I am also at the

to do stage.
Thinking back to post 2008, we a few similar situations that we now have and I sold all my CML stocks and only to buy it back at a loss. I have posted this before and will repeat it.
Had I just stayed in, I would have made 1 670% gains. Yes. One thousand six hundred and seventy percent.
Stupid me only made around 400% and still had to pay tax on my sales.
That was a massive R7M loss.
Now I have to watch my pennies.
I will go with Dawie Roodt's advice.
If you don’t know, wait;
If you want to move cash overseas, park it locally for a few weeks before making a call;
If the rand goes to R21 or weaker soon, it’s probably a total overreaction; bring cash back;
If the rand goes to R16.00 or better, the equivalent level achieved a year after the 1985 collapse, take money out;
Anything in between should be determined by normal investment considerations.
The DIVTRX is heavy into the much oversold banking sector and this must correct soon. My consolation.