@giggsie I wish I could honour all the credit you giving me, unfortunately I can't.
No crystal ball and no luck, unfortunately

But rather just an anomaly within the competition (well at least half of my gains last year). Not really sure if I should expose this anomaly and allow more individuals to cheat or just keep it a secret, as I myself promise from this point forward to play an honest game

(and no it has nothing to do with the 15 min time delay).
While I'm at it I would like to thank everybody on this shareforum for there amazing insight and opinions, always appreciated. Truth be told I only learned about the stock markets one year ago. During this time spent in the market I've come to realise that investing seems to be more profitable and low risk compared to trading (please feel free to prove me wrong). I have therefore adopted a long term value investing strategy focused on small caps with good growth prospects.
My real life portfolio at current:
Conduit Capital
I'm looking to add:
Master Drilling
Any thoughts?