I think it's a fair point that you could use capital gains to your advantage. I must also add, just because you set up a dividend based portfolio, doesn't mean you do not get any growth. Many of my shares, bought for the dividend, have done very well - CPI, Hyprop, PGR, BTI, Rockcastle, Redefine inter all for me have grown between 50 - 200% in under 3 years. And property as a class out performed equities again - has done a few times over the last 5 years.
I think the idea is to find a system that you comfortable with - but now matter what you do, it will be some sort of hybrid.
I have both the INDI and Divtrx in my TFSA - Like the higher div, the company mix and the fact that the mix is relatively evenally allocated in the DIVtrx. I own many of the shares in the divtrx in my portfolio, because besides initial yield, they chosen also for there ability to grow their dividend - I think it's a good sign if a company can grow their dividend yearly.