My thoughts on the infrequently traded shares...
While they make it easy for someone to exploit the system on this site by keeping a watchful eye on live data I think there is no need to also eliminate infrequently traded shares. Perhaps bring the "live" trading back and instead disable the selling feature for 24 hours after buying? Some of those shares eliminated are still attractive long term despite being "infrequent".
The problem is most of the beginners AFAIK also use other free online resources that are also delayed. So my trade would in effect be 30 minutes late here which means if I read a breaking story I can't capitalize on it and at the end of the year I could potentially be 4% down. (I lost 4% yesterday on Advtech because of the pending rule, I was 14th place on leaderboard before it took me back)
I haven't bought shares before so I don't know if there is any delay in real terms. If so then you can still leave the pending feature enabled to simulate which case I'm not too heart sore about my 4% loss

But in any event maybe a 24 hour selling disable after purchase is the way to go?