Garth MacKenzie has this show on Tuesday's at 8:30PM on BDay Tv. He trades his 250K over a year and donates all profits to charity. He's done extremely well over the years.
Returns he's made:
2009: 25.5%
2010: 9.4%
2011: 20.5%
2012: 53.8%
2013: 52.4%
2014: 42.6%
2015: 42.5%
I'm not a trader, just an investor. And I know Patrick is huge on ETF's which I am too. But I'm curious to find out if
are there any known news of traders who are genuinely and consistently successful?
Garth is a disciplined beast at this and although his YTD 2016 performance is lower than previous years he has still done immensely well and consistently so but he's the only one I've heard of. I'm wondering if there are more?