So looking at the results 25% spend less than R 10k per month - but there is a gap between R 10k and R 14.9k, so I wonder where these persons put their mark.
I am sure this is merely a dip stick survey and was merely done to gauge the range of spend - so I won't knock it.
It may be quite interesting to run a further survey which pidgeon holes the respondents responses but indicates where the spend is
items that could form part of that survey are as follows groceries, utilities, insurance (house owners, household, life/endowments., non company pension contributions, car and others) entertainment (eating out, ordering in, movies/DSTV, friends over for a braai (where you provide drinks and food) and others) mortgage bond repayments, car repayments, property security, connectivity (telephones, internet, cellphones), domestic support/gardener/garden services, rents and levies and a number of other usual and repetitive expenses. also maybe list how much is invested out of the monthly income per month
You could cut/slice/dice this survey on the basis of income group, employed/unemployed/retired, age
These are just pointers should you decide to be more granular than the completed survey
I would also suggest that the recipients use percentages per spend
Once people have done these sums they will have a very plausible monthly budget framework
Have fun