the hands of cloudflare just in case it was caching old values. Will monitor for a while.
Thanks Patrick 8)
Hi Patrick.Please do what needs to be done to undo my Italtile putchase. Thanks.
Thank you.
Bought some Robin Hood . . .
hi Patrick... just noticed no data and wrong code on Distell. The code should be DGH and not DST
Something wrong on valuation. Holdings show R1.4m and the leaderboard R740K?
Wannabe immigrate to Europe?
Read my post in "Off Topic".
I want to buy REN but it's not listed.
Monsie134 did very well in the Investor challenge.. Nice
Monsie134 - GOAT status
Hi , Patric, Happy New Year to you. Pleasse check, All the figures in the Game is messed up, it shows January's money buy shows last years money. Thank you Patric
Thanx dudes.
Happy new year everyone. I was busy yesterday, so the competition officially starts now...
Thanks Patrick.
Thank You Patric
PRX went nuts! Knew it.
Hello Patrick
Hello Patrick
Please fix my price. Thanks
I see yours is also broken, Orca.
Beyond economical repair.
Please fix
Hi Patrick, when you have the time please can you determine why all of our share price purchases are incorrect, thank you.
This is South Africa. We paid a bribe to get bumped up. Have you?
:) Orca please tell us the person responsible for accepting such a bribe. Is patrick still available?
Hi all, seems there's been a problem with the rate at which google is updating share prices lately. If you're interested, this is the sheet that collects the prices: Sometimes simply opening it will resolve the issues, and then the process that collects the updates will run every 10 minutes to pick up any changes.
On a R500k bank loan you get 30 years to pay it back. If you steal R500k you get 10 years jail time. Follow me for more financial advice.
Brilliant one Orca
Some time ago you published an excellent Transfer Fee Calculator. I am wondering if you have an updated version of that available?
Finally things are looking up. My stocks are flying and the ZAR is strengthening.
So, how is everybody doing today? :)
Hi MP. Long time no hear. Everyone has gone. Its only the 2 of us here it seems.
Glad you're still around :) - it's been a weird time for all probably.
Yes. JaDeb is vocal here but only if his name is high on the Challenge. He is very quiet now.
It has been a long time Moneypenny. How's life on the other side of the world?
Hallo :) jip, time to get back on share research. Life is good :) the process this time was hell though - have to be able to walk on water whilst jumping through blazing hoops in high heels and proof it over and over again, every part of your existence scrutinized and investigated - glad it's done. :)
Hello all....still here. Nice to see u back MoneyPenny. How is Mr Bond...
Hallo jaDEB, nice to see you too. :)
Blood on the dance floor ... frikkie
Daar vat hy nou!!!
Naspers :)
Google finance is showing NPN market cap as 1 119 B.
Methinks that's an anomaly
Bloomberg also shows it as Market Cap: 1.113T
MNTK is this share loved now?
Leaderboard is fubar. Seems to be a tax problem. All the top dudes are showing massive losses and a negative tax impact.
Think I'm a bit late to the party but if I buy Thungela early Monday morning and sell early Wednesday morning I'll still catch the R60.00 divi. But sometimes there's a bit of a drop in the afternoon of the LDT so maybe I should wait and buy late afternoon 20th 8)
Just managed to get in before the you-know-what electricity went off
Really don't like ABSA Stockbroker's platform. But I bank with ABSA so not willing to change to another one unless it's drastically cheaper.
Catch it while you can. TGA should be back up at 38000 by 10 Jan 23, or by end March at the lastest 8)
You must all have a awesome Christmas and 2023
This is where,in real life, you get into your Mercedes, drive up a shady dirt road to the top of a deserted mine dump.......load the 357 and eat a leadpill.
It's just a game Monsie.
Well done on winning the 2022 game Orca! Any insights into why you chose what you did?
And Monsie, what can I say, you killed it in 2021 and it got revenge in 2022 :)
I've always put my money where my mouth is. I play my actual stocks here too as I'm too lazy to research twice.
Small to medium caps that are very undervalued by Bloomberg and have good results and prospects.
Satrix global
The Investor challenge is showing some nice figures :)
I'm making everyone rich :D will try see what's going on.
Sorry about the downtime recently, my domain renewal went to the wrong place and then the registrar underwent huge changes making it really difficult to figure out where to sort it out.
Good to have you back. :TU:
In case anyone is wondering where I've been lately, I've converted a smal catamaran into a solar electric, and I now live onboard:
I see it looks like BTC (Non Human) is going to win the Investors Challenge
The quick game is nice
I wonder if MoneyPenny is doing well . .
Nobody home.
Yes, agree . . Hello Orca . . :)
Hi jaDEB. Seems like it's just the 2 of us original members left.
:'( Iam here tooo
I am still here too. You wont notice because I am always right at the bottom of the leader board lol.
I'm 2nd :), maybe we can get patrick to put a prize to 1st, say 1 BTC :)
Is BTCUSD going to break out or is it going to tank 7% again?
And so the people come out the closet.
LOL, closet, hope you not referring to woke stuff.... BTC no idea, I am not selling now or in near future.
I'll have a prize of one PatCoin, they're going to be huge, trust me, the rest of you should start buying as soon as they exist :)
Lol...... I bought some PEPE coins a week ago....
Will BTC be at or about 53 000 by the 7 October? :undecided:
U predicting a big drop :(
I wanted to know if it was going to break through the pivot.
I must gave fallen asleep for a few years as I had no idea that Patrick moved to Portugal after I did.
Also did not know he is not RSA anymore, pity, but that is life
When did you wake up though? He might've left already :LHST:
But on a more serious note, I hear things aren't so rosy there anymore. I know some people have left.
Bread u still in SA as I am ?
Yup. Wife doesn't want to leave the Western Cape nevermind the bladdy country :wall:
Anyone been following Patrick's Med sailing on YouTube?
No, paste the link then I will check it out. Bikini's ?
Thank you
When do we have to sell, go to cash on the Investor Challenge, date it finishes.
Any one ?
OK sold everything in Challenge, as winner is determined by cash and not holding. And no one seems to be on site anymore answering questions :(
Doesn't the app just liquidate your holdings and apply tax at the end of the year
You don't have to selll jaDEB, the leaderboard determines the winner
- I sold already...
Hallo, anyone out there ??
No. Sorry.
I'm out here... Sailing in Greece :)
Hope u sailing faster than u website :)
Haha thanks, not right now, but winter is leaving so soon :)