PlayerUnknown’s online Battle Royale-type game Battlegrounds is now the world’s fifth top-grossing PC game. It is trailing Tencent’s first-person shooter CrossFire.
Tencent’s subsidiary Epic Games decided to copy the design/mechanics of Battlegrounds. PlayerUnknown used Epic Games’s Unreal 4 engine to make Battlegrounds.
Copying another company’s hit game is a fair practice for Tencent. After all, nobody has the copyright on Battle Royale genre-based video games.
Tencent needs to be more aggressive in video games. E-commerce giant Alibaba now touts a dedicated video games unit.
I still rate TCEHY as a buy.
From : is nice to be invested in a company that does what you love

Currently my favourite is : -
Online - Overwatch (listed as 8th) - Tencent also have a 5% stake in Blizzard
Offline : Fallout 4 (Where the dog "Dogmeat" is from) & Evil within 2 (Play that late at night with lights off )
Also play Witcher 3, and a couple of others when I get time.