Apparently I like this assignment
Short term ‘investing’ – or better known as ‘trading’-strategies. - Not written in stone, just what I've noticed.
When world markets down/recession – Go for resources, mining (except when annual strikes take place- coincide just before union voting

usually around Sep - wonder why)
When ECB, BoC, Fed announces QE – go for anything.
When Fitch/Moody upgrade country – go for anything but mostly Finance Stocks, Banks
When Reserve bank cut interest rates – go for finance, retailers, consumer goods
When there is a World Cup-anything, go for construction, infrastructure, tech, media
IPO’s in big companies or new ones with huge/worldwide potential (Facebook comes to mind)
Buy on rumours of buy-outs, mergers - sell on confirmation
Buy week before LDT, sell by that Friday before close - yes you'll miss the divvy but you'll also skip the Ex-div share price on Monday - (except when it's a hugely successful company - only a temp dip so stay in and pocket divvy)
Stay mostly with Top40 when investing in SA, add a few wild cards/speculations