I see u sold mine? NPN & APN How can you sell the best to be shares for 2015 / 2016 ?
Still have them in the little portfolio - nether have great divi's
Lamak - not really, I pretty much just look at 3 and 5 year charts in combination with divi yield and P/E. More importantly though, is that I needed a 5% yield, so need to balance out some lower( but fast growing) divi payers like Capitec, MPC, RMI with some pretty boring but high yield options - generally listed property.
Also I am fairly realistic in expectations - want 10% capital growth and inflation busting dividend growth. 15% and over capital growth would make me really happy. This year ending August will be the first year I can start the figures - divi yield on original sum is around 5.5% after dividend tax.
Did seriously look at ETF's, but:
a) None gave me the divi I needed - the good income ETF's where between 3 - 4%
b) At the time they all had a fair amount of ABIL - which I disliked
c) Most DIVI etf's generally have a fair amount of resources - again, I dislike.
That said, a mix of Fini/ indi and property could work pretty well
e) lastly, I think buying individual stocks is more fun, which means you put more cash in - always a good thing. I enjoy keeping tabs on the companies I have shares in - with ETF's it's a lot less personal.
I bench mark to the SATRIX Divi because it has the highest dividend. If for a few years I under perform it by a couple of percent, I will think of switching - but so far it's been pretty easy to beat.
Maybe I should switch benchmarking to 1/3 fini/indi/prop
Might see my ass.