General Category > The Investor Challenge
Blog post: You need a TFSA and here is the only place you should get one
--- Quote from: gcr on May 03, 2018, 10:45:55 am ---May be an interesting exercise to get forum ikes to list what they are holding in their TFSA's
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STXQUA, STXEMG, STXWDM, PTXTEN and then recently I bought some STXNDQ with the dividends (so nothing significant at all :)) )
Just STXWDM for me.
Is anyone concerned about the huge spread on the STXWDM? It seems to be constantly just under 1% difference between buy and sell. (and thats with the market maker in the spread.)
If I could have a do over: ASHGEQ and CTOP50. Keep it simple.
--- Quote from: willemm on May 17, 2018, 03:22:20 pm ---Is anyone concerned about the huge spread on the STXWDM? It seems to be constantly just under 1% difference between buy and sell. (and thats with the market maker in the spread.)
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The TER will have a greater effect than the spread. A 1% spread means you're overpaying by 0.5% (or underselling by 0.5%) If we assume the market will go up by 12% per year perfectly linearly then the spread will be taken care of in 2 weeks.
Even though I'd love it to be lower, it doesn't bother me.
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