First of all, I wasn't sure if this should go here or on Off-Topic, so sorry if I got it wrong.

Now, I am always looking for the passive income. Hence YouTube and some other things. But about 2 years ago I came across a video about how to mine BitCoin. I didn't watch it but I did bookmark it in Chrome. I watched it about a week ago and quickly found out that it was not a viable option. For all intents and purposes, BitCoin has been mined up. You need to spend about R60,000+ on hardware before it becomes economically viable for an individual. And even then only temporarily as the algorithm for finding BitCoin becomes more and more complicated. Unless you are mass mining it, as in invest millions, it is a waste of time.
But then I found out about all these other cryptocurrencies known as altcoins. This is not a complete list but here are the ones with the highest market caps: more complete list of MOST cryptocurrencies out there: I researched them and found out the most economically viable one to mine, with my budget and for the time, would be ZCash(#17 on the 1st list) using a GTX 1080 Ti 11GB GPU. The graphics card of course being the most important part as it does all the hard work. With a GTX 1080 Ti 11GB I can mine at 650-700 hash/second. According to this, I can mine about $140 worth of Zcash/month: today's rate that would be R1870/month. Not bad if you consider that the mining rig would 'only' cost somewhere between R19,000 and R21,000 for all the parts, with the GPU alone costing R13,500. What makes ZCash a good currency to mine is the fact that it is new. Like I mentioned with BitCoin, the algorithm for finding cryptocurrencies becomes more complicated over time. So the longer the lifespan of the currency, the harder it becomes to find. A good analogy someone made was with proper gold mining. In the beginning, the gold is easy to find on the ground and in the rivers. There is a gold rush and soon enough all the easy to find gold is gone. Suddenly you need expensive specialised equipment to dig and find it for you. Not to mention it also becomes more labour intensive.
Well, Zcash is a new currency. It is still in its gold rush phase meaning it is still easy to find. But I can make a comparison. So mining at 700 h/s, I can currently mine 0.05563 ZCoins a day. At the same speed of 700 h/s, I can only mine 3e-13 BitCoins a day. Not sure what that number is, but I know it basically means f-al. And the the worth of a ZCash coin SHOULD go up over time as they become harder to find. As happened with BitCoin and Ethereum.
It SHOULD. Therein lies the problem. At the end of the day it is just a gamble. There is no guarantee. This is what is still holding me back at the moment. R19,000 to R21,000 is a lot of money to spend. I need to do some more research and think a bit. So I did and learned that not all cryptocurrencies work the same. Ones like BitCoin and ZCash are known as Proof of Work(PoW) currencies. It is pretty much what it says. You (meaning your GPU) needs to work for it. That is why the biggest ongoing expense for PoW miners are electricity costs. GPUs use a lot of it, especially when you overclock them. But then I found out about Burst. Burst is what is known as a Proof of Capacity currency. With a PoC currency, you mine for coins using hard drive space and your CPU or GPU. Mainly your HD though. This makes it cheap to get into since I have an external with about 550GB free just lying around doing me no good anyway. Now with that amount of space, I can mine about 527 Burst/month for a grand total of $2.64! might also not really be true as I saw a video of a guy showing how the calculator says he should mine 93,000 Burst a month but in reality he only mined about 60,000. But this is neither here nor there. What makes Burst REALLY interesting is it's Asset Exchange. The Asset Exchange, in a nutshell, is pretty much a stock exchange. You can use your Burst to invest in an asset (ie buy shares) making you entitled to its dividends. If the asset performs well, the worth of your share in it will grow and you can then later sell it to someone for more Burst. You can then turn your Burst into cold hard cash by selling it for BitCoin on an exchange like and then converting your BitCoins into whatever currency you want. You can get paid into your PayPal account or you can just open an account with and have a Dollar-Pound-Euro-whatever-you-want currency account there. They even give you a bone fide VISA(or is it MasterCard?) debit card to use anywhere in the world.
Now I don't know if I will find any worth on the asset exchange for my measly 527 Burst/month but I have nothing to lose by giving it ago. I mean this is literally not costing me a cent to try. All I have to give up is some empty HD space. So I am going to start mining today and in a month I will see how accurate that calculator was. Also still need to research the asset exchange a bit. See exactly how it works and what is available.
Edit: I should also add that once I click the 'Mine' button, I am done. It requires no more effort from me. It just runs in the background as long as my PC is on and I have the miner open.