No one seems to be working in SA anymore. Things have slowly deteriorated since we left 4 years ago.
Requested a money transfer from my broker account to my FNB account. Money left but 10 days later still not showing up in my FNB account. After a squabble between my broker and FNB the money eventually showed up. Not sure what happened but I did smell a con.
My SA accountant sent me an inflated bill for filing my Exit Tax. I did all the calculations and she only had to enter the "Purchase and Sale" amounts. Two figures for her bill of around R14k!!! The SARS system auto calculates the CGT. The only thing that seems to work well.
I then query the fact that she never sent me a bill with the VAT and other itemized figures on her company letterhead. Just a plain email with the amount. She never replied and does not answer my emails anymore. I have not paid her and it has been about 4 months. I smelt a rat when I saw her religious signature on her emails.
This accountant had an agent from SARS assigned to me and he corresponded with me as to the Exit Tax. He gave FNB a reference number for payments. The payments were made and the money disappeared from my FNB account.
Then lo and behold. All the emails from the SARS agent disappeared or self destructed from my email account. Now the SARS website shows no payments were made and nothing owing.

Two weeks ago I requested a money transfer from FNB to me in Portugal but nothing kept happening. I then resent the request with nothing happening again. Each time I got an automated response.
Posted on hellopeter and got a response and a reference number ON A SATURDAY. Today the manager at the nonres center sent me an email saying that no requests for the money transfers were made.
I forwarded her the 2 auto responses that proved the requests were made. Now it is being escalated.
WTF is going on here?