Author Topic: USD:ZAR and EUR:USD  (Read 5419 times)


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« on: October 02, 2014, 07:13:55 pm »
Looks like EUR:USD forming a bottom and potential upside breakout of this medium term strong Dollar. US stocks should start recovering as USD weakens and ZAR should also strengthen a little from here. However, gold likely to fall or at best stay flat, unless news out about rate increases.

I'm calling around 11.10 for next week USD:ZAR (currently 11.22) and both US and SA equities to consolidate and bounce around sideways here for a bit. Following that, if equities go south from there we can all pack up shop because that could be a nightmare ride into the end of the year. I think the Dow should find a floor at 16650 (currently around 16770).
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