According to this formula, 90 points are allocated on price and 10 points for BEE status, which means a BEE firm can charge 10% more and still get the contract. Under the current rules, a 80:20 formula applies to contracts below R1m, so allowing BEE firms to charge 20% more and still win the tender.
I am more and more in favour of the above, as the Chinese is F%$#ing us up, we are loosing more and more contracts which is getting placed in India / China due to the low prices.
But I do not agree with the statement above, the 10 points does not mean your price can be 10% higher. Some tenders have 70 points for Technical compliance, does that mean my price can be 70% higher, no. WHat piss%s me off, is they ask you for your BEE certificate , and then let you know they placed it in China, why the %$#

did u ask me for my %$#

BEE certificate if it means nothing.