Playing with the idea of buying a ~R600k property for rental purposes (either in Eco Park Centurion or Mooikloof Ridge Pretoria East). Deposit will be ~R100k. My original idea for this money was a deposit on my own place (still staying at home, 26). But I'm thinking of buying a place to rent out, until I do move into it ~2 years.
My second option i'm looking at is just putting this into FNB's ShareSaver which buys RMB Top40 and RMB MidCap ETF's. Mainly looking at this because of its low fees.
I currently have a decent amount invested in ETF's already: STX INDI, STX TOP40,STX DIVI,STX FINI and Proptrax via ETFSA.
Basically double the deposit amount + some more divided equally between the 5.
I could also put the money in one or some of these, but I like the idea of FNB's ShareSaver as it'll be easier for me get the funds out than etfsa's countless forms..
I'm weighing up my options here, and welcome any insights or advise!

Oh, and no outstanding loans or debt beside wasting money on PC and MTB parts