Reading some old threads
You still going for STXIND / DBXWD / PPXTEN
50 30 10
or something like that ?
If you use the easy equities platform.. do you get a platform charge on top of the actual ETF charge? doesn't that add up ?
I dropped the PTXTEN in favour of more STXIND....but it is all about to change, hence the thread

Also, like Patrick noted, no platform charge on EE.
Also also, like Patrick said, I'm going to switch over to ABSA. If all goes well my account (TFSA and ETF Only) will be open on Monday. No monthly admin fee on those. I'll use ABSA for my long term investments and EE for some of the non ETF shares I like (AEA, NEP etc).
Why? Well two reasons.
1. EE is cheaper wrt TFSA because they subsidise a lot of the extra costs. But when their three year budget runs out and they haven't turned this into a profitable venture, what then. ABSA is almost just as cheap but I trust their longevity more. Unfortunately they do not do fractional shares which sucks.
2. The second reason I'm switching (and believe it or not, this is probably my main reason) is that I'm tired of investing on Candy Crush Investment Saga. Their block layout doesn't give me a proper overview of my holdings and that large portfolio value the people on the hill other side of town can see frustrates me.
Asked them via email, asked both the reps on MyBroadband (who asked for suggestions) and nothing came of it. Not that I consider myself important enough to be heard...but I hate their user interface and thats that.