Quick update.
Like a skanky crack whore, I've gone back to my dark place and handed over R60K to GT247.
Watched Mr Price shares drop.
How can this be, I ask - the results arn't THAT bad
let's tear up the rule that say "ALL trades to be evaluated and planned BEFORE entering" and buy 100 @190
It keeps on dropping. Another 100 @R180
Couple of days pass - surely it has to turn?? another 100 @ R165
Please, please turn 50 @ R155
Finding religion now - a voice instructs me to buy another 50 @ R150
Hell, now i'll just be happy to get out close to even (Avg is R172)
So nothing changed on this side

(on the bright side - trades that are following my system are showing promise. It seems after hours I can be an rational trader, just cannot watch the screen all day as I turn into an impulsive idiot - live and learn eh?)