Real time snapshot gif ..
Off topic, but that's so cool! How did you do that?
I don't know with Windows as I am on Linux.
With Linux I used a screen recorder to capture in ogv format, named to out.ogv ..
First install this:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick mplayer gtk-recordmydesktop
That's the required stuff, ImageMagick, MPlayer and Desktop Recorder. Then use Desktop Recorder to capture a portion of the screen/application to use as the screencast. After the Desktop Recorder has saved the recording into an OGV video, MPlayer will be used to capture JPEG screenshots, saving them into the 'output' directory.
In terminal:
mplayer -ao null out.ogv -vo jpeg:outdir=output
Use ImageMagick to convert the screenshots into an animated gifs.
convert output/* output.gif
You can optimize the screenshots this way:
convert output.gif -fuzz 10% -layers Optimize optimised.gif
another way to optimize gif is to use gifsicle: gifsicle -O in.gif -o out.gif I just tried and got 100x reduction in file size.
(If you are using Ubuntu, Byzanz will do the job for you - but you need to install from a ppa as not in the repos.).