Surely it does not deserve a 25% drop? do they only have goverment contracts & director resigns? or am I missing something. Anycase bought 100% for comp. let's see what happens.
Talk to me please .....

Pinnacle Holdings Limited
(Previously Pinnacle Technology Holdings Limited)
Registration number 1986/000334/06
Share Code: PNC
ISIN: ZAE000184149
(“Pinnacle” or “the Company”)
The Company hereby informs its shareholders that Mr Takalani Tshivhase, an executive director of
Pinnacle, has been charged with alleged attempted bribery of a Lieutenant General of the South
African Police Service, with R5 million. This alleged incident occurred some 14 months ago, around
16 January 2013.
Mr Tshivhase denies all allegations of attempted bribery, and will defend the charges.
From the evidence thus far available to the Company, the Company is satisfied that there is no
reason to doubt the veracity of Mr Tshivhase’s denial of the allegations.
The Company will review the matter as further information becomes available and will inform
shareholders accordingly.
25 March 2014