Nice article,
Here is jaDEB's version.
Mine is not called F-you monies, it is IICM monies. Working in the Petrochemical industry has been the worst it has been in my career, my IICM monies is there now to make up for my , No Increase this year, No Bonus, and do I still have a Job in a couple of months. My role model Alfred E Neuman say, What Me Worry?. Well he can, cause he is 12, and does not have children, Bond, 4 people on Medical Aid, car payments, Water and lights, M-Net, Internet and a week end soil engineer. But wait Alfred, u going to grow up and it is going to slap you when you least expect it. My IICM monies will last about 3 months, hope it does not come to that. But I see it all round me, companies handing out the dreaded retrenchment letters, companies closing down, companies cutting costs. Your Blond ex that moved down to Cape town for the big oil job is probably on a 40 hour week now. But enough of my whining, let work harder and get this cr@p sorted.