General Category > The Investor Challenge

The challenge has begun

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 :P jadeb... 100% in Sgl.. You're in the lead for now. Haha


--- Quote from: jaDEB on April 22, 2013, 12:04:13 pm ---Patrick, my screen does not work. blank, just check who is in the lead please. ???

--- End quote ---

Weird, do the other screens work? Else send me the details in a pm and I'll figure out what's up from there.

Oh and well done! For now... :)

Think he just needs confirmation that he is in fact in the lead! ::)


--- Quote from: Krypt0n1te on April 22, 2013, 01:01:36 pm ---Think he just needs confirmation that he is in fact in the lead! ::)

--- End quote ---

Yep, he got me... The last bit of code went live very late last night, so my excuse is a lack of sleep! I don't see your list yet, are you timing your entry?

Still thinking a bit.
Trying to pretend I'm clever!


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