Apparently people who retire early have some common characteristics according to Warren Ingram - Moneyweb article:
Financial freedom or early retirement takes a lot of sacrifice and hard work – but it is possible for anybody.
Wow. I never really considered early retirement but after reading your post it might just be something I do one day. Except for the worrying about dying young and getting married thing I am pretty much set on the other three. Not like I am not interested in getting married but to do that I first have to get into a relationship and those don't come cheap o.O So difficult to get a girl who just don't mind chilling at home. They always want to do stuff and stuff cost a lot of money.
But anyway as for point 3 I am definitely happy with what I have. I have never understood my generations need to always have to have the newest smartphone and the need to buy new clothes every bloody month. Been using the same phone for 3 years now and not planning on replacing it for another 2. Can't even remember the last time I bought new clothes. Definitely happy with what I got and it goes a long way to helping me save 55% of my salary every month. And also by not shopping the whole time I can say I am completely and utterly debt free. Except for the R1000 I owe on my credit card. Had no choice there. Been trying forever but the interweb just won't accept my cash. Only credit cards which are luckily always paid of the next month.
With point 4 my dad has definitely paid a big part in the way I deal with money. He was always a frugal man, not because we were poor, but because that is how my grandparents raised him. I remember growing up and always seeing my friends get the newest computer or wearing the coolest brand name clothing. I always envied them so much cause I didn't have that. My dad would never pay that kinda money. But with hindsight I am really thankful. Compared with my friends I am a helluva lot better of financially. They just don't know how to save because they always go out blasting through their income. Why? Because that is how they were raised. Their parents always gave them what they wanted and now that they are older they still expect life to work that way. No saving or being patient and waiting to buy something when you can afford it. I must have it now because that is how I always got things.
Point 5...and I am really chuffed with myself about this point, but I sure do love my budget. Apart from the 55% of my salary I already save I save another I save another 10% just for medical emergencies and unseen future costs. It my rainy day savings. And as soon as I use a red cent out of that money it gets replaced immediately. When you wrote this point it was like looking into a mirror.
So gotta say thanx for making that post. Been having a rough couple of months and reading your post made me realise I could maybe one retire early and go live in Portugal like Orca. That is something that never even crossed my mind as I did not consider that a possibility. Sure lifted my spirits reading your post and realising it is doable.