I'm not sure myself yet about how much to go for international, especially at the current rand rate. To me, more importance is that you find a way to reach that R30k before 28 Feb. You can't catch this up.
On the DBXDW vs DBXUS, I'm going DBXWD as this has the maximum diversification. It does allocate about 50% or so to the US, so you might decide that is enough invested in the USA.
If DBXWD has as much as 50% US allocation, then that sounds pretty good - shall go with that one!
Yeah, I'm debating what to do about the TFSA - I have the option of pulling R30K from the access bond and using that, but my fiance would have a slight problem with that

The compromise is, as of next month, we're going to start contributing R2500 each into our respective accounts. As this is a two-decade commitment, my feeling is, eh, it'll be alright.
Sitting in the same boat. At the moment my TFSA is 33% DBXWD and 66% STXIND. Not sure if I should keep it weighted like that or push the next R30k all into STXIND. Problem I have with STXIND is that there is that the top three holdings make up more than 50% of it.
That said, the top 3 holdings are Naspers, SAB and Richemont all with offshore exposure.
Another option is to play it safer and go with a Top40 like MAPPSG (I'm still looking for a reason not drop my RMBT40 in favour of it).
I was also contemplating going with a top 40 ETF, as a buffer to any craziness that might be introduced by going with a more specific ETF, ala STXINDI. I see there's a Coreshares Top 50, with a TER of only 0.2 - hmmmm. - EDIT: I see there's a service fee of 0.2%, but since it hasn't been around for a year yet, the full TER isn't available.