So it's been a year, I learnt a lot (fully aware of my n00b status still) and I'd like to get some ideas on what you guys think is the best make up for my TFSA. There was a JSE talk last night on the topic and the video will be posted later today apparently.
So initially I started of with DBXWD and STXIND in my TFSA. But further reading indicated to me that DBXWD in a TFSA is probably not optimal. Reason being that if I invest in DBXWD it is for the long term (I still have another 25-30 years to go before I retire) and all I'll be scoring on one day is not paying capital gains on my earnings (dividends on the it is almost non-existent plus foreign tax etc). Given that we don't know what capital gains will be in 30 years time I'm really seeing no benefit in having it in my TFSA vs having it in my normal long term investment account.
So, my current thinking is this:
GIVFIN - 25%
PTXSPY - 25%
These give reasonable growth vs. dividends. The reason for combining STXIND and GIVIND is to offset the biggish weightings of companies like NPN (maybe split it 65% STXIND, 35% GIVIND).
I really want to come up with a weighting and stick with it for a long time. What do you guys think?
PS: Other considerations include Top40 type ETFs like NFEMOM, MAPPSG, MAPPSP and your regular RMBT40 types. MAPPSP gives better dividends but at the expense of growth. In fact it feels like a waste having a top40 in your TFSA although people like Simon Brown are gaga over the equally weighted one and have it in their TFSAs apparently.