So it's been 3 days since the first Perfect Portfolio has been posted. Let's take a quick look at how the first 2 PP's have done.
Because it is mostly Top40 shares that we are working with, and the Top40 index is the best representation of the average fund out there and our market, this is the one we need to outperform.
Attached is the current results for the first 3 days on the 11th of April's Perfect Portfolio. The Top40 gained 2,8% since Fridays close and the Perfect Portfolio did 4,6% for the 3 days. The perfect Portfolio outperformed the Top40 by 66% in the 3 days. On a R1bil fund, that is R18mil in 3 days.
For the 2 days since the 12th of April's Perfect Portfolio, it managed to gain 5% and the Top40 gained 3,1%, and outperforming the Top40 by nearly 59%.
Now, it is impossible to have the perfect portfolio every day, as it changes every day, and with every price change having an impact on the future exposure of that share. The ideal would be to constantly adjust a portfolio or fund, if it deviates too far from the Perfect Portfolio. I will keep the updates coming.
Interestingly, Anglo American, which was the best share on Monday, has since changed to the 27th spot and should now only be 2,25% of today's Perfect Portfolio, because it now has more downside potential than Monday's price.
There hasn't been much changes since yesterday's Perfect Portfolio, but WHL, RMH and DSY has changed trends from slightly Bearish to slightly bullish. See attached.