One thing I should add when planning your portfolio is using your R30K p/y CGT free allowance. and of course your TFSA. So, as it stands now to minimize what you give to the government:
REITS: R1.2mill at 6% yield gives R72K - tax free income
Sell R30K of high growth, non dividend paying, stock per year - around R300K's worth.
Then 16 years of decent dividend paying stocks at R2.5K per month compounded at 15% per year gives around R2mill tax free lets say 3.5% dividend yield = R70k per year
So gives you a yearly salary of R172K tax free income. Of course they'll just nail you when you open your wallet

So, my idea is:
REITS and high growth stock in a normal trading account.
Using the TFSA for good dividend paying ETF's
lastly, if you need more - maybe high growth stocks (CGT) might be best from a tax point of view - 1/3 18% - so 6% for quite a bit vs 15% on dividends. Of course, this is just from tax point of view, IMO there are other reasons why I like dividend stock - but there is definitely some room (and good reasons) in my portfolio for some NPN/ APN and others.