MrD, if I may ask. Have you considered running trades over a longer period seeing that you can set stop loss & stop profits? For instance, if you got CML @ 5000, set the profit to 5500 & give it some time to see if it can get there?
To me that sounds like something I could do as well, set & "forget". Just a thought.
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Johnny - I am going to have to do something. I have lost way more money on cashing out early, than I have on entering bad trades. Just in the last couple of days, and of the top of my head, could have doubled or more my takings on CML, OML, SOL, AWA and GND.
I seem to what to take the money and run when I actually see they money - even though I have EVERY intention of leaving it to hit it's target. There is a fear having that stock reverse, and instead of having a profit, I having a loss which I know would REALLY p me off. It's the lesser of the two evils.
It's still early days though, and still finding my groove. Found a nice site that I was reading last night - just started reading the beginner section - lot's of interesting stuff. I still need to find out if I am heading to be a day trader or swing trader - I think, on paper, I would prefer/am suited more to the former as profit are locked in earlier and your trades are less exposed to fundamentals/ outside news. That said, I can still use the the whole day - yesterday I was in and out of SOL in under an hour.
I might try part selling trades, lock in some profit, and let the rest run - this might work. At the same time, have to really decide if this is a serious problem. Should I not just make my target, as quickly as possible, and walk away? It seems many daytraders try do exactly that and try get in and out in the first hour and a half of the opening bell, usually the most volatile time of the market. The problem is more me feeling I left some on the table (being a greedy b#@#$d) - and if get over that, there is no problem.
Yesterday I did manage to NOT place any trades for the rest of the day - it wasn't easy. In a lovely bull markets, money was being made all over the place - standing by and watching is not really my thing - the "you got to be in it to win it" force is strong with me.
Early days - will see where I develop and what my preferences are. As said, the idea of getting in and out within the first couple of hours does appeal to me - but having something to keep the juices flowing through out the day would also be nice.
BTW, if any one decides to have a play with CFD's, try run it of two monitors and use one just for graphs. I have no clue if it will work, but ordered an HDMI - serial to see if I could get three monitors running of my laptop. It really is a case of the more the better.