Author Topic: TKG Telkom Group  (Read 10416 times)


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TKG Telkom Group
« on: October 24, 2013, 04:37:02 pm »
Now why would Telkom suspend their CFO, what did Jacques Schindehütte do? :o

Down 3.32%.


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Re: TKG Telkom Group
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 04:43:09 pm »
This is why.  Thanks for the help by the way. >:(

Sake24 het onlangs berig dat Schindehütte byna R6 miljoen se aandele in Telkom gekoop het – ’n week vóór’n gunstige handelsverklaring uitgereik is wat die aandeelprys tot sy hoogste vlak in 18 maande laat styg het.

Schindehütte het op 30 September 2013, die dag voordat Telkom se geslote tydperk begin het in die aanloop tot sy tussentydse resultate, 243 700 aandele in Telkom gekoop teen R24,45 per aandeel. Dit het R5 959 026 gekos.

Op 8 Oktober het Telkom in ’n handelsverklaring gesê sy wesensverdienste per aandeel vir die ses maande tot einde September gaan na verwagting minstens 20% hoër wees as in die ooreenstemmende halfjaar in 2012.

Hierna het die aandeelprys met sowat 4% geklim.


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Re: TKG Telkom Group
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 06:10:39 pm »
Schindehutte suspended pending a disciplinary hearing.

JOHANNESBURG - A trade in Telkom SA SOC Ltd. stock by Chief Financial Officer Jacques Schindehutte has been referred to South Africa’s Financial Services Board’s Department of Market Abuse by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, according to the FSB department’s head Solly Keetse.

I wondered about the ethics there


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Re: TKG Telkom Group
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2013, 07:03:21 pm »
Robin Thicke will call it 'blurred lines'.


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Re: TKG Telkom Group
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2013, 11:08:15 pm »
Insider trading is exceedingly difficult to prove and prosecute - if this happened during a closed period then there could be a case. However the right people signed off his transaction so they could be considered collusive. Interesting to see whether this goes
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Re: TKG Telkom Group
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2013, 06:11:57 am »
I wonder how many shares his friends and relatives bought around that time  >:D


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Re: TKG Telkom Group
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2014, 11:24:13 am »
Telkom offered to buy BCX for $256mil, TLK -0.84%, BCX +9.06% now.


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Re: TKG Telkom Group
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2014, 04:53:16 pm »
Retirement of director

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1991/0054776/30)
ISIN CODE: ZAE000044897


Telkom shareholders (“Shareholders”) are referred to the announcement dated 24 October
2013 in terms of which Shareholders were advised that Mr Jacques Schindehütte has been
suspended by the board of directors of Telkom (“the Board”), pending a disciplinary process.

Shareholders are advised that Mr Schindehütte will retire from the Board with immediate
effect. Telkom and Mr Schindehütte have agreed that Mr Schindehütte will retire with full
benefits and that the disciplinary proceedings will be discontinued.

8 August 2014