bwaaaaahahahahaha..........I can just imagine you huffing and puffing with your wife's suitcases in each hand. You're lucky she didn't have more! And I reckon now would be a good time to check out those bikinis while I'm still 50 years young.....before the back problems start 
If you were younger, I'm sure you will develop back problems here.

Now that I'm settled in both my location and portfolio, I can re assess my financial position.
The experts say that if you can live off 3% of your investments pa, your money will last forever.
This is not always the case as it is not with me. I live on 6% of my investments pa and my capital has been growing.
About 60% of my living costs are covered by dividends. I do not pay withholding tax on foreign dividends within DIVTRX nor do I pay any income tax or CGT anywhere.
This means that my investments must grow by 2,6% pa for the capital to remain flat. Not un achievable and I can weather a few flat years or a major correction.
What is a bit of a concern is the EUR/ZAR as every time the ZAR moves by a certain percentage, I have to factor it into gains/losses of my portfolio.