General Category > The Investor Challenge
The challenge has begun
Next time ask someone in my family for advice, veronica at #3 is my mom :D
--- Quote from: Patrick on May 03, 2013, 10:12:40 am ---
--- Quote from: Aragorn on May 03, 2013, 08:50:51 am ---One may suspect the administrator of some back-hand dealings in the database here.....?
:) ;) :D ;D 8) ::)
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Luckily my profile is public :)
It's getting lonely here in the 6% level. Not even anyone in the 5% level to keep me company. Must admit it was a fair amount of luck as I wasn't expecting CML to shoot the lights out like it has. On the plus side, it could have been my skill in avoiding resources!
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You just lucky that I had trouble signing in for the competition and lost out some with CML. I would have been quite near you.
--- Quote from: jaDEB on May 03, 2013, 12:49:37 pm ---OK, ok, this is my story. 1st my screen goes blank, then before my screens comes on again I go blank, and fall of my chair. I have increased my medication, but is seems to do nothing. Thus I asked the IT department to have a look.
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Tell the IT guys to look down by the bottom. They will find you there.
Get seat belts for your chair. Perhaps a parachute as well because falling from that great height you were at to the low you are at now in a split second will make one go blank.
I'm sure Patrick is a school principal. He entered every pupil in this competition hence the 200+ entrants and only 4 posters on the site. ShareNet, after years has only attracted +- 20 entrants. :)
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