Hi Guys, Im new and I just had to register to comment on this post.
Firstly im an investor (value investor) not a trader, and JaDEB I must advise you not to make equity buy/sell decisions on "graphs", "oscillators". Now dont hate me here, but I think all this oscillators and stuff is bunch of rubbish.
I think one should do a fundamental analysis on a company before making a buy/sell decision. For instance what has the 5 year and 10 year EPS growth rate of the company? do a discounted cash flow analysis on the company. Is it underpriced compared to its peers? Is the current ratio of the company greater than 1.5? what is the dept to asset ratio? what is the net asset value per share of the company with relation to the market price? what do the future prospects of the company look like? what is the companies plan for the future and to generate value for shareholders? what is the return on equity and assets?
Theres alot to look at and rightly so, because your investment capital is finite asset. you have to deploy it as efficiently as possible to get the best ROI you can get. Secondly you have to take a long term view on buying and selling shares, value and long term wealth is created on the long term, your investment horizon should be 5 years or more. Theres no get rich scheme, rome was not built in a day. My 2 cents use it, dont use it.
With regards to your question:
The only one that peeks my interest is OCE, its financials look good, quality company, bit over priced at ~18PE. didnt do a DCF on it, but it is worthy of the effort. Id go for that one but dont put all your capital into just one company, diversify. Diversification reduces overall portfolio risk
on a side note a saw some ppl have CML, I also had CML in my portfolio, but I sold them in December (for a almost a 50% profit), overvalued in my view, and still is at ~20PE