Grabbed my tablet and connected to my broker site. Eish. No internet due to thick mist. Phone goes off again and again.

I know the feeling, I've got 4 backups for ISP-service disruptions and/or electricity issues, but this you only learn once you get burnt real good.
On a Friday morning way back when, I bought Uranium One shares at R40-something per share about an hour before the tsunami strike. Of course, being totally unaware that Fukushima was smack bang on the ring of fire and focusing only on the human tragedy playing out, I thought nothing of it. My shares did fine that Friday, the weekend sounded the nuclear alarm and by Monday morning it was all over, down between 40%-50% and never recovered. I think it is still hovering around R20-something a share, but I'v lost total interest since so I don't really know how its doing now.

Then there was AET and WEZ, uggg, getting depressed now, back to alsi trading rather.