Orca you are rude and obnoxious, that is why I spend so little time here

But then i attribute that statement to the fact that my portfolio is doing shit and yours not.

But the game just shows how volatile things are, a once off buyer of tkg being on top, A share being punted to dip below R10 standing at almost R18. My sgl worth about R10 - R 14, and on R 7.
There are some shiners and some far off good highs. This to me is a traders market and not investors market, apart from cml. But as in my eternal crusifiction of CML , I see them below R55 by year end.
They are in effect a little local company trading way above where they should be, because of sentiment and profits earned from stimulated marker conditions.
Would be good that as this is an ongoing game , that starts fresh every year that patrick could keep the first years finals on record to compare with current prices thereafter.