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General Category => Shares => Topic started by: michaessers on February 25, 2014, 05:37:04 pm

Title: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: michaessers on February 25, 2014, 05:37:04 pm
Hi all

Im hoping someone can advise on how to invest in a retirement annuity, as well as touch on the benefits of retirement annuity vs investing in equities.

Do I need to use a broker to invest in a RA? I understand that depending on the product one invests in (life or unit trust) there is a monthly or upfront broker commission involved. Assuming I can invest without a broker would I save on this commission?

I understand that there is a significant tax benefit to a RA but also understand that funds can not be withdrawn without a penalty before the age of 55 unless I immigrate. Are there any other benefits/limitations I should be aware of?

Assuming I do invest in an RA, should all of my disposable income go into this or is it better to split this into RA and equities?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: Orca on February 25, 2014, 07:08:56 pm
RA's? Pfft. I'll never forget an article by Bruce Cameron of Business Times. It had a caption of a fat broker smoking a cigar, gold rings on all his fingers and dollar bills sticking out of his ears saying to a poor looking guy buying RA's " Now that's a good purchase".

Even though RA's are tax effective, they will never beat Equities or UT equities. Especially more so over a long term.
Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: Patrick on February 25, 2014, 08:40:09 pm
After having been a victim of retirement annuities and seeing others suffering the same fate a few years ago, I have told my children in no uncertain terms that if they buy a retirement annuity policy I will disown them.
Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: yozzi on February 25, 2014, 09:24:11 pm
I once owned 7 RA's with OM and they showed me these big fancy numbers of Rands that I was going to receive on maturity but when I asked my broker some years ago for a review of the policies and their eventual worth I was shocked and somehow managed to get out of them and any cash refund I put into property and made far more with that investment

I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole!
Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: Nios on February 25, 2014, 11:16:31 pm
Ja nee, RA's, annuities, endowements. All created for sucking money out of the masses and turning us all into sheep. Making us think its the only way to do it. Granted, for the majority of the masses its a way to force us to save for our retirements somewhat as most wouldnt if they werent available even though most still dont, but continue to blow their hard earned on crap nonetheless, and blame the world, government and society for their own short comings rather than taking responsibilty and trying to learn about other methods.

I know in the UK, they have retirement wrappers, which enables the more savvy ones to self invest in instruments to manage and grow the portfolio for retirement oneself, but are heavily penalised tax wise if with drawing prior to retirement.

Would be great if we in SA had a vehicle to do that for the less disciplined yet still want to have control over managing it themself and avoiding the fees we get charged here on these products.

Having said this, does anyone know of a method to convince your employer that you dont want to contribute to the pension or provident fund?

Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: Nios on February 25, 2014, 11:35:17 pm
SIPP'S Theyre called.  (
Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: michaessers on February 28, 2014, 12:01:58 pm
Thanks guys, all the contributions have made for interesting reading. For now, Im staying away from RAs.
Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: Hendrix on February 28, 2014, 07:48:16 pm
RA's have rightfully got a lot of bad rap over the years, however, there are a few good ones out there.
They offer tax benefits and they cannot be attached if you go bankrupt etc...

The trick is to stay away from life companies, and instead get one through a good Asset Manager.
Life Companies love to penalize you if you stop paying, or change payments.

You can look at Coronation, or Allan Gray, or 10x, they have no penalties and you can chop and change between funds etc..., you can also stop paying, move the funds to another company, or decrease your payments as you feel fit, without penalties.

You can approach them directly, no need for an advisor, just decide what fund or funds you want to invest in, and fill in a few forms etc....
If you are unsure what to invest in, speak to a FA, But remember, they will take a percentage in commission.

I personally just pick a balanced fund, and forget about it until retirement.
Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: Snakepit on February 28, 2014, 08:46:06 pm
As it so happens, I just shredded a Sanlam policy yesterday that I found in one of my drawers. After 20 years it would have paid out in 2015 the massive amount of........... R16 000. Luckily I bought it off years ago.

I want to share a secret with you guys. Actuaries are the soothsayers of the financial industry. I have seen those okes in action. They plot data (inflation, interest rates, you name it) into databases and then run predictions on the data. Believe me if I tell you that the insurance industry does not release a product that have not been tested in every scenario possible and the insurance company always, always come out tops. I have seen a computer run for 2 weeks non stop testing a scenario. Sometimes the scenario is so complicated, it literally bombs out corrupting the data. These okes don't just do it for SA companies. They do it for UK companies also. For them we are cheap labor so they pass a lot of that kind of work to us.

In a nutshell, when an insurance company release a product for sale, they know exactly what the outcome will be.
Title: Re: Retirement annuity advice
Post by: Snakepit on February 28, 2014, 09:00:37 pm
And here is the crem-de-la-crem:
Title: Self-invested personal pension (SIPP)
Post by: rjthomas on October 20, 2016, 04:21:24 pm
Have you heard of this? I stumbled across it accidently today.

Initially, it seemed only available in US but then I found out Nedbank offers a product like this. However, I want to avoid the big banks because they are all owned by insurance companies anyway, so I kept searching. So here's an independent option where you can select everything online:

Once I've signed-up I will share some feedback with you.