Day 24 R1358.99 R-2623.7

Well. another expensive lesson! On the bright side, at least I knew I was taking a chance this time and felt very uncomfortable - hell, maybe next time I won't actually get myself in to the situation in the first place. Shockingly bad risk management. But the weekend gave me a good chance to think and reevaluate just what I am doing and what I want to achieve.
One identified problem has been lack of a trading plan. So for the first time, spent a few hours running over a very simple plan that works on paper - have done a bit of testing and it seems to work even after including commission and some slippage - but slippage and timing will be the problem.
My wife and myself are have also had a chat over our future plans and we are in agreement that we want to do some serious traveling for a few years in 5 years time as well as leave SA - nether of us being very optimistic about it's future. Anyway, the plan can work in a few different ways, but it would work best if we can earn while on the road - (sorry, earn while sitting at our balcony looking over the South China Sea sipping a Chai Latt,

) - luckily enough, many of the counties we want to visit do not require a visa for Saffers - so that's handy.
Monday:: Anglo 5180 - so, IF I had hung in, instead of loosing around R2500, would have made around R1000 if I waited a couple of days. A lot of this is about position sizing.