Ok, it's that time of the week to see how my triggers are doing on the Lazy Trading System. Before I do that, however, I need to talk about this Beginner's Portfolio of mine. Since it is a beginner's portfolio there will be some changes made as I go along and find my feet. Some will be big and some will be small. Today will be one of those times. I have decided on two changes. One big and one not so big.
So first the big one. For many years now, even back when I was a student and never thought I will actually have the money for it, I have been wanting to be invested in real estate. Now I am not gonna take you on my 10 year journey to explain to you how I have come to my current decision, but I have decided the best way for me to go is to invest in a REIT. I have been looking at Redefine since the beginning of the year and found out about Redefine International(RPL) 2 or 3 weeks ago. I like RPL because it gives me the exposure to real estate that I want plus the international exposure I want. So I invested in it. RPL will form part of my core with DIVTRX making up 25% and RPL making up the other 25%.
If you remember from last week, DVTRX made up more 70% of my portfolio and I was going to decide whether I will sell some of it to bring its share down or I will hold onto those shares and just not buy anymore as I add more cash to my portfolio. Well I decided on the latter. I will keep the shares and only buy RPL and LTS shares until DIVTRX's share of my portfolio has gone down to 25%.
Change number 2 involves the satellites. Looking at all the ETFs that make up my satellites I have come to the realisation that there are just too many. I am sure the more experienced investors of you looked at that from the start and felt the same. Right now it is simply true. If I were to get a buy signal from the LTS on all those ETFs I will simply just not have the cash to actually buy into all of them. Thus the following ETFs have been cut:
STXRES: I have never been all that interested in being invested in resources. They are just too volatile and this is especially true for SA resources. Only added this ETF because it is one of the 4 or 5 ETFs that Mr Brown uses the LTS for. But I don't care so much for it so it is gone.
PTXSPY: Since I now get my exposure to real estate through RPL I have no need for the PTXSPY.
DBXUK: This was not an easy choice but I had to dump one of the DBX trackers. Whenever I will buy into any of the satellites, it will not be with ridiculously large sums of money. Thus with the DBXUK at over R120 a share I just felt I could get more bang for my buck with the other DBX trackers.
I might drop another 1 or 2 in the future but that's all for now. As for the rest of them, this is where we stand:
STXIND: 30EMA not above 60EMA. Check back next week.
STXFIN: 30EMA not above 60EMA. Check back next week.
DBXUS: As mentioned last week, if the price is up I will buy. Well we are way down and the price is barely above the 15EMA. So no buy. Maybe next week.
DBXJP: 30EMA above 60EMA. 15EMA not above 30EMA. Check back next week.
DBXEU: 30EMA above 60EMA. 15EMA not above 30EMA. Check back next week.
RMBMID: 30EMA not above 60EMA. Check back next week.
Still haven't managed to dump the NFGOVI. The price keeps hovering between R48 and R48.50 which it has been doing for all three months I have owned it. Really regret investing in this pile of crap of an ETF. Luckily I haven't gotten any buy signals on the LTS yet so I can still hold onto it for a little longer and hope it goes up a bit. If it goes above R48.60 I am selling. At that price I won't break even anymore but it won't be such a huge loss.
DIVTRX 62.82%
RPL 9.59%
NFGOVI 25.65%
Cash 1.94%
P.S. The reason the DIVTRX have gone down from 70% to 62% is because I added cash to my portfolio which I then used to buy the RPL shares. As I explained I will do above.