Amazing how a diversed portfolio with 2 or 3 bad counters bring a average down. Where one share can make you tops.
Apart from the penny guys I now know why all the other competitions limit a buy of a certain share to 25% of your portfolio.
A fund manger must be risk adverse, not an opportunist. My portfolio is also wrong in that I have to much SGL, but it was the share of the moment as jaydeb has shown, telkom as jaymed has shown was also a buy .
but neither is a good investment strategy.
So apart from the nice blond you cannot link me up with , it is still fun
jaydeb ?

Is he now beating me.... ?
"My portfolio is also wrong in that I have to much SGL" - If you bought at below R12, and the gold recovers, not only will you smile due to SGL price, but also their divvie policy. But yes, it is not a easy call, as SGL is very volatile.
Saying that, I think you are where I wanted to be and planned that, but I got scared and sold all my SGL. In hindsight I should have kept mine. Hope my fishies turn into gold on the 7th Nov.
But i wish u all the luck with your SGL's