I'm sure this is something that's been frequently debated (and I've read some of the discussions in the other relevant topics), but I'd just like another opinion now that TFSAs have been around for a while.
I'm trying to choose between the tax free savings account providers that allow DIY investing (eg. in the full range of ETFs allowable in such an account). There seem to be 3 (ABSA stockbrokers, Standard Bank and Easy Equities), and from what I can tell, in terms of fees:
-Brokerage: Both SB and EE charge 0.25% brokerage while ABSA charges 0.2%;
-Admin fee:
SB (using Online Share Trading) would charge R80 per month for account maintennance;
SB (using the Internet Banking Portal) has a R10 account fee, I suppose in addition to the fee on the relevant current account you need to have with them in order to qualify for internet banking
EE levies a Settlement and Administration fee of 0.075% of the value traded; while
ABSA has no extra admin fees, from what I can tell.
Based on these points, ABSA seems the cheapest option (if I'm not missing something).
Are there any additional considerations (eg. long term security of each provider etc.) that I should bear in mind. To me, ABSA seems a stable provider (at least as stable as any South African bank) and I know some people have mentioned troubles doing large purchases with EE (eg. needing to phone them up to complete a purchase, or something, for liquidity issues) - but I really don't have much experience in such matters. I'm just looking for guidance on a cost effective, secure and sustainable option.