Relocating from Portugal to the UK just got better tax wise.
DividendsDividends withholding tax in SA is 20%. The tax treaty with Portugal caps it at 15%. This was the percentage I paid while resident in Portugal.
The tax treaty with the UK caps the SA withholding tax on dividends at 10%. This means that my dividends withholding tax in SA will be cut by half so I score 10%. This is a big saving over time.
InterestTax on interest according to the DTA Portugal-SA is payable to either country but capped at 10%. I paid this to SA only.
The tax treaty with UK states that only the UK can tax this interest and as the UK does not tax interest I score here as well.
Capital Gains This remains a residential tax in both DTA's. Portugal has a fixed 28% tax on CG with no exclusion.
The UK has an exemption (exclusion) amount of £12k or R228k pa and a 10% tax on the rest. My gains would never get near this amount so no CGT payable.