Interesting times indeed. That said, if we always wait for the perfect moment we might just wait forever?
For us, this is as much a lifestyle choice as it is a financial choice. We need to make the absolute best of at least the next 10 years - and the time is now. Not later.
But yes. There might be a continuation of sideways market action and I guess an expectation of closer to 7-8% is more realistic right now. Who knows how things will look in 10 years from now. Fortunately (for us) it's not an all or nothing approach and we can evaluate our position every few years and if need be even hit the grindstone again for a while. But that's far from a first choice...
To be honest, right now I'm not too certain on the best course of action ito investments. We have some property liquidating this year and it's a frightening prospect to lose a chunk of the capital right away if we dump it in equity.

What's the 'safest' route for the next 5 years? Suddenly those RSA retail bonds at 8.5% doesnt look too bad

But that would mean accepting the low-risk option and market FOMO.
I'm thinking that it would be best to find a balance somewhere in the middle of Bonds, REIT's and Equity. I'd probably stick to a low-cost offshore world based ETF for Equity and look at Bond and REIT options in ZAR. We'll keep the property we have left for the next 5 years at least.
I'm all ears for any advice though