Hello everyone
I am brand new to this forum, led here by the Investor Challenge blog (which I have recently discovered and am really enjoying!) I am a student from Cape Town trying to grow and diversify my savings and investments.
I'm hoping someone on here can help me with some tips regarding offshore investing.
Basically, I'd like to start investing in foreign currency denominated ETF's in small amounts on a regular basis, but am really unclear on the most practical and cost effective way of doing so. My search thus far has led me to the following conclusions:
(1) Locally-based platforms with international brokerage facilities (e.g. Investec, PSG etc) cater to the wealthy and have prohibitively high minimum account balances.
(2) I've looked at Easy Equities USD account. However, their fees seem quite hefty - 300bps forex spread + USD4 per trade + a value-based fee (correct me if I'm wrong).
I've also read about TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers and De Giro. Anyone with personal experience with these? How costly is it to fund one of these offshore accounts? Is a local foreign currency account a good way of doing so? What kind of costs would I be looking at if I wanted to fund an account with, say, the USD equivalent of R2000 monthly?
Any hints/tips/advice would be much appreciated! Hope somebody sees this!!!!!!! :laugh: