Explain to me where you save money renting?
Property Value: 550k
Repayment: appx R5000 @ 9.25%
Interest at the beginning (reducing over time): 4k
Rates, levies etc: R2k
Rent: 6k
So you rent a place worth 550k for argument sake at a rental R6k pm. You, as the tenant, cover my R4k interest and Ill gladly cover the capital component (R1k). The R2k goes to covering the rates and levies. And I get to write off the rental against tax (interest, levy, rates etc). So you are still paying someone else's bond, no matter how you slice and dice it. Buy it, pay it off as fast as possible. I've seen what renting does to younger people vs myself who bought at 25 and drove a Shiti Golf for almost 16years.
Rental yields are much lower than that, you also left out a bunch of expenses. Here is a more realistic example:
Price of prop: R550000
100% bond: R550000
Transfer cost and bond registration fees: R30,651.40 spread over 7 years (average time people keep a property) = R365pm
Selling cost: R30k spread over 7 years = R360pm
Rates and taxes: R600pm
Levies: R600
Repayment (interest portion): R4240pm
Repairs and maintanance (1% per year is the average) = R460pm
Insurance: R100pm
Rent at 8% yield: R3667pm
Vacancy rate of 5%: R183pm
Property management company (10% of rent): R367pm
Cash flow: 3667 - 460 - 4240 - 600 - 600 - 360 - 365 - 183 -100 -367 = -R3608
The tenants are clearly not paying your bond. You are losing money and you are taking on a TON of risk. Ouch. The devil is in the details. If you leave out half the expenses it will bite you later on. Been there got the T-shirt

Also, the laws in this country are pro-tenant. It can easily take up to two years to evict non-paying tenants.