Author Topic: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.  (Read 28266 times)


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Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« on: May 13, 2013, 10:33:27 am »
Dear members,

A number of people raised some very good points regarding the issue of hidden holdings. If we look at the numbers, 27% of members are hiding their holdings while the remaining 73% do not. It seems clear that the majority feels that the competition should be opened up.

In order to allow some leeway, the current proposed change to the system is to show holdings, but to delay the holdings by 2 weeks where the member has previously indicated they would like to hide their holdings.

If you have strong feelings about this please debate that in this thread.

Unless some very good counter arguments are received, this change will take effect on 1 June.


« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 11:00:23 am by Patrick »


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Re: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 11:39:00 am »
Does that mean that we will only see the changes in percent two weeks later than normal?


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Re: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2013, 11:41:20 am »
No, the leaderboard will be live, cash on hand and net worth will also be live, but the actual shares owned will be delayed by 2 weeks (only if you have selected that option on your holdings page).


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Re: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2013, 12:43:06 pm »
I really can't see why one would want to hide ones stocks other than to keep people from copying them the following year. Are we not here to learn and get tips and stuff?
I for one would benefit as I use historical performance in my choice of stocks.
I started here with nothing and still have most of it left.


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Re: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2013, 01:51:03 pm »
I really can't see why one would want to hide ones stocks other than to keep people from copying them the following year. Are we not here to learn and get tips and stuff?
I for one would benefit as I use historical performance in my choice of stocks.

It seems some didn't want to show how little they knew, while others were gambling on penny stocks. I agree though, the comp was made for learning, opening it up makes sense to me, the two week gap is for people who might want to avoid being copied.


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Re: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2013, 02:00:13 pm »
my holdings are hidden, but i really don't mind them being open! the difference i feel is one of just a little annoyance. The reason i chose to keep them hidden are in fact non other than feeling embarrassed in the even of making bad decisions, but in reality i don't mind them being visible.

Just one question though, how did we come about the duration of two weeks? could you perhaps make it a month, since then it doesn't undermine our distinct choices at the monthly interface? that way we would in fact be two months ahead of the competition, since we only buy into shares and not sell.

BTW Patrick, love the COMPETITION :-) its always interesting to see who is where on the leaderboard and their opinions.
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Re: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2013, 02:16:02 pm »
my holdings are hidden, but i really don't mind them being open! the difference i feel is one of just a little annoyance. The reason i chose to keep them hidden are in fact non other than feeling embarrassed in the even of making bad decisions, but in reality i don't mind them being visible.

Just one question though, how did we come about the duration of two weeks? could you perhaps make it a month, since then it doesn't undermine our distinct choices at the monthly interface? that way we would in fact be two months ahead of the competition, since we only buy into shares and not sell.

BTW Patrick, love the COMPETITION :-) its always interesting to see who is where on the leaderboard and their opinions.

Glad you're enjoying it. I think part of the fun is that you can see what the others have done, so if you can see others I think it's fair they can see yours...

I asked around and had answers ranging from no delay to one month delay (interestingly nobody said any more). I just went for the middle. I'm happy to discuss it, so let's hear from the rest.


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Re: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2013, 03:01:44 pm »
I don't mind the holdings being visible. I gambled with penny stocks and just thought it's fun when people wonder wtf the huge returns came from.

I'm treating it like a game. Would never play this way in real life.


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Re: Upcoming rule change affecting hidden holdings.
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2013, 05:27:34 pm »
This competition is far more like a proper investment building program to improve ones nett worth. And of course anyone can enter and they can make rash decisions or informed decisions. If you want to play in the penny stocks market then one can without losing money, but if you get it wrong you can certainly see what the consequence of your decisions are. From an investment point of view it allows you to determine fairly accurately the value of your share selection based on whatever research you undertook and if you were horribly wrong it doesn't hurt you financially as it would if you had sunk your own funds into the shares. So to me it is a learning tool without getting your fingers burnt
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